
MLT Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Did you know that the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that the median salary of medical lab technicians is around $32,840, while the top 10% of these lab technicians earn up to $50,250 every year! But first, they have to earn an associate’s degree. Do you believe that a career as a Medical Laboratory Technician is ideal for you?

Well, find out for sure if you are making the right choice by taking these quizzes. By answering the questions in these quizzes, you will know for sure whether a career as a Medical Laboratory Technician is a good choice for you. Take these quizzes and find out if a career as a medical lab technician is ideal for you!

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Are you gearing up for the Medical Lab Technician exam? Look no further, as we've curated a comprehensive set of questions and answers to aid in your preparation. The role of a Medical Laboratory Technician is pivotal in...

Questions: 100  |  Attempts: 179186   |  Last updated: Jul 10, 2024
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    Beer's law states that the darker the color produced, the more light absorbed in the specimen; the more light absorbed, the
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Hematology is the science or study of blood, blood-forming organs and blood diseases. In the medical field, hematology includes the treatment of blood disorders and malignancies, including types of hemophilia,...

Questions: 35  |  Attempts: 32477   |  Last updated: Nov 7, 2023
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    Insufficient centrifugation will result in:
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Quiz for Chemistry. Enjoy it.

Questions: 102  |  Attempts: 21385   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    The biuret reaction for the analysis of serum protein depends on the number of?      
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Renal function and intro to Urinalysis 

Questions: 25  |  Attempts: 7479   |  Last updated: Sep 13, 2023
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    The renal medulla is composed of tissue called _________.
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Another certification quiz enjoy its straight from the book edition 5 

Questions: 160  |  Attempts: 1564   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Following overnight fasting, hypoglycemia in adults is defined as glucose of:  
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