
Student Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Are you a student? Have you been searching for some student trivia quizzes online to boost your knowledge? If so, then check the variety of student trivia quizzes that we have made for you. A student's life and journey are very much responsible for his growth, future condition, and what he gets to become.

This is the time when you learn most things not just related to your academic courses but life. Do you want to know what type of student you are? Don't worry. We have you covered there as well. Scroll down our page and find your favorite student quizzes and play. Let's go!

Top Trending Quizzes

Many types of students have their social groups, activities, and interests. Have you ever thought about what kind of student you are? Play the quiz below, and we will reveal it to you. Some students have high regard for their...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 40415   |  Last updated: Apr 24, 2022
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    On a typical weekend, you most likely to
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There are different types of students, some understand things too fast and even train others, others are slow and have to continuously revise where as others just take too long to understand some concepts. The quiz below will...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 7285   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022
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    When school let's out you A. jump for joy and do nothing the whole summer B. Immediately start on your summer reading C. Wait a few weeks then start doing Summer work
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Do you think you're ready to take an online course (completely online) or a hybrid course (partially online and partially on campus) at San Jose City College? Take this short multiple choice quiz to find out! 

Questions: 19  |  Attempts: 9536   |  Last updated: Feb 21, 2024
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    The amount of time I have to devote to an online  or hybrid class every week is (Select One):
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Student Council quiz for all Student Council members ONLY.

Questions: 6  |  Attempts: 1215   |  Last updated: Aug 18, 2023
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    In a brief summary, what is Student Council?
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Questions: 29  |  Attempts: 4217   |  Last updated: May 11, 2023
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      Give the abbreviation of AWT?
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Do you have a kid at home? Or are you a kid yourself? Whatever the case be, you must try this 'Learning objectives guide for students quiz' that we've designed below. Learning objectives are considered important as...

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 6338   |  Last updated: May 26, 2023
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    The major reason for planning your instruction is to __________. 
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You will be working in groups of 4 in STEM this year. Within your team, each member has a different job based on their strengths. What are your strengths? What will your role in STEM class be? 

Questions: 7  |  Attempts: 2704   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022
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    Which word describes your personality best?
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