
Surgical Technology Quizzes, Questions & Answers

We have so much to thank our hospitals for, and especially the highly skilled and dedicated people who work within them. Nobody likes the thought of undergoing surgery, but thanks to amazing and continued advances in surgical technology the results are getting better and better. Do you want to work in a hospital one day, as a surgeon, doctor, or nurse? Maybe you're simply fascinated by how modern technology is helping people live longer and healthier lives? Either way, I think it's time that you tried one of our surgical technology quizzes.

Historically, what did a corpsman do in the United States navy? Who first used ether as a surgical anesthetic? In which decade were X-rays first used to assist surgery? You'll find questions both ancient and modern, so scrub up and get ready to answer them.

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All kinds of questions related to the Surgical Tech Study guide

Questions: 175  |  Attempts: 8172   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    The needs or activities related to one's identification or interaction with another individual or group forms which component of the human being?
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Surgical Technology Examination Appleton & Lange Surgical Technology Examination Appleton & Lange pg59-73 CST exam prep

Questions: 151  |  Attempts: 3921   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    394. Room temperature for infants and children should be maintained as warm as
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Practice exam questions from AST study guide

Questions: 95  |  Attempts: 897   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Which of the following structures is located in the alveolar processes?
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Surgical asepsis final exam

Questions: 25  |  Attempts: 3710   |  Last updated: Nov 28, 2023
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    What direction do you point your hands when doing a medical hand washing?
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Part 1 of Appleton and Lange practice exam for CST (first 1-100)

Questions: 100  |  Attempts: 3098   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    Adnexa refers to
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