Online Lead Generation Readiness Quiz

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| By Duncan_m
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 80
Questions: 8 | Attempts: 84

Online Lead Generation Readiness Quiz - Quiz

Welcome to your lead generation readiness quiz. We have highlighted some of the key things that you should have on your site to help you generate leads for your business online.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Where do you have calls to action on your site?

    • A.

      On the homepage

    • B.

      Blog sidebar

    • C.

      End of blog articles

    • D.

      Product/service information pages

    • E.

      User behaviour driven popups

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. On the homepage
    B. Blog sidebar
    C. End of blog articles
    D. Product/service information pages
    E. User behaviour driven popups
    Calls to action are important elements on a website that prompt visitors to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource. Having calls to action on the homepage is crucial as it is often the first page visitors see and can encourage them to explore further. Including calls to action on the blog sidebar can help drive engagement and conversions from blog readers. Placing them at the end of blog articles is effective as it captures the reader's attention after they have finished reading. Calls to action on product/service information pages provide a clear path for potential customers to take action. User behavior-driven popups are triggered based on specific actions or behaviors, making them highly targeted and effective in driving conversions.

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  • 2. 

    What kind of content/offers do you use to drive the CTAs on your site?

    • A.

      Simple enquire to buy product/service

    • B.

      Customer case studies

    • C.

      Whitepapers/how-to guides

    • D.

      Useful e-books

    • E.

      First-time discount

    • F.

      Free trial

    • G.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Simple enquire to buy product/service
    B. Customer case studies
    C. Whitepapers/how-to guides
    D. Useful e-books
    E. First-time discount
    F. Free trial
    The correct answer includes a variety of content/offers that can be used to drive CTAs on a website. These include a simple inquiry to buy a product or service, customer case studies, whitepapers/how-to guides, useful e-books, a free trial, and a first-time discount. These different types of content and offers cater to different audience preferences and can effectively encourage users to take action on the website.

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  • 3. 

    Which of the following methods do you allow users to act on a call to action (CTA) on your website

    • A.

      Contact phone number

    • B.

      Contact email address link

    • C.

      Email contact form

    • D.

      Landing pages with forms

    • E.

      Social action (Like, Tweet, share..)

    • F.

      Live chat

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Contact phone number
    B. Contact email address link
    C. Email contact form
    D. Landing pages with forms
    E. Social action (Like, Tweet, share..)
    F. Live chat
    The correct answer includes various methods for users to act on a call to action (CTA) on a website. These methods include providing a contact phone number, a contact email address link, an email contact form, landing pages with forms, social actions such as liking, tweeting, or sharing, and live chat. These options allow users to easily and conveniently engage with the website and take action based on the CTA.

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  • 4. 

    Which of the following to you have on your landing pages?

    • A.

      No landing pages

    • B.

      The page has a strong customer benefit focussed headline

    • C.

      Uses bullet point lists to show key points

    • D.

      Includes a form with qualifying criteria questions

    • E.

      Does not show website navigation or links that could distract visitor

    • F.

      Most of the content is viewable without scrolling

    • G.

      Includes at least one relevant image

    • H.

      You can understand meaning of page in less than 5 seconds

    • I.

      On form completion you get a thank you page

    • J.

      Focusses on a single call to action

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. The page has a strong customer benefit focussed headline
    C. Uses bullet point lists to show key points
    D. Includes a form with qualifying criteria questions
    E. Does not show website navigation or links that could distract visitor
    F. Most of the content is viewable without scrolling
    G. Includes at least one relevant image
    H. You can understand meaning of page in less than 5 seconds
    I. On form completion you get a thank you page
    J. Focusses on a single call to action
    The correct answer includes a list of essential elements that should be present on landing pages. These elements include a strong customer benefit-focused headline, bullet point lists to highlight key points, a form with qualifying criteria questions, the absence of website navigation or distracting links, content that is viewable without scrolling, at least one relevant image, a clear understanding of the page's meaning in less than 5 seconds, a thank you page upon form completion, and a focus on a single call to action.

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  • 5. 

    Which of the following are on your homepage?

    • A.

      Latest/hottest content is highlighted

    • B.

      Use eye-catching visuals

    • C.

      We use copy that is customer benefit led

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Latest/hottest content is highlighted
    B. Use eye-catching visuals
    C. We use copy that is customer benefit led
    The correct answer is that the homepage includes the latest/hottest content highlighted, eye-catching visuals, and copy that is customer benefit led. This means that the homepage displays the most recent and popular content to attract users' attention. It also uses visually appealing elements to make the page more engaging. Additionally, the copy on the homepage focuses on showcasing the benefits that customers can gain from using the website or product.

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  • 6. 

    How does your website content appear?

    • A.

      Customer needs are linked to solution benefits

    • B.

      Calls to action are clear and prominent

    • C.

      A consistent voice is used

    • D.

      Paragraphs are short and have titles

    • E.

      The font is easy-to-read

    • F.

      Content is scannable

    • G.

      Compelling imagery is used (little or no stock imagery)

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Customer needs are linked to solution benefits
    B. Calls to action are clear and prominent
    C. A consistent voice is used
    D. Paragraphs are short and have titles
    E. The font is easy-to-read
    F. Content is scannable
    G. Compelling imagery is used (little or no stock imagery)
    The correct answer includes several factors that contribute to how website content appears. By linking customer needs to solution benefits, the content becomes more relevant and persuasive. Clear and prominent calls to action guide users on what actions to take. Using a consistent voice helps maintain a cohesive and professional tone. Short paragraphs with titles make the content easier to navigate and understand. An easy-to-read font improves readability. Scannable content allows users to quickly find the information they need. Lastly, the use of compelling imagery, preferably original rather than stock imagery, helps engage and captivate users.

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  • 7. 

    Product/service pages

    • A.

      Strong calls-to-action on each page

    • B.

      Address customer pain points

    • C.

      Use appropritate images/videos

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Strong calls-to-action on each page
    B. Address customer pain points
    C. Use appropritate images/videos
    This answer suggests that for product/service pages, it is important to have strong calls-to-action on each page, address customer pain points, and use appropriate images/videos. Strong calls-to-action help guide the customer towards taking a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. Addressing customer pain points shows that the business understands and empathizes with the customer's needs, building trust and credibility. Using appropriate images/videos can enhance the visual appeal of the page and provide additional information or context about the product or service.

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  • 8. 

    Please enter your email address below to get your results

    Correct Answer(s)

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  • Current Version
  • Oct 16, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • May 31, 2014
    Quiz Created by
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