
Life Science Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Life science is the sum of all potato chips rolled into a barrel of jalapeno and topped off with the laugh of a mad man. On a serious note, life science was created by men when they found out that some problems cannot be resolved by booze. The human body! Planets! Any of these ring a bell? No, well how about naming the father of Organic chemistry? Or, which is the smallest bone in our body?
Life science is about all of these things. In short, life science answers those questions that each and every one of us ask ourselves sometimes, while doing the laundry or taking out the trash. You can learn the correct answers to these questions and expand your knowledge with our fun and engaging quizzes!

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SCI06 Life Science Test 1

Questions: 18  |  Attempts: 7775   |  Last updated: Dec 18, 2023
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    Which of the follow is considered nonliving?
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Questions: 28  |  Attempts: 1687   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    Which of the following are characteristics of living things?
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Take this animals, plants, and fungi quiz today if you want to see how much you remember from studying about them! Or if you have never learned about their differences and varied traits, then this is the perfect opportunity for...

Questions: 14  |  Attempts: 885   |  Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
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-In the quiz.all questions are regarded from life science.which were questioned in most of the competitve exam-Each question will give with one right ans (or) all options are sutes to the question-Try to do completely-All the best

Questions: 9  |  Attempts: 7453   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Who is the father of Organic chemistry
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This test will help prepare you for the 2010 Life Science SOL.

Questions: 49  |  Attempts: 288   |  Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What is competition?
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