
Oral Pathology Quizzes, Questions & Answers

One thing that everyone has is a mouth. Unfortunately, most of us don’t really know anything about it. Oral pathology is the science that looks at the mouth, and all of the things that can go wrong. It’s a specialization within dentistry, but did you know that it also overlaps with a medical ENT specialist in some areas?
Oral pathology covers many different things. One way to divide oral disorders is by congenital defects - those that a person is born with, and acquired defects - those that develop over time. Did you know that some conditions are diseases, like cancer or cold sores, while others can result from trauma or other causes? If you know these facts, then try your hand at some of our quizzes and see if you’re a real expert!

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Oral pathology developmental disorders

Questions: 45  |  Attempts: 8134   |  Last updated: Jun 5, 2024
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    Which terms refers to a defect present at birth?
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Cysts of Jaw and Neck - IPFW - Oral Pathology

Questions: 32  |  Attempts: 5238   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    An aneurysmal bone cyst is an odontogenic cyst.
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Are you a dentistry student? Why not take our white lesion quiz if you wish to learn more? All the questions in the quiz are carefully curated to help you understand the essential concepts in an in-depth manner. Did you know that...

Questions: 28  |  Attempts: 4170   |  Last updated: Jan 25, 2023
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    Leukoedema is most commonly found in Caucasians.
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10 Questions  10 Minutes

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 547   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    Which of the following is the oral cavity findings for brittle bone diseases?
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Oral pathology - Neoplasia

Questions: 41  |  Attempts: 1637   |  Last updated: Jul 19, 2024
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    The study of tumors is called
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