
Biomolecule Quizzes, Questions & Answers

A biomolecule sounds like a complicated word, but do you know that it is simply a molecule present in a living thing? Every plant and animal is made up of biomolecules. It is a broad category that includes proteins and lipids, nucleic acids, and any other types of molecules.
Did you know that saccharides, one type of biomolecule, are the simplest form of carbohydrate? Or that one of the primary ways to study molecules is by cloning them in laboratories? Many people have heard of the northern, southern, western, and eastern blotting tests, but do you know where those terms came from? If you think you know the answers, take our quizzes and see if you’re ready for your labcoat!

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Take a look at this awesome and fun quiz that is based on biology questions on Biomolecules. Have you studied biomolecules? Do you think you have a good understanding of it? If yes, then you can easily crack this quiz. Here,...

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 31589   |  Last updated: Jul 10, 2024

Check out our amazing biochemistry quiz designed to test how much you know about lipids. You must have studied fats and lipids in your biochemistry chapters. It's time to check your knowledge regarding the same. Lipids are...

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 21374   |  Last updated: Mar 28, 2024
  • Sample Question
    The basic backbone of most fat or oil molecules is an alcohol called....
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Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 2685   |  Last updated: Aug 27, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Which biomolecule below contains hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorous?
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This quiz covers biomolecules, including enzymes. It is timed!

Questions: 13  |  Attempts: 3725   |  Last updated: Jan 23, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Glucose, the primary source of energy for a cell, is a type of
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Questions: 17  |  Attempts: 695   |  Last updated: Jan 8, 2024
  • Sample Question
    Which of the following is not typically true about nucleic acids?
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