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Limited Government: - The fundamental principles of limited government are rooted in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
- All elected public servants, who take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, must refrain from taking any action or passing any legislation that is not constitutionally empowered to their elected office. A fantastic method for evaluating legislation is the CHIPS Hold 'Em or Fold 'Em Legislation Test! (The CHIPS legislative test requires legislation to pass 4 simple tests in order to render support for passage: 1. Is the legislation moral? 2. Is the legislation constitutional? 3. Is the legislation affordable? 4. Is the legislation both needed and wanted by the legal taxpaying American citizen?
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
Limited government refers to the idea that the power and authority of the government should be restricted in order to protect individual rights and prevent tyranny. This principle is based on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. It states that elected public servants should only take actions and pass legislation that is constitutionally empowered to their office. The explanation also mentions the CHIPS Hold 'Em or Fold 'Em Legislation Test, which is a method for evaluating legislation based on its morality, constitutionality, affordability, and whether it is needed and wanted by the citizens. The answer agrees with the statement about limited government.
Tenth Amendment:- Under the tenth amendment, individual states have the constitutional right to govern their state and the policies affecting its citizens.
- The powers delegated by the Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the state governments are numerous and indefinite.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given correct answer, "I Agree," aligns with the explanation provided. The Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution grants individual states the authority to govern themselves and make policies that impact their citizens. It emphasizes that the powers given to the federal government are limited and specific, while the powers retained by the state governments are extensive and undefined. By agreeing, the respondent acknowledges and supports the principle of state sovereignty and the distribution of powers between the federal and state governments.
Education: - Effective education policy requires returning authority to the states and empowering parents opportunity to choose a safe and effective education for their children from among public, private, charter, and home school opportunities as the clear objective.
- Common Core fails the CHIPS legislation test as follows: Common Core is immoral. It allows the federal government to collect data on our children and their families which can be used by any government entity during our children’s childhood years and later in life. It violates both the child’s and parent’s privacy rights. Common Core is unconstitutional. The Constitution does not numerate this as one of the powers of the federal government. Common Core is not affordable and adds millions of dollars in expenses to already stressed state budgets. Common Core is not necessary nor is it both wanted & needed by the people. Rather, it is wanted by special interest groups, politicians, and bureaucrats.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given correct answer is "I Agree" because the explanation provided before the answer supports the idea that Common Core is ineffective and goes against the principles of returning authority to the states and empowering parents to choose the best education for their children. The explanation highlights that Common Core is immoral, violates privacy rights, is unconstitutional, adds unnecessary expenses to state budgets, and is wanted by special interest groups and bureaucrats rather than the people. Therefore, agreeing with the statement implies a rejection of Common Core and a support for alternative education policies.
Second Amendment:- Gun ownership is responsible citizenship, enabling Americans to defend themselves, their property, and their communities.
- Gun ownership is protected by the Second Amendment of the Constitution. As the Framers knew well, a government that does not trust its honest, law-abiding, taxpaying citizens with the means of self-defense is not itself worthy of trust.
- Laws disarming honest citizens proclaim that the government is the master, not the servant, of the people.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given correct answer agrees with the statement that gun ownership is responsible citizenship and enables Americans to defend themselves, their property, and their communities. It also acknowledges that the Second Amendment of the Constitution protects the right to own guns. The answer further emphasizes the importance of trust between the government and its citizens, stating that disarming honest citizens implies that the government sees itself as the master rather than the servant of the people.
Judiciary: - The judicial branch of our federal government, and that of our state, must recognize that it is not a co-equal branch of government nor a "super legislative body".
- The core mission of the judiciary is to protect the historically recognized constitutional rights of the people. Judges should be arbiters of conflict not public policy makers.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement suggests that the judiciary should not consider itself as a co-equal branch of government or a "super legislative body". Instead, its main role is to protect the constitutional rights of the people. This implies that judges should focus on resolving conflicts and disputes rather than making public policies. The answer "I Agree" indicates that the person agrees with this perspective on the role of the judiciary.
Role of Government: - The honorable role of government is to provide for the people those critical functions that cannot be performed by the individual or private organizations.
- Welfare programs funded by taxpayer dollars must be restricted to legal U.S Citizens with a valid residential address.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given answer agrees with the statement that welfare programs funded by taxpayer dollars should be restricted to legal U.S citizens with a valid residential address. This implies that the person believes that government should prioritize providing welfare benefits only to those who are legally entitled to them and have a valid address in the country. They may argue that taxpayer money should be used responsibly and efficiently, and limiting welfare programs to legal citizens helps ensure that resources are directed towards those who are eligible and truly in need.
Entitlements:- The entitlement mentality which permeates our state and society must be reversed. Welfare payments have the destructive effect of eroding marriage and work ethic in low-income communities.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement suggests that the entitlement mentality in our society needs to be changed. It further explains that welfare payments have negative consequences such as weakening the institution of marriage and reducing work ethic in low-income communities. The answer "I Agree" indicates that the person agrees with this viewpoint and supports the idea of reversing the entitlement mentality.
Armed Forces: - Our military and veterans deserve our honor and appreciation for all they have endured and sacrificed for our country. A most gracious way to ensure our armed forces stay strong is to meet our obligations to our Veterans.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement emphasizes the importance of honoring and appreciating the military and veterans for their sacrifices and endurance for the country. It suggests that meeting our obligations to veterans is a gracious way to ensure the strength of our armed forces. The answer "I Agree" indicates that the person agrees with this sentiment and believes in showing honor and appreciation to the military and veterans.
Civil Rights:- Equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity applies to all, regardless of race, creed, gender, age, or disability.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement emphasizes the principles of civil rights, which advocate for equal treatment and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their race, creed, gender, age, or disability. By agreeing with this statement, one expresses their support for these principles and acknowledges the importance of upholding equal rights, justice, and opportunities for everyone in society.
Parental Rights:- Parents bear the final responsibility before God in rearing of their children and have the right to raise their children consistent with their religious and moral values with little or no interference from the government.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement asserts that parents have the ultimate responsibility in raising their children and should have the right to do so in accordance with their religious and moral beliefs, with minimal interference from the government. This aligns with the concept of parental rights, which emphasizes the importance of parental autonomy and the recognition of parents as the primary caregivers and decision-makers for their children. By agreeing with this statement, one supports the idea that parents should have the freedom to raise their children according to their own values, without excessive intervention from the government.
Immigration:- Legal immigration is a blessing to this country and the only honorable pathway for foreign immigrants to obtain American Citizenship.
- Law enforcement agencies must use all available resources to deport from the state any illegal alien convicted or involved in a serious crime or illegal activity.
- I support (conceptually) the merits of the SECURE America Plan: STOP sanctuary policies and incentive programs to entice illegal immigration to any city, county or state. ENFORCE the existing laws already on the books! CUT the transfer of benefits to illegal immigrants. UTILIZE state and local law enforcement agencies to report arrested illegal immigrants to ICE. REPEAL laws that reward illegal immigrants at the expense of tax payers such as in-state tuition rates. E-VERIFY as in require businesses to use E-Verify to ensure that their workforce is legal.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement expresses support for the SECURE America Plan, which aims to stop sanctuary policies and incentive programs that encourage illegal immigration. It also emphasizes the importance of enforcing existing laws, cutting benefits for illegal immigrants, utilizing law enforcement agencies to report arrested illegal immigrants to ICE, and repealing laws that benefit illegal immigrants at the expense of taxpayers. The statement also advocates for requiring businesses to use E-Verify to ensure a legal workforce. The person agrees with these measures, suggesting that they believe in stricter immigration policies and enforcement.
Liberty:- Respect for each person’s dignity, freedom, ability, and responsibility is the bedrock strength of our nation's independence.
- We affirm the Declaration of Independence, which states that we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement expresses agreement with the idea that respect for each person's dignity, freedom, ability, and responsibility is essential for our nation's independence. It also references the Declaration of Independence and the belief in inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Heritage (Founding Documents):- The guarantees of the Bill of Rights, originally intended by the framers, include the right to practice religion freely, to keep and bear arms, and protection from unreasonable search and seizure of property by government especially when transferred to private enterprise.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement is agreeing with the guarantees of the Bill of Rights, which include the right to practice religion freely, the right to keep and bear arms, and protection from unreasonable search and seizure of property by the government.
Size of Government:- Government at every level has grown too large and is now a threat to the very rights it was designed to protect.
- All elected public servants should continually strive towards the elimination of programs that are ineffective as well as focusing on the reduction of government spending at every possible opportunity.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given answer "I Agree" aligns with the statement that the government has become too large and poses a threat to the rights it was meant to safeguard. It also emphasizes the need for elected officials to work towards eliminating ineffective programs and reducing government spending whenever possible. This response indicates a belief that the size of the government should be reduced to protect individual rights and promote fiscal responsibility.
Freedom of Speech:- All individuals and groups have the right to express their political views freely and openly without government regulation or interference.
- I cherish the opportunity to engage with others and to advance our philosophy of freedom and responsibility in a free and vibrant political debate, secure in the knowledge that the logic of freedom and responsibility will always prevail in a free and thinking electorate.
- All votes cast by publicly elected officials, at all levels of government, should be recorded and fully transparent to the public for review and discussion.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given answer agrees with the statement that individuals and groups have the right to express their political views freely without government regulation or interference. It also supports the idea of engaging in political debate and believes that the logic of freedom and responsibility will prevail in a thinking electorate. Additionally, the answer emphasizes the importance of transparency in government by stating that all votes by elected officials should be recorded and made fully transparent to the public.
Energy:- Energy policy is a national priority.
- Lawmakers should implement a long-term energy plan that allows free markets to balance supply & demand, ensures reliable and competitively priced energy for the future, and create incentives for responsible stewardship of the nation's resources and environment.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given answer agrees with the statement that energy policy is a national priority. It suggests that lawmakers should implement a long-term energy plan that allows free markets to balance supply and demand, ensures reliable and competitively priced energy for the future, and creates incentives for responsible stewardship of the nation's resources and environment. This implies that the person who agrees believes that energy policy should be given significant attention and that the mentioned aspects are important for a successful energy plan.
Foreign Oil:- The long-term objective to solving our energy crisis is to drastically reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement suggests that the long-term solution to the energy crisis is to decrease our reliance on foreign oil. By agreeing with this statement, it implies that the individual believes that reducing dependence on foreign oil is indeed the key to resolving the energy crisis. This could be due to reasons such as promoting energy independence, reducing vulnerability to geopolitical tensions, or supporting domestic energy sources.
Security:- America must be capable of proactively protecting the nation and its citizens.
- Our armed forces must be ready to act anywhere in the world where vital national interests are threatened. This can be achieved by giving the military the resources it needs to keep us safe and maintain freedom.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement emphasizes the importance of proactively protecting the nation and its citizens through a strong and capable military. It suggests that by providing the necessary resources to the military, they can effectively maintain national security and preserve freedom. The answer "I Agree" aligns with this viewpoint, indicating that the individual believes in the significance of a well-equipped military to safeguard the country and its interests.
Property Rights:- Private property rights are essential to individual liberty.
- The act of seizing private property for economic development should be highly scrutinized. Eminent domain is intended for essential public purposes only!
- If the action is truly an essential public purpose, the action should only occur as the result of a legislative act requiring passage by both local & state government.
- I oppose Agenda 21(the encroachment of the UN in the laws and policies of the SOVEREIGN USA) as it is immoral, unconstitutional, not affordable, and not necessary.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the individual believes that private property rights are essential for individual liberty and that seizing private property for economic development should be closely examined. They also believe that eminent domain should only be used for essential public purposes and should require legislative approval. Additionally, they express opposition to Agenda 21, which they view as immoral, unconstitutional, unaffordable, and unnecessary.
Individual Innovation & Ingenuity:- Individual initiative and ingenuity have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth, and prosperity.
- Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and improved innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement suggests that individual innovation and ingenuity have played a significant role in bringing opportunities, economic growth, and prosperity to the nation. It emphasizes the importance of retaining the principles that have made the country strong while also promoting the development of new and improved innovative ideas to adapt to changing times. The answer "I Agree" indicates the agreement with the notion that individual initiative and ingenuity are crucial for the nation's success and progress.
Government Spending:- Government at all levels must implement responsible fiscal policy. I support the concept of a balanced budget amendment.
- It is we who allow government to seize our hard earned money, not the government allowing us to keep it. We must change this mindset immediately!
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement expresses support for the concept of a balanced budget amendment and emphasizes the importance of responsible fiscal policy. The individual believes that it is the people who allow the government to take their money through taxes, rather than the government allowing people to keep their money. The statement concludes by stating the need to change this mindset. The answer "I Agree" indicates that the person agrees with the perspective presented in the statement.
Earmarks:- Comprehensive Earmark reform is needed.
- The use of Federal earmarks should be seldom and solely for the purpose of national projects.
- Federal earmarks should not be awarded to private individuals or companies unless they have engaged in a very public and transparent bidding process for a project to benefit the entire nation.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement expresses agreement with the need for comprehensive earmark reform. It emphasizes that federal earmarks should be used sparingly and only for national projects. It also states that earmarks should not be given to private individuals or companies unless they have gone through a transparent bidding process that benefits the entire nation. This aligns with the idea that earmarks should be used responsibly and for the benefit of the country as a whole, rather than for personal or private gain.
Private Enterprise:- The Federal government should not own any interest in private enterprise.
- The Federal government should not compete with private enterprise in any areas not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given statement expresses agreement with the idea that the Federal government should not have any ownership in private enterprise. It also supports the notion that the government should not compete with private enterprises in any areas that are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution. This viewpoint aligns with the principles of limited government intervention and promotes the free market system, where private enterprises can operate without unnecessary government interference.
Tax Reform:- I believe the IRS Tax Code, in excess of 76,000 pages, is exorbitantly convoluted, inefficient, labor intensive, and in great need of reform. I support the movement to repeal the 16th Amendment & abolish the IRS.
- I support the Fair Tax Fix: 1. The Fair Tax is moral because it taxes consumption whereas taxing production & savings is immoral. 2. The Fair Tax is constitutional. If the Fair Tax were implemented as designed we would be able to repeal the 16th amendment and abolish the IRS. This would provide a level playing field for everyone (equal treatment under the law for all). 3. The Fair Tax is affordable. Not only does the Fair Tax eliminate the favor factory, it substantially reduces corruption. The Fair Tax reduces billions of dollars currently allocated to the collection of taxes by more than 90% and would generate more revenue than the current immoral tax system. 4. The Fair Tax is both needed & wanted by the legal taxpaying American citizen. The Fair Tax brings prosperity to all.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the person agrees with the statement about tax reform. They believe that the current tax system is convoluted, inefficient, and in need of reform. They support the idea of repealing the 16th Amendment and abolishing the IRS. They believe that the Fair Tax, which taxes consumption instead of production and savings, is moral and constitutional. They also believe that the Fair Tax is affordable, reduces corruption, and would generate more revenue than the current tax system. They conclude that the Fair Tax is both needed and wanted by the legal taxpaying American citizen and would bring prosperity to all.
Wealth Creation:- The creation of wealth is an unlimited entity created by individuals and private businesses.
- I do not believe that the government is responsible for, nor capable of, creating wealth.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given answer agrees with the statement that wealth creation is not the responsibility of the government and is instead created by individuals and private businesses. It suggests that the government is not capable of creating wealth. This viewpoint emphasizes the importance of individual initiative and entrepreneurship in driving economic growth and prosperity.
Healthcare - I support the complete repeal of the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act or Obamacare.
- Obamacare is immoral, unconstitutional, not affordable and not wanted by the American people.
- Healthcare is a privilege, not a right, and certainly not another government entitlement program placed on the backs of America’s future generations.
- I believe America's health care financing and insurance systems do need major reform. Local & State policymakers (not Federal) should take decisive steps to move today's bureaucracy driven, heavily regulated third-party payment system to a new patient-centered system of consumer choice and real free-market competition. In such a system, individuals and families would make the key decisions and control the dollars. I believe in the expansion of Health Savings Accounts.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the person supports the complete repeal of the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act or Obamacare because they believe it is immoral, unconstitutional, not affordable, and not wanted by the American people. They also believe that healthcare is a privilege, not a right, and that it should not be another government entitlement program. Instead, they believe that local and state policymakers should take steps to reform the healthcare financing and insurance systems, moving towards a patient-centered system of consumer choice and free-market competition. They also support the expansion of Health Savings Accounts.
Life:- I believe that life begins at conception and ends in a natural death.
- I believe in the Sanctity of human life and that every innocent human life is sacred.
- I believe that every innocent human being, born or unborn, has an inalienable right to life which cannot be infringed.
- I believe that public funds should never be used to pay for abortions or euthanasia nor should they be used to support organizations that advocate for death (ie Planned Parenthood).
- I believe in the death penalty for adults convicted of a capital crime subsequent to due process and conviction by a jury trial of ones peers.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the person agrees with the statement that life begins at conception and ends in a natural death. They believe in the sanctity of human life and that every innocent human life is sacred. They also believe that every innocent human being, whether born or unborn, has an inalienable right to life that should not be violated. Additionally, they hold the belief that public funds should not be used to support abortions, euthanasia, or organizations that advocate for death. Finally, they support the death penalty for adults convicted of a capital crime after due process and conviction by a jury trial of their peers.
Human Cloning:- I support the prohibition of all human cloning, whether therapeutic or reproductive.
- I support the use of scientifically proven and successful adult stem cell research and umbilical cord blood cell research and any other innovation that does not involve destroying human life.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given explanation supports the prohibition of all human cloning, whether therapeutic or reproductive. The person also expresses support for alternative methods such as adult stem cell research and umbilical cord blood cell research, which do not involve the destruction of human life. Therefore, they agree with the statement.
Marriage:- I believe in the Sanctity of Marriage between a man and a woman.
- I do not support legislation that attempts to expand the definition of marriage to cover same sex marriages as it would fail the CHIPS legislation test. It is not moral. It is not both wanted & needed by the people. Every time this issue has been left up to the people to decide, it has failed.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
Oath of Office- The oath of office is an oath taken before God in the interest of the legal taxpaying American citizen and the nation, state, or municipality they represent.
- I believe that elected public servants have a duty to vigorously advocate for liberty: publicly & often!
- I believe that elected public servants must oppose systemic evil: recognizing that taxes and taxation are the primary instruments of evil and tyranny by the government.
- I believe that elected public servants must defend sound principle at all hazard, independent of political party, party loyalty, or interest group.
- Although it was not explicitly addressed in the Constitution, the Framers clearly believed that public servants should serve a limited number of terms and then return home to resume their private lives and live under the laws/policies/taxes they helped to create.
Correct Answer
A. I Agree
The given explanation for the correct answer is not available.