
Microsoft Access Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Why use Microsoft Access? When should you use it? How does a Microsoft Access database work? How do you get started with Microsoft Access? How do you access it? What are the advantages of using it?

At a basic level, you can use Access to develop simple, personal database-management systems. It lets you create relational databases from tables of data that you set up. Some people automate everything, from their CD collections to their home finances. Anybody can learn to use Access. It doesn't take weeks of classroom instruction and then months of training to acquire the skills necessary to create and administer a database. So, if you want to organize your life you should start using Microsoft Access. The first step is to solve our quiz.

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Microsoft Access is a tool that helps one store and analyzes large amounts of information. This tool forms interface that allows users to enter information in a graphical form and have that information transparently passed to the...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 29808   |  Last updated: Sep 25, 2024
  • Sample Question
    A _________ is a computerized filing system that is used to organize and maintain a collection of information for future use.
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button

Getting some basic computer knowledge is something that most people are required to have in any business field. There are different computer applications used daily. How good are you when it comes to MS Access? Take up the quiz...

Questions: 50  |  Attempts: 19004   |  Last updated: Feb 19, 2024
  • Sample Question
    Which object is used to create a form?
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button

Welcome to our Microsoft Access Database Application Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your knowledge and proficiency in using Microsoft Access, a powerful database management system.  With questions ranging from...

Questions: 30  |  Attempts: 11120   |  Last updated: Feb 7, 2024
  • Sample Question
    Which of he following is NOT a part of a database?
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button

The IP Multimedia Private Identity (IMPI) is a unique global identity allocated to a home network operator. It is very specific and every IMS user shall has one IMPI. How conversant are you with the use and creation of IP...

Questions: 13  |  Attempts: 1720   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What are the two types of IP access lists?
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button

MS Access - Final Exam created by Mr. Mike Laguisma

Questions: 51  |  Attempts: 1106   |  Last updated: Feb 13, 2024
  • Sample Question
    Which object is used to create a form?
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button

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