Grafis terbagi menjadi dua tipe, yaitu?.....
Correct Answer
E. Vector dan bitmap
The correct answer is Vector and bitmap. Grafis can be divided into two types, vector and bitmap. Vector graphics are made up of lines and curves that can be scaled without losing quality, while bitmap graphics are made up of pixels and can become pixelated when scaled up.
Grafis vector tersususun atas…….
Correct Answer
C. Garis
The correct answer is "Garis" (line). This is because a vector graphic is composed of lines and curves defined by mathematical equations, rather than individual pixels like in a raster graphic. Therefore, a vector graphic is made up of lines rather than points, text, pixels, or photos.
File grafis berbasis bitmap memiliki ekstensi di bawah ini, kecuali ………….
Correct Answer
E. .cdr
The given file extensions represent different types of bitmap graphics files. The file extensions .bmp, .jpg, .tif, and .gif are commonly used for bitmap graphics files, while .cdr is not. .cdr is the file extension for CorelDRAW files, which is a vector graphics editor, not a bitmap graphics file.
Cara membuat objek lingkaran dengan CorelDraw 11 dengan………..
Correct Answer
A. Elipse tool
The correct answer is Elipse tool. The ellipse tool in CorelDraw 11 allows users to easily create circular objects. By selecting the tool and clicking and dragging on the canvas, a perfect circle can be created. This tool is specifically designed for creating circular shapes and is the most appropriate option for creating a circle in CorelDraw 11.
Untuk dapat memperbesar objek, kita dapat menggunakan perintah…..
Correct Answer
B. Zoom In
The correct answer is "Zoom In" because to enlarge an object, we need to zoom in on it. Zooming in allows us to focus on the details and make the object appear larger on the screen.
CMYK terdiri atas warna-warna berikut, kecuali…..
Correct Answer
C. Biru
The question asks for the color that is not included in the CMYK color model. The CMYK color model consists of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. The color "Biru" is not part of the CMYK color model, so it is the correct answer.
Nama bar di samping pada Corel Draw 11 adalah……..
Correct Answer
A. ToolBar Standar
The correct answer is ToolBar Standar. The question is asking for the name of the bar next to the Corel Draw 11. Based on the options provided, the ToolBar Standar is the most suitable answer as it is a common feature in design software like Corel Draw, providing various tools and functions for editing and creating graphics.
Dibandingkan dengan grafik bitmap, file grafik vektor lebih..............
Correct Answer
A. Kecil
File grafik vektor lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan grafik bitmap. Ini dikarenakan file grafik vektor menggunakan formula matematika untuk menggambarkan gambar, sedangkan grafik bitmap menyimpan setiap piksel secara individual. Dengan demikian, file grafik vektor hanya perlu menyimpan informasi tentang bentuk, ukuran, dan warna objek, sementara file grafik bitmap perlu menyimpan informasi tentang setiap piksel dalam gambar. Akibatnya, file grafik vektor cenderung lebih kecil daripada file grafik bitmap dengan resolusi yang sama.
Untuk mewarnai objek dapat digunakan…..
Correct Answer
A. Color Palette
A color palette is a tool or a feature that can be used to select and apply colors to an object. It provides a range of colors to choose from, allowing the user to easily and accurately select the desired color for coloring an object. This makes the process of coloring more efficient and convenient, as it eliminates the need to manually mix or create colors.
Nama bar di samping pada corel Draw 11 adalah……
Correct Answer
E. Property Bar
The correct answer is Property Bar. In Corel Draw 11, the Property Bar is located beside the name bar. The Property Bar is a toolbar that displays options and settings for the currently selected tool or object. It allows users to quickly access and modify properties such as color, size, position, and other attributes of the selected object.
Ctrl + I adalah tombol untuk…..
Correct Answer
A. Mengimpor
Ctrl + I is a keyboard shortcut commonly used in various software applications to import files or data. It allows users to quickly bring in external files or data into the current application or workspace. This shortcut is often used in programs like Microsoft Excel, Adobe Photoshop, or video editing software to import images, documents, or media files.
Sebuah foto dari kamera digital atau handphone yang ingin kita cetak dapat kita proses dengann menggunakan program aplikasi grafis berbasis...........
Correct Answer
C. Bitmap
A digital or smartphone photo that we want to print can be processed using a graphics application program based on bitmap.
Untuk membuat objek segi empat dapat dilakukan dengan…..
Correct Answer
A. Rectangle Tool
To create a rectangle object, the correct tool to use is the Rectangle Tool. This tool allows the user to easily draw a rectangle shape by clicking and dragging the mouse. The other options listed, such as F5, Spiral, and Polygon Tool, are not specifically designed for creating rectangles and would not produce the desired shape.
Nama ikon di samping pada Corel Draw 11 adalah….
Correct Answer
D. Rectangle Tool
The correct answer is Rectangle Tool. The question asks for the name of the icon in Corel Draw 11, and the correct answer is Rectangle Tool because it is the tool represented by the icon.
Cara paling efektif untuk membuat objek adalah dengan….
Correct Answer
C. Toolbox
The most effective way to create objects is by using the toolbox. The toolbox typically contains a variety of tools and options that are specifically designed for creating and manipulating objects. It provides easy access to commonly used tools such as selection tools, drawing tools, and transformation tools, making it a convenient and efficient option for creating objects.
Letak standar ToolBox berada di…..
Correct Answer
B. Sebelah kiri lembar kerja
The standard location of the Toolbox is on the left side of the worksheet.
Perintah untuk mencetak objek adalah…..
Correct Answer
A. Ctrl + P
The correct answer is Ctrl + P. This keyboard shortcut is commonly used to print documents or objects. By pressing Ctrl + P, the user can quickly open the print dialog box and select the desired options for printing. This shortcut is widely supported in various software applications and operating systems, making it a convenient and efficient way to print.
Shape Tool adalah bagian dari………..
Correct Answer
D. Toolbox
The correct answer is "Toolbox" because the other options mentioned are not related to Shape Tool. The Shape Tool is a feature or tool that is typically found in the Toolbox of a software program. The Toolbox is a collection of various tools and functions that can be used to perform different actions or tasks within the software. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that the Shape Tool would be located in the Toolbox.
Grafis bitmap disebut juga………..
Correct Answer
B. Raster
The correct answer is "raster". Raster graphics, also known as bitmap graphics, are made up of a grid of pixels, where each pixel contains information about its color. This type of graphic is commonly used for digital images and displays, as it allows for detailed and realistic representations. Raster graphics are different from vector graphics, which are made up of mathematical equations and can be scaled without losing quality.
Aplikasi pengolah pixel adalah …………
Correct Answer
A. Microsoft Photo Editor
The correct answer is Microsoft Photo Editor. Microsoft Photo Editor is an application that is specifically designed for editing and processing pixels in images. It allows users to make various adjustments to the images such as cropping, resizing, and applying filters. It also provides tools for enhancing the image quality and correcting any imperfections. Microsoft Photo Editor is widely used by professionals and amateurs alike for editing and retouching photos.