
Lobster Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Did you know that Lobsters have a trait called “negligible senescence” which means that they do not lose reproductive capability or organ function as they age? This means that under controlled conditions lobsters could live virtually indefinitely. Fascinating isn’t it? Do you want to find out more about our friendly crustacean creature?
What’s the largest one ever caught? What do you call a male lobster? We have interesting and amusing facts to brighten your day! Or you may already know a lot? Why don’t you share them with everyone today! C’mon…don’t be ‘shellfish!’ Find out more why lobsters are way cooler than most animals!  Enjoy answering our amazing quizzes and games dedicated in enhancing your collection of unbelievable trivia! But I do hope you don’t snap with these baffling questions. Good luck!

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Questions: 8  |  Attempts: 367   |  Last updated: Mar 17, 2023
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