
Squid Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Release the Kraken! Get ready to take the quiz of your lifetime! Dive into the cold ocean blue! This tentacular quiz will have you cringing and squirming with glee! Ever had calamari? Ever wondered what it is? Or maybe you already know...of course you do, the answer is SQUID!

Squids are found in which ocean? And how many different species are there? How big does a giant squid get? and IS the Kraken real? If you know the answers to these questions, then see if you can answer ones such as "Which animal group does a squid belong to" and "Where would you find a squid's teeth? Prepare your deep-sea diving equipment and get ready to take the plunge into this slimey, squirmy, squiddy quiz! With fronds and quizzes like these, who needs anemones?

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Nintendo a while back released its very new game "Splatoon" for the WiiU that had an advertisement, that went viral and now people make fun of. Which one are you now do you think you are? Are you the squid or the...

Questions: 7  |  Attempts: 878   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022
  • Sample Question
    Are you a kid or a squid?
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Answer some questions and find out what kind of squid you REALLY are -- and don't forget to get your tickets to The Squid Jiggers' St. Patrick's Day weekend shows  at the Freeport Theater of Awesome where they...

Questions: 18  |  Attempts: 431   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2022
  • Sample Question
    What's your favorite song by The Squid Jiggers?
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