What kind of “magic” can a director create with a guest order!
Correct Answer
B. B. Use the customer bonus buying plan to create savings.
Correct Answer: b. Use the customer bonus buying plan to create savings. Everyone wants to get as much jewelry as they can and save money. The Director’s job is to save the customer the MOST money! Show them the “magic” of the buying plan and HOW to save the MOST money by adding up ALL the items on their Wish List, then point to the total and tell them how many more items they can choose for $12 each to save them as much as 80%! Now that’s “magic”!
Wouldn’t it be better to just have the guests write up their own order?
Correct Answer
A. A. No, you know how to save the most money!
Correct answer: a. No, you know how to save the most money! The customer bonus buying plan will be new to most of the guests, it is better if you, the director, work with the completed Wish List. Don’t try to “figure out” the sale or judge how much they’ll spend. Show them how to save the MOST money by adding up ALL the items on the Wish List and then let them know how many they can choose for $12 to save the MOST money. It is much better to have a customer walk you backwards then to have them realize they would have saved MORE money if you added everything up and then she chose her $12 bonus items. Our customer bonus plan is a dream come true…the more you buy, the more you save!!!
What is the best way to utilize the customer saving plan?
Correct Answer
B. B. Add up everything on the Wish List first.
Correct answer: b. Add up everything on the Wish List first. It really does work best if the director first adds up everything on the Wish List and then offers additional items up to the total value of the order ( before tax and shipping). Doing it any other way, will not give the guest the highest benefit of what the savings plan offers. Start from the top! A guest will tell you if she needs you to reduce the amount of the order.
What is one of the best reasons to offer a Hostess Reward Certificate (HRC)?
Correct Answer
C. C. To get a booking on a specific day that you want to work.
Correct answer: c. To get a booking on a specific day that you want to work. The HRC should be viewed as an EXTRA incentive, to be earned when a hostess meets a goal above and beyond the regular hostess benefits found in our Five Star Hostess Plan. The Five Star Hostess Plan is VERY generous and directors should be proud to present as is. If we give too much, too soon, it actually can de-value our Hostess Plan! Keep the Five Star Hostess Plan special and the Hostess Reward Certificates as an EXTRA benefit they can EARN
What works the best in order to obtain bookings?
Correct Answer
B. B. The Park Lane Five Star Hostess Plan
Correct answer: b. The Park Lane Five Star Hostess Plan. The Five Star Hostess Plan will offer to any hostess, free jewelry and potentially hundreds of dollars in free shopping credit with a qualified show. Directors will be business-wise to focus on what the basic plan has to offer hostesses, as it will probably be new to most hostesses. Have fun and demonstrate it by stacking a guest with empty Park Lane boxes, have 2 guests add up the benefits and what it would cost with 2 calculators, or you can count out fake money to demonstrate the benefits! We can overwhelm a hostess by offering too many additional perks.
You will have a firm booking when:
Correct Answer
A. A. A guest selects a date to book a show.
Correct Answer: a. A guest selects a date to book a show.A clear guarantee of a future booking is a firm date with a future hostess. This means a date that can be written down in the calendar of the director AND the calendar of the future hostess. Once a date is selected, then the initial coaching of the new hostess to return her Guest List to you in 3 days can be put into action.
What is a good indication that a guest may be interested in dating a show?
Correct Answer
E. E. All of the above!
Correct answer: e. All of the above. An observant director can learn a lot about who will become a future hostess by carefully observing the actions of guests at a show. Watch their reaction to the jewelry. Someone who just “loves” the jewelry, oohs and aahs over it, smiles and turns to show her friends how she looks, has all the indications of being a hostess. The guest with a very full Wish List and a guest that has questions about what hostesses receive is most likely interested in booking a show. Compliment her on her choices and let her know you’d LOVE to give her 100’s of dollars in jewelry for FREE!!
Who is the best candidate for becoming a new director?
Correct Answer
E. E. All of the above!
Correct answer: e. All of the above! Everyone should see the benefits that Park Lane holds for them! Don’t prejudge who may or may not need the Park Lane opportunity.
What should you do if you determine that your hostess is interested in joining Park Lane?
Correct Answer
B. B. Ask your leader for help in sharing the Park Lane program.
Correct answer: b. Ask your leader for help in sharing the Park Lane program. It’s very exciting when a hostess want to join Park Lane! Even though you may have been coaching your hostess from the time she booked, your hostess has been focusing on her show! That’s a good thing! Now that the show is over, the hostess has a chance to see things in a different light. If she is interested in Park Lane, the best thing that you can do is for you and your leader to sit down with the hostess and present the Park Lane Opportunity. This can be done easily by utilizing the Realize Your Best booklet and give her the information together so she has all the information to decide if she’d like to join.
What should you, the director, do once the show is over?
Correct Answer
D. D. Spend time with your hostesses reviewing show results.
Correct Answer: d. Spend time with your hostesses reviewing show results. Once the show concludes, this is a GREAT opportunity to follow up on more orders and pin down additional bookings. This is also the time to clearly identify recruit prospects. Once the show ends, the fun of working with your hostess in identifying guests that did not attend or did not book begins. This is also the time to spend with your hostess to continue to cultivate her recruiting interest.