NCOA Dl Leadership And Management Practice Test

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| By Greg
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Questions: 53 | Attempts: 255

NCOA Dl Leadership And Management Practice Test - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    MSgt Clark manages a very profitable online home-based business.  She has a close friendship with MSgt Brown so she allows him to do some work for her to make extra money.  Her business has grown to the point that it takes up most of her free off-duty time, so she recently started using her computer at work to attend to business matters.  Last week, Brown discovered her use of government equipment to conduct her personal business.  He knows what she is doing is wrong; however he depends on the money from Clark’s business to pay for his wife’s new car. MSgt Brown’s ___________ will MOST likely ________mission effectiveness

    • A.

      Understanding of the Ds; enhance

    • B.

      Misunderstanding of the Three Ps; hinder

    • C.

      Understanding of the Three Ps; enhance

    • D.

      Misunderstanding of the Three Ds; hinder

    Correct Answer
    B. Misunderstanding of the Three Ps; hinder
    According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, NCOs must properly order the Three Ps, principle (truth telling) first; purpose (mission accomplishment and duty) second; and people (Airmen) third. In the scenario, MSgt Brown knew what MSgt Clark is doing was wrong, however; instead taking action (principle) he decides to remain quiet because he (people) needs the extra money. Allowing her to continue will only reduce the amount of time she spends on official duties.

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  • 2. 

    SrA Smart returned from leave a few weeks ago and although he thought he completed all the required paperwork upon his return, he learns that is not the case and immediately re-submits the paperwork.  Months pass before realizes he was never charged for those leave days he used.  Wanting to keep his supervisor, TSgt Wright, in the loop, he explains what happened.  After some consideration, Wright says “Finance made the mistake, so don’t worry about it.  Besides, it’s not your responsibility to do their job for them.” TSgt Wright’s ______________will MOST likely_________ her effectiveness.

    • A.

      Understanding of the Three Os; enhance

    • B.

      Misunderstanding of the Three Ds; hinder

    • C.

      Understanding of the Three Ds; enhance

    • D.

      Misunderstanding of the Three Os; hinder

    Correct Answer
    B. Misunderstanding of the Three Ds; hinder
    According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, NCOs must discern the facts from assumption, declare the truth and do what you have discerned and declared. TSgt Wright used this principle incorrectly. After consideration, TSgt Wright decided no further action was necessary. After consideration (discerning facts from assumption) and realizing a mistake occurred (declaring) she should have instructed (do) SrA Smart to contact Finance to rectify the situation

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  • 3. 

    MSgt Wilburn is a very motivated and competitive member of his unit.  Each time he has been eligible for promotion he was promoted on his first attempt and he wants that streak to continue.  He knows in order for this to happen he needs to be visible within the organization in hopes of being stratified above his peers.  When drafting bullets for his upcoming enlisted performance report, he takes credit for actions he did not conduct.  The way he sees it no one will ever notice. This scenario BEST illustrates___________ and its impact on NCO and mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      Drive for Success

    • B.

      Worry over Image

    • C.

      Loyalty Syndrome

    Correct Answer
    A. Drive for Success
    According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, Drive for Success becomes evident when decisions are based on a “win at all cost” attitude rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct. MSgt Wilburn violated the Air Force Core Value of Integrity when he took credit for actions he did not complete in order to make it appear he is more productive than his peers

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  • 4. 

    MSgt Duvernay works in Logistics Readiness vehicle maintenance flight.  The flight is responsible for maintaining 127 different makes and models of government vehicles. The vehicles vary from squadron to squadron, and range from bucket loaders, bulldozers and sewer trucks to weapons trailers and ambulances.  Due to a recent deployment, shop personnel has decreased and as a result the vehicle-in-commission rate has dropped from 90% to 83%.  Not wanting to bring attention to the section, MSgt Duvernay reports the percentage rates from the previous month at the weekly staff meeting with the commander. MSgt Duvernay actions BEST identify___________.

    • A.

      Ethical Relativism

    • B.

      Worry over Image

    • C.

      Loyalty Syndrome

    Correct Answer
    B. Worry over Image
    CORRECT: According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, Worry over Image happens when decisions are made based on how the decision will impact one’s reputation/standing among peers, subordinates, supervisors, community, etc. rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct. Worried that reporting a lower VIC would bring unwanted attention to the section, MSgt Duvernay reported a higher percentage.

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  • 5. 

    SSgt Walker and his team are preparing for an inspection.  While organizing the storage room, A1C Bates discovers equipment that should have been turned in months ago per the AFI.  He reports the findings to Walker and suggests hiding the equipment until after the inspection.  Walker responds, “That will quickly take care of the problem, but understand there are possible consequences for that decision.” After considering the consequences, Bates decides to fill out the paper work to turn-in the equipment.  On the inspection report, it was noted that equipment was turned in late; however, the work center identified it and corrected the discrepancy in a proper manner. This scenario BEST illustrates effective use of ___________________ and its impact on NCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      The Legal test

    • B.

      The ethical principle of the three Rs

    • C.

      The DOD Joint Staff Guide 5260

    Correct Answer
    B. The ethical principle of the three Rs
    According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, the Three Rs of ethical principles are rules, results, and realities. It explains that “rules” gives us the ethical guidance, “results” are the outcomes, the bottom line, and the consequences of not following those rules, and “realities” which recognize the importance of the situation or circumstances. The scenario depicts SSgt Walker thinking through those areas and coming to an ethical decision

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  • 6. 

    SSgt Stanley, a well-respected NCO, conducted a review of the work center’s training records for the upcoming Operational Readiness Inspection.  During his review, he identified several required tasks that weren’t signed off.  Due to time constraints, he had his Airmen initial off on those tasks.  He planned to go over the areas at another time. SSgt Stanley’s behavior of ____________________will MOST LIKELY __________ NCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      Drive for Success; reduce

    • B.

      Worry over Image; reduce

    • C.

      Ethical Relativism; increase

    Correct Answer
    A. Drive for Success; reduce
    According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, “drive for success” is one of four categories of ethical traps. It is making decisions based on a “win at all cost” attitude rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct. Stanley fell into that trap by “pencil-whipping” training records to pass the inspection, which could be detrimental to NCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

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  • 7. 

    Due to his military experience and Public Affairs AFSC, TSgt Banks is selected to brief newcomers at his deployed location.  During the brief he says, “These characteristics of diversity are with a person at birth, and usually doesn’t alter during a person’s life.” TSgt Banks’ comments BEST identify the ________________.

    • A.

      Secondary dimension of diversity

    • B.

      Primary dimension of diversity

    • C.

      Socio-behavioral tendencies

    Correct Answer
    B. Primary dimension of diversity
    According to the Understanding Diversity section, primary dimensions of diversity are inborn and/or exert an important impact on your early socialization and have an ongoing impact throughout your life. These dimensions cannot normally change. In the scenario, TSgt Banks is clearly explaining the primary dimensions of diversity.

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  • 8. 

    TSgt Adams, the Air Traffic Control NCOIC, calls a meeting with her shift leaders to discuss the change to the department’s schedule.  During the meeting, she asks, “Can you give me your perspective on people’s general mood concerning our current ops tempo?  Do you think they see the significance in the job that we do here?”  SSgt Thomas the night shift leader stood up and said, “It’s my perception that people have an appreciation and are well aware of the importance of providing the needed manpower.” TSgt Adam’s understanding/misunderstanding of _______________________ will MOST likely have a ______________ impact on mission effectiveness

    • A.

      Socio-Behavioral Tendencies, positive

    • B.

      Socio-Behavioral Tendencies, negative

    • C.

      Social sensitivity; positive

    • D.

      Social sensitivity; negative

    Correct Answer
    C. Social sensitivity; positive
    According to the Diversity and the Organization section, social sensitivity is having a keen awareness and understanding of others’ emotions, feelings, personality, temperaments, strengths, cultural differences, values, and beliefs. In the scenario, TSgt Adams shows her understanding of social sensitivity by asking her shift leaders if they can tell her the general mood of the people in the flight.

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  • 9. 

    TSgt Campbell is newly assigned to a joint international unit that is made up of Army, Navy and Air Force personnel from seven nations.  A few weeks into the new assignment, TSgt Campbell noticed some individuals not being receptive to their Korean team members at work center meetings.  During the next meeting, TSgt Campbell made sure to ask the Korean team to provide their operational inputs.  The Korean team’s inputs were critical to the unit meeting mission requirements ahead of schedule.  TSgt Campbell’s actions BEST illustrate the __________________ technique and its impact on mission effectiveness.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. Inclusion
    According to the Leading across lines of Diversity section, Inclusion is making sure everyone has the opportunity to fully participate in the workplace. TSgt Campbell’s action of calling on the Korean team during the meeting and seeing how their contribution was critical to the unit meeting mission requirements ahead of schedule shows that he illustrated the Inclusion technique and its impact on mission effectiveness.

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  • 10. 

    TSgt Baer and TSgt Chambers are co-chairing the unit’s next commander’s call and they are working well together.  During one of their weekly meetings, they argued about who was doing more work.  TSgt Baer said, “Look, I’m not singling you out.  All I’m saying is everyone knows that men are stronger and we do most of the hard work.  You women just can’t do as good a job as us.” TSgt Baer’s comment BEST identify a form of ________________.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Stereotype
    According to the Diversity chapter, Stereotype is a standardized mental picture that one person or group of people holds in common about another person or group of people. In the scenario, TSgt Baer said, “…All I’m saying is everyone knows that we men are stronger and we do most of the hard work. You women just can’t do as good a job as us and I respect that.” This is an example of a stereotyping statement.

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  • 11. 

    A1C Gower, an Airman with a Filipino background, just graduated from technical training school and is PCSing to her first duty station overseas.  The day she arrived in country, she was picked up by TSgt Sandy, her new supervisor.  On their way to base, TSgt Sandy said, “I remember you telling me how much you’re going to miss your family and friends when we spoke on the phone.  I’ll link you up with A1C Saner; she is also from the Philippines.  We both want you to feel welcome, so if you need anything, please ask.” TSgt Sandy’s actions BEST illustrates the ________________ technique of the F.A.I.R.™ Way

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Assistance
    According to the Diversity chapter, Assistance is making sure workers have what they need to work to their fullest potential. TSgt Sandy’s actions that included picking her up from the airport and linking her up with someone that shares her Filipino background, are examples of the proactive use of the Assistance technique to ensure workers are mentally and physically present at work.

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  • 12. 

    TSgt Hayden, the Dining Facility Fight Chief, overhears his NCOIC, SSgt Forgit trying unsuccessfully to communicate with a Portuguese speaking dependent.  TSgt Hayden thinks for a moment and realizes that SrA Silva (one of his Airmen) is Brazilian and speaks Portuguese.  TSgt Hayden quickly requests help from SrA Silva and shortly after taking over the situation, the patron shakes SrA Silva’s hand and leaves with his order.  TSgt Hayden’s understanding/misunderstanding of __________________________ will MOST likely ________________ mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      Diversity awareness; enhance

    • B.

      Diversity awareness; hinder

    • C.

      Equal opportunity; enhance

    • D.

      Equal opportunity; hinder

    Correct Answer
    A. Diversity awareness; enhance
    According to the Diversity chapter, diversity awareness is the ability to recognize and respond to the needs of various groups within an organization to improve working relationships, productivity, customer satisfaction, and mission effectiveness. In this scenario, TSgt Hayden realizes (recognizes) that SrA Silva has a unique skill that would benefit the situation...He then requests help (responds) to the needs of his Dining Facility team by successfully communicating with the customer thereby improving satisfaction and mission effectiveness.

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  • 13. 

    Your boss just stopped by your office to ask you a question.  You take the opportunity to tell your boss about some of the potential problems you discovered that could occur if the unit purchases the laptops that were suggested with the end of year fallout money it’s expecting to get.  You gave her your thoughts about the requirements and recommendations for better laptops in a Memorandum For Record so that she could consider briefing the unit’s decision team on your findings before the final decision and purchases are made. This scenario BEST illustrates your effectiveness as a follower by providing ____________ to your boss.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. Advice
    According to the Leader Influence chapter, advice is a recommendation offered as a suggested guide to future action or conduct. It’s about providing information or risk analysis inputs to the leader on a decision that a leader is still contemplating. It’s providing information about what someone should consider doing. In this scenario you’re talking to your boss about a future decision as indicated by “some of the potential problems you discovered that could occur if the unit purchases the laptops that were suggested with the end of year fallout money it’s expecting to get. You gave her your thoughts about the requirements and recommendations for better laptops in a Memorandum For Record (MFR) so that she could consider briefing the unit’s decision team on your findings before the final decision and purchases are made.” According to the Leader Influence chapter, to be in line with the Institutional Competencies, effective followers are to provide advice to leaders. In the scenario, that’s what you do when you talk to your boss and provide her the MFR.

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  • 14. 

    You received some feedback from your subordinates that your nonverbal communication in meetings shows your disagreement with some of things they’re saying.  That evening you talk to your best friend and ask about your nonverbals.  You know that you don’t disagree with all of the inputs from your people…you just have questions about their research methods for their inputs.  At the next meeting you explain to your people that you appreciated their feedback and you’ll work on your communication skills.  You also inform them that you’ll help any of them with researching inputs. This scenario BEST illustrates your appropriate use of ______________ and ______________ for personal and professional leadership development that will most likely enhance your NCO effectiveness.

    • A.

      Self-awareness; motivation

    • B.

      Support team; integrated life

    • C.

      Self-awareness; support team

    • D.

      Integrated life; motivation

    Correct Answer
    C. Self-awareness; support team
    According to the Leader Influence chapter, self-awareness involves getting to know yourself, understanding your strengths and developmental needs, and receiving feedback about areas you need to improve upon. In this scenario “You received some feedback from your subordinates about your nonverbal communication.” According to the Leader Influence chapter, support team is about recognizing others to help you think about situations, stay focused, and be honest with yourself. In this scenario “You talk to your best friend and ask about your nonverbals.” By accepting the feedback from your people and talking about the situation with someone, you took action to improve yourself and are willing to help others improve thus reducing your questions with researched inputs which should enhance your NCO effectiveness.

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  • 15. 

    You say to SrA Oak, one of your most experienced team leaders and energetic go getter, “Look, I know you made a mistake; I want you to know why.  I gave you everything you needed to be successful…the directions, the plan, and even how to accomplish each step.  But you decided to do it your own way.  This isn’t what I expected.  I want you to follow my instructions.  To be sure you learned your lesson, I want you to tell me when you’ve completed each step before moving on to the next one.”  As SrA Oak departs your office, she wonders why she volunteered to lead this special project in the first place.  She remembers that your style was used on the new Airmen that have been assigned over the past 6 months. Based on your ________________style SrA Oak’s effectiveness will MOST LIKELY _____________.

    • A.

      Impoverished Leader; increase

    • B.

      Authoritarian Leader; decrease

    • C.

      Impoverished Leader; decrease

    • D.

      Authoritarian Leader; increase

    Correct Answer
    B. Authoritarian Leader; decrease
    According to the Leader Influence chapter, the Authoritarian Leader style is an “expect people to do what they’re told without question” style. This kind of leader style is very task oriented with little to no allowance for cooperation or collaboration and should be used for emergency or very critical or time sensitive tasks. In the scenario there’s no indication of critical completion but you “gave her the directions, the plan, and how to accomplish each step; she did it her own way which isn’t what you expected; I want you to follow my instructions” anyway. In the scenario SrA Oak doesn’t seem too motivated and her effectiveness will probably decrease because of expectations to do what she’s told even though “she’s a very experienced team leader and a ‘go getter’ who volunteered to lead the special project.” In the scenario “as she departs she wonders why she volunteered to lead this special project in the first place.” According to the Leader Influence chapter, adapting your leadership behavior to fit the needs of the situation or circumstances can help you better influence people toward the objectives. In addition, adapting your leadership style for each subordinate will show you understand and care about each as an individual. Overuse of one style in most or all situations will most likely degrade your ability and effectiveness to influence others and cause others to be less effective. In the scenario “She remembers that your style was used on the new Airmen that have been assigned over the past 6 months” which demonstrates your inability to adapt your style. The Impoverished Leader style would probably have been more appropriate for SrA Oak.

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  • 16. 

    You just finished conducting an in-depth training session with your people on a new piece of equipment and updated their training records.  You give 3 days to your team to put together a continuity book for the equipment and put it on the shared site.  You find out one of your trained people takes a shortcut on the steps of the process and causes the equipment to malfunction, halting production.  You bring the person into your office and present her with a letter of counseling for not following the steps and partner her up with your most knowledgeable worker for her retraining/recertification which she passes successfully and ahead of schedule. Your use of _______________, _______________, and _______________ powers will MOST LIKELY result in _______________ subordinate effectiveness.

    • A.

      Reward, referent, coercive; increased

    • B.

      Legitimate, referent, coercive; decreased

    • C.

      Coercive, legitimate, expert; increased

    • D.

      Coercive, referent, expert; decreased

    Correct Answer
    C. Coercive, legitimate, expert; increased
    According to the Leader Influence chapter, coercive power is when others perceive your ability to impose consequences for ineffective behaviors or actions. In the scenario “You find out one of your trained people takes a shortcut on the steps of the process and causes the equipment to malfunction, halting production. You bring the person into your office and present her with a letter of counseling for not following the steps.” Legitimate power is based on title, role, or position and it allows you to make decisions and requests. In the scenario, “You give 3 days to your team to put together a continuity book for the equipment and put it on the shared site; you bring the person into your office; and partner her up with your most knowledgeable worker.” Expert power is perceived by others when you can influence through your experience, education, and job knowledge. In the scenario “You just finished conducting an in-depth training session with your people on a new piece of equipment and updated their training records.” If power is used improperly, subordinate effectiveness could be decreased; however, power was used appropriately so subordinate effectiveness most likely will increase. In the scenario, because coercive, expert, and legitimate powers were used appropriately, “her retraining/ recertification was passed successfully and ahead of schedule” which will most likely result in increasing her subordinate effectiveness

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  • 17. 

    It’s the beginning of the new year.  You call everyone together to tell them thanks for all the hard work they did this past year.  You go over all of the exceptional accomplishments they did as a team.  And you also thank them for being exceptional followers and it was because of them and their dedication that all missions were accomplished.  As everyone leaves you overhear some of them say, “I wonder if we were submitted for any awards?  We busted our tails last year and didn’t get any extra time off!” Your use of _____________ rewards was _______________ and will MOST LIKELY cause a/an ____________________ in subordinate effectiveness.

    • A.

      System level; effective; increase

    • B.

      Supervisory; effective; increase

    • C.

      System level; ineffective; decrease

    • D.

      Supervisory; ineffective; decrease

    Correct Answer
    D. Supervisory; ineffective; decrease
    According to the Leader Influence chapter, supervisory rewards are given by supervisors to those who go beyond the standard and can include praise and recognition. In this scenario “You call everyone together to tell them thanks for all the hard work they did this past year. You go over all of the exceptional accomplishments they did as a team. And you also thank them for being exceptional followers and it was because of them and their dedication that all missions were accomplished.” According to the Leader Influence chapter, if used effectively, supervisory rewards generally help increase subordinate effectiveness; however, not used or used ineffectively will most likely decrease subordinate effectiveness. In this scenario you used supervisory rewards appropriately; however, not effectively. You used praise and thanks but it seems like your people were looking for recognition by awards or time off for “going beyond the standard, exceptional accomplishments as a team, and being exceptional followers to get missions accomplished” as identified in the scenario, “As everyone leaves you overhear some of them say, ‘I wonder if we were submitted for any awards? We busted our tails last year and didn’t get any extra time off!’”

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  • 18. 

    During an initial EPR feedback session you tell your subordinate, “I expect you to become thoroughly familiar with your job by getting to know every aspect.  I also expect NCOs to perform above minimal acceptable standards and make smart choices both on and off duty because you’re always being watched.  Also, believing your superiors will help to ensure you’re mission ready, displaying selflessness when it comes to doing what’s asked of you, and being prepared when asked to attend meetings are very important to me.” Your comments BEST identify ___________________.

    • A.

      DAC Skills

    • B.

      Coercive Power

    • C.

      Follower Traits

    Correct Answer
    C. Follower Traits
    According to the Leader Influence chapter, follower traits are competence, integrity, loyalty, and initiative. Competence is knowing what your job is, knowing how to do the job or task, and meeting or exceeding standards. In the scenario you say, “I expect you to become thoroughly familiar with your job by getting to know every aspect. I also expect NCOs to perform above minimal acceptable standards.” According to the Leader Influence chapter, integrity is doing the right thing always when no one’s looking and when others are looking. In the scenario you say, “make smart choices both on and off duty because you’re always being watched.” According to the Leader Influence chapter, loyalty is being faithful, obedient, and respectful. Faithful means trusting in leadership to make sure you’re prepared for the unknown. In the scenario you say, “believing your superiors will help to ensure you’re mission ready is very important to me.” According to the Leader Influence chapter, obedient means fulfilling your duties and responsibilities to the best of your ability. In the scenario you say, “displaying selflessness when it comes to doing what’s asked of you is very important to me.” And according to the Leader Influence chapter, initiative is being proactive, doing your homework and thinking ahead. In the scenario you say, “being prepared when asked to attend meetings is very important to me.”

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  • 19. 

    You have four competent subordinates.  Almost every time your boss sends you a task you hand it off to your team.  All you expect from them is a quality product in a timely manner.  You tell them you don’t want to influence their development in handling special tasks.  You won’t see the task again until your team hands the final product for you to forward up to your boss.  Your team knows you don’t want to be bothered with questions about the task.  When your boss questions you about the task, you say, “I’ll find out.”  Your team members wonder if you really know your job.  They’ve been talking about the upcoming quarterly awards board hoping they were going to be submitted for all their hard work in making you look good since they weren’t submitted for last quarter. This scenario BEST illustrates your relience on the ____________________ style which could degrade your NCO effectiveness.

    • A.

      Team Leader

    • B.

      Country Club Leader

    • C.

      Impoverished Leader

    Correct Answer
    C. Impoverished Leader
    According to the Leader Influence chapter, the Impoverished Leader style is a delegate and disappear management style preferring to be detached from the team process. This style is used in a self-sufficient work center where the people are very independent and don’t require a lot of supervision. In the scenario “you have four competent subordinates; your boss sends you a task and you immediately hand it off to your team; you expect a quality product in a timely manner; you don’t want to influence their development in handling special tasks; you won’t see the task again until your team hands the final product to you so you can forward up to your boss; you don’t want to be bothered with questions about the task; and when your boss asks you questions about the task, you say, ‘I’ll find out.’” According to the Leader Influence chapter, the Country Club Leader style is used in a highly efficient and disciplines work center that isn’t being rewarded properly or where people are motivated by rewards. In the scenario your people show indications that they’re motivated by rewards, “They’ve been talking about the upcoming quarterly awards board hoping they were going to be submitted for all their hard work in making you look good since they weren’t submitted for last quarter.” According to the Leader Influence chapter, overuse of one style in most or all situations will most likely degrade your ability and effectiveness to influence others. You may want to consider adapting your leader style after diagnosing the status of your people.

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  • 20. 

    It was a rough year for you last year, but this is a new year and you’re ready for whatever comes.  You made it a point to let your boss know that you wanted to be more involved in helping her manage the work center since you’re the ranking TSgt.  You even purchased a couple of squadron morale-colored t-shirts to wear on morale day.  You really want to become the “go to” person for the junior Airmen related to your job specialty.  Last year you told the boss about a problem with a procedure in the work center and it caused the unit to be non-mission capable for almost two weeks…leadership wasn’t happy about that; however, this year, you’re going to do everything you can to ensure proactive problem solving will occur versus reactive crisis management.  You feel really good about this new year. Your actions and behaviors BEST illustrate the _____________________ and will MOST LIKELY result in enhanced NCO effectiveness.

    • A.

      5 Essential Qualities of Effective Followership

    • B.

      Effective status of the people diagnosis

    • C.

      Proper application of the DAC skills

    Correct Answer
    A. 5 Essential Qualities of Effective Followership
    According to the Leader Influence chapter, the 5 Essential Qualities of Effective Followership are self-management, committed, competent, integrity, and initiative. SelfManagement is determining one’s own goals within a large context and to decide what role to take at any given time. In the scenario you “let your boss know that you wanted to be more involved in helping her manage the work center since you’re the ranking TSgt.” Committed to the organization and a purpose beyond yourself helps you strive to excel. In the scenario “You even purchased a couple of squadron morale-colored t-shirts to wear on morale day.” Competent helps you reach higher levels of performance by focusing your efforts for maximum effects. In the scenario “You really want to become the ‘go to’ person for the junior Airmen related to your job specialty.” Integrity is the willingness to tell the truth to your leaders. In the scenario “you told the boss about a problem with a procedure in the work center and it caused the unit to be non-mission capable for almost two weeks…leadership wasn’t happy about that.” Initiative is being motivated and determined; persevering; and a risk taker to do more than just meet the standards. In the scenario “you’re going to do everything you can to ensure proactive problem solving will occur versus reactive crisis management.” By incorporating these 5 Essential Qualities into your followership practices as described in the scenario, you most likely will enhance your NCO effectiveness.

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  • 21. 

    While briefing an ALS class, TSgt Brand says, “This document is reviewed often and can be found at many different levels in the Air Force, from Air Force Headquarters to the lowest flight level.  Though there isn’t a required format, the effective ones include sections that list mission essential items that are in the budget and items that aren’t.  Each expense has a code that represents the expenses place in the budget hierarchy.” TSgt Brand’s comments BEST identify the _____.

    • A.

      Antideficiency Act

    • B.

      Budget Review

    • C.

      Execution Plan

    Correct Answer
    C. Execution Plan
    According to the Financial Stewardship section the EP ensures an equitable distribution of the President’s Budget for the next fiscal year consistent with accomplishing Air Force program objectives and is the main document for distributing anticipated funding (direct & reimbursable) in an equitable manner. A well-developed plan includes a prioritized list of known funded and unfunded requirements with justification for each requirement and a spend plan that projects when and how funds will be spent throughout the fiscal year. Although there is no official template when creating an EP, it should include mission critical requirements, justification, unfunded requirements, and spend plan sections. In the scenario, TSgt Brand is identifying the EP.

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  • 22. 

    During a meeting with the superintendent, TSgt Lopez says, “We have a complete lack of structure in my work center.  The last NCOIC didn’t keep track of where the people in our work center should be assigned.  I compared the document that distributes personnel positions to us and the document the last NCOIC should’ve been using to assign people to those positions.  They didn’t match-up at all, one section should include three SSgts but only had one, and another should’ve had one SSgt but had two!  No wonder nothing gets done around here.” The scenario BEST illustrates _____ and its impact on mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      Organizational structure

    • B.

      Manpower allocation and tracking

    • C.

      Adjusting manpower requirements

    Correct Answer
    B. Manpower allocation and tracking
    According to the Manpower Stewardship section, Manpower is allocated through the unit manpower document and tracked through the Unit Management Personnel Roster. In the scenario, TSgt Lopez is discussing ineffective manpower allocation and tracking when he says, “The last NCOIC didn’t keep track of where the people in our work center should be assigned. I compared the document that distributes personnel positions to us (UMD) and the document the last NCOIC should’ve been using to assign people to those positions (UPMR). They didn’t match-up at all, one section should include three SSgts but only had one, and another should’ve had one SSgt but had two!”

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  • 23. 

    While in a deployed location SSgt Nix says to TSgt Miller, “Yesterday, while on that evacuation flight, the oil line started to leak on the helicopter.  After an emergency landing, I could’ve used an electric clamp to fix it; but that’s not in the technical order.”  Astonished TSgt Miller says, “You should submit your fix for Air Force wide consideration.”  Later that day TSgt Miller reviews the list of past submissions and finds nothing.  He tells SSgt Nix, “You should submit it.  Then a high ranking commander will review it.  Finally, if approved by them, plans will be created and executed.  You may even get paid.” TSgt Miller’s _____ will MOST likely _____ mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      Understanding of resources for mission success; increase

    • B.

      Misunderstanding of resources for mission success; decrease

    • C.

      Understanding of Airman Powered by Innovation; increase

    • D.

      Misunderstanding of Airman Powered by Innovation; decrease

    Correct Answer
    C. Understanding of Airman Powered by Innovation; increase
    According to the Advanced Resource Stewardship section, ideas are generated, screened, and improved to ensure fact fortified ideas are forwarded to personnel such as wing and MAJCOM commanders for implementation consideration. Before submitting an idea, or suggesting others submit theirs, search the previous submissions. The Air Force will give monetary (as well as non-monetary) awards to recognize Airman for their implemented suggestions. In the scenario, TSgt Miller is suggesting that SSgt Nix submit his idea to the API program. He goes through the steps when he says, “You should submit your fix for Air Force wide consideration (Ideation).” Later that day TSgt Miller reviews the list of past submissions and finds nothing. He tells SSgt Nix, “You should submit it (Submission), then a high ranking commander will review it (Evaluation). Then, if approved by them, plans will be created and executed (Implementation). You may even get paid.”

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  • 24. 

    TSgt Hardesty is mentoring TSgt Keith when he says, “This is the process I was telling you about.  Our section has positions assigned by a document we don’t control at our level.  It’s up to us to take the personnel we have and plug their names into a second document.  This give us the freedom to structure the section as we want.” TSgt Hardesty’s comments BEST identify _____.

    • A.

      Allocating and tracking manpower

    • B.

      Organizational structure

    • C.

      Budget process

    Correct Answer
    A. Allocating and tracking manpower
    According to the Resource Stewardship chapter, manpower is allocated through the unit manpower document and tracked through the Unit Management Personnel Roster. In the scenario, TSgt Hardesty is identifying allocating and tracking manpower. Hardesty says, “This is the process I was telling you about. Our section has positions assigned by a document we don’t control at our level (UMD). It’s up to us to take the personnel we have and plug their names into a second document (UPMR). This give us the freedom to structure the section as we want.“

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  • 25. 

    At a training session, TSgt Caskey said, “SSgt Griggs, it’s that time of the year when we have to submit a document detailing how we are going to spend the upcoming fiscal year funding.  To do that, we have to list and justify all needed items and services, and the cost.  Additionally, we have to identify and justify items or services that can’t be funded with the current budget.”  Because of her preparation, the organization was able to execute a strong budget and have the unfunded request on the top priority of the wing TSgt Caskey’s actions BEST illustrates ________________ and its impact on mission effectiveness

    • A.

      Budget process

    • B.

      Budget review

    • C.

      Execution plan

    Correct Answer
    C. Execution plan
    According to the Resource Stewardship chapter, an EP is an Air Force product used to balance available funding while delivering goods and services to customers. A well-developed plan includes a prioritized list of known unfunded requirements with justification for each unfunded requirement and a spend plan that projects when and how funds will be spent throughout the fiscal year. The scenario depicts Caskey’s understanding of importance of how a well-developed Financial Execution Plan can impact mission success. By training Griggs and developing a solid plan, the organization was prepared to execute the budget and postured for the unfunded request.

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  • 26. 

    SSgt Brady is a team chief of an engine shop.  He was just notified by his shop chief, TSgt Thomas that they are projected to receive six more aircraft within a year.  Brady states, “TSgt Thomas, I can’t see how we’re going to support six more aircraft.  We already have to work additional hours to support the aircraft we have now.  Can we ask for new Airmen to PCS here to help?”  TSgt Thomas replied, “I share your concern, but I have confidence that we can make it work.” TSgt Thomas’s _____ will MOST likely _____ mission effectiveness

    • A.

      Understanding of adjusting manpower requirements; increase

    • B.

      Misunderstanding of adjusting manpower requirements; decrease

    • C.

      Understanding of allocating and tracking manpower; increase

    • D.

      Misunderstanding of allocation and tracking manpower; decrease

    Correct Answer
    B. Misunderstanding of adjusting manpower requirements; decrease
    According to the Resource Stewardship chapter, adjusting manpower requirements centers on the Authorization Change Request (ACR) which is a multi-purpose document used to propose adjustments to a UMD. ACRs are commonly used to request increases, decreases, or realignments of manpower requirements and/or to change attributes on the UMD. There is no evidence in the scenario that TSgt Thomas is requesting a manpower increase to support the additional aircraft. Without this request, the mission of the squadron will suffer.

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  • 27. 

    SSgt Griswold has been accused of sexual harassment, and is noticeably upset when he approaches you for advice.  You tell him there’s a support source that will maintain privileged communication and provide guidance throughout the situation.  It’s employees report to a chain of command outside of this wing, so they would be able to represent him without bias or conflict of interest. Your description BEST identifies the ______________.

    • A.

      Airman & Family Readiness Center

    • B.

      Equal Opportunity office

    • C.

      Area Defense Counsel

    Correct Answer
    C. Area Defense Counsel
    According to the Emergent Leadership Issues chapter, the Area Defense Counsel, (ADC), provides independent legal representation to Air Force members who are suspected of an offense or facing adverse administrative action. It provides confidential legal advice from outside the local chain of command at no expense to the member. SSgt Griswold is upset because he was accused (suspected) of an offense, so he would benefit from confidential and unbiased legal advice.

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  • 28. 

    SSgt Runner had recently returned from deployment and was getting back into the swing of things at home station.  As an Airman pulled away from the shop, their vehicle backfired.  SSgt Runner immediately dropped to the floor and sought cover.  TSgt Vann witnessed the reaction and approached SSgt Runner.  Although SSgt Runner was embarrassed at first, TSgt Vann assured him that he’s not the first person to respond this way when sights or sounds bring traumatic memories back.  TSgt Vann encouraged SSgt Runner to schedule an appointment at the MTF and reassured him that there was nothing to feel embarrassed about. TSgt Vann’s understanding/misunderstanding of __________ will MOST LIKELY _________________ subordinate effectiveness.

    • A.

      Stress management strategies; increase

    • B.

      Stress management strategies; decrease

    • C.

      Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; increase

    • D.

      Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; decrease

    Correct Answer
    C. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; increase
    According to the Emergent Leadership Issues chapter, PTSD is described as a psychiatric disorder that may occur in an individual following exposure to a traumatic event, such as combat or military exposure. SSgt Runner has recently returned from deployment, and shows symptoms described in the PTSD section such as reliving the event and hyper-startle. It’s appropriate for SSgt Runner to seek assistance through the MTF rather than to continue to try to manage PTSD on his own through individual approaches. TSgt Vann’s understanding of PTSD will most likely increase subordinate effectiveness because his reassurance that PTSD exists, and his referral to the MTF will help SSgt Runner move toward healing.

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  • 29. 

    Before starting the 3-day weekend, TSgt Anderson gave her work center a safety briefing.  She referenced a visual aid depicting the 0-0-1-3 formula to remind everyone to be responsible if they choose to consume alcohol.  She described an article that detailed the number of Airmen deaths and accidents attributed to alcohol misuse over the past year.  She explained the commander’s policy on alcohol-related incidents, and clarified the expected consequences of unsafe conduct. TSgt Anderson’s actions BEST illustrates ___________________.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. Education
    According to the Emergent Leadership Issues chapter, your continuous education of your Airmen supports substance misuse prevention, including incorporation of relevant examples into safety briefings and posting visual aids. TSgt Anderson clarified expected consequences which also falls under education.

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  • 30. 

    TSgt Watson was tasked to review all of the applications for postal duty to identify any disqualifying information or to remove any applications that didn’t contain the minimum requirements.  He followed the checklist carefully to understand the requirements and set about his task.  First he removed packages from those who were above or below the rank requirement.  Then removed the ones who didn’t have the required previous experience.  Finally, he removed packages of anyone with a referral EPR within the last 3 years.  The remaining packages only contained those qualified for overseas postal duty. TSgt Watson’s actions BEST illustrate __________________ and its impact on mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      Unlawful discrimination

    • B.

      Systemic discrimination

    • C.

      Lawful discrimination

    Correct Answer
    C. Lawful discrimination
    According to the Emergent Leadership Issues chapter, discrimination is lawful if it doesn’t deny people a right, but merely recognizes differences among people. Reducing the number of applicants to only those qualified for the position enhances mission effectiveness by ensuring the new personnel are able to fill the position.

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  • 31. 

    SrA Mikel felt overwhelmed trying to balance work requirements, home life responsibilities, and school expectations.  He approached his NCOIC, TSgt Gonzalez, and told him he was thinking about going to visit Mental Health to try to get some outside perspective.  “Don’t do it, man,” said TSgt Gonzalez.  “That would ruin your career, and you’d never get through your next security clearance reinvestigation.  You don’t see anyone else running off to whine about their problems, do you?”  SrA Mikel decided it was best to deal with everything himself.  He became more and more sullen over time, and his productivity dropped. TSgt Gonzalez’ understanding/misunderstanding of __________ will MOST LIKELY ______________ subordinate effectiveness.

    • A.

      The unit climate/environment; enhance

    • B.

      The unit climate/environment; hinder

    • C.

      Advanced warning signs; enhance

    • D.

      Advanced warning signs; hinder

    Correct Answer
    B. The unit climate/environment; hinder
    According to the Emergent Leadership Issues chapter, the unit climate/environment needs to be one of support and trust. The Air Force promotes help-seeking behavior, and there are some things you can do to help dispel the stigma associated with seeking mental health treatment. Openness, positive examples, and communication should help remove the barrier that Airmen feel co-workers would look down on them for seeking care. By creating a barrier to SrA Mikel seeking help, calling it whining and implying SrA Mikel’s career would be ruined, TSgt Gonzalez hindered subordinate effectiveness. SrA Mikel became more sullen and his productivity dropped.

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  • 32. 

    TSgt Swarray just received an email notifying him that he’s been selected as a Military Training Instructor through the DSD process.  Feeling apprehensive about his new job, he called TSgt Thomas to vent.  TSgt Swarray said, “I’m happy in my current position because it allows me to use my imagination and experiment with new ways of doing things.  Now the Air Force is telling me to leave and take on a role that’s very detail-oriented and doing the same thing over and over for the next 4 years.  This is stressing me out.” TSgt Swarray’s comment BEST identifies the source of distress known as ______________________.   

    • A.

      Role demands

    • B.

      Task demands

    • C.

      Interpersonal demands

    Correct Answer
    B. Task demands
    According to the Emergent Leadership Issues chapter, task demands are related to a person’s job. For example, the design of any given job could suit one person and his/ her personality and preferences better than another person’s. TSgt Swarray prefers to use his imagination and experiment with new ways of doing things rather than do the same task over and over by specific details

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  • 33. 

    TSgt Dylan had kept a close eye on SSgt Murphy for the last few months.  He’d seen SSgt Murphy dealing with extreme sadness and occasional angry outbursts.  Recently, however, TSgt Dylan noticed that SSgt Murphy had turned around 180 degrees.  SSgt Murphy showed less agitation; he’d calmed his rapid speech and rushed movements.  SSgt Murphy no longer went to the shooting range like he used to, so he must be feeling less of a need to take out his anger somewhere.  In fact, SSgt Murphy had become quite peaceful, and had scheduled a long stretch of leave to visit his entire family.  “He must finally be ok,” thought TSgt Dylan. This scenario BEST illustrates __________________.

    • A.

      Advanced warning signs

    • B.

      Protective factors

    • C.

      Risk factors

    Correct Answer
    A. Advanced warning signs
    According to the Emergent Leadership Issues chapter, advanced warning signs are observable changes in typical behavior that doesn’t definitively identify suicidal thoughts, but could be indicators. Examples include excessive sadness; unexpected rage; changes in personality, such as moving and talking faster or slower; loss of interest in things the Airman used to enjoy; sudden state of peace and calm after a period of despair, plans to visit/call friends and family to say goodbye. SSgt Murphy displayed all of these things regardless of whether TSgt Dylan thought they pointed at suicidal thoughts or at an improved outlook.

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  • 34. 

    SrA Wilson’s husband thinks she’s spending too much time at work and not enough time at home.  He believes any employee ought to have a concrete quitting time like he does in his civilian job, and that she’s just skirting her responsibilities as a wife and mother.  SrA Wilson approached TSgt Simon for advice, but TSgt Simon cut her off and told her that it was not his place to interfere with personal problems.  SrA Wilson was no longer comfortable talking to her NCOIC or any NCO about her personal issues, and returned to her desk feeling too distracted to concentrate on the tasks at hand. TSgt Simon’s __________________________ will MOST likely have a ________________ impact on mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      Understanding of open communication, positive

    • B.

      Failure to understand of open communication, negative

    • C.

      Understanding of support services; positive

    • D.

      Failure to understand support services; negative

    Correct Answer
    B. Failure to understand of open communication, negative
    According to the Emergent Leadership Issues chapter, the Wingman concept, Airmen taking care of Airmen, works best when there’s open communication. You’ll get a clearer picture when your Airmen are comfortable enough to come to you and talk about their issues. SrA Wilson tried to go to TSgt Simon with her issues, but TSgt Simon didn’t allow open communication, and didn’t give her Wingmen confidence that she’d appreciate, understand, and assist when help was sought. Since SrA Wilson was too distracted to concentrate on her tasks, the mission would suffer. TSgt Simon’s failure to understand open communication would have a negative impact on mission effectiveness.

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  • 35. 

    TSgt Hadley is tasked with implementing a new process that his section is adopting for completing and tracking work orders.  He eagerly meets with his supervisor, MSgt Kim, to discuss the new opportunities that the change will present.  TSgt Hadley, then meets with his personnel to brief them on the proposed changes and to tell them about the positive outcomes expected with the new process.  As a result of TSgt Hadley’s efforts, the new process is adopted without incident. TSgt Hadley’s actions BEST illustrate the use of ___________ flexibility and its impact on NCO effectiveness.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Dispositional
    According to the change management chapter a leader who displays dispositional flexibility operates from a place of optimism grounded in realism and openness. TSgt Hadley meets with his supervisor to discuss increased unit effectiveness (optimism) and his personnel to get their feedback (support and identifying tendencies).

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  • 36. 

    After returning from a staff meeting, TSgt Nicholson briefs the personnel in her section about upcoming process changes that will take place.  She discusses her plan to implement the changes within the section and monitor the effects.  TSgt Nicholson gives additional details and answers question to ensure all of the key players are on the same page. This scenario BEST illustrates TSgt Nicholson’s role as the ________ in the change process and her impact on mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      Change Sponsor

    • B.

      Change Agent

    • C.

      Change Target

    Correct Answer
    B. Change Agent
    TSgt Nicholson is responsible for implementing changes initiated by the change sponsor. In the scenario, she discusses her plan to implement the directed changes within the section and monitor the effects. According to the change management chapter, Change Agents are “those responsible for implementation of change in an organization”.

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  • 37. 

    TSgt Adams, the NCOIC of the pharmacy is responsible for implementing a new prescription refill process to decrease customer wait times.  After identifying deficiencies in the current process, TSgt Adams calls a meeting with his personnel.  He explains the problems with the current process, proposed changes, and the timeline for implementation to replace the existing process. TSgt Adams actions BEST illustrate ________.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. Unfreezing
    According to the change management chapter, this illustrates the unfreezing phase. TSgt Adams creates a felt need for change by identifying deficiencies in the current process and deals with resistance by explaining the problems with the current process, proposed changes, and the timeline for implementation.

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  • 38. 

    TSgt Knight, the section NCOIC, says, “I know that none of us are big fans of change, however sometimes change can be good.  You should respond to change by identifying new trends and opportunities, so personnel are never caught off guard and can make sense out of a situation in order to turn obstacles into opportunities and ideas into innovative practices.  In addition, you should develop plan A and plans B and C just in case.” TSgt Knight’s comments BEST identify__________________flexibility.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. Cognitive
    According to the change management chapter, Cognitive Flexibility is “the ability to use different thinking strategies and mental frameworks”. TSgt Knight identifies cognitive flexibility by saying “You should respond to change by identifying new trends and opportunities” and the “development of plan A and plans B and C just in case”.

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  • 39. 

    TSgt Christenson tells his subordinates that the section will implement a new work order tracker because he doesn’t like the current one.  He tells them, “The change will take place immediately.  As of tomorrow the new tracker will be used instead of the old one.”  After a week, TSgt Christenson realizes that his people are still using the old tracker.  When he asked why everyone was not using the new tracker, he was told that not everyone knew how to use the new one and that some people didn’t want to switch because they didn’t think it was necessary. This scenario BEST illustrates a failure during the __________ phase of the change process.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. Unfreezing
    According to the change management chapter. The unfreezing phase is intended to motivate your subordinates and help get them ready for change. TSgt Christenson fails when he does not create a felt need for change. This is often the most neglected, yet essential element of any organizational change.

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  • 40. 

    TSgt Lopez, a senior analyst for an intelligence squadron, was recently informed that his team will deploy as convoy operators.  Upon receiving the news, TSgt Lopez first planned how to tell his team.  After gathering everyone for the announcement, he said, “We have been tasked to deploy as convoy operators.  Although this isn’t in our job description, it’s a critical need that must be filled to support the war effort.  We’ll receive all required training to be successful.  I will not allow this tasking to affect our current duties.”  After answering several questions, Lopez encouraged his team members to see him if they had any additional concerns. TSgt Lopez’s _____ will MOST LIKELY _____ mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      Ineffective use of the Directive Change Cycle; hinder

    • B.

      Effective use of the Directive Change Cycle; enhance

    • C.

      Ineffective use of the Participative Change Cycle; hinder

    • D.

      Effective use of the Participative Change Cycle; enhance

    Correct Answer
    B. Effective use of the Directive Change Cycle; enhance
    TSgt Lopez is effectively using the steps of directive change in this scenario. According to Change Management lesson, Directive Change Cycle is a change imposed upon the group or organization. As the group is forced to comply, individual behavior is affected through compliance within the group. The application of Lopez’s position power is being used to change group behavior, then individual behavior, which causes an increase in knowledge, and ultimately a change in attitude.

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  • 41. 

    MSgt Gonzalez, the Pharmacy Flight Chief, approaches TSgt Stewart and says, “I have a challenge for you.  Streamline the prescription filling process and do it without disrupting operations.”  TSgt Stewart eagerly schedules the team’s first meeting.  Stewart can tell that the team is knowledgeable about the current process and they are willing to make changes in the process that prescriptions are filled.  After a couple days of discussion, TSgt Stewart’s team provides a plan for implementation.  TSgt Stewart’s team gets the approval of leadership to proceed with the changes and the resulting data from the change shows lower wait times and fewer errors. This narrative BEST illustrates the _______ setting and its impact on mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      Just Do It

    • B.

      Improvement Project

    • C.

      Rapid Improvement Event

    Correct Answer
    C. Rapid Improvement Event
    According to the CI chapter, Rapid Improvement Events (RIEs) usually have four components. Those components are listed as, strong leadership buy-in (gets the approval of leadership), knowledgeable and open-minded participants (knowledgeable about the current process and willing to make changes), a tightly focused event scope (streamline the work center filling process), and an implementation plan and metrics to track results (resulting data from the change shows lower wait times and fewer errors). In this scenario, TSgt Stewart uses all of these components to carry out a successful RIE.

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  • 42. 

    TSgt Johnson has been an SFS Airman for 12 years and is not unfamiliar with working swing-shift.  On one particular night patrol, he gets a call from dispatch for an alarm activation at the base commissary.  He responds to the location and his training immediately kicks in.  He instinctively swings open the mobility crate, removes the K9 and begins his perimeter check, looking for any sign of deliberate, forced entry.  In only minutes, the scene is secure.  TSgt Johnson then has the law enforcement desk contact the facility manager of the building to report a faulty alarm. TSgt Johnson’s actions BEST illustrate _____ and its impact on mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      System 1 thinking

    • B.

      System 2 thinking

    • C.

      Just Do It

    Correct Answer
    A. System 1 thinking
    According to the CI chapter, system 1 thinking, is a vital decision-making tool that operates in the background of your mind. It aids you in supporting daily activities and making quick decisions. This type of thinking relies heavily on situational cues, prominent memories, trial and error, and heuristic thinking (e.g., discovering solutions for self) to arrive quickly and confidently at judgments. In this scenario, TSgt Johnson uses system 1 thinking when his “training immediately kicks in” and he “instinctively swings open the mobility crate” and “begins his perimeter check without hesitation.”

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  • 43. 

    MSgt Rook, a Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory Flight Chief, has received feedback that his flight is struggling to meet turn-around times on calibrations.  MSgt Rook decides to approach TSgt Gerry about fixing the problem due to her ability to leverage previous experiences to quickly and confidently make decisions.  TSgt Gerry agrees to tackle the problem and starts by personally observing and analyzing the process over the next few days and collecting data for further examination.  Next, TSgt Gerry devises a strategy to address the process issue.  Then, TSgt Gerry guides her flight in implementing and evaluating the corrective action to the problem. TSgt Gerry’s use of ____________ will MOST likely____________ mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      System 1 thinking; enhance

    • B.

      System 1 thinking; hinder

    • C.

      The OODA Loop; enhance

    • D.

      The OODA Loop; hinder

    Correct Answer
    C. The OODA Loop; enhance
    According to the CI chapter, the OODA loop is, a process where problem solvers review the current situation intensely and form theories about the problem (e.g., Observe), gather data and information to substantiate those theories (e.g., Orient), develop solutions to address the problem (e.g., Decide), and then implement and evaluate their solutions (e.g., Act). In this scenario, TSgt Gerry displays the OODA loop steps through, “personally observing and analyzing the process, collecting data for further examination, devising a strategy to address the process issue, and implementing and evaluating the corrective action to the problem.” These steps directly correlate to the steps of the OODA loop thereby enhancing mission effectiveness.

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  • 44. 

    TSgt Gallagher is giving TSgt Lloyd feedback when he says, “This is your thought process that you used to choose different options or actions when there are many choices.  There are two types of thought processes you can use when this occurs.  Your rapid approach that relies on past experiences or the methodical process that requires deep thought.  You must be observant and orient yourself to choose the best option.”  TSgt Gallagher’s comments BEST identify _____.

    • A.

      The RIE AFSO21 setting

    • B.

      Decision making

    • C.

      The OODA Loop

    Correct Answer
    B. Decision making
    According to the CI chapter, decision-making is the mental (cognitive) process that results in the selection of a course of action from among several alternative scenarios. In order to truly be effective in decision making, you should understand the two-system approach of decision-making (system 1 and system 2 thinking). In the scenario, TSgt Gallagher is identifying decision making.

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  • 45. 

    TSgt Carver has been tasked with purchasing a new big screen television for the Airmen’s break room.  TSgt Carver thinks, “I have to purchase a television for the break room.  It must be at least 50 inches and cost less than $750.  It would be nice to have high definition picture and HDMI ports.”  After planning, Carver searches the GSA Advantage website and finds many options.  He picks the top three choices and puts them in order.  Before submitting to the resource advisor, Carver contemplates, “Did I miss anything?  Am I sure these are the best options?”  Later, the flight chief thanks Carver for being under budget and getting extra features he desired. TSgt Carver’s actions BEST illustrates ________________ and its impact on NCO effectiveness.

    • A.

      AFSO21 desired effects

    • B.

      A Just Do It setting

    • C.

      Decision analysis

    Correct Answer
    C. Decision analysis
    According to the CI chapter, decision analysis is a systematic procedure based on the thinking pattern that you employ when making choices. The four areas that you’ll evaluate in the decision analysis process are: decision statement, determine objectives, locate alternatives, and risk analysis. In the scenario, TSgt Carver follows all four steps when making the decision on which television to purchase. TSgt Carver thinks, “I have to purchase a television for the break room. (decision statement) It must be at least 50 inches and cost less than $750. It would be nice to have high definition picture and HDMI ports.” (determine objectives) After planning, Carver searches the GSA Advantage website and finds many options. He picks the top three choices and puts them in order (locate alternatives). Before submitting to the resource advisor, Carver contemplates, “Did I miss anything? Am I sure these are the best options?” (risk analysis) Later, the flight chief thanks Carver for being under budget and getting extra features he desired.

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  • 46. 

    TSgt Becher is leading a problem solving event in the Fuels Flight.  At the first meeting she says, “We have to decrease the response time to fuel the KC-135s.  Command Post is receiving complaints daily.”  After the meeting breaks, a team follows the next fuel run to the flight line to observe the entire process.  While at the plane, Becher discusses the issue with the crew chief and pilot.  The next day, the team meets again.  TSgt Becher says, “We must write out the issue and make sure it includes all the facts.”  After the team completes Becher’s task, all team members agree and finalize the issue.” TSgt Becher’s _____ will MOST likely _____ mission effectiveness

    • A.

      Understanding of clarify and validate the problem; increase

    • B.

      Misunderstanding of clarify and validate the problem; decrease

    • C.

      Understanding of an improvement project; increase

    • D.

      Misunderstanding of an improvement project; decrease

    Correct Answer
    A. Understanding of clarify and validate the problem; increase
    According to the CI chapter, the first step in the Eight-Step Problem Solving Process, defining the problem, is critical to your success. You must first clarify large, vague, and complicated problems as objectively as possible before you can properly identify and address the problem. The techniques for this step include go and see and voice of the customer (VOC). In the scenario, TSgt Becher leads her team through this step. They first meet to discuss the issue, then they go and see the process and get the VOC from the crew chief and pilot. The team then develops a good problem statement that follows the three guidelines: written down, factual, and agreed to by all parties. Because Becher followed the steps and used the techniques, the team should continue the process and resolve the problem.

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  • 47. 

    While briefing his flight, TSgt Silvers says, “Because it’s fast, this style of negotiating may be more appropriate when you have a neutral task and people orientation.  You may not be able to negotiate to your aspiration point but reaching a solution is essential.  When initially discussing your position, leave some wiggle room in between your anchor and aspiration point for the opposing negotiator to suggest options.” TSgt Silvers comments BEST identify the _____ negotiation style.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. Settle
    According to the NPSC section, the settle negotiation style is a compromising style to be used when there is little chance of getting everything you want, but a solution is necessary. This style minimally satisfies the interests of both negotiators and typically begins with a “soft offer” in order to leave room for maneuvering toward an option. The people orientation is moderate to low, as we expect the opposite to take care of their interests while we take care of ours. Also, on the NPSC chart, settle is in the neutral position between the task and people orientations. In the scenario, TSgt Silvers is clearly explaining the settle style.

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  • 48. 

    During a counseling session, TSgt Foye says, “I’m not sure why you continue to intentionally use the old process.  Last week I was forced to give you an LOC, but you still haven’t adapted.  Your co-worker got to leave work early yesterday because of their participation.  The superintendent has promoted this change since it began.  If you want to stay a SSgt, I suggest you get on board.  The sections morale has been suffering and customers are complaining about the inconsistency.” The scenario BEST illustrates the _____ piece of the TIPO Model and its impact on mission effectiveness.

    • A.

      Trust in a process

    • B.

      Personal powers

    • C.

      Position powers

    Correct Answer
    C. Position powers
    According to the TIPO section, the position powers are often used to pressure or force someone to do something. The position powers include: coercive, reward, connection, and legitimate. In the scenario, TSgt Foye uses all four position powers during the counseling session. , “I’m not sure why you continue to intentionally use the old process. (Coercive) Last week I was forced to give you an LOC, but you still haven’t adapted. (Reward) Your co-worker got to leave work early yesterday because of their participation. (Connection) The superintendent has promoted this change since it began. (Legitimate) If you want to stay an SSgt, I suggest you get on board. The sections morale has been suffering and customers are complaining about the inconsistency.”

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  • 49. 

    The AU/CC is visiting and TSgts Gomez and Ramos must choose an Airman to brief the organization’s mission.  Each TSgt has selected a different Airman which causes a disagreement.  While preparing to resolve the dispute, TSgt Gomez thinks to himself, “TSgt Ramos and I have worked together for years and trust each other.  Because we will continue working together, I should use a higher people orientation than task when applying the negotiation styles.  I believe my Airman will do a better job and they need the experience of talking to top leadership; however, Ramos’ briefer would suffice.  The visit is weeks away, so we have time to collaborate and ensure we pick the best briefer.” This scenario BEST illustrates an understanding of__________ and how they contribute to NCO effectiveness.

    • A.

      Paying attention during communication

    • B.

      Who, Stakes, and Situation

    • C.

      Integrative Negotiations

    Correct Answer
    B. Who, Stakes, and Situation
    According to the developing negotiation skills section, you must assess who we are dealing with, know what is at stake, and know the criticality of the current situation before entering into a negotiation, or while the negotiation is occurring. In the scenario TSgt Gomez’ thoughts illustrate him considering the who, stakes, and situation before a negotiation. “(Who) TSgt Ramos and I have worked together for years and trust each other. Because we will continue working together, I should use a higher people orientation than task when applying the negotiation styles. (Stakes) I believe my Airman will do a better job and needs the experience of talking to top leadership; however, Ramos’ briefer would suffice. (Situation) The visit weeks away, so we have time to collaborate and ensure we pick the best briefer.”

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  • 50. 

    Yesterday, TSgt Richey was informed that she must find nightly child care or enact her family care plan and send her 8 month old son Logan to her mother in a different state.  Sitting in her office, she contemplates, “I want to remain on dayshift.  I know my superintendent wants me to work the night shift.  Since I haven’t found professional childcare open at night, maybe I can take the weekend shift.  The main reason I need to remain on dayshift is so Logan can stay in daycare.  I know my superintendent is only trying to make the schedule fair, and I have only ever worked weekday dayshift.  I simply cannot move Logan hours away, he needs me.  If we cannot work something out to remain on days, I’ll move my cousin here and she can watch Logan while I work.” TSgt Richey’s _____ will MOST likely _____ NCO effectiveness

    • A.

      Understanding of the Planning Phase; increase

    • B.

      Misunderstanding of the Planning Phase; decrease

    • C.

      Understanding of the Negotiation Phase; increase

    • D.

      Misunderstanding of the Negotiation Phase; decrease

    Correct Answer
    A. Understanding of the Planning pHase; increase
    According to the CNS section, the first three steps (pre-negotiations, or the planning phase) should be well developed before the first meeting. The three steps of positions, interests, and BATNA draw no conclusions, but help to organize thoughts. In the scenario, TSgt Richey plans for a reengage with the superintendent when she thinks, “(Positions) I want to remain on dayshift. I know my superintendent wants me to work the night shift. (Interests) Since I haven’t found professional childcare open at night, maybe I can take the weekend shift. The main reason I need to remain on dayshift so Logan can stay in daycare. I know my superintendent is only trying to make the schedule fair, and I have only ever worked weekday dayshift. (BATNA) I simply cannot move Logan hours away, he needs me. If we cannot work something out to remain on days, I’ll move my cousin here and she can watch Logan while I work.” Since Richey uses the three steps this will increase her effectiveness as an NCO through being prepared for the negotiation with the superintendent.

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