
IP Address Quizzes, Questions & Answers

There’s a widely acknowledged belief that pledges on the fact that every human being is unique in his own way. Well, for those out there who share in this conviction, you might be interested to know that our computers also have a uniqueness of their own!

Every machine on the Internet has a unique identifying number, called an IP Address. The IP stands for Internet Protocol, which is the language that computers use to communicate over the Internet.

If you think this is intriguing, wait until you take these quizzes, with questions varying from “What is the difference between a public IP address, and a private IP address?”, and “What are network protocol ports”, to “What is a firewall?” and “What is a ping test?”. Warning: very interesting for brainiacs!

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In this advanced technological world, where everything is directly or indirectly linked to computers or smartphones, we have brought this TCP/IP practice test quiz to test your knowledge. The quiz has multiple questions that will...

Questions: 46  |  Attempts: 16777   |  Last updated: Mar 26, 2024
  • Sample Question
    What is the basic unit of data transfer across an IP internetwork? 
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An IP Address is a very useful tool that is used to identify a network or device on the internet. Let's see how much you know about it with the IP address quiz that is given below. This is a well-researched quiz that...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 19337   |  Last updated: Feb 13, 2024
  • Sample Question
    What is the purpose of an IP Address?
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How good your networking knowledge is? Can you determine IP address classes and tell which class the following IP Addresses belong to? Try this quiz and test your knowledge regarding IP addresses. The class of IP address is used...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 8220   |  Last updated: May 15, 2024
  • Sample Question
    Which class does belong to?
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This module will test you on converting IP address from binary to decimal and vice versa.

Questions: 5  |  Attempts: 3344   |  Last updated: Jun 23, 2024

Do you have knowledge of subnetting? To test your understanding, you can take this subnetting IP address quiz. Computer networks can be confusing, especially to people without the knowledge and understanding. Among the many...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 4584   |  Last updated: Jul 24, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Subnet the IP Address /24 into 30 Subnets.  Is a valid Host ID after subnetting?
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