
Computer Software Quizzes, Questions & Answers

It’s time to put all your computer software knowledge and programming skills to the test. This non-tangible component of computers makes for a great trivia quiz. Hopefully, you know your stuff. This quiz has been designed with serious computer software lovers in mind. But just because it’s built for “professionals” does not mean you should not try your hand at it. It may also work as a source of motivation for you to further study more about computer software. 

What is the purpose of an application software? What does a malicious software do? Where is JavaScript typically embedded? What does microcode do? When a computer programmer says they are going to “debug” a software program, what does it mean? Platform software includes what three things? Computer software is an interesting topic. It’s useful to know a thing or two about it in today’s world!

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Do you consider yourself a tech geek? Then, play this computer software quiz that comprises questions in the true or false format. Software in a computer comprises the set of defined instructions, programs (or programming...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 18892   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Software is available to help you with all kinds of tasks.  
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Computer software is generally all the instructions that are given to the computer so that it can perform a given task. Without software, computers cannot perform any task. Do you know how to use some of the tools from the...

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 2010   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Which shortcut in Windows lets you move the insertion point to the start of the previous paragraph?
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    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button

Test over chapter 2.

Questions: 22  |  Attempts: 4520   |  Last updated: Sep 13, 2023
  • Sample Question
    The CPU is a single chip called a microprocessor.
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    Radio Button

Identify the three major components of hardware and the two types of commonly used software.

Questions: 6  |  Attempts: 495   |  Last updated: Sep 10, 2024
  • Sample Question
    What is the processor in a computer?
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    Radio Button
    Radio Button

Sit back, relax and have fun with this Computer Software

Questions: 19  |  Attempts: 337   |  Last updated: Apr 6, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Who is the manufacturer of Crystal Reports?
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
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