
Algorithm Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Do you know how those personalized ads pop up when you go on websites such as Facebook or Outlook? It's not the computer reading your mind, honestly, it's a clever computerized algorithm. Algorithms are mathematical functions that are becoming ever more important. They allow computers to make reasoned decisions, but do you think that you know more about algorithms than they know about you, put your knowledge to the test with our algorithm quizzes.

Do you know what the Entscheidungsproblem was? What was the nationality of algorithm pioneer Alan Turing? What was the name of the first book about algorithms, and what was the   nationality of its author? There are lots more questions to be answered, can you out reason this machine? It's time to find out.

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This is a basic quiz on algorithms and flowcharts. There are different ways of designing the system creation to implementation steps, and the setting algorithm is the most common. You can check your knowledge of algorithms and...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 33269   |  Last updated: Jan 16, 2024
  • Sample Question
    What is an algorithm?
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Check out our super fun and informational data structures and algorithms quiz! The questions are set from the topics such as arrays, records, pointers, linked lists, stacks, queues, recursion, trees, sorting, and...

Questions: 16  |  Attempts: 16367   |  Last updated: Feb 15, 2024
  • Sample Question
    How can you measure the efficiency of an the algorithm?
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Have you ever worked on pseudocodes? If yes, this pseudocode test is meant for you where you can test your knowledge. In this pseudocode quiz, we have a set of basic questions for you, which will help you clear your basics...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 20271   |  Last updated: Mar 14, 2024
  • Sample Question
    What are a compact and informal high-level explanation of a computer programming algorithm that needs the structural conventions of a programming language? It is a plan for human reading rather than machine reading.
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Are you ready to put your coding skills to the test? Introducing the Big O Notation Quiz, where you'll navigate the treacherous terrain of algorithmic complexity! Strap on your thinking cap and get ready for a thrilling...

Questions: 22  |  Attempts: 24042   |  Last updated: Mar 26, 2024
  • Sample Question
    What is the time complexity of the insert(index) method in ArrayList?
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Here is an amazing Bubble sort Quiz. You can also call it a selection sort quiz. This Quiz is to check your knowledge of the Bubble sort algorithm or selection sort algorithm. If you think you understand enough about the Bubble...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 14085   |  Last updated: Mar 14, 2024
  • Sample Question
    What are the correct intermediate steps of the following data set when it is being sorted with the bubble sort? 15,20,10,18
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