
Sigourney Weaver Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Born in New York Sigourney Weaver has been given the nickname “the actresses actress” over the years for a variety of reasons. She had lived in over thirty homes by the time she was a child, and being a bit taller compared to her classmates, she was picked on a lot. But she countered this by being the class clown. After changing her name she began to work with a stock troupe and starred in school productions.

Are you aware that she changed her own name after she completed reading a famous book? Do you know which book? Did you know she is afraid of elevators? Many people do not know she has a degree from Stanford and can speak French and German. See how much you know with our quizzes!

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Do you truly know this famous star? Find out by taking our quiz!

Questions: 8  |  Attempts: 1059   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Where was she born?
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