
Alien Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Although we have never encountered aliens, we've been hearing stories about them for ages. This Aliens trivia quizzes section will reveal some of the unknown facts about life beyond earth. Ever since life on earth, humans have always wondered and searched for life beyond the know. We have had numerous conspiracy theories about UFO sightings and aliens visiting earth; some suggest they are living amongst us. Movies about Aliens have always fascinated us and enthralled us.

These trivia quizzes on Aliens have many informative and fun personality-based quizzes that will certainly quadruple your interest and curiosity. So play these alien trivia quizzes to update our knowledge about them. If you like what you see in these quizzes, do share it with your friends and friends. All the best!

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Are you an alien? No? Or Yes?

Questions: 30  |  Attempts: 3228   |  Last updated: Jun 25, 2024
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    What is your favorite color.
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Play this quiz if you want to know which alien species do you belong to? In the movies or scientific novels, we have come across different alien species with different earth plans in general, amazing tech, and appearances. If you...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 12221   |  Last updated: Nov 16, 2023
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    You see an old man waiting to cross the street. You...
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Do you like aliens? If you want to know what alien should you date, take this quiz. This quiz is all about dating an alien. Here, in this quiz, we have got a set of some random questions that will help you know which alien is...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 622   |  Last updated: Apr 1, 2022
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    What gift do you expect from your significant other?
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Embark on an interstellar adventure with the “Alien Name Generator Quiz”. This quiz is your passport to the cosmos, offering a fun and imaginative way to create unique alien names. Each question is designed to guide...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 480   |  Last updated: Jan 5, 2024
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    What is one website pioneering in generating alien names?
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This is a little quiz I made for the Xenomorph pros out there, good luck!

Questions: 5  |  Attempts: 331   |  Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
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    What are Xenomorphs?
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