"Buen samaritano" se han aprobado leyes en cada estado para ayudar a la gente a ayudar a los necesitados, sin temor de ser demandado.
Correct Answer
A. Veridad
The correct answer is "Veridad" (True). The statement mentions that laws have been approved in each state to help people assist those in need without fear of being sued. This implies that there are laws in place to protect individuals who act as good Samaritans and provide assistance to those who require it.
Si es posible, usted debe preguntar a una persona sensible, si quieren ayudar antes de proporcionar cuidado.
Correct Answer
A. Veridad
The given statement suggests that if possible, one should ask a sensitive person if they want help before providing care. The word "Veridad" is not a recognized Spanish word, so it is likely a typo or error. The correct word should be "Verdad," which means "truth" or "true" in English. Therefore, the correct answer is "Verdad," meaning "True" in English.
"Precauciones Universales" significa que tratamos a toda la sangre y las sustancias del cuerpo como si fueran infecciosos.
Correct Answer
A. Veridad
The statement is true. "Precauciones Universales" means that we treat all blood and body substances as if they were infectious. This approach is important in healthcare settings to prevent the spread of infections and protect both healthcare workers and patients. By assuming that all substances are potentially infectious, healthcare workers can take necessary precautions such as wearing gloves, masks, and other personal protective equipment to minimize the risk of transmission.
Las compresiones torácicas deben ser por lo menos tan profundo?
Correct Answer
D. 2 pulgadas
The correct answer is 2 pulgadas. The question is asking about the depth of chest compressions during CPR. According to guidelines, chest compressions should be at least 2 inches deep in order to effectively circulate blood and provide adequate oxygenation to the body.
RCP implica dar ________ compresiones, seguidas de 2 respiraciones de rescate.
Correct Answer
A. 30
RCP implica dar 30 compresiones, seguidas de 2 respiraciones de rescate. This means that during CPR, the rescuer should perform 30 chest compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths. This ratio of compressions to breaths is recommended by the American Heart Association for effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The 30 compressions help to circulate oxygenated blood to the vital organs, while the 2 breaths provide oxygen to the lungs. This cycle is repeated continuously until professional help arrives or the victim shows signs of recovery.
Al dar RCP, que siempre da compresiones y respiraciones artificiales de rescate ... no importa qué.
Correct Answer
B. Falso
The statement "Al dar RCP, que siempre da compresiones y respiraciones artificiales de rescate ... no importa qué" is false. It suggests that during CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), both chest compressions and artificial respirations are always given, regardless of the situation. However, the correct approach to CPR may vary depending on the specific circumstances. In some cases, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers may be advised to prioritize chest compressions over artificial respirations to minimize the risk of viral transmission. Therefore, the statement is incorrect.
Si alguien tiene una obstrucción leve de las vías respiratorias (pueden toser, hacer ruido, hablar, pero parecen estar en gran dolor), la mejor cosa a hacer es golpear la espalda para tratar de eliminar la obstrucción.
Correct Answer
B. Falso
Golpear la espalda no es la mejor opción para tratar de eliminar una obstrucción leve de las vías respiratorias. En este caso, lo más recomendable sería aplicar la maniobra de Heimlich, que consiste en realizar compresiones abdominales para intentar desalojar la obstrucción.
Para tratar a alguien que tiene la obstrucción total de las vías respiratorias (que no pueden toser, no puede respirar o hacer ruido), hay que ponerse detrás de ellos, junte las manos justo por encima de su mesa y hacer contundentes, golpes hacia arriba para despejar la obstrucción.
Correct Answer
C. Botón del ombligo o el vientre
To treat someone who has a complete obstruction of the airways and is unable to cough, breathe, or make noise, you need to stand behind them, place your hands just above their belly button or abdomen, and deliver firm upward thrusts to clear the obstruction. The answer "botón del ombligo o el vientre" refers to the specific location on the body where the thrusts should be applied.
Al tratar a alguien que está sangrando, nunca se debe quitar el vendaje de los primeros que se utiliza para aplicar presión directa.
Correct Answer
A. Veridad
Cuando alguien está sangrando, nunca se debe quitar el vendaje inicial que se utiliza para aplicar presión directa, ya que esto podría interrumpir la coagulación y provocar una mayor pérdida de sangre. Es importante mantener el vendaje en su lugar hasta que llegue ayuda médica o se pueda aplicar un vendaje adecuado. Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es "Verdad".
Si la víctima de una cabeza, el cuello o lesión en la espalda deja de respirar, entonces debemos moverlo sobre el terreno y comenzar la RCP, incluso si eso significa hacer que la cabeza, el cuello o la espalda peor lesión.
Correct Answer
A. Veridad
If the victim of a head, neck, or back injury stops breathing, we should move them onto the ground and begin CPR, even if it means making the head, neck, or back injury worse.
La mejor manera de tratar las quemaduras menores es aplicar loción, crema medicada o mantequilla.
Correct Answer
B. Falso
The statement suggests that the best way to treat minor burns is by applying lotion, medicated cream, or butter. However, this is not true. The correct way to treat minor burns is by rinsing the affected area with cool water for a few minutes, applying an antibiotic ointment, and covering it with a sterile dressing. Applying lotion, medicated cream, or butter can actually worsen the burn and increase the risk of infection.
El agotamiento por calor puede llevar a un golpe de calor si no se trata inmediatamente.
Correct Answer
A. Veridad
El agotamiento por calor se refiere a una condición en la que el cuerpo se sobrecalienta debido a la exposición prolongada a altas temperaturas y la falta de hidratación adecuada. Si no se trata de inmediato, el agotamiento por calor puede progresar y convertirse en un golpe de calor, una condición más grave y potencialmente mortal. Por lo tanto, la afirmación de que el agotamiento por calor puede llevar a un golpe de calor si no se trata inmediatamente es verdadera.
Administrar inmediatamente la víctima un golpe de calor algo fresco para beber.
Correct Answer
B. Falso
The given statement is false. It is incorrect to administer a heat stroke victim something cold to drink immediately. In cases of heat stroke, it is important to cool the person down gradually and not give them anything to drink until they have fully recovered. Providing cold liquids too quickly can potentially worsen the condition and lead to complications.
Para las víctimas de congelación e hipotermia, no trate de entrar en calor demasiado rápido.
Correct Answer
A. Veridad
The correct answer is "Veridad" (True). This statement advises not to try to warm up too quickly for victims of frostbite and hypothermia. This is because rapid warming can cause further damage to the affected tissues. Gradual warming is recommended to prevent complications and promote healing.
Al hacer respiraciones de rescate, es importante para asegurar la máscara antes de hacerlo "inclinación de cabeza, la barbilla-lift".
Correct Answer
A. Veridad
The given answer is "Veridad" which is a misspelling of the word "Verdad" in Spanish, meaning "True" in English. Therefore, the correct answer is True. The explanation is that when performing rescue breaths, it is important to secure the mask before doing the "head-tilt, chin-lift" maneuver.
Respiraciones de rescate RCP deben durar _______ segundos.
Correct Answer
A. 1
The correct answer is 1. In rescue breathing CPR, each breath should last for about one second. This allows for sufficient air exchange and helps to maintain oxygenation in the patient's body. It is important to deliver these breaths at a steady rate and ensure that the chest rises visibly with each breath to ensure effective resuscitation.
La razón principal para hacer "inclinación de cabeza, la barbilla-lift" para abrir la vía aérea es mantener la lengua obstruya la vía aérea.
Correct Answer
A. Veridad
The main reason for performing the "head tilt, chin lift" maneuver to open the airway is to prevent the tongue from obstructing the airway.
Una quemadura química debe lavarse durante al menos ...
Correct Answer
C. 15 minutos y hasta que termine la sensación de ardor
A chemical burn should be washed for at least 15 minutes and until the burning sensation subsides. Washing the burn helps to remove any remaining chemicals on the skin and can help to alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with the burn. Additionally, washing the burn for an extended period of time can help to prevent further damage and promote healing.