You should report theft only to your Area Cookie Manager
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is incorrect because reporting theft should not be limited only to the Area Cookie Manager. Theft should be reported to the appropriate authorities, such as the police, so that proper action can be taken to address the issue. Restricting reporting to just the Area Cookie Manager may not result in the necessary actions being taken to resolve the theft.
You should call the Staff Cookie Team with general program questions like guidelines, tips, or advice.
Correct Answer
B. False
You should not call the Staff Cookie Team with general program questions like guidelines, tips, or advice.
The Cookie Advisory Team can help with booth cancellations.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because the Cookie Advisory Team is capable of assisting with booth cancellations.
My troop learned the Five Skills last year so I shouldn't worry about trying to reinforce them this year.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because even though the troop learned the Five Skills last year, it is still important to reinforce them this year. Skills can be forgotten or become rusty over time, so it is necessary to practice and reinforce them regularly to maintain proficiency.
Your cookie drop is scheduled for January 9th so your troop has special permission to start selling cookies early.
Correct Answer
B. False
The explanation for the answer being False is that the troop has special permission to start selling cookies early, indicating that the cookie drop is not scheduled for January 9th.
I can begin entering MySales booth requests during the first booth registration period January 3-4
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement indicates that the person can start entering MySales booth requests during the first booth registration period on January 3-4. Therefore, the answer is true.
When selling Girl Scout Cookies, my troop can (please select all that apply):
Correct Answer(s)
D. Sell each box for $5 (including specialty S'mores and Toffee-Tastic)
E. Make a nice gift bundle of 4 boxes tied with ribbon and charge $20 for it
The explanation for the given correct answer is that selling each box for $5, including specialty S'mores and Toffee-Tastic, allows for a consistent pricing strategy that is easy for customers to understand. Additionally, offering a nice gift bundle of 4 boxes tied with ribbon for $20 provides an attractive option for customers looking to purchase multiple boxes as a gift. These two strategies help to maximize sales and appeal to a wide range of customers.
Select all of the ways returns or exchanges are allowed:
Correct Answer(s)
B. I can allow individual girls to return unsold cookies to my troop inventory
D. I can return damaged boxes to any GSSOAZ cupboard for the same variety
E. I can ask my Area Cookie Manager to help me swap or transfer cookies with another troop
The correct answer options indicate the various ways in which returns or exchanges are allowed. The first option states that individual girls can return unsold cookies to the troop inventory. This allows for returns within the troop itself. The second option mentions that damaged boxes can be returned to any GSSOAZ cupboard for the same variety. This allows for exchanges of damaged goods. The third option states that the Area Cookie Manager can assist in swapping or transferring cookies with another troop, indicating a possibility for exchanges between different troops.
All cookie box proceeds go to benefit GSUSA programs and initiatives.
Correct Answer
B. False
The correct answer is False. This means that the statement "All cookie box proceeds go to benefit GSUSA programs and initiatives" is not true. The proceeds from the cookie box sales do not go towards GSUSA programs and initiatives.
My Area Team earns $0.01 per box which can be used to help offset the cost of programs and events in my area.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement suggests that the Area Team earns $0.01 per box, which can be used to offset the cost of programs and events in their area. This implies that the team receives a small amount of money for each box they handle, which can be utilized to support the expenses of various activities in their locality. Therefore, the statement is true.
Although the specialty cookies (Girl Scout S'mores & Toffee Tastic) cost more to produce than the standard varieties, my girls and my troop will still earn the same amount of proceeds per box.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because even though the specialty cookies cost more to produce, the amount of proceeds earned per box remains the same. This means that the higher production cost of the specialty cookies does not affect the profit earned by the girls and the troop.
No matter what, my troop will earn $0.70 per box we sell.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement indicates that regardless of the number of boxes sold, the troop will earn $0.70 per box. This means that the troop's earnings are fixed and not dependent on the quantity sold. Therefore, the statement is true.
100% of cookie proceeds in our council stay in Southern Arizona to support our girls.
Correct Answer
A. True
The explanation for the given correct answer is that 100% of the cookie proceeds in the council stay in Southern Arizona to support the girls. This means that all the money earned from selling cookies goes towards supporting the girls in the council and their activities, without any portion being taken out for other purposes or expenses.
As a returning troop, I should place my initial order based off:
Correct Answer
B. 70% of my troop's total sale last year
The correct answer is 70% of my troop's total sale last year. This means that as a returning troop, when placing an initial order, it is recommended to base it on 70% of the troop's total sale from the previous year. This suggests that the troop should aim to order a quantity that is 70% of what they sold last year, indicating a strategy to maintain a similar level of sales.
Your initial order will be placed by the box, but you need to order each variety in increments of 12 boxes, since the pickup will be by the case.
Correct Answer
A. True
The explanation for the given correct answer, which is True, is that the initial order will be placed by the box, but since the pickup will be by the case, each variety needs to be ordered in increments of 12 boxes. This means that if you want to order a specific variety, you will need to order at least 12 boxes of that variety.
I should pay attention to my initial S'mores order because of the overwhelming success last year, but I shouldn't worry too much because GSSOAZ will be able to re-order S'mores from the baker this year.
Correct Answer
A. True
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the speaker acknowledges the overwhelming success of their initial S'mores order last year. This suggests that paying attention to the order is important because they want to replicate that success. However, they also mention that they shouldn't worry too much because GSSOAZ will be able to re-order S'mores from the baker this year. This implies that even if there are any issues with the initial order, they have a backup plan in place. Therefore, it is true that the speaker should pay attention to their initial S'mores order.
What is the PGA required to earn the Initial Order reward this year?
Correct Answer
C. 145 boxes per girl
To earn the Initial Order reward this year, a PGA is required to sell a minimum of 145 boxes per girl. This means that each girl under the PGA's supervision must sell at least 145 boxes in order for the PGA to be eligible for the reward.
What is the Initial Order Reward this year?
Correct Answer
C. A tote bag for two of my troop's cookie volunteers
This year, the Initial Order Reward is a tote bag for two of my troop's cookie volunteers. This means that the troop will receive tote bags as a reward for their cookie volunteers, specifically for two of them.
Please select everything you should bring to your Cookie Drop:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Driver's License
B. Signed Permission Slips for each girl participating
D. Plenty of vehicles to take my order in one trip
The correct answer is Driver's License, Signed Permission Slips for each girl participating, and Plenty of vehicles to take my order in one trip. These items are necessary for a successful Cookie Drop. The driver's license is needed to legally operate a vehicle. The signed permission slips ensure that each girl participating has the necessary consent. Having plenty of vehicles allows for all the orders to be transported in one trip, making the process more efficient.
The following people can pick up cookies from any GSSOAZ cupboard. (Please select all that apply)
Correct Answer(s)
A. Troop Cookie Manager
B. Troop Leader
Troop Cookie Manager and Troop Leader are the correct answers because they are directly involved in managing and leading the troop's cookie activities. They would have the authority and responsibility to access the cookies from the GSSOAZ cupboard. The other options, such as a parent who needs cookies ASAP or a second cousin twice removed who sometimes helps the troop, may not have the necessary authorization or role to pick up cookies from the cupboard.
Your troop has two big Walmart booths coming up this weekend. you know you're going to sell out of your troop inventory so you want to do a big cupboard pickup to set up your troop for success. What should you do?
Correct Answer
B. Call your Cupboard Manager to let them know you have a large order to make sure they have enough stock for you.
To ensure that there is enough stock for the big Walmart booths, it is important to communicate with the Cupboard Manager and inform them about the large order. This allows the Cupboard Manager to prepare and ensure that there is sufficient stock available for the troop. Calling the Cupboard Manager is the most effective way to convey this information and make necessary arrangements.
If a girl lives in two separate households, I should collect a Caregiver Permission Form for each and monitor who is making pick-ups and how much.
Correct Answer
A. True
If a girl lives in two separate households, it is important to collect a Caregiver Permission Form for each household. This is necessary to ensure that the girl's safety and well-being are being monitored and that authorized individuals are making pick-ups. By monitoring who is making pick-ups and how much, it helps to maintain a secure and organized process for the girl's care and transportation. Therefore, the statement is true.
If I'm in a rush, I can deposit money from a big booth sale into my personal bank account and transfer it to the troop account when I have time later.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because depositing money from a big booth sale into a personal bank account and transferring it to the troop account later is not a recommended practice. It is important to separate personal and troop funds to maintain transparency and accountability. Mixing personal and troop funds can lead to confusion and potential misuse of funds. It is advisable to deposit the money directly into the troop account to ensure proper tracking and management of funds.
If you filled out a Direct Payment Authorization form in years past, you don't need to turn a new one in this year.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement suggests that if someone has filled out a Direct Payment Authorization form in previous years, they do not need to submit a new one this year. However, the correct answer is False, indicating that this statement is not true. This means that even if someone has filled out the form in previous years, they still need to submit a new one this year.
How many Gift of Caring boxes do my girls have to sell in order to earn the Gift of Caring patch?
Correct Answer
C. 5 boxes
To earn the Gift of Caring patch, the girls have to sell 5 boxes. This means that they need to sell a minimum of 5 Gift of Caring boxes in order to achieve this goal.
If my troop participates in Cookies for Military, we set aside boxes from our inventory to send overseas.
Correct Answer
B. False
In the given statement, it is mentioned that if the troop participates in Cookies for Military, they set aside boxes from their inventory to send overseas. However, the correct answer is false. This means that the troop does not set aside boxes from their inventory to send overseas when participating in Cookies for Military.
What is our GSSOAZ Cookies for Military goal this year?
Correct Answer
C. 24,000 boxes
The goal for our GSSOAZ Cookies for Military this year is to distribute 24,000 boxes of cookies.
Please select all examples of a Cookies for Change project.
Correct Answer(s)
B. Using donated funds to purchase dog beds for the Humane Society
D. Using donated funds to purchase supplies to donate care packages to a nursing home
This question asks for examples of a Cookies for Change project. The correct answer includes using donated funds to purchase dog beds for the Humane Society and using donated funds to purchase supplies to donate care packages to a nursing home. These examples demonstrate how the project uses donated funds to make a positive impact by providing resources and support to organizations in need.
Troop Camp Credit ($15 per girl) is earned at which Troop PGA?
Correct Answer
D. 270 boxes per girl
Troop Camp Credit is earned at the rate of $15 per girl. This means that for every girl in the troop, they will earn $15 towards their camp credit. The correct answer is 270 boxes per girl because this is the option that will generate the highest amount of money per girl. By selling 270 boxes per girl, each girl will earn $15 multiplied by 270, resulting in the highest possible troop camp credit.
Please select all applicable stipulations for Travel Bucks
Correct Answer(s)
A. Juniors+
B. $25 minimum per year
C. Valid for five years
The correct answer includes three stipulations for Travel Bucks: Juniors+, $25 minimum per year, and valid for five years. These stipulations indicate that Travel Bucks are available for Girl Scouts who are at the Junior level or higher, require a minimum contribution of $25 per year, and remain valid for a period of five years. Additionally, the answer does not include the stipulations that Travel Bucks can be converted back into cookie dough or transferred to another Girl Scout.
Please select all that apply to opting out of rewards
Correct Answer(s)
B. Troops who opt out of rewards will earn an additional $0.05 per box in troop proceeds
D. If a troop decides to opt out of rewards, all girls will still earn patches and troop rewards, but not individual girl rewards
If a troop decides to opt out of rewards, they will earn an additional $0.05 per box in troop proceeds. Additionally, all girls in the troop will still earn patches and troop rewards, but they will not receive individual girl rewards.
What do girls need to submit for entry into the GSUSA Cookie Pro Contest? (Select all that apply)
Correct Answer(s)
A. Cookie Pro Resume Survey
B. Photo
C. Cookie badges she's earned & skills she's learned
D. What she's done or plans to do with her cookie earnings
E. Best selling tips
Girls need to submit their Cookie Pro Resume Survey, a photo, the cookie badges they have earned and the skills they have learned, what they have done or plan to do with their cookie earnings, and their best selling tips for entry into the GSUSA Cookie Pro Contest.
Who can sign up to be a Cookie Captain? (Select all that apply)
Correct Answer(s)
D. Cadettes
E. Seniors
F. Ambassadors
The answer is Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors because these are the levels of the Girl Scouts organization. Daisies and Brownies are younger levels, while Juniors is a level below Cadettes. Therefore, only Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors are eligible to sign up to be a Cookie Captain.
What time do doors open for the Bear Down Cookie Kickoff?
Correct Answer
A. January 6th, 2:00pm
The correct answer is January 6th, 2:00pm. This is the time when the doors open for the Bear Down Cookie Kickoff event.
What is the new method of selling cookies launched this year?
Correct Answer
A. Cookie House Party
The new method of selling cookies launched this year is the Cookie House Party. This suggests that instead of traditional methods like cookie booths or online platforms, the company has introduced a new approach where customers can host cookie parties at their homes to sell and promote the cookies. This method could potentially create a more personalized and interactive experience for customers, while also allowing them to support the company by selling their products.
Girls can earn a special Walkabout patch for selling cookies door-to-door.
Correct Answer
A. True
Girls can earn a special Walkabout patch for selling cookies door-to-door. This statement is true because selling cookies door-to-door is one of the ways for girls to earn a special Walkabout patch. The Walkabout patch is a recognition or reward that girls can receive for their efforts in selling cookies and promoting their Girl Scout troop.
My Girl Scout wants to set up a lemonade stand cookie booth outside our house this afternoon. I don't need to be present since she's set up in front of our private residence.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because even though the lemonade stand cookie booth is set up in front of a private residence, it is still important for the parent to be present. This is necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of the Girl Scout and to provide supervision and assistance if needed.
If a Fry's location secured by GSSOAZ doesn't have a booth during a time that I want, I can reach out to the Fry's location to set up my own troop's booth in front of their store.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because if a Fry's location secured by GSSOAZ doesn't have a booth during a time that the person wants, they cannot set up their own troop's booth in front of the store. The decision to set up a booth in front of the store is solely up to the Fry's location and they may have their own policies and guidelines regarding this matter.
I saw that there were no Target booths in eBudde and that it was on the Do Not Call list sent out by the Staff Cookie Team. It's okay for me to try on my own to see if they'll let me set up a booth there.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement mentions that there were no Target booths in eBudde and that it was on the Do Not Call list sent out by the Staff Cookie Team. Based on this information, it is not okay for the person to try on their own to set up a booth there. Therefore, the answer is False.
What are the criteria to submit for a MySales booth request? (Please select all that apply)
Correct Answer(s)
A. Business Name
B. Location
C. Date & Time
D. Store Manager Name
E. Store Manager Contact Info
The criteria to submit for a MySales booth request include providing the Business Name, Location, Date & Time, Store Manager Name, and Store Manager Contact Info. These details are necessary for organizing and scheduling the booth effectively. Additionally, having a list of the girls participating in the booth may also be required for logistical purposes or to ensure proper staffing.
Please select all that apply to the MySales booth approval process:
Correct Answer(s)
A. I can secure booths at any appropriate, safe business not listed on the GSSOAZ Do Not Call list
B. I need to submit my request at least 48 hours before my booth so I know if it's approved
The explanation for the given correct answer is that in order to participate in the MySales booth approval process, one must ensure that the booth is secured at a suitable and safe business that is not listed on the GSSOAZ Do Not Call list. Additionally, it is necessary to submit the booth request at least 48 hours in advance to allow time for approval confirmation. This ensures that all necessary arrangements and permissions are obtained before setting up the booth.
My Girl Scout can leave an order card at my place of work with my employer's permission, as long as she plays an active role in the fulfillment and distribution of my coworkers' orders.
Correct Answer
A. True
According to the statement, a Girl Scout can leave an order card at the person's place of work if they have their employer's permission and they actively participate in fulfilling and distributing their coworkers' orders. This implies that it is acceptable for a Girl Scout to sell cookies at the workplace as long as they are actively involved in the process. Therefore, the statement is true.
Who should be present at each cookie booth? (Please select all that apply)
Correct Answer(s)
A. One adult that is a registered, approved Girl Scout volunteer
B. One adult with a background check (GS membership strongly encouraged)
C. A maximum of 4 Girl Scouts
The correct answer is one adult that is a registered, approved Girl Scout volunteer, one adult with a background check (GS membership strongly encouraged), and a maximum of 4 Girl Scouts. It is important to have at least one adult present who is a registered and approved Girl Scout volunteer to ensure the safety and supervision of the girls. Additionally, having an adult with a background check helps to further ensure the safety of the girls. The maximum of 4 Girl Scouts allows for manageable group sizes and promotes equal participation among the girls.
If I'm totally desperate, it's okay for me to announce on Facebook that I'm cancelling a booth and ask for someone to take my troop's spot.
Correct Answer
B. False
Announcing on Facebook that you are cancelling a booth and asking for someone to take your troop's spot is not an appropriate action. It is important to communicate such matters through official channels, such as contacting the event organizers directly. Making public announcements on social media platforms may create confusion and may not be seen by the relevant parties. It is best to follow the proper procedures and protocols when cancelling a booth or making any changes to event participation.
The Cookie Locator app is a great tool for the following reasons (please select all that apply):
Correct Answer(s)
A. Customers can search for booths by zip code
B. All GSSOAZ and MySales Booths will appear on the app for customers to see
C. When I can't make a scheduled booth time, I need to be sure to cancel my booth in eBudde so they don't appear in the app and cause customer confusion
The Cookie Locator app is a great tool because customers can search for booths by zip code, allowing them to easily find the closest booth to their location. Additionally, all GSSOAZ and MySales Booths will appear on the app, providing customers with a comprehensive list of available booths. Lastly, it is important for sellers to cancel their booth in eBudde if they are unable to make a scheduled time, as this ensures that the booth does not appear in the app and cause confusion for customers.
What is a Cookie House Party?
Correct Answer
B. A strategy for my troop to sell cookies by the case
A Cookie House Party refers to a strategy for a troop to sell cookies by the case. This means that instead of selling individual cookies, the troop focuses on selling entire cases of cookies to customers. The party serves as a platform for promoting and selling these cases of cookies, allowing the troop to reach a larger customer base and potentially increase their sales.
Girls in our council saw an increase in what percent of sales by using Digital Order Card?
Correct Answer
C. 93%
The correct answer is 93%. This means that the girls in the council saw a 93% increase in sales by using the Digital Order Card. This suggests that the use of the Digital Order Card was effective in boosting sales for the council.
What are the Digital Cookie rewards this year? (Select all that apply)
Correct Answer(s)
A. Patch for 15+ emails
C. T-shirt for 50+ boxes
This year, participants in the Digital Cookie program can earn a patch by sending out 15 or more emails. Additionally, they can also earn a T-shirt by selling 50 or more boxes of cookies.
How long do parents have to approve an in-person order through DOC?
Correct Answer
D. 10 days
Parents have a maximum of 10 days to approve an in-person order through DOC. This means that they have a window of 10 days to review and give their consent for the order. It allows parents ample time to consider the purchase and make an informed decision before approving the order.
As a Troop Leader or Troop Cookie Manager, you can see a dashboard of all your girls' Digital Cookie sales, whether or not they've set up their site, how many emails they've sent, etc
Correct Answer
A. True
As a Troop Leader or Troop Cookie Manager, you have access to a dashboard that provides you with information about your girls' Digital Cookie sales. This includes details such as whether or not they have set up their site, the number of emails they have sent, and other relevant data. This allows you to have a comprehensive overview of your troop's progress and track their sales activities effectively. Therefore, the statement is true.