Where do you find your members?
Correct Answer
B. The Shared Contacts tab
The My Voters tab is built on the Elections Canada list of registered voters who live in your riding. As many party members are not registered to vote in their riding, a list of members built on the My Voters tab would be incomplete. Use the My Voters tab instead for voter outreach projects. The Shared Contacts tab is the party's shared contact management database. People on the Shared Contacts tab do not have to be citizens or be registered to vote in your riding. They only have to have a relationship with your riding. Grid View is a great tool for data entry on either the My Voters or Shared Contacts tab. Grid View is used to enter information, not to retrieve it. For more information on how to use the tool, see our User Guide section on the topic: http://liberalist.liberal.ca/learn/user-guide/gridview/
What Create a List box should you use to create a list of active members?
Correct Answer
C. The Membership box
The Activist Code box contains codes that are helpful if you want to make lists of people who were members in certain years (eg. people who were members in 2008) regardless of their current membership status. The Events box helps you to make lists of people who have been involved in your events. Online event registrations from Events.liberal.ca are regularly entered into Liberalist for you. The Membership box lets you make simple and sophisticated membership lists. It is updated directly by the Party's National Membership Registry every night. A box of chocolates may be a great gift for a hardworking volunteer, but it probably does not contain an up-to-date version of your membership list.
You need to tick the Active AND Associate boxes to include active associate members in your list.
Correct Answer
B. False
Active members, be they full or associate members, are included when you tick the Active box.
You can print the following directly from Liberalist:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Letters
B. Labels
D. Calling Lists
E. Reports
G. Maps
The given answer lists the items that can be printed directly from Liberalist. These items include letters, labels, calling lists, reports, and maps.
Letters inputted into Liberalist are shared with:
Correct Answer
B. Liberalist users on my team
When letters are inputted into Liberalist, they are only shared with Liberalist users on the person's team. This means that the information remains within the team and is not accessible to anyone outside of the team. It ensures privacy and confidentiality of the shared letters.
Which of the following is not a step in the process of printing letters directly from Liberalist?
A. The Letters icon on the My List page
B. The Letters selection page
C. The Export Request button on the My List page
D. The Save and Print Batch button on the Letters Setup page.
E. The popup offering to open a file for you in Microsoft Word.
Correct Answer
C. C. The Export Request button on the My List page
A. Once your letter has been inputted into Liberalist, you need to create a list of recipients and click on the Letters icon from the My List page. This lets Liberalist know which list you want to be combined with a letter. B. When you click the Letter icon, Liberalist then asks you to select the letter you want to combine with your recipient list. You also have the opportunity to name this particular batch of letters. C. As you can print letters directly from within Liberalist, you do not need to export your list to excel before merging it with a letter. Follow the online directions to enter your letter into Liberalist and print it directly from the system. This is both faster and keeps a record in your recipients' profiles. (See this document for more details http://liberalist.liberal.ca/adding-form-letters/) D. When you have selected the letter and your signature options, Liberalist gives you a sneak peek at the first letter on your list. If you are satisfied, click Save and Print Batch to open a document with all of your letters in Microsoft Word. If you need to test only one letter, click Save and Print Letter instead. E. Liberalist merges the recipient list and letter for you in one easy to edit Microsoft Word Document. Once the letters are open in Word, you can easily change the font, margins, size, etc.
When creating a list of members who expired last year, which set of expiry dates should you pick?
Correct Answer
A. From Dec. 31, 2010 to Dec. 31, 2010
Party members expire on the 31st of December of every year. By selecting the 31st of December of two years, 2009 and 2010, you are asking for members who expired in both years. If you don't pick a date range, you could be calling members who expired 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years ago. That may be a great project, but you probably want to communicate differently with long-expired members than with members who expired more recently.
You need to know how to create a script in Liberalist to set up a Virtual Phone Bank.
Correct Answer
B. False
A Membership Renewal 2011 Script has been shared with all Liberalist committees.
You can create your own script by following the instructions found here: http://liberalist.liberal.ca/learn/user-guide/script/.
Phone Bank administrators have many options for what they want their callers to be able to see or edit about the people they are calling. The
Which of the following options are recommended for a Membership Renewal phone bank? (select all that apply)
Correct Answer(s)
A. Displayed Only: Age and Sex
F. Editable: Phone Numbers
G. Editable: Email Address
H. Editable: Address
K. Viewable: Activist Codes
Age and Sex make it easier for callers to guess which member of the household has picked up the phone. Each person's preferred number is displayed automatically. You do not need to select home phone to make sure you have a number for the person. Rather than only letting your volunteers see the additional phone numbers, email addresses, or physical addresses, give them the ability to edit a person's contact information in the Editable Display section. This information is entered directly into Liberalist when your volunteers click Save/Next. Don't include options that have nothing to do with the project at hand. For example, unless your script includes a section on asking expired members to volunteer with you, including the volunteer profile in the virtual phone bank will only confuse volunteers. Showing Activist Codes lets callers see which years your expired members were members, allowing them to adjust their call accordingly.
Which of the Householding options works best for a Membership Renewal phone bank?
Correct Answer
B. Show only People in Household from Virtual Phone Bank List
If you pick the first option (Do not display Also in Household) each person on your list will receive a phone call - even if they live with other expired party members. Calling households multiple times looks unprofessional and can annoy call recipients. Picking the second option (Show only People in Household from Virtual Phone Bank List) means that households with expired members only need to be called once. In addition, callers will only ask for the expired members within the household. This is the most professional and efficient option. Callers should speak with all available residents at each address to avoid calling households multiple times. The third option (Show all Also in Household) displays all people who live with your expired members, not only the expired members at each household. Do not choose this option, as it leads callers to ask non-members and members who have already renewed to renew their membership.
What account level(s) can use the Virtual Phone Bank?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Level 1
B. Level 2
C. Level 3
The Virtual Phone Bank can be used by all three account levels: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. This means that users at any of these levels have access to the Virtual Phone Bank feature.
Where can I get help with Membership Management questions?
Correct Answer(s)
A. I can check the online guide at Liberalist.ca (http://liberalist.liberal.ca/learn/user-guide/).
B. I can email the Help Desk at
[email protected].
C. I can call the Help Desk between 9am and 9pm EST at 1-866 574-5131.
ExplanationThe correct answer includes three options for getting help with Membership Management questions: checking the online guide at Liberalist.ca, emailing the Help Desk at
[email protected], and calling the Help Desk at 1-866 574-5131 between 9am and 9pm EST. These options provide different avenues for obtaining assistance and cover various communication preferences.