One of Locke's fundamental principles is
Correct Answer
C. All persons should be treated equally by government
Locke's fundamental principle is that all persons should be treated equally by the government. This means that the government should not show favoritism or discrimination towards any individual or group. It implies that everyone should have equal rights, opportunities, and access to justice. This principle is important in ensuring fairness, justice, and the protection of individual rights within a society.
In the state of nature described by John Locke
Correct Answer
D. All persons possess liberty
According to John Locke's description of the state of nature, all persons possess liberty. This means that individuals are free to act and make decisions without interference from others. In this state, there is no authority or government to impose restrictions on people's freedom. However, it is important to note that this liberty does not imply a peaceful or harmonious society, as Locke also acknowledges that in the absence of a governing authority, individuals may be in a state of war with each other.
The execution of the law of nature is,in the state of nature
Correct Answer
D. In every person's hands
In the state of nature, the execution of the law of nature is in every person's hands. This means that each individual is responsible for enforcing and upholding the laws of nature on their own. In this scenario, there is no centralized authority or governing body that is specifically designated to carry out the execution of the law. Instead, it is the collective responsibility of all individuals to ensure that the laws are followed and enforced.
Persons enter into poltical society and government because
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A. They seek a higher authority to protect their rights against invasion by others
People enter into political society and government because they seek a higher authority to protect their rights against invasion by others. This means that individuals recognize the need for a governing body that can establish and enforce laws to ensure the protection of their fundamental rights. By forming a government, people aim to create a system that can safeguard their rights and provide a framework for resolving conflicts and maintaining order in society.
According to John Locke, a primary end of government is
Correct Answer
D. The protection of private property
John Locke believed that one of the primary purposes of government is to protect the private property of its citizens. He argued that individuals have a natural right to acquire and possess property, and that government should exist to safeguard this right. Locke believed that the protection of private property is essential for the preservation of individual liberty and the pursuit of happiness. By ensuring that individuals can securely own and enjoy their property, government can promote economic prosperity and create a stable society.
Private property is, according to Locke, inadequately protected in a state of nature because
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D. The state of nature lacks an impartial judge and an executive capable of upholding judicial decisions protecting property rights
In a state of nature, private property is inadequately protected because there is no impartial judge or executive to enforce and uphold judicial decisions regarding property rights. Without a governing authority to settle disputes and enforce property rights, individuals are left to defend their property on their own, leading to constant conflict and insecurity. This lack of a reliable and impartial system of justice makes private property vulnerable and unprotected in a state of nature.
In a state of nature, a person
Correct Answer
B. Exerts whatever powers are necessary to preserve himself, and to punish crimes committed against natural law
In a state of nature, a person exerts whatever powers are necessary to preserve himself, and to punish crimes committed against natural law. This means that in the absence of a governing authority, individuals have the right to defend themselves and their interests, as well as to enforce justice for violations of natural law. This concept suggests that individuals have inherent rights and responsibilities to protect themselves and others in order to maintain order and justice in a state of nature.
According to Locke, the supreme power of the Commonwealth is
Correct Answer
D. The legislature
Locke believed that the supreme power of the Commonwealth lies in the legislature. He argued that the legislative branch, consisting of elected representatives, should have the authority to make and pass laws. Locke emphasized the importance of the legislature in protecting the natural rights and interests of the people, as it is directly accountable to them. By giving the power to the legislature, Locke aimed to prevent any concentration of power in the hands of a single individual or group, ensuring a system of checks and balances within the government.
Locke argues that government can only be dissolved when
Correct Answer
D. Government acts without the consent of the people
Locke argues that government can only be dissolved when it acts without the consent of the people. According to Locke, the legitimacy of a government lies in the consent of the governed, and when a government no longer respects the will and consent of the people, it loses its authority. This is a fundamental principle of Locke's social contract theory, where individuals willingly give up some of their rights to form a government that is supposed to protect their natural rights. When the government fails to fulfill its end of the social contract by acting without the consent of the people, it can be dissolved.
In John Locke's model of government, the power that each individual gives to society when he or she enters into it
Correct Answer
B. Cannot revert to the individuals as long as the society lasts
According to John Locke's model of government, the power that individuals give to society cannot revert back to the individuals as long as the society lasts. This implies that once individuals enter into society and give up their power, they cannot reclaim it while the society exists. Locke believed that the power given to society is necessary for the functioning and stability of the government and cannot be easily revoked by individuals.