
Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry Quizzes, Questions & Answers

"No day in all my life had ever been as cruel as this one." We hope you won’t be feeling this way after you take our quizzes! We’ve come up with a compilation of different quizzes about the book “Roll of Thunder, Hear me Cry.” Do you know who wrote this book? Let us re-visit the story one more time.

Who were burnt by the Wallaces in Smellings Creek? Who steals the pearl-handed pistol from the Barnetts? Well, if you’ve read the book, then our quizzes will just be like a walk in the park. Gear up and proceed to our quizzes! No one is judged here because of their color, you are judged only by your wits! Get ready to be transported back to Mississippi, and re-live the life of the young African American girl named Cassie.

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Chapters 1, 2, and 3

Questions: 11  |  Attempts: 1797   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    What is Little Man most concerned about while walking to school for the first day?
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Read the questions and choice the correct answer choice.

Questions: 9  |  Attempts: 1410   |  Last updated: Apr 30, 2024
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    Why does Papa say, In this family, we don't shop at the Wallace store?
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This quiz has most of its questions based off of material in chapters 10-12- but some questions from the rest of the book also

Questions: 12  |  Attempts: 864   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Who hurt TJ?
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Please complete the following questions.  Make sure you read the directions and ALL options BEFORE you answer the question.  Good Luck!

Questions: 13  |  Attempts: 4457   |  Last updated: Sep 28, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Mark each answer either True or False. The Logan family live on their own land.
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Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1642   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What event is at Strawberry on the second Saturday of every month?
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