The most important documents about the early church are found in
Correct Answer
D. Acts
The most important documents about the early church are found in the book of Acts. Acts, also known as the Acts of the Apostles, provides a detailed account of the early Christian community, the spread of Christianity, and the actions of the apostles. It covers important events such as the ascension of Jesus, the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the conversion of Saul (who later became the apostle Paul), and the missionary journeys of Paul. Acts is considered crucial in understanding the development and growth of the early Christian church.
The name Theophilus means
Correct Answer
B. Dear to god
The name Theophilus is derived from the Greek words "theos" meaning god and "philos" meaning dear or beloved. Therefore, the name Theophilus means "dear to god".
The geographical interests in Luke covers
Correct Answer
C. More then 32 countries
The correct answer is "more than 32 countries." This suggests that Luke's geographical interests extend beyond just the area of Palestine and encompass a significant number of countries worldwide.
Luke wrote Acts to show the activity of the ____________ in the growth of the early church
Correct Answer
B. Holy spirit
Luke wrote the book of Acts to demonstrate the role and impact of the Holy Spirit in the development and expansion of the early church. The book highlights numerous instances where the Holy Spirit empowered and guided the disciples, enabling them to perform miracles, preach the gospel, and establish new Christian communities. Luke's purpose was to emphasize the significance of the Holy Spirit's presence and work in the growth of the early church, showcasing its transformative power and influence on the believers.
About _____ of the book of Acts is speeches and sermons
Correct Answer
B. 1/5
Approximately 1/5 of the book of Acts consists of speeches and sermons. This suggests that a significant portion of the book is dedicated to conveying important messages and teachings through the words of various characters. These speeches and sermons serve to advance the narrative, provide theological insights, and highlight the spread of the early Christian message. The inclusion of such a substantial amount of speeches and sermons in Acts emphasizes the importance of verbal communication in the early Christian community and the role of persuasive rhetoric in spreading the message of Christianity.
Scholars use _______ to establish the chronology of the Apostolic Age
Correct Answer
C. Acts
Scholars use the book of Acts to establish the chronology of the Apostolic Age. This is because Acts provides a detailed account of the early Christian community, including the activities of the apostles and the spread of Christianity. It also records important events such as the conversion of Paul and the establishment of early Christian churches. By studying the events and timeline presented in Acts, scholars can gain insights into the order and progression of events during the Apostolic Age.
Stephen was stoned in
Correct Answer
B. 33 AD
Paul was converted in
Correct Answer
A. 34 AD
Paul was arrested in Jerusalem in
Correct Answer
C. 58 AD
The correct answer is 58 AD. This is because the question asks for the year in which Paul was arrested in Jerusalem. Among the given options, 58 AD is the only year mentioned. Therefore, 58 AD is the correct answer.
The Spirit came on the Apostle after ____days
Correct Answer
C. 10 days
After Jesus ascended into heaven, he instructed his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to come upon them. They waited for a total of 10 days, which is known as the period of Pentecost. On the 10th day, the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles, empowering them with spiritual gifts and enabling them to spread the message of Jesus to the world. This event marked the birth of the Christian church and is celebrated as the feast of Pentecost.
The church expanded rapidly in Rome during the mid-fifties A.D.
Correct Answer
A. True
During the mid-fifties A.D., the church experienced significant growth in Rome. This suggests that there was an increase in the number of people joining the church or attending its services during this time period. The word "expanded" implies that the church grew in size or influence, indicating that it became more prominent in Rome. Therefore, the statement "The church expanded rapidly in Rome during the mid-fifties A.D." is true.
The __________ were the first groups to oppose the Christians
Correct Answer
C. Sadducees
The Sadducees were one of the first groups to oppose the Christians. They were a Jewish sect that was primarily composed of the wealthy and powerful elite in Jerusalem. The Sadducees held positions of authority in the Jewish religious establishment and were known for their strict adherence to the written law of the Torah. They rejected the beliefs and teachings of the early Christians, particularly their belief in the resurrection of the dead. The Sadducees played a significant role in the persecution and opposition faced by the early Christian community.
The first opposition came from
Correct Answer
B. The healing of a lame man
The first opposition came from the healing of a lame man. This event challenged the beliefs and expectations of those who witnessed it, as it defied the natural order of things. Healing a lame man required a supernatural power that went against their understanding of the world. This opposition may have stemmed from fear, skepticism, or a resistance to accepting something that went against their preconceived notions.
Was the first to make a clear distinction between Judaism and Christianity
Correct Answer
B. Steven
Steven is the correct answer because he was the first to make a clear distinction between Judaism and Christianity. In the New Testament, Steven's speech in Acts 7 demonstrates his understanding of the differences between the two religions. He argued that Jesus was the fulfillment of Jewish prophecies and that the Jewish religious authorities had rejected him. This marked a significant shift in thinking and helped to establish Christianity as a separate and distinct faith from Judaism.
______________ was the first Christian martyr
Correct Answer
B. Stephen
Stephen was the first Christian martyr because he was stoned to death for his faith in Jesus Christ. In the book of Acts, Stephen is described as a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, who performed great wonders and signs among the people. However, he was falsely accused of blasphemy and brought before the Jewish council. Stephen boldly defended his faith, recounting the history of Israel and their rejection of God's messengers. This angered the council, and they stoned him to death. Stephen's martyrdom marked the beginning of a period of intense persecution against the early Christians.