Your pt presents to your office with hyphema in the left eye after being hit in the eye with a football. During your exam of the retina which of the following this are you looking for in particular?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Commotio retinae
B. Macular edema
C. Chorodial rupture
During the examination of the retina, the healthcare provider is specifically looking for signs of commotio retinae, macular edema, and choroidal rupture. Commotio retinae refers to retinal whitening or opacification caused by blunt trauma, while macular edema is the accumulation of fluid in the macula, the central part of the retina. Choroidal rupture refers to a tear or break in the choroid, the layer of blood vessels beneath the retina. These conditions can occur as a result of trauma to the eye, such as being hit with a football. The healthcare provider will examine the retina to assess for any signs of these specific injuries.
Oral aminocaproic acid is a treatment option for which of the following conditions?
Correct Answer
A. Hyphema
Aminocaproic acid prevents re-bleeding but should be avoided in pts with cardiac, hepatic, or renal disease
Your patient has hyphema-related elevated IOP. You would like to Rx something to control the IOP, which would be the safest option?
Correct Answer
D. Beta Blocker
Avoid mitoics (PGs & Pilo)
Avoid CAI for potential sickle cell
Which of the following etiologies of iritis will have little to no flare.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Idiopathic
C. Laser-induced
Phacolytic & lens particle will have lots/large flare
multi-focal yellow-white lesions in retina --> Candidiasis (fungus) & TB
Serpiginous: atrophy & inflamm around ONH in 'snake pattern'
Indicate ALL the statements that are true for Iris Melanomas
Correct Answer(s)
A. Inferior portion of iris
C. Arises from iris stroma
E. Causes pupil distortion
Iris melanoma can also cause heterochromia and unilateral elevation in IOP (due to unilateral PDS, which is usually bilateral)
If you diagnose your pt with an iris melanoma, it is imperative to seek immediate treatment since these lesions have a chance for metastasis
Correct Answer
B. False
Iris melanomas don't metastisize
Tx: Surgery, plaque radiation therapy, Transpupillary thermal radiation
Latanoprost usage is a risk factor/cause for iris cysts.
Correct Answer
A. True
Other causes or iris cysts: surgery, iritis, latanoprost
Location: back of iris
SLE: best seen w/ retroillumination
Indicate ALL the true statement about asteroid hyalosis.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Calcium soaps
C. Unilateral mostly
If asteroid hyalosis becomes really dense it will make it difficult to see inside the pts eye but it will not affect pt's VA
Nongeographic atrophy is RPE hypopigmentation where you can see the underlying choroid vessels.
Correct Answer
B. False
Nongeographic Atrophy: RPE hypopigmentation, CAN'T see underlying choroid vessels, NOT distinct
Geographic Atrophy: regression of soft drusen, can see underlying choroid, distinct
Drusenoid RPE Detachments: caused by coalesced soft drusen, NOT assoc w/ CNVM & usually resolves w/o tx
MPOD (macular pigment optical density) and pHP (preferential hyperacuity perimetry) are 2 tests that help you to determine the effectiveness of hypertensive retinopathy treatment
Correct Answer
B. False
MPOD + PHP for ARMD tx
Which of the following can lead to hemmorahgic Pigmented Epithelium Detachments (PED)?
Correct Answer
B. Fibrovascular PED
Serous: fluid from choriocap goes into sub-retinal space
Fibrovascular: secondary to CNVM (occult)
--> both can cause tear in RPE
HTN choroidopathy is usually found in Grade 3 & 4
Correct Answer
A. True
Garde 3/4 = acute
Choriocap is very sensitive to HBP --> damage to RPE
Elschnig's Spots & Siegrit's is found in which condition?
Correct Answer
A. HTN choroidopathy
Elschnig's: yellow circular lesion that later becomes pigmented due to RPE damage
Siergrist's: linear pigmented areas that run along sclerotic choroidal vessles
In the early signs of HTN retinopathy, the arteries are straight.
Correct Answer
A. True
Straightened in early stages and then become tortuous over time
Some people are born with naturally tortuous vessels however
BRVO/CRVO is typically caused by plaques that obstruct the blood flow.
Correct Answer
B. False
2 main causes for CRVO:
1) impingement of artery on vein (leads to endo cell damage)
2) thickening of venous blood (BC or sickle cell)
Plaques cause CRAO/BRAO
When differentiating btwn CRVO vs hemi-central CRVO, if the vessels bifurcate before the lamina cribosa it is:
Correct Answer
A. Hemi-central CRVO
Vessel bifurcates before LC --> hemi-central CRVO
Vessel bifurcates after LC --> CRVO
To determine if a CRVO is ischemic or non-ischemic, you perform a FA. At what level of capillary dropout will it be considered ischemic?
Correct Answer
B. > 10 dd
A fluorescein angiography (FA) is used to determine if a central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) is ischemic or non-ischemic. Ischemic CRVO is associated with more severe vision loss and has a higher risk of developing complications. The level of capillary dropout observed on the FA is used to classify the CRVO as ischemic or non-ischemic. In this case, a capillary dropout of greater than 10 disc diameters (dd) is considered ischemic.
Choose the FALSE statement.
Correct Answer
C. CRAO generally causes larger VA reduction that AOAO
The given answer is correct because it states that CRAO generally causes a larger reduction in visual acuity (VA) compared to AOAO (Acute Ophthalmic Artery Obstruction). This means that in cases of CRAO, the loss of vision is typically more severe than in cases of AOAO.
The most common etiology of epiretinal membrane is retinal vascular diseases.
Correct Answer
B. False
Most common cause is idiopathic
Signs: glistening, pseudoholes, wrinkling, hemes
Impendiing macular holes typically resolve 50% of the time, otherwise treat with a vitrectomy and gas bubble
Correct Answer
A. True
Macular holes affect women > men
Due to tractional forces of the vitreous
Early stage signs = yellow spots w/ loss of foveal depression
Choose the TRUE statement abut Vitrealmacular Traction Syndrome.
Correct Answer
A. Aphakia/pseudoaphakia can be protective
- Cataract sx causes vitreous to pull away from retina
- Most resolve on own w/ PVD but if VA 20/60 or worse do vitrectomy w/ ILP peel
- Present in 50% of pts over 70 yo
- can lead to CME, ERM, macular hole
- Def: partial attachment of posterior hyaloid membrane
Choose ALL of the correct statement about Idiopathic Juxtafoveal Telangiectasia.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Group 3 associated with CNS vasculitis
C. Signs associated with area temporal to fovea
E. Yellow intra-retinal crystals
Def: incompetent retinal caps in foveal region or one or both eyes (thickening of retinal caps)
- Group 1 = unilateral | Group 2 = bilateral | Group 3 = bilateral + CNS vasculitis
- Temporal to fovea: localized retinal thickening, RPE hyperplasia, FA leaking
Irvine-Gass Syndome refers to what sign of Sickle Cell Ret?
Correct Answer
E. Cystoid macular edema post cataract sx
iridescent spot: smalls schisis that contains hemosidern macrophages
salmon patch: heme secondary to obstruction of BV that ruptures
sunburst: collection of RPE cells from chorodial occlusions
associated with: DR, vein occlusion, iritis
Which of the following is NOT a s/s of Ocular Ischemic Syndrome?
Correct Answer
A. Dilated and tortuous vessels
in OIS vessels are dilated but NOT tortuous
cause: carotid obstruction
- men > women
- no flow obstruction in carotid until 70%
- no flow obstruction in CRA until 90% (50% decrase in perfusion of CRA)
The most common cause of Macroanerysms is DM
Correct Answer
B. False
most common cause of macroanys is HTN
Def: dilation of major arterial branch (can rupture)
- indicates high mortality rate --> refer to cardiologist
Lacqure cracks, tilted disc, Fuch's spots, posterior staphaloma are all signs of what disease?
Correct Answer
A. Degenerative myopia
> -6.00 D
- Dec VA from atrophy @ macula
- myopic crescent from RPE atrophy (temporal or 360)
- complete PVD common
- post. staphaloma: outward bulging of ONH, ONH sinks, ON looks deeper than rest of retina
Which of the following is NOT a potential cause of chorodial/chorioretinal folds?
Correct Answer
F. All of the above are potential causes
IMPT to RO ocular tumor when you see these folds
Progressive Outer Retinal Necrosis (PORN) is due to:
Correct Answer
A. Varicella Zoster Virus
Moraxella --> angular bleph
- Found in immunocompromised (think porn & AIDS...insensitive, maybe, but anything helps at this point!!!)
- Devastating, necrotizing retinitis (reduce VA quickly)
Amiodarone Neuropathy leads to sudden vision loss
Correct Answer
B. False
gradual vision loss
- bilateral ONH edema
A small disc is a risk factor for AION
Correct Answer
B. False
Non-AION RFs: small disc, HTN, DM, chl, profound blood loss, Viagra (if small disc)
Indicate ALL of the signs of Non-AION
Correct Answer(s)
D. Altitudinal defect (inferior most common)
E. Disc edema w/ hemes
Non-AION s/s: APD, unilateral always, occurs in AM, disc edema w/ hemes, sectoral edema --> altitudinal VFD, sectoral pallor, NO systemic sx
- No tx other than control underlying issues
- PION has no disc edema, all the symptoms of non-aion but NO SIGNS
Non-AION & AION involve occlusion of the posterior ciliary arteries.
Correct Answer
A. True
AION has worse VA & vision rarely improves
What is the appropriate tx for AION?
Correct Answer
C. IV steroids
aion = ocular emergency
- systemic sins
- due to GCA
- ON is infarcted & chalk white
- cupping following resoution
Peripheral Senile Pigmentary Degeneration occurs in which quadrant of the retina?
Correct Answer
A. Nasal
- Due to aging
- Hyper/hypo pigmentation
- Seen with drusen
- Doesn't cause much of a problem visually
Retinoschisis typically occurs in which area of the retina?
Correct Answer
E. Inf/temporal
- Bilateral
- absolute VFD
- hole in outer layer is worse than inner layer bc inner layer already detached
A basement membrane disorder of multiple organs in the body describes which condition?
Correct Answer
A. Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome
- Demo: older scandanavian women
- True Ex Syn = glassblowers, lens capsule chips off
- Exfol mat'l on anterior lens capsule, pupillary ruff
- Transilumination defects around pupillary ruff
- Narrow AC w/ IRREGULAR pigmentation in TM
- Foward movement of lens due to weak zonules
- Mitotic pupil
- GLC cupping (50% get GLC in 10 years)
- Bull's Eye pattern (3 ring)
What percentage of the population has ONH drusen?
Correct Answer
A. 1%
The correct answer is 1%. This suggests that only 1% of the population has ONH drusen. Drusen are tiny yellow or white deposits that accumulate under the retina, and ONH (optic nerve head) drusen refers to the presence of these deposits at the optic nerve head. This condition is relatively rare, affecting a small percentage of the population.
ONH drusen cause what type of VF defect?
Correct Answer
A. Inferior
May look like GLC, but monitor and check for progression (GLC)
- VA good
- Can cause Pseudopapilledema (elevated but not edematous) --> DDX w/ OCT
- Anomalous branching of BV
- Hemes
ONH drusen is best detected with a ______.
Correct Answer
B scan
Turn down sensitivity --> calcified drusen show up
Use Red-Free filter
A CN III palsy will result in an eye turn that is down & in
Correct Answer
B. False
- Complete CN III palsy: down + out + complete ptosis
- Incomplete CN III palsy: developing aneurysm/mass/compression lesion
- Aberrant regeneration leads to pseudo-Von Graffe --> usually due to mass, trauma, anerysm, NOT an ischemic event
Pts with Charles Bonnet Syndrome have good intellect, good cognitive ability, no psychiatric disorders, and good vision
Correct Answer
B. False
Visual impairment but have vivid/clear/colorful hallucinations
Gnomes are creepy