Chapter 15 Test - The Cold War

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| By Eajohansson
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Chapter 15 Test - The Cold War - Quiz

Chapter 15, Cold War Materials + Century Videos Materials

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Study the political cartoon and answer the question. Considering that this political cartoon was published in 1947, it most likely was intended to show support for which of the following policies?

    • A.

      The Marshall Plan

    • B.


    • C.

      The Iron Curtain

    • D.

      The founding of NATO

    Correct Answer
    A. The Marshall Plan
    The political cartoon, published in 1947, likely supports the Marshall Plan. This is because the Marshall Plan was a U.S. initiative to provide economic aid to European countries after World War II, and the cartoon may be depicting the need for such support. The other options, containment, the Iron Curtain, and the founding of NATO, do not directly relate to providing economic assistance, making the Marshall Plan the most likely intended policy.

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  • 2. 

    Which of the following was a result of the German invasion of the Soviet Union?

    • A.

      The United States immediately sent troops to help defeat Hitler.

    • B.

      The United States offered military equipment to a country viewed as a potential enemy in order to defeat the greater threat.

    • C.

      The United States refused to help a country viewed as a potential enemy.

    • D.

      The United States offered military equipment and financial support to their ally because a mutual aid treaty was in effect.

    Correct Answer
    D. The United States offered military equipment and financial support to their ally because a mutual aid treaty was in effect.
    The German invasion of the Soviet Union led to the United States offering military equipment and financial support to their ally because a mutual aid treaty was in effect. This means that the United States provided assistance to the Soviet Union due to their alliance and the obligations outlined in the treaty. The invasion by Germany created a common enemy and prompted the United States to support their ally in order to counter the greater threat posed by the Axis powers.

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  • 3. 

    World events in the late summer and fall of 1949 caused

    • A.

      The British and Americans to begin the Berlin Airlift.

    • B.

      Representatives of 50 nations to form the United Nations.

    • C.

      The second Red Scare.

    • D.

      Five nations to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

    Correct Answer
    B. Representatives of 50 nations to form the United Nations.
    In the late summer and fall of 1949, world events led to the formation of the United Nations by representatives of 50 nations. The United Nations was established as an international organization to promote peace, security, and cooperation among member countries. It was created in response to the aftermath of World War II and aimed to prevent future conflicts through diplomatic negotiations and collective action. The formation of the United Nations was a significant development in international relations and marked a global effort to address global issues and maintain peace.

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  • 4. 

    “Enlistment for general service implies that the individual may be sent anywhere,—to any ship or station where he is needed. Men on board ship live in particularly close association; in their messes, one man sits beside another; their hammocks or bunks are close together; in their common tasks they work side by side; and in particular tasks such as those of a gun’s crew, they form a closely knit, highly coordinated team. How many white men would choose, of their own accord, that their closest associates in sleeping quarters, at mess, and in a gun’s crew should be of another race? How many would accept such conditions, if required to do so, without resentment and just as a matter of course? The General Board believes that the answer is “Few, if any,” and further believes that if the issue were forced, there would be a lowering of contentment, teamwork and discipline in the service.” —Memo from Chairman of the General Board to the Secretary of the Navy, February 3, 1942   The writer of this memo would most likely advise that

    • A.

      The armed forces should be desegregated immediately.

    • B.

      The armed forces should be segregated by race.

    • C.

      African Americans should be recommended for promotion.

    • D.

      Requirements for general service should be changed.

    Correct Answer
    B. The armed forces should be segregated by race.
    The writer of this memo would most likely advise that the armed forces should be segregated by race. The memo argues that men on board ship live in close association and suggests that white men would not willingly accept having associates of another race in their sleeping quarters, mess, and gun's crew. The General Board believes that forcing integration would lead to a lowering of contentment, teamwork, and discipline in the service. Therefore, the writer would recommend maintaining segregation in the armed forces.

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  • 5. 

    Which of the following was the sequence in which tests of the policy of containment occurred?

    • A.

      The Korean War, followed by economic aid to Greece, followed by the Berlin Crisis, followed by economic aid to Turkey

    • B.

      Economic aid to Greece and Turkey, followed by the Berlin Crisis, followed by the Korean War

    • C.

      Economic aid to Turkey, followed by economic aid to Greece, followed by the Korean War and the Berlin Crisis

    • D.

      Economic aid to Greece and Turkey, followed by the Korean War, followed by the Berlin Crisis

    Correct Answer
    B. Economic aid to Greece and Turkey, followed by the Berlin Crisis, followed by the Korean War
    The correct answer is economic aid to Greece and Turkey, followed by the Berlin Crisis, followed by the Korean War. This sequence is historically accurate as the United States implemented the policy of containment by providing economic aid to Greece and Turkey through the Truman Doctrine in 1947. The Berlin Crisis occurred in 1948 when the Soviet Union blockaded West Berlin, and the United States responded by airlifting supplies to the city. The Korean War started in 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea, and the United States intervened to support South Korea. Therefore, the correct sequence of events is economic aid to Greece and Turkey, followed by the Berlin Crisis, followed by the Korean War.

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  • 6. 

    What was one effect of the Marshall Plan?

    • A.

      The Berlin Airlift began and Western Europe emerged from a recession

    • B.

      The U.S. economy grew and Western Europe became more closely allied with the United States

    • C.

      The Cold War began and an Iron Curtain descended across Europe

    • D.

      The United States alienated some Western European countries but defeated the communist governments of Greece and Turkey

    Correct Answer
    B. The U.S. economy grew and Western Europe became more closely allied with the United States
    The Marshall Plan was a program initiated by the United States after World War II to provide economic aid to Western European countries. One effect of the Marshall Plan was that the U.S. economy grew as it provided financial assistance and opened up new markets for American goods in Europe. Additionally, Western Europe became more closely allied with the United States as they received economic support and formed stronger political and economic ties with the U.S. This aid helped to rebuild the war-torn countries and strengthen their economies, ultimately leading to increased cooperation and alliance between Western Europe and the United States.

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  • 7. 

    What was one effect of the Berlin Crisis?

    • A.

      The United Nations was formed

    • B.

      The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed

    • C.

      The United Nations released the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    • D.

      The United States joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    Correct Answer
    C. The United Nations released the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    The Berlin Crisis did not directly lead to the formation of the United Nations or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). However, it did have an impact on the United Nations as it prompted the release of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The crisis brought attention to the human rights violations occurring in East Germany and the Soviet Union, leading to a greater emphasis on human rights in international law.

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  • 8. 

    Which of the following events helped fuel the second Red Scare?

    • A.

      Chiang Kai-shek’s takeover of China

    • B.

      The formation of the House Un-American Activities Committee

    • C.

      Soviet detonation of an atomic bomb

    • D.

      The passage of the Smith Act

    Correct Answer
    C. Soviet detonation of an atomic bomb
    The Soviet detonation of an atomic bomb helped fuel the second Red Scare because it intensified fears of communist infiltration and espionage within the United States. The successful Soviet test demonstrated that they had developed nuclear capabilities, leading to concerns that they could potentially use this technology against the US. This event further heightened the anti-communist sentiment and paranoia that characterized the Red Scare era, as Americans feared that communist spies and sympathizers were working to undermine the country from within.

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  • 9. 

    “Six years ago, . . . there was within the Soviet orbit, 180,000,000 people. Lined up on the antitotalitarian side there were in the world at that time, roughly 1,625,000,000 people. Today, only six years later, there are 80,000,000,000 people under the absolute domination of Soviet Russia—an increase of over 400 percent. On our side, the figure has shrunk to around 500,000. In other words, in less than six years, the odds have changed from 9 to 1 in our favor to 8 to 1 against us. “This indicates the swiftness of the tempo of Communist victories and American defeats in the cold war. As one of our outstanding historical figures once said, “When a great democracy is destroyed, it will not be from enemies from without, but rather because of enemies from within.” . . . “The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because our only powerful potential enemy has sent men to invade our shores . . . but rather because of the traitorous actions of those who have been treated so well by this Nation. It has not been the less fortunate, or members of minority groups who have been traitorous to this Nation, but rather those who have had all the benefits that the wealthiest Nation on earth has had to offer . . . the finest homes, the finest college education and the finest jobs in government we can give. “This is glaringly true in the State Department. There the bright young men who are born with silver spoons in their mouths are the ones who have been most traitorous . . .” —Speech of Joseph McCarthy, Wheeling, West Virginia, February 9, 1950   What is the most likely reason that Senator McCarthy’s speech made him so popular with the American people?

    • A.

      He offered an explanation of world events that made Americans nervous.

    • B.

      He offered proof that the United States was in grave danger.

    • C.

      He had helped identify the Soviet spy Alger Hiss.

    • D.

      He defended the character of the American people.

    Correct Answer
    A. He offered an explanation of world events that made Americans nervous.
    The most likely reason that Senator McCarthy's speech made him popular with the American people is because he offered an explanation of world events that made Americans nervous. His speech highlighted the rapid increase in Soviet domination and the decrease in support for the United States, creating a sense of fear and insecurity among the American population. McCarthy's words tapped into the anxieties of the Cold War era, making him appealing to those who were concerned about the spread of communism and the potential threats to American democracy.

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  • 10. 

    Why was the conflict in Korea called a police action?

    • A.

      The United States sent police officers to keep the peace.

    • B.

      The United Nations did not have the power to declare war.

    • C.

      South Korea did not have a military.

    • D.

      The United States never officially declared war.

    Correct Answer
    D. The United States never officially declared war.
    The conflict in Korea was called a police action because the United States never officially declared war. Instead, they referred to it as a police action in order to bypass the need for a formal declaration of war. This allowed the United States to intervene in the conflict without the same level of congressional oversight and restrictions that would have come with a formal declaration of war.

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  • 11. 

    U.S. actions in China after World War II demonstrated that the United States

    • A.

      Was willing to support corrupt governments in order to stop the spread of communism.

    • B.

      Had poor intelligence from China.

    • C.

      Was not concerned with the spread of communism in Asia.

    • D.

      Was committed to enforcing disarmament treaties.

    Correct Answer
    A. Was willing to support corrupt governments in order to stop the spread of communism.
    After World War II, the United States demonstrated its willingness to support corrupt governments in order to prevent the spread of communism in China. This can be seen through various actions such as supporting the Nationalist government under Chiang Kai-shek, despite its corruption and inefficiency, in their fight against the Communist Party led by Mao Zedong. The U.S. believed that supporting a corrupt government was a necessary evil to prevent the spread of communism, as they feared the domino effect where one communist regime would lead to others in the region.

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  • 12. 

    The foreign policy that aimed to stop communism from spreading was called

    • A.

      The Iron Curtain.

    • B.


    • C.

      The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

    • D.

      The International Monetary Fund.

    Correct Answer
    B. Containment.
    The correct answer is containment. The term "containment" refers to the foreign policy strategy adopted by the United States during the Cold War to prevent the spread of communism. It aimed to contain the influence and expansion of communism, particularly the Soviet Union, through various means such as military alliances, economic aid, and diplomatic efforts. The concept of containment was first introduced by diplomat George F. Kennan in his "Long Telegram" in 1946 and later popularized by the Truman Doctrine. It became a central pillar of US foreign policy during the Cold War era.

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  • 13. 

    Why did President Truman fire General Douglas MacArthur?

    • A.

      MacArthur made public statements challenging the authority of the president.

    • B.

      MacArthur refused to expand the fighting into China.

    • C.

      MacArthur welcomed the Chinese government to Korea.

    • D.

      MacArthur was a war hero from World War II.

    Correct Answer
    A. MacArthur made public statements challenging the authority of the president.
    President Truman fired General Douglas MacArthur because he made public statements challenging the authority of the president. This undermined the chain of command and showed insubordination, which is unacceptable in military leadership. As the president, Truman had the responsibility to maintain control and discipline within the military and ensure that his orders were followed. MacArthur's actions were seen as a breach of trust and a threat to the stability of the government, leading to his dismissal.

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  • 14. 

    What did HUAC investigate in the 1950s?

    • A.

      Domestic Communist threats

    • B.

      The possibility of creating a worldwide currency

    • C.

      Chiang Kai-shek’s government

    • D.

      President Truman’s firing of General Douglas MacArthur

    Correct Answer
    A. Domestic Communist threats
    In the 1950s, HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) investigated domestic Communist threats. This committee was established to identify and expose individuals and organizations suspected of having Communist ties or sympathies. During the Cold War era, there was widespread fear of Communist infiltration in the United States, and HUAC played a significant role in investigating and interrogating individuals in order to uncover any potential threats to national security. Their investigations led to the blacklisting of many individuals from the entertainment industry and other sectors, causing significant social and political turmoil during that time.

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  • 15. 

    What kept the U.S. economy strong after World War II?

    • A.

      The demand for military supplies dropped sharply.

    • B.

      The government controlled industrial production after the war.

    • C.

      The demand for consumer goods rose sharply after the war.

    • D.

      Labor unrest escalated.

    Correct Answer
    C. The demand for consumer goods rose sharply after the war.
    After World War II, the U.S. economy remained strong due to the sharp rise in demand for consumer goods. The war had created a pent-up demand for products that were not available during the war years. As a result, once the war ended, consumers were eager to purchase goods, leading to increased production and economic growth. This demand for consumer goods stimulated various industries and contributed to the overall strength of the U.S. economy.

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  • 16. 

    Which of the following represented one of the first efforts of the United Nations to fulfill its mission?

    • A.

      Founding of the World Bank

    • B.

      Creation of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

    • C.

      Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    • D.

      Creation of the Peace Corps

    Correct Answer
    C. Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    The adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights represented one of the first efforts of the United Nations to fulfill its mission because it was a significant step towards promoting and protecting human rights globally. The declaration was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948 and outlined the fundamental rights and freedoms that all individuals should enjoy, regardless of their nationality, race, or religion. By adopting this declaration, the United Nations demonstrated its commitment to upholding human rights and working towards a more just and equal world.

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  • 17. 

    The staggering number of casualties in the final two months of the Korean War showed that

    • A.

      The UN forces were inferior to the Communist forces.

    • B.

      Both sides were willing to lose many soldiers to gain a small amount of territory.

    • C.

      Both sides protected civilian lives.

    • D.

      President Truman had been right to fire General MacArthur.

    Correct Answer
    B. Both sides were willing to lose many soldiers to gain a small amount of territory.
    The correct answer is "both sides were willing to lose many soldiers to gain a small amount of territory." This can be inferred from the statement that the staggering number of casualties in the final two months of the Korean War showed that both sides were willing to sacrifice many soldiers. The phrase "to gain a small amount of territory" suggests that the high casualties were not proportionate to significant territorial gains, indicating a willingness to accept heavy losses for minimal territorial advancements.

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  • 18. 

    Why was Joseph McCarthy able to wage a successful anti-Communist campaign?

    • A.

      He provided evidence to back up his accusations.

    • B.

      Americans were looking for someone to blame for recent Communist victories.

    • C.

      Truman appointed him to head an anti-Communist task force.

    • D.

      He was an honest and trustworthy senator.

    Correct Answer
    B. Americans were looking for someone to blame for recent Communist victories.
    During the time when Joseph McCarthy was able to wage a successful anti-Communist campaign, Americans were feeling threatened by the recent Communist victories. They were looking for someone to blame and McCarthy capitalized on this fear by making accusations without substantial evidence. This allowed him to gain support and fuel the anti-Communist sentiment among the American public. McCarthy's ability to tap into the existing anxieties and provide a scapegoat for the Communist threat contributed to his success in the campaign.

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  • 19. 

    Why did the United States and Britain begin the Berlin airlift?

    • A.

      To prevent all of Germany from becoming Communist

    • B.

      To prevent all of Berlin from becoming Communist

    • C.

      To rescue Allied troops trapped in Berlin

    • D.

      To implement the Marshall Plan

    Correct Answer
    B. To prevent all of Berlin from becoming Communist
    The United States and Britain began the Berlin airlift to prevent all of Berlin from becoming Communist. After World War II, Germany was divided into four zones, with Berlin also divided into four sectors. The Soviet Union, which controlled East Germany and East Berlin, imposed a blockade on West Berlin in an attempt to force the Western Allies to abandon the city. In response, the United States and Britain initiated the airlift to supply West Berlin with food, fuel, and other necessities, ensuring that the city remained under Western control and preventing it from falling under Soviet influence.

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  • 20. 

    How might a member of Congress in 1950 have defended the passage of the McCarran Act?

    • A.

      Military buildup is necessary to protect against the Communist threat.

    • B.

      Freedom of speech should be protected at all costs.

    • C.

      It makes sense to punish people for their thoughts before they act on them.

    • D.

      Some infringement on individual rights is necessary to protect the nation.

    Correct Answer
    D. Some infringement on individual rights is necessary to protect the nation.
    A member of Congress in 1950 might have defended the passage of the McCarran Act by arguing that some infringement on individual rights is necessary to protect the nation. They could have contended that in the face of the Communist threat, certain measures needed to be taken to safeguard national security, even if it meant limiting certain individual freedoms. This defense would likely emphasize the importance of prioritizing the collective well-being and security of the nation over individual liberties.

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  • 21. 

    Why was the United States able to implement the Marshall Plan after World War II?

    • A.

      The country did not suffer the economic devastation that European countries faced.

    • B.

      The country had received aid throughout the war from Britain and France.

    • C.

      The country had taken control of profitable German industries.

    • D.

      The U.S. military suffered few losses during the war.

    Correct Answer
    A. The country did not suffer the economic devastation that European countries faced.
    The United States was able to implement the Marshall Plan after World War II because the country did not suffer the economic devastation that European countries faced. This allowed the U.S. to provide financial assistance and aid to help rebuild the war-torn nations in Europe. The United States had a strong economy and was in a position to provide support to other countries, which helped to stabilize and rebuild Europe after the war.

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  • 22. 

    Where were details of the armistice agreement that ended the Korean War negotiated?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Panmunjom
    Panmunjom is the correct answer because it is the location where the armistice agreement that ended the Korean War was negotiated. Panmunjom is a small village located in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between North Korea and South Korea. It was chosen as the site for negotiations because it was centrally located and easily accessible by both sides. The armistice agreement was signed on July 27, 1953, and it established a ceasefire between North and South Korea, effectively ending the active fighting of the war.

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  • 23. 

    What effect did Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech have on the tensions of the Cold War?

    • A.

      It heightened tensions because Stalin used the speech as an excuse to spend Soviet resources on rebuilding the military.

    • B.

      It heightened tensions because Churchill advocated continuing the Manhattan Project.

    • C.

      It reduced the possibility of war because an Iron Curtain separated Eastern and Western Europe.

    • D.

      It reduced the possibility of war because Stalin backed down in the face of this British criticism.

    Correct Answer
    A. It heightened tensions because Stalin used the speech as an excuse to spend Soviet resources on rebuilding the military.
    The correct answer suggests that Churchill's Iron Curtain speech had the effect of increasing tensions in the Cold War. This is because Stalin used the speech as a justification to allocate Soviet resources towards rebuilding the military. This action by Stalin indicates that the speech had a provocative impact, leading to an escalation of tensions between the Western and Eastern blocs.

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  • 24. 

    After World War II many people believed that solving economic problems would help ensure world peace.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    After World War II, there was a widespread belief among many people that addressing economic issues would contribute to maintaining global peace. This perspective stemmed from the understanding that economic instability and inequality were significant factors that had contributed to the outbreak of the war. By focusing on resolving economic problems and promoting prosperity, it was believed that nations would be less likely to engage in conflicts and instead prioritize cooperation and peaceful resolutions. This belief in the link between economic stability and world peace was a driving force behind initiatives such as the establishment of international organizations like the United Nations and the creation of economic alliances like the European Union.

    Rate this question:

  • 25. 

    George F. Kennan created a foreign policy known as containment.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    George F. Kennan, an American diplomat and historian, is widely credited with creating the foreign policy of containment. Containment was a strategy employed by the United States during the Cold War to prevent the spread of communism. Kennan outlined this approach in his famous "Long Telegram" in 1946 and later expanded on it in his article "The Sources of Soviet Conduct." His ideas on containment became influential and formed the basis of US foreign policy towards the Soviet Union for several decades.

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  • 26. 

    President Truman fired General Douglas MacArthur because MacArthur spoke out against the president and made threats against China.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    President Truman fired General Douglas MacArthur because MacArthur openly criticized and challenged the president's authority by speaking out against him. Additionally, MacArthur made threats against China without consulting or informing the president, which undermined Truman's diplomatic efforts and jeopardized the delicate balance of international relations. As a result, Truman deemed it necessary to relieve MacArthur of his duties to maintain control and preserve the chain of command.

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  • 27. 

    Americans accurately perceived the level of threat posed by domestic communism after World War II.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    The statement suggests that Americans accurately perceived the level of threat posed by domestic communism after World War II. However, this is not true. The period after World War II, known as the Red Scare, was characterized by widespread fear and paranoia about communism infiltrating American society. This led to the persecution and blacklisting of suspected communists, often based on flimsy evidence or mere suspicion. The McCarthy hearings and the House Un-American Activities Committee were prominent examples of this hysteria. Therefore, the statement is false as Americans did not accurately perceive the level of threat posed by domestic communism after World War II.

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  • 28. 

    What phrase did Winston Churchill coin?

    • A.


    • B.

      Iron Curtain

    • C.

      Red Scare

    • D.

      Blood & Tears

    Correct Answer
    B. Iron Curtain
    Winston Churchill coined the phrase "Iron Curtain" to describe the division between Western and Eastern Europe during the Cold War. This term symbolized the ideological and physical separation created by the Soviet Union, which controlled the Eastern Bloc countries. The Iron Curtain became a powerful metaphor for the political and military tension between the communist and capitalist worlds, highlighting the restrictions and lack of freedom experienced by those living behind it. Churchill's use of this phrase brought international attention to the growing divide and helped shape the discourse surrounding the Cold War.

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  • 29. 

    What is one effect of the Baby Boom today?

    • A.

      Less babies are born

    • B.

      Increase in contraceptive use

    • C.

      Larger group of people retiring

    • D.

      Strain on global markets

    Correct Answer
    C. Larger group of people retiring
    The Baby Boom refers to a significant increase in birth rates that occurred after World War II. Today, one effect of the Baby Boom is that there is a larger group of people retiring. This is because the Baby Boom generation is reaching retirement age, resulting in a higher number of individuals leaving the workforce and relying on retirement benefits. This demographic shift has implications for various aspects of society, such as healthcare, social security systems, and the economy.

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  • 30. 

    What does the word 'prosperous' mean?

    • A.

      Well off

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Well off
    The word 'prosperous' means being well off or financially successful. It implies having wealth, abundance, and a comfortable lifestyle.

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  • 31. 

    The opposite of 'anarchy' might be

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Free will

    Correct Answer
    C. Totalitarian
    Anarchy refers to a state of disorder and absence of government control. The opposite of anarchy would be a system of government that has complete control and authority over its citizens, which is reflected in the concept of totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is characterized by a centralized government that exercises absolute power and control over all aspects of public and private life, leaving no room for individual freedoms or democratic processes.

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  • 32. 

    The GI in the GI Bill stands for what?

    • A.

      Government Intervention

    • B.

      Government Inventory

    • C.

      Government Issue

    • D.

      Government Instrumental

    Correct Answer
    C. Government Issue
    The correct answer is "Government Issue." The GI in the GI Bill stands for Government Issue. The GI Bill is a law that provides educational and financial benefits to veterans of the United States Armed Forces. The term "Government Issue" refers to military equipment or supplies that are issued by the government to its personnel. In the context of the GI Bill, it signifies that the benefits provided by the bill are issued by the government to eligible veterans.

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  • 33. 

    What does a Litmus Test do, in common-place langauge?

    • A.

      Checks whether or not someone will start a war

    • B.

      Determines political incumbency

    • C.

      A question asked of a potential candidate for high office, the answer to which would determine whether the nominating official would choose to proceed with the appointment or nomination

    • D.

      Adds to the sour taste people get from political candiates

    Correct Answer
    C. A question asked of a potential candidate for high office, the answer to which would determine whether the nominating official would choose to proceed with the appointment or nomination
    A Litmus Test is a question asked of a potential candidate for high office, the answer to which would determine whether the nominating official would choose to proceed with the appointment or nomination.

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  • 34. 

    What does Shot Simon and Shot Grable have in common?

    • A.

      They're both drinks at a bar in Washington DC

    • B.

      They're both atom bomb tests in the Nevada desert

    • C.

      They're both trial rockets fored towards the moon

    • D.

      They're great golf shots named after the nieces of Truman

    Correct Answer
    B. They're both atom bomb tests in the Nevada desert
    Shot Simon and Shot Grable have in common that they are both atom bomb tests in the Nevada desert. This means that they were both military operations involving the detonation of atomic bombs for testing purposes in the Nevada desert.

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  • 35. 

    People on the "Blacklist" could not do what?

    • A.

      Work in the film industry

    • B.

      Work in the Navy, or Coast Guard

    • C.

      Work at grovery stores

    • D.

      Work at Federal Employment Opportunities

    Correct Answer
    A. Work in the film industry
    During the period of McCarthyism in the United States, the term "Blacklist" referred to individuals who were suspected or accused of having communist sympathies. These individuals were often denied employment opportunities, including in the film industry. Many actors, directors, and writers were blacklisted during this time, and their careers were severely impacted. They were unable to find work in the film industry due to their perceived political affiliations, which led to significant personal and professional consequences.

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  • 36. 

    What is one effect of the TV's arrival in the 1950s?

    • A.

      People started spending less time outdoors.

    • B.

      People started spending more time outdoors.

    • C.

      People started taking more vacations, because they'd seen it on TV.

    • D.

      People started spending more time with neighbors at BBQs.

    Correct Answer
    A. People started spending less time outdoors.
    The TV's arrival in the 1950s had the effect of people spending less time outdoors. This is because television provided a new form of entertainment and information that could be enjoyed from the comfort of one's own home. As a result, people began to spend more time indoors, watching TV shows and movies, rather than engaging in outdoor activities.

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