Exodus 20: 3-17 lists which of the following?
Correct Answer
A. The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:3-17 lists the Ten Commandments. These commandments were given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai and are considered fundamental principles of moral and religious conduct for the Israelites. They cover various aspects of life, including the worship of God, relationships with others, and personal integrity. The commandments include instructions such as not worshiping other gods, not taking the Lord's name in vain, honoring parents, not stealing, not committing adultery, and not bearing false witness. They serve as a guide for righteous living and have had a significant influence on ethical and legal systems throughout history.
According to Genesis 1: 26-31, man was given control over which of these?
Correct Answer
A. All living things of the earth
According to Genesis 1: 26-31, man was given control over all living things of the earth. This passage states that God gave humans dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and every living creature that moves on the earth. It emphasizes that humans were created in the image of God and were given the responsibility to take care of and have authority over the earth and its living beings.
Which of theses passages in Genesis record God's decision to make a helper suitable for Adam?
Correct Answer
B. Genesis chapter 2
Genesis chapter 2 records God's decision to make a helper suitable for Adam. In this passage, God creates Adam and realizes that it is not good for him to be alone. He then creates Eve as a suitable helper and companion for Adam. This chapter specifically focuses on the creation of Eve and God's intention to provide Adam with a helper.
According to Genesis 1: 26-31, in whose image was man made?
Correct Answer
C. God's
According to Genesis 1: 26-31, man was made in God's image. This means that humans possess qualities and characteristics that reflect the nature of God. This includes attributes such as intelligence, creativity, and moral consciousness. Being made in God's image also implies that humans have a special relationship with God and are intended to reflect His character in their thoughts, actions, and interactions with others.
According to Genesis 2: 15-25, which of these trees was Adam forbidden to eat from?
Correct Answer
B. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil
In Genesis 2: 15-25, it is stated that Adam was forbidden to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This tree held the power to bestow upon Adam the knowledge of good and evil, which was reserved for God alone. By eating from this tree, Adam would have disobeyed God's command and gained knowledge that was not meant for him, leading to the consequences of sin and separation from God.
After pronouncing several of His creation "good", according to Genesis 1: 26-31, which of His creation did God pronounce "very good"?
Correct Answer
D. Everything He created
In Genesis 1: 26-31, God pronounces several of His creations as "good" after creating them. However, when it comes to the man and the woman, He pronounces them "very good". This implies that God considered the creation of human beings as the pinnacle of His creation and deemed it to be exceptional. Therefore, the correct answer is "Everything He created".
Genesis 2:15-25 includes a report on all of the following except :
Correct Answer
B. The curse on the serpent
Genesis 2:15-25 includes a report on Adam being placed in the Garden of Eden and naming his wife. However, it does not mention anything about Adam naming all the animals or the curse on the serpent.
According to Genesis 1: 26-31, the blessings that God pronounced on the first couple included all of the following except:
Correct Answer
B. The privilege to eat the meat of all clean animals
According to Genesis 1: 26-31, God blessed the first couple with the following: having dominion over all living creatures within the earth, the privilege to eat various plants, herbs, and fruit, and the command to multiply and replenish the earth. However, there is no mention of the privilege to eat the meat of all clean animals, making it the correct answer.
What is the reason given in the book of Genesis for a man to leave his father and mother and unite (cleave) with his wife?
Correct Answer
C. Because the first Woman was taken out of the first Man
In the book of Genesis, it is stated that the first woman was created from the first man. This suggests that a man should leave his father and mother and unite with his wife because they are originally connected and share a deep bond. This explanation emphasizes the importance of marriage and the unity between husband and wife.
Genesis 1: 26-31 involved which day of creation
Correct Answer
C. Sixth day
Genesis 1: 26-31 describes the creation of humans, where God said, "Let us make mankind in our image." This implies that it was on the sixth day of creation when humans were created. Additionally, on this day, God also created all the land animals, including livestock, wild animals, and creatures that move along the ground. Therefore, the correct answer is the sixth day.
Which of these passages includes both a curse and the promise of future hope and blessing?
Correct Answer
C. Genesis 3: 14-15
Genesis 3: 14-15 includes both a curse and the promise of future hope and blessing. In this passage, God curses the serpent for deceiving Eve and promises that the offspring of the woman will crush the serpent's head, which is a reference to Jesus defeating Satan. This passage signifies the consequences of sin and the hope of redemption through the coming Messiah.
What is God's assessment of the human heart in Genesis 8: 20-22?
Correct Answer
C. It is evil from youth (childhood)
The correct answer is "It is evil from youth (childhood)." In Genesis 8: 20-22, God states that the inclination of the human heart is evil from youth. This suggests that humans have a tendency towards sin and wrongdoing from a young age.
In the song of Moses and the Israelites, a portion of which is found in Exodus 15: 11-13, who or what is referred to as being swallowed by the earth?
Correct Answer
C. Pharaoh and the Egyptians
In the song of Moses and the Israelites, the portion in Exodus 15:11-13 refers to Pharaoh and the Egyptians being swallowed by the earth.
According to Genesis 8: 20-22, what did Noah build?
Correct Answer
A. An altar
This quiz was submitted by my 8-year-old-son Zechariah
What promise was made regarding the seed of the woman in Genesis 3: 14-15?
Correct Answer
C. It would bruise the serpent’s head
The promise made regarding the seed of the woman in Genesis 3:14-15 is that it would bruise the serpent's head. This means that the offspring of the woman would ultimately defeat and have victory over the serpent, symbolizing the defeat of evil. The other options, such as multiplying as the sand of the sea or being as numerous as the stars in the sky, are not mentioned in this specific passage.
According to Genesis 8: 20-22, God said He would never do all of the following except:
Correct Answer
A. Never bring another flood anywhere on earth that would destroy life
According to Genesis 8: 20-22, God promised that He would never bring another flood anywhere on earth that would destroy life. The passage states that God will never curse the ground anymore because of man, He will never destroy all living creatures, and He will never allow the seasons of the earth to cease while the earth remains in existence. However, the passage does not mention anything about God not bringing another flood that would destroy life.
In Matthew 22: 36-40, Jesus summarizes (shortens) the ten commandments into how many commandments?
Correct Answer
B. 2
In Matthew 22: 36-40, Jesus summarizes the ten commandments into two commandments. He states that the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and the second is to love your neighbor as yourself. By emphasizing these two commandments, Jesus simplifies and condenses the ten commandments into a concise and powerful message about the importance of love and compassion.
Which of the following is a commandment found in Matthew 22: 36-40?
Correct Answer
A. To love the Lord God with the entirety of our heart, soul and mind
In Matthew 22: 36-40, Jesus is asked what the greatest commandment is. He responds by saying that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, and mind. This means that we are to have a deep and genuine love for God, giving Him our full devotion and putting Him above all else in our lives. This commandment encompasses our entire being, emphasizing the importance of a wholehearted and sincere love for God.
Which of the following commandment is not stated but definitely implied in Matthew 22:36-40?
Correct Answer
A. To Honor father and mother
The commandment to "Honor father and mother" is not explicitly stated in Matthew 22:36-40, but it is definitely implied in the commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves. Honoring our parents is a way of showing love and respect to our neighbors, as our parents are among the closest and most immediate neighbors we have. Therefore, although not directly mentioned, honoring father and mother is implied in the commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Of the Ten Commandments given to Moses, how many commandments directly have to do with how we view and serve God?
Correct Answer
B. 4
Four of the Ten Commandments directly have to do with how we view and serve God. These commandments include: "You shall have no other gods before me," "You shall not make for yourself an idol or worship any other gods," "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain," and "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy." These commandments emphasize the importance of worshiping and honoring God, and highlight the significance of having a proper relationship with Him.
Of the Ten Commandments given to Moses, how many commandments directly have to do with how we view and serve fellow humans?
Correct Answer
C. 6
The correct answer is 6 because out of the Ten Commandments, six commandments directly relate to how we view and serve fellow humans. These commandments include "You shall not murder," "You shall not commit adultery," "You shall not steal," "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor," "You shall not covet your neighbor's house," and "You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's." These commandments emphasize the importance of respecting and treating others with fairness and honesty.
Which of the following of the Ten Commandments falls under Jesus’ second commandment found in Matthew 22: 36-40?
Correct Answer
B. Thou (you) shall not commit adultery
Which of the following of the Ten Commandments falls under Jesus’ first commandment found in Matthew 22: 36-40?
Correct Answer
B. Thou (you) shall not make unto thee (make for yourself) any graven (carved) image (idol)
The correct answer is "Thou (you) shall not make unto thee (make for yourself) any graven (carved) image (idol)". This commandment falls under Jesus' first commandment because in Matthew 22: 36-40, Jesus states that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Making graven images or idols goes against this commandment as it involves worshiping something other than God, which is considered a form of idolatry.
According to Ephesians 6: 1-4, which of the following of the Ten Commandments is called the first commandment with a promise?
Correct Answer
C. C. Honor thy (your) father and mother
The correct answer is C. Honor thy (your) father and mother. According to Ephesians 6: 1-4, this commandment is referred to as the first commandment with a promise.
According to the wording of the second of the Ten Commandments, which of the following is true?
Correct Answer
D. The Israelites were neither allowed to make any graven images (carved images), nor were they allowed to serve (worship) them
The wording of the second of the Ten Commandments indicates that the Israelites were prohibited from both making any graven images and serving or worshiping them.
What reason does God give for strictly following the second of the Ten Commandments about graven images (carved images or idols)?
Correct Answer
C. God is a jealous God
The reason God gives for strictly following the second commandment about graven images is that He is a jealous God. This means that God desires the exclusive worship and devotion of His people and does not want them to worship or serve any other gods or idols. God's jealousy stems from His love for His people and His desire for them to have a genuine and intimate relationship with Him. By prohibiting the worship of graven images, God ensures that His people remain faithful and devoted to Him alone.
In the passage on the second of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus, what is God’s assessment of those who make graven images (carved images or idols)?
Correct Answer
B. They hate Him
According to the passage in Exodus, God's assessment of those who make graven images is that they hate Him. This implies that creating idols goes against God's commandments and is seen as an act of disobedience and disrespect towards Him.
In the passage on the second of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus, what is God’s response towards those that keep His commandments?
Correct Answer
C. He will show mercy to thousands of them
God's response towards those that keep His commandments is that He will show mercy to thousands of them. This means that God will extend His compassion and forgiveness to a large number of people who faithfully follow His commandments. The passage suggests that God's mercy is not limited to just a few individuals, but rather it extends to a multitude of people who choose to live according to His laws.
What is one consequence, mentioned in Exodus chapter 20, of a person taking the Lord’s Name in vain?
Correct Answer
C. The Lord finds that person guilty
In Exodus chapter 20, it is mentioned that one consequence of a person taking the Lord's Name in vain is that the Lord finds that person guilty.
All of the following is part of the reason the Lord commanded the Israelites to keep the Sabbath day holy except:
Correct Answer
B. The Lord said that any work done on the Sabbath day is holy
The Lord commanded the Israelites to keep the Sabbath day holy because He rested on the seventh day, He blessed the Sabbath day, and He hallowed (sanctified or made holy) the Sabbath day. However, the statement that any work done on the Sabbath day is holy is not part of the reason for this commandment.
Obeying which of the following Commandments promised long life in the land that the Lord provided?
Correct Answer
B. The Commandment to honor father and mother
The correct answer is the Commandment to honor father and mother. This commandment is found in Exodus 20:12 and states that those who honor their father and mother will have long life in the land that the Lord provided. This commandment emphasizes the importance of respecting and honoring one's parents, which is seen as a virtue in many cultures and religions. By obeying this commandment, individuals are promised a long and prosperous life in the land that the Lord has given them.
According to Exodus chapter 20, God commanded the Israelites not to covet which of the following things belonging to their neighbor’s?
Correct Answer
D. All of the above
In Exodus chapter 20, God commanded the Israelites not to covet their neighbor's house, servants, or oxen. This means that they were not supposed to desire or be envious of these possessions that belonged to others. The commandment serves as a reminder to focus on gratitude and contentment rather than comparing oneself to others and desiring what they have.
In the list of the Ten Commandments as found in Exodus chapter 20, the commandment not to steal is which number in the list?
Correct Answer
B. The 6th Commandment
The correct answer is the 8th Commandment. The 8th Commandment states "You shall not steal" and can be found in Exodus chapter 20.
Which of the following attribute (character trait) of God is not mentioned in Exodus 34: 6-7?
Correct Answer
B. Unchangeable
The attribute of God that is not mentioned in Exodus 34: 6-7 is "Unchangeable". The passage specifically mentions that God is "gracious, merciful, and forgiving", but it does not mention anything about God being unchangeable.
According to Exodus 34: 6-7, which of the following is true about the Lord?
Correct Answer
B. He forgives wickedness (iniquity)
According to Exodus 34: 6-7, the Lord forgives wickedness (iniquity). This means that the Lord is willing to pardon and show mercy to those who have committed wicked acts. This shows the compassionate and forgiving nature of the Lord.