If I am accused of plagiarism, I could face the following:
Correct Answer
E. All of the above
If accused of plagiarism, the consequences could include receiving a failing grade for the assignment, a failing grade for the course, expulsion from the university, and the destruction of one's professional reputation. This means that all of the mentioned options are potential outcomes for someone who is accused of plagiarism.
I have very little time to write a paper for my class. I wrote an essay about a similar topic last year. I can use part of it for my new assignment.
Correct Answer
B. False
You need to seek permission from your professor and cite the information taken from the other assignment.
I want to use a photograph taken by someone else in my project. If I use a graphics program to change the photograph I do not need to seek permission from the original creator.
Correct Answer
B. False
Changing a photograph using a graphics program does not exempt one from seeking permission from the original creator. Regardless of any modifications made, the original creator still holds the copyright to the photograph. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain permission from the original creator before using their photograph in a project, even if it has been altered.
It is ok to quote someone directly in my paper as long as I:
Correct Answer
D. Both a and c
The correct answer is "Both a and c". This means that it is permissible to quote someone directly in a paper as long as quotation marks are used around the quote and an in-text notation is added. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the person being quoted has not been quoted in other papers written by the author, and to provide a full citation for the original source in the references list.
When I paraphrase (rewrite about the same length but in my own words) what someone else has written I don’t have to write an in-text citation or include the citation it in my list of references.
Correct Answer
B. False
When paraphrasing someone else's work, it is still necessary to provide an in-text citation to give credit to the original source. Additionally, the paraphrased work should be included in the list of references at the end of the document. This is important to avoid plagiarism and to acknowledge the ideas and information that were borrowed from another author.
Who or what resources are available to you as a student of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for help in avoiding plagiarism?
Correct Answer
D. All of the above
See this link for additional information: library.unlv.edu/help/integrity
Plagiarism is only considered academic dishonesty if it is intentional.
Correct Answer
B. False
Plagiarism can occur both intentionally and unintentionally. Even if you accidentally forget to cite a source or paraphrase improperly, it is still considered plagiarism. It is crucial to understand proper citation methods and paraphrasing techniques to avoid plagiarism, regardless of intent.
It is important to properly cite the resources in your project beacause:
Correct Answer
C. Both A & B
Properly citing resources in a project is important because it helps the reader locate the resources quickly and also prevents the author from being accused of plagiarism. By citing sources, the reader can easily access the original material and verify the information provided. Additionally, failing to cite work can lead to accusations of plagiarism, which is a serious ethical violation in academic and professional settings. Therefore, both points A and B are valid reasons for why it is important to properly cite resources in a project.
What is the correct style format to use for papers?
Correct Answer
D. Each class uses a different style depending on the method selected by the professor.
The correct style format for papers varies depending on the class and the professor's preference. Different classes may require different style formats such as MLA, APA, or Chicago. Therefore, there is no one correct style format to use for papers, and it is important to follow the specific guidelines provided by each professor.
It is easier to copy and paste ideas of other people into Microsoft Word. Professors do not have any tools to find out that I have plagiarized.
Correct Answer
B. False
There are many plagiarism detection strategies that can be utilized to determine if papers or passages in papers have been plagiarized from other sources like detection software, Internet checking and links to information on the Internet that appear in a paper.