Soal Unbk Tahap 2-tkj 2019 Smk Panca Bhakti Magetan

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| By Khoirul Khasanah
Khoirul Khasanah
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 116
Questions: 15 | Attempts: 116

Soal Unbk Tahap 2-tkj 2019 Smk Panca Bhakti Magetan - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Suatu jaringan komputer bisa saling berbagi pemakai sumber daya disebut dengan......

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Sharing
    The correct answer is "Sharing". In computer networking, sharing refers to the ability of multiple devices or users to access and utilize shared resources such as files, printers, or internet connections. This allows for collaboration and efficient use of resources within the network.

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  • 2. 

    Berikut disiapkan beberapa alat jaringan 5 komputer, 1 switch, kabel UTP, konektor RJ45, krimping tools, LAN tester, topologi jaringan yang akan dibangun adalah.....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. STAR
    The correct answer is STAR. A star topology is a network configuration where all devices are connected to a central switch or hub. In this case, the question mentions that there are 5 computers and 1 switch provided, which aligns with the star topology. Each computer is connected individually to the switch, allowing for easy management and troubleshooting.

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  • 3. 

    Sebuah jaringan LAN terjadi permasalahan dimana icon LAN mati, penyebab permasalahan tersebut adalah

    • A.

      Konektor LAN tidak terpasang dengan baik

    • B.

      Kabel LAN tidak berfungsi

    • C.

      LAN CArd tidak terpasang dengan baik

    • D.

      LAN Card tidak berfungsi

    • E.

      Switch mengalam kerusakan

    Correct Answer
    A. Konektor LAN tidak terpasang dengan baik
    The correct answer is "Konektor LAN tidak terpasang dengan baik." This is because if the LAN connector is not properly connected, it can result in the LAN icon not lighting up or appearing as dead. This can disrupt the connection and cause the LAN to not function properly.

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  • 4. 

    Sebelum Melakukan perbaikan konektivitas jaringan pada komputer clinet yang bermasalah, terlebih dahulu kita harus......

    • A.

      Peralatan yang digunakan dan jumlah client

    • B.

      Peralatan yang digunakan dan konfirmasi IP

    • C.

      Peralatan yang  digunakan dan sistem keamanan jaringan yang digunakan

    • D.

      Peralatan yang digunakan dan jenis topologi jaringan

    • E.

      Perlatan yang digunakan dan konfigurasi jaringan

    Correct Answer
    E. Perlatan yang digunakan dan konfigurasi jaringan
    The correct answer is "Perlatan yang digunakan dan konfigurasi jaringan." This answer suggests that before fixing the network connectivity issue on the problematic client computer, it is important to consider the equipment being used and the network configuration. This means checking if the necessary equipment is available and ensuring that the network is properly configured for the client's needs.

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  • 5. 

    Perhatikan gambar berikut: Berdasarkan gambar topologi di atas, handphone andi tidak mendapat koneksi dari internet maka konfigurasi ulang handphone andi yang tepat adalah mengganti konfigurasi......

    • A.

      GW menjadi

    • B.

      IP menjadi

    • C.

      GW menjadi

    • D.

      DNS menajdi

    • E.

      DNS menjadi

    Correct Answer
    E. DNS menjadi
    The correct answer is to change the DNS to This is because the question states that Andi's phone is not getting internet connection. The DNS (Domain Name System) is responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses, allowing the device to access websites. By changing the DNS to, Andi's phone will be able to connect to the internet properly.

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  • 6. 

    Berikut adalah kemungkinan diagnosa permasalahan jaringan jika dilihat dari hasil keluaran perintah ping dibawah ini, kecuali.......

    • A.

      Ada jalur yang terputus menuju alamat tersebut

    • B.

      Tidak ada koneksi dengan tujuan

    • C.

      Terhalangi oleh firewall pada next hop

    • D.

      Perangkat next hop bermasalah

    • E.

      Ada kerusakan pada interface host

    Correct Answer
    E. Ada kerusakan pada interface host
    The given answer suggests that the possible diagnosis for network issue is not a damaged interface host. The other options mentioned in the question are: a disconnected route to the destination, no connection with the destination, a firewall blocking the next hop, and a problematic next hop device.

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  • 7. 

    Salah satu komputer pada jaringan tidak dapat berkomunikasi dnegan komputer lain dan ada tanda silang merah pada indikator icon local area connectionnya, maka letak permasalahan tersebut terdapat pada.....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Network adapter

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Kabel
    The problem is most likely with the cable. The red X on the local area connection icon indicates that there is a connectivity issue. If the cable is faulty or not properly connected, it can prevent the computer from communicating with other devices on the network.

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  • 8. 

    Seorang teknisi melakukan crimping ulang kabel UTP saat ditemukan kerusakan jaringan LAN, tindakan diagnosa hasil  perbaikan yang tepat adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali

    • A.

      Melakukan konfigurasi ulang alamat IP

    • B.

      Memastikan urutan warna kabel UTP benar

    • C.

      Menguji kabel dengan tester UTP

    • D.

      Memasang konektor UTP dengan tepat

    • E.

      Melakukan pengujian dengan perintah  ping

    Correct Answer
    A. Melakukan konfigurasi ulang alamat IP
    The correct answer is "Melakukan konfigurasi ulang alamat IP." This is because reconfiguring the IP address is not necessary when the technician is only fixing the physical connection issue with the UTP cable. The other options, such as ensuring the correct color sequence of the cable, testing the cable with a UTP tester, properly installing the UTP connector, and performing a ping test, are all appropriate diagnostic actions to ensure the network connection is restored.

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  • 9. 

    Salah satu perangkat syarat dalam komunikasi WAN yang berfungsi menghubungkan jaringan lokal ke jaringan lainnya adalah.....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Comunication server

    • E.

      DTE / DCE

    Correct Answer
    A. Router
    A router is a device that is used to connect local networks to other networks in a wide area network (WAN). It acts as a gateway, directing network traffic between different networks. Routers use routing tables to determine the best path for data packets to travel from one network to another. They also provide security features such as firewalls to protect the network from unauthorized access. Therefore, a router is an essential requirement in WAN communication to establish connections between local networks and other networks.

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  • 10. 

    Dari gambar diatas gateway dari R-1 adalah.....

    • A.

      R-1 interface Se3/0

    • B.

      R-2 interface Se3/0

    • C.

      R-3 interface Se3/0

    • D.

      R-2 Interface Se4/0

    • E.

      R-2 interface Ea 0/0

    Correct Answer
    B. R-2 interface Se3/0
    Based on the given information, the correct answer is R-2 interface Se3/0. This is because the gateway from R-1 is connected to the R-2 router through the Se3/0 interface.

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  • 11. 

    Jenis keamanan jaringan yang mengeksploitasi kelemahan pengguna dengan cara mempengaruhi pengguna agar memberikan hak aksesnya disebut

    • A.

      Social engineering

    • B.

      Denial of service

    • C.

      Trojan horse

    • D.


    • E.

      Syn flood attcak

    Correct Answer
    A. Social engineering
    Social engineering is a type of network security that exploits the weaknesses of users by manipulating them to give access rights. It involves psychological manipulation and deception to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or granting unauthorized access. This can be done through techniques such as impersonation, phishing, or baiting. Social engineering attacks rely on human vulnerabilities rather than technical vulnerabilities in order to gain unauthorized access to systems or information.

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  • 12. 

    Beberapa cara untuk menerapkan sistem keamanan pada sistem operasi adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali...

    • A.

      Menutup port komunikasi jaringan

    • B.

      Memberikan sandi dengan kombinasi rumit pada sistem operasi

    • C.

      Mengaktifkan system restore

    • D.

      Melakukan backup sistem secara rutin

    • E.

      Menginstal anti virus

    Correct Answer
    A. Menutup port komunikasi jaringan
    Cara-cara yang disebutkan dalam opsi lain semuanya merupakan metode untuk meningkatkan keamanan sistem operasi. Menutup port komunikasi jaringan tidak termasuk dalam metode ini karena itu dapat menghambat kemampuan sistem operasi untuk berkomunikasi dengan perangkat lain dalam jaringan.

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  • 13. 

    Berikut langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam memperbaikai dan melakukan setting ulang jaringan: 1. Mempersiapkan jaringan yang akan dianalisa 2. Mendiagnosa permasalahan jaringan 3. Melakukan perbaikan jaringan 4. Setting ulang koneksi jaringan 5. Memeriksa hasil perbaikan koneksi jaringan Urutan langkah-langkah yang tepat adalah......

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. 1,2,3,4,5
    The correct answer is 1,2,3,4,5. The first step is to prepare the network for analysis. Then, the network issues are diagnosed followed by the necessary repairs. After that, the network connection is reset. Finally, the results of the network repair are checked. This sequence ensures a systematic approach to fixing and resetting the network.

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  • 14. 

    Perhatikan beberapa perintah instalasi layanan server pada linux debian berikut: 1. apt-get instal postfix 2. apt-get instal squirellmail 3. apt-get instal courier-imap 4. apt0get instal courier-pop 5. apt-get instal profipd 6. apt-get install ssh Langkah-langkah instalasi layanan email server yang tepat adalah.....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. 1,2,3,4
    The correct answer is 1,2,3,4. This is because the given commands are for installing different server services on a Linux Debian system. The first command installs the postfix service, which is a popular mail transfer agent. The second command installs squirellmail, which is a web-based email client. The third command installs courier-imap, which is an IMAP server. The fourth command installs courier-pop, which is a POP3 server. Therefore, by following the sequence of these commands, we can install the necessary services for an email server.

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  • 15. 

    Which one do you like?

    • A.

      Option 1

    • B.

      Option 2

    • C.

      Option 3

    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Option 1

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Our quizzes are rigorously reviewed, monitored and continuously updated by our expert board to maintain accuracy, relevance, and timeliness.

  • Current Version
  • Mar 21, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Jan 20, 2020
    Quiz Created by
    Khoirul Khasanah
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