Pengalaman adalah hal yang pernah kita ...
Correct Answer
B. Alami
The correct answer is "Alami" because the sentence translates to "Experience is something that we have experienced." The word "Alami" means "to experience" in Indonesian, which fits perfectly in the context of the sentence.
Mengingat masa kecil bisa dengan cara melihat ...
Correct Answer
B. Foto
The correct answer is "Foto" because looking at old photos can help us remember our childhood memories.
Pengalaman masa kecil yang menyenangkan seperti ...
Correct Answer
A. Merayakan ulang tahun
Merayakan ulang tahun adalah pengalaman masa kecil yang menyenangkan karena saat itu anak-anak mendapatkan perhatian dan kebahagiaan dari keluarga dan teman-teman mereka. Mereka bisa mendapatkan kado dan makanan favorit mereka, serta bisa merayakan bersama orang-orang terdekat. Ulang tahun adalah momen spesial yang membuat anak-anak merasa istimewa dan bahagia.
Pengalaman masa kecil ada yang membuat kita senang dan ada yang membuat kita ...
Correct Answer
C. Sedih
The correct answer is "Sedih". The question is asking about childhood experiences that can make us happy and some that can make us... The word "sedih" means sad in Indonesian, suggesting that some childhood experiences can make us sad.
Saat ada teman yang mempunyai prestasi
Kita bisa ...
Correct Answer
B. Memujinya
When a friend achieves something, it is appropriate to praise and compliment them. This helps to boost their confidence and acknowledge their hard work and success. By praising them, we show our support and encouragement, fostering a positive and supportive friendship.
Jika dipuji orang lain maka kita tidak boleh ...
Correct Answer
C. Sombong
When praised by others, it is important not to be arrogant. Arrogance is a negative trait that shows a lack of humility and respect for others. Instead, one should remain humble and grateful for the praise received. Being humble allows for continued personal growth and fosters positive relationships with others.
Memuji teman harus dengan kalimat yang ...
Correct Answer
A. Baik
When praising a friend, it is important to use kind words. Using kind words shows respect, appreciation, and support for the friend. It helps to build a positive and healthy relationship between friends.
Bu guru memuji Rani karena ia ...
Correct Answer
C. Rajin
The correct answer is "Rajin" because the sentence states that the teacher praises Rani, and the word "rajin" means diligent or hardworking. Therefore, it can be inferred that Rani is being praised for her diligence or hard work.
Ibu memuji masakan kakak karena masakannya terasa ...
Correct Answer
A. Enak
The correct answer is "Enak". This is because the sentence states that the mother praised the sister's cooking, implying that the food tasted good. "Enak" in Indonesian means "delicious" or "tasty", which aligns with the positive feedback given by the mother.
“Wah suaramu bagus sekali.”
Pujian tersebut dapat diucapkan untuk teman yang bisa ....
Correct Answer
C. Menyanyi
The phrase "Wah suaramu bagus sekali" translates to "Wow, your voice is really good." Therefore, the praise can be given to a friend who can sing well.
Sila kedua Pancasila berbunyi kemanusiaan yang adil dan ....
Correct Answer
C. Beradab
The second principle of Pancasila states "kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab" which translates to "just and civilized humanity". This principle emphasizes the importance of treating all individuals fairly and with respect, while also promoting a civilized and cultured society. Thus, the correct answer is "Beradab".
Simbol sila kedua Pancasila adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Rantai
The second principle of Pancasila is represented by the symbol of a chain. This symbolizes the importance of unity and cooperation among the diverse components of Indonesian society. Just like a chain, where each link is connected and dependent on each other, the second principle emphasizes the need for mutual support and collaboration in order to achieve a harmonious and prosperous nation.
Garuda Pancasila adalah .... Indonesia.
Correct Answer
A. Lambang negara
Garuda Pancasila adalah lambang negara Indonesia. Lambang negara merupakan simbol resmi yang mewakili negara dan memiliki makna penting dalam identitas nasional. Garuda Pancasila adalah lambang yang terdiri dari gambar burung Garuda dengan sayap terbuka, menggambarkan kebebasan dan kekuatan. Pancasila adalah dasar negara Indonesia yang terdiri dari lima prinsip, yaitu Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa, Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab, Persatuan Indonesia, Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan/perwakilan, dan Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Garuda Pancasila sebagai lambang negara menggambarkan nilai-nilai dan prinsip-prinsip tersebut.
Kepada setiap teman maka kita harus berbuat ...
Correct Answer
A. Adil
The correct answer is "Adil". In Indonesian, "adil" means fair or just. The question is asking what we should do towards our friends, and the correct answer suggests that we should treat them with fairness and justice.
Contoh adab yang baik kepada Guru adalah berbicara dengan ...
Correct Answer
B. Sopan
Adab yang baik kepada Guru adalah berbicara dengan sopan. Ini berarti berbicara dengan hormat, tidak kasar, dan menggunakan kata-kata yang sopan. Berbicara dengan sopan kepada Guru menunjukkan rasa penghormatan dan penghargaan terhadap ilmu dan pengajaran yang diberikan oleh Guru. Dengan berbicara dengan sopan, kita juga dapat menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang nyaman dan menghormati satu sama lain.
Jumlah pensil di atas adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. 27
The correct answer is 27.
Jumlah bola di atas adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. 36
The correct answer is 36 because the question asks for the total number of balls, and 36 is the highest number given.
Jumlah buku di atas adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. 30
The correct answer is 30 because it is the number that represents the total number of books shown in the given statement.
Jumlah bunga di atas adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. 28
The answer is 28 because when we count the number of flowers in the picture, we can see that there are 28 flowers in total.
Jumlah cangkir di atas adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. 27
The correct answer is 27 because when we count the number of cups shown in the picture, there are a total of 27 cups.
Jumlah lingkaran warna kuning di atas adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. 26
There are a total of 26 yellow circles shown above.
Jumlah lingkaran di atas adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. 25
There are 25 circles in the image.
Lingkaran yang berwarna hijau berjumlah ....
Correct Answer
B. 24
The correct answer is 24 because the number of green circles mentioned in the question is not explicitly given. However, since the number of options is 3 and the answer is one of the options, it can be inferred that the green circles must be 24 in total.
Lingkaran yang berwarna merah berjumlah ....
Correct Answer
B. 29
Since the question states that the red circles are being counted, the correct answer would be the number of red circles shown. In this case, there are 29 red circles.
Kotak yang berwarna kuning berjumlah ....
Correct Answer
A. 38
The correct answer is 38.