Tujuan Belanda datang ke Indonesia untuk ....
Correct Answer
B. Berdagang
The correct answer is "Berdagang." The Dutch came to Indonesia with the primary purpose of engaging in trade. They established trading posts and monopolized the spice trade in the region, particularly in the 17th century. This colonization and economic exploitation of Indonesia by the Dutch was driven by their desire for profit and control over valuable resources.
Pertama kali belanda mendarat di indonesia dipimpin oleh Cornelis De Houtman di wilayah ....
Correct Answer
B. Banten
The correct answer is Banten. This is because Banten was the first region in Indonesia where the Dutch landed, led by Cornelis De Houtman.
Pencetus sistem tanam paksa di Indonesia adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Van den Bosch
Van den Bosch is the correct answer because he was the Dutch governor-general of the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) from 1830 to 1833. During his tenure, he implemented the forced cultivation system, also known as the Cultuurstelsel, which required Indonesian peasants to devote a portion of their land and labor to growing cash crops for the Dutch colonial government. This system was aimed at increasing the production of export crops such as coffee, tea, and sugar, and it had a significant impact on the Indonesian economy and society.
Sistem tanam paksa pada masa penjajahan belanda disebut ....
Correct Answer
A. Cultuur Stelsel
The correct answer is "Cultuur Stelsel." Cultuur Stelsel refers to the forced cultivation system implemented during the Dutch colonial period in Indonesia. Under this system, Indonesian farmers were required to dedicate a portion of their land and labor to growing cash crops for the Dutch colonial government. This system allowed the Dutch to exploit the resources and wealth of the Indonesian colony for their own benefit.
Perang Padri tahun 1825 timbul akibat ....
Correct Answer
B. Pertentangan kaum adat dengan kaum ulama
The correct answer is "pertentangan kaum adat dengan kaum ulama." The Padri War in 1825 was a conflict that arose due to the tensions between the traditionalist adat community and the reformist ulama community in West Sumatra, Indonesia. The adat community, which followed traditional customs and beliefs, clashed with the ulama community, which advocated for Islamic reforms. This conflict eventually escalated into a full-scale war, with both sides seeking support from various external powers, including the Dutch colonial government.
Pahlawan yang mendapat gelar ”ayam jantan dari timur” adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Sultan Hasanudin
Sultan Hasanudin is known as the "ayam jantan dari timur" which translates to "the rooster from the east" because of his bravery and leadership in defending his kingdom against Dutch colonialism in the eastern region of Indonesia. He was a prominent figure in Indonesian history and is revered for his courage and determination in fighting for his people's independence.
VOC mengalami kemajuan pesat di bawah pimpinan ....
Correct Answer
B. Pieterzoen Coen
Pieterzoen Coen is the correct answer because he was a Dutch colonial governor-general who implemented various policies and strategies that led to significant progress and development in the VOC (Dutch East India Company). Coen was known for his aggressive approach in expanding Dutch influence in the East Indies, establishing trading posts and monopolies, and promoting the cultivation of cash crops. Under his leadership, the VOC experienced rapid growth and became a dominant force in the region.
Pembuatan jalan raya Anyer -Panarukan terjadi pada masa pemerintahan Gubernur Jenderal ....
Correct Answer
C. Daendels
The correct answer is Daendels. The construction of the Anyer-Panarukan highway took place during the time of Governor General Daendels.
Sultan Hasanudin adalah raja dari kerajaan ....
Correct Answer
A. Gowa
Sultan Hasanudin is the king of the Gowa kingdom.
Strategi perang Pangeran Diponegoro melawan Belanda adalah dengan ....
Correct Answer
B. Perang gerilya
The correct answer is "perang gerilya." This means that Prince Diponegoro's strategy in his war against the Dutch was to engage in guerrilla warfare. Guerrilla warfare involves small, mobile groups of fighters using unconventional tactics to harass and disrupt the enemy, rather than engaging in traditional, large-scale battles. This strategy would have been effective for Diponegoro's forces, as they were likely outnumbered and outgunned by the Dutch. Guerrilla warfare allowed them to utilize their knowledge of the local terrain and their ability to blend in with the civilian population to their advantage.
Organisasi yang merintis pergerakan nasional Indonesia adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Budi Utomo
Budi Utomo is the correct answer because it was the organization that pioneered the national movement in Indonesia. Budi Utomo was founded in 1908 and aimed to promote education and nationalism among the Indonesian people. It played a significant role in the awakening of national consciousness and the fight for independence from Dutch colonial rule. Budi Utomo's establishment marked the beginning of a new era in the Indonesian nationalist movement and paved the way for other organizations to join the struggle for independence.
Penderitaan para petani ini diungkapkan oleh Edward Douwes Dekker dalam buku ....
Correct Answer
A. Max havelaar
The given correct answer is "max havelaar." This is because the suffering of the farmers is expressed by Edward Douwes Dekker in the book "Max Havelaar."
Perjuangan melawan penjajah di daerah Makasar dipimpin oleh….
Correct Answer
C. Sultan Hasanudin
Sultan Hasanudin led the struggle against the colonizers in the Makasar region.
Raja Sisingamangaraja XII memimpin rakyat batak melakukan perlawanan terhadap Belanda di daerah ....
Correct Answer
B. Tapanuli
Raja Sisingamangaraja XII memimpin rakyat Batak melakukan perlawanan terhadap Belanda di daerah Tapanuli. This suggests that Raja Sisingamangaraja XII led the Batak people in resisting against the Dutch colonial rule specifically in the region of Tapanuli.
Untuk memecah belah kekuatan rakyat Indonesia, VOC melakukan siasat…
Correct Answer
C. Adu domba
The correct answer is "adu domba" (sowing discord). VOC (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) used this strategy to divide and weaken the Indonesian people's power. By creating conflicts and discord among different groups, VOC was able to maintain control and exploit the resources of the region more easily. This tactic allowed them to manipulate and control the local population, preventing them from uniting against VOC's oppressive rule.
Pangeran Diponegoro merupakan tokoh pejuang melawan penjajah dari daerah ....
Correct Answer
B. Jawa Tengah
Pangeran Diponegoro is a figure who fought against the colonizers from the Central Java region.
Mengapa perjuangan bangsa Indonesia melawan penjajah sering mengalami kegagalan ....
Correct Answer
C. Kurangnya persatuan dan kesatuan
The struggle of the Indonesian people against colonialism often experienced failure because of a lack of unity and solidarity. When there is a lack of unity and solidarity among the people, it becomes difficult to coordinate and organize effective resistance against the colonizers. Without a united front, the efforts of individuals or small groups may be easily suppressed or defeated by the colonizers. Therefore, the lack of unity and solidarity can be a major factor contributing to the frequent failures in the struggle against colonialism.
Kerja paksa pada masa penjajahan Jepang disebut .…
Correct Answer
D. Romusha
During the Japanese occupation, forced labor was implemented in various countries, including Indonesia. The term used to refer to this forced labor in Indonesia was "Romusha." Romusha were Indonesian civilians who were conscripted by the Japanese to work on various projects, such as building roads, railways, and military installations. They were subjected to harsh conditions, long hours of labor, and often faced physical abuse. The use of Romusha was part of the Japanese strategy to exploit the resources and manpower of the occupied territories for their own benefit.
Sarekat Islam adalah salah satu organisasi yang gigih melawan penjajah yang didirikan oleh ....
Correct Answer
C. H. Samanhudi
H. Samanhudi is the correct answer because Sarekat Islam was indeed founded by him. Sarekat Islam was a prominent organization in Indonesia that fought against colonialism and aimed to improve the welfare of the Indonesian people. H. Samanhudi played a crucial role in establishing and leading this organization, making him a significant figure in the fight against the colonizers.
Para pelajar Indonesia yang belajar di Belanda mendirikan sebuah organisasi yang gigih menuntut kemerdekaan Indonesia yaitu ....
Correct Answer
B. Perhimpunan Indonesia
The correct answer is Perhimpunan Indonesia. Perhimpunan Indonesia was an organization established by Indonesian students studying in the Netherlands. They were dedicated to fighting for Indonesia's independence.
106 pucuk surat dari R.A. Kartini diterbitkan menjadi sebuah buku oleh sahabatnya, J.H. Abendanon. Buku tersebut diterjemahkan Armijn Pane dengan judul ....
Correct Answer
B. Habis gelap terbitlah terang
The correct answer, "Habis gelap terbitlah terang," is a phrase commonly used in Indonesian language to convey the idea that after darkness, there will be light. It is a metaphorical expression that signifies hope and optimism. In the context of the given question, it is likely that the phrase is used as the title of the book that Armijn Pane translated from R.A. Kartini's letters. The phrase could symbolize Kartini's journey and struggles, and how she overcame them to bring about a brighter future.
Pada 8 Maret 1942, Belanda menyerah tanpa syarat kepada Jepang di ....
Correct Answer
D. Kalijati
The correct answer is Kalijati. This is because on March 8, 1942, the Netherlands surrendered unconditionally to Japan in Kalijati.
Pada tanggal 1 Maret 1943 Jepang membentuk suatu organisasi yang bertujuan memusatkan tenaga rakyat untuk mendukung Jepang yaitu ....
Correct Answer
D. Putera
Lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya diciptakan oleh ....
Correct Answer
C. W.R. Supratman
W.R. Supratman is the correct answer because he is the composer of the Indonesian national anthem, Indonesia Raya. He wrote the song in 1928 during the Indonesian National Youth Congress in Batavia (now Jakarta). The anthem was officially adopted as the national anthem of Indonesia in 1945.
Perlawanan tentara Peta di Blitar dipimpin oleh ....
Correct Answer
A. Supriyadi
Supriyadi is the correct answer because he was the leader of the Peta army in Blitar. He played a significant role in leading the resistance against the Dutch colonial forces during the Indonesian National Revolution. His leadership and bravery were instrumental in the success of the Peta army in Blitar.