Permukaan bumi terdiri atas ....
Correct Answer
B. Perairan dan Daratan
The correct answer is "Perairan dan Daratan". This answer is correct because it accurately identifies the two main components of the Earth's surface. "Perairan" refers to bodies of water such as oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes, while "Daratan" refers to landmasses, including continents and islands. Together, these two elements make up the Earth's surface.
Bagian bumi yang termasuk daratan adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Gunung, bukit dan dataran rendah
Laut yang memisahkan dua pulau dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
A. Selat
The correct answer is "Selat". Selat refers to a strait, which is a narrow passage of water that connects two larger bodies of water, such as two islands. This term specifically refers to the body of water that separates the two islands mentioned in the question.
Penduduk yang berada di daerah pesisir laut sebagian besar bekerja sebagai ....
Correct Answer
A. Nelayan
The correct answer is Nelayan. This is because people who live in coastal areas are more likely to work as fishermen, as they have easy access to the sea and its resources. Fishing is a common occupation in coastal communities as it provides a source of income and sustenance for the population.
Gunung berdasarkan keaktifannya terdiri dari dua macam yaitu ....
Correct Answer
C. Gunung berapi dan gunung mati
The correct answer is "Gunung berapi dan gunung mati". This is because the question is asking for the two types of mountains based on their activity. "Gunung berapi" refers to active volcanoes, while "gunung mati" refers to extinct or dormant volcanoes. Therefore, this answer accurately represents the two different types of mountains based on their activity.
Gunung api berbentuk kerucut dinamakan gunung ....
Correct Answer
C. Strato
A gunung api berbentuk kerucut dinamakan gunung Strato. This is because a Strato volcano, also known as a composite volcano, is characterized by its steep sides and symmetrical cone shape. These volcanoes are formed by alternating layers of lava flows and pyroclastic materials, such as ash and volcanic rocks. The name "Strato" comes from the Latin word "stratus," meaning layered, which accurately describes the composition of this type of volcano.
Gunung Semeru terdapat di provinsi ....
Correct Answer
C. Jawa Timur
Gunung Semeru terletak di provinsi Jawa Timur.
Daratan bergunduk-gunduk besar, luas, memanjang dan tinggi yang terbentuk oleh gerakan pergeseran kulit bumi dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
B. Pegunungan
Pegunungan adalah daratan bergunduk-gunduk besar, luas, memanjang, dan tinggi yang terbentuk oleh gerakan pergeseran kulit bumi. Pegunungan memiliki puncak-puncak yang tinggi dan lembah-lembah yang dalam. Gerakan pergeseran kulit bumi menyebabkan lapisan-lapisan batuan terlipat dan terangkat, membentuk pegunungan.
Masyarakat daerah pegunungan menanami daerahnya dengan ....
Correct Answer
D. Sayuran
The correct answer is sayuran. The question states that the people in the mountainous region are planting something in their area. Out of the given options, sayuran (vegetables) is the most suitable choice as it is a common practice for people to grow vegetables in their own gardens or farms. Palawija refers to secondary food crops, tanaman bakau refers to mangrove plants, and tanaman kaktus refers to cactus plants, which are not commonly grown in mountainous regions. Therefore, sayuran is the most appropriate answer.
Sungai mengalir dari ....
Correct Answer
C. Hulu ke Hilir
The correct answer is "Hulu ke Hilir". This answer is correct because "Hulu" refers to the upper part or source of a river, while "Hilir" refers to the lower part or mouth of a river. Therefore, the correct flow of a river is from the upper part (hulu) to the lower part (hilir).
Bendungan Sigura-gura berada di daerah ....
Correct Answer
C. Sumatra Utara
Bendungan Sigura-gura is located in North Sumatra.
Sungai terpanjang di Indonesia adalah sungai ....
Correct Answer
A. Kapuas
The correct answer is Kapuas. Kapuas River is the longest river in Indonesia, stretching approximately 1,143 kilometers. It is located in the province of West Kalimantan and flows through the Kapuas Hulu and Kapuas Regency. The river is an important waterway for transportation and supports various economic activities such as agriculture and fishing.
Pegunungan yang berada di pulau Sumatra diantaranya adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Bukti Barisan
The correct answer is "Bukit Barisan." The question asks for the mountain ranges located on the island of Sumatra. Among the options given, "Bukit Barisan" is the only one that represents a mountain range in Sumatra. Therefore, it is the correct answer.
Danau Maninjau dan Singkarak terdapat di provinsi ....
Correct Answer
D. Sumatra Barat
The correct answer is Sumatra Barat because Danau Maninjau dan Singkarak are both located in West Sumatra province.
Daerah yang relatif datar dan memiliki ketinggian kurang dari 500 meter di atas permukaan laut dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
C. Dataran Rendah
Dataran rendah adalah daerah yang memiliki ketinggian kurang dari 500 meter di atas permukaan laut. Ini berarti bahwa daerah ini relatif datar dan tidak memiliki ketinggian yang signifikan.
Tanaman yang tidak cocok dibudidayakan di daerah dataran tinggi adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Padi
Padi tidak cocok dibudidayakan di daerah dataran tinggi karena padi membutuhkan suhu yang hangat dan kelembapan yang tinggi untuk tumbuh dengan baik. Di daerah dataran tinggi, suhu cenderung lebih dingin dan kelembapan udara biasanya lebih rendah, sehingga tidak memenuhi kebutuhan tumbuh padi. Selain itu, padi juga membutuhkan air yang cukup banyak untuk irigasi, dan daerah dataran tinggi cenderung memiliki curah hujan yang lebih rendah. Oleh karena itu, padi bukanlah tanaman yang cocok untuk dibudidayakan di daerah dataran tinggi.
Berikut adalah dataran tinggi di daerah Sumatra, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
A. Dataran Tinggi Dieng
The correct answer is "Dataran Tinggi Dieng." The other options listed are all highland areas in Sumatra. However, Dieng is not located in Sumatra but in Central Java, making it the exception among the given choices.
Pantai Parangtritis berada di daerah ....
Correct Answer
D. Yogyakarta
Pantai Parangtritis berada di daerah Yogyakarta.
Manfaat dari pantai dibawah ini yang tidak benar adalah sebagai....
Correct Answer
C. Sarana pembuangan limbah
The incorrect benefit of the beach mentioned is as a waste disposal facility. Beaches are not meant to be used as a dumping ground for waste. They should be preserved and protected as natural habitats and recreational areas for people to enjoy. Waste disposal should be done through proper waste management systems that ensure the protection of the environment and public health.
Selat yang memisahkan Pulau Jawa dan Sumatra adalah selat ....
Correct Answer
C. Sunda
The correct answer is Sunda. The Sunda Strait separates the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia. It is an important waterway for maritime transportation and also serves as a boundary between the Indian Ocean and the Java Sea. The strait is known for its strong currents and is a strategic location for shipping and trade in the region.
Bencana alam yang bisa disebabakan oleh kegiatan manusia adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Banjir
Banjir dapat disebabkan oleh kegiatan manusia seperti pembangunan yang tidak teratur, perubahan tata guna lahan, dan penyalahgunaan sumber daya alam. Misalnya, pembangunan pemukiman atau industri di daerah aliran sungai yang menghambat aliran air, penggundulan hutan yang mengurangi kemampuan penyerapan air, atau pembuangan limbah secara tidak tepat yang menyumbat saluran air. Semua ini dapat menyebabkan peningkatan volume air yang berlebihan dan meluap, mengakibatkan banjir.
Rumah-rumah di daerah rendah dan sekitar hutan, rumah dibangun di atas tiang atau bentuk panggung. Hal ini dirancang untuk ....
Correct Answer
A. Menghindari banjir dan gangguan binatang liar
The houses in low-lying areas and around forests are built on stilts or platforms to avoid flooding and the intrusion of wild animals. This design helps protect the houses and their inhabitants from the potential dangers and inconveniences caused by floods and wildlife.
Penduduk di daerah gunung berapi banyak yang bercocok tanam karena ....
Correct Answer
B. Tanah vulkanik sangat subur
The correct answer is "Tanah vulkanik sangat subur". This is because volcanic soil is rich in nutrients and minerals, making it highly fertile for agriculture. The volcanic ash and lava deposits also contribute to the fertility of the soil, allowing plants to thrive and grow well.
Untuk melestarikan daerah pantai dari dampak abrasi maka di pinggir pantai ditanami pohon ....
Correct Answer
C. Bakau
Bakau trees are commonly planted along coastal areas to prevent erosion caused by abrasion. These trees have extensive root systems that help stabilize the soil and protect the coastline from the impact of waves and tides. Bakau trees are well adapted to saline conditions and can tolerate being partially submerged in water, making them suitable for coastal planting. Additionally, the dense foliage of bakau trees provides shade and habitat for various marine and bird species, contributing to the overall preservation of the coastal ecosystem.
Berikut ini dalah perbuatan manusia yang bisa menyebabkan terjadinya banjir adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Membuang sampah di sungai
Membuang sampah di sungai dapat menyebabkan terjadinya banjir karena sampah yang dibuang ke sungai dapat menyumbat aliran air. Aliran air yang terhambat akan mengakibatkan sungai meluap dan air meluap ke daerah sekitarnya, menyebabkan banjir. Oleh karena itu, membuang sampah di sungai merupakan tindakan yang dapat memperburuk kondisi aliran air dan meningkatkan risiko terjadinya banjir.