Pelestarian makhluk hidup bertujuan untuk menjaga agar makhluk hidup tidak ....
Correct Answer
A. Punah
The correct answer is "Punah". Pelestarian makhluk hidup bertujuan untuk menjaga agar makhluk hidup tidak punah, artinya untuk mencegah kepunahan spesies tersebut.
Indonesia merupakan negara yang baik untuk pertumbuhan tumbuhan dan hewan karena memiliki iklim ....
Correct Answer
B. Tropis
Indonesia is a country that is suitable for the growth of plants and animals because it has a tropical climate. Tropical climates are characterized by high temperatures and high humidity, which create favorable conditions for the growth of a wide variety of plant species. Additionally, the abundant rainfall in tropical regions supports lush vegetation and provides water sources for animals. Therefore, Indonesia's tropical climate makes it a suitable environment for the growth of both plants and animals.
Berikut pernyataan yang bukan merupakan pelestarian makhluk hidup adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Perburuan dan penebangan liar
The correct answer is "Perburuan dan penebangan liar". This statement refers to hunting and illegal logging, which are activities that harm and endanger living organisms rather than conserving them. The other options, such as creating nature reserves and protecting animals and plants from extinction, are examples of conservation efforts aimed at preserving biodiversity and ensuring the survival of species.
Jenis hewan langka asli Papua adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Burung Cendrawasih
The correct answer is Burung Cendrawasih. Burung Cendrawasih is a rare and unique bird species that is native to Papua. It is known for its vibrant and colorful feathers, making it a popular attraction among birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. The other options, Harimau Sumatra, Orang Utan, and Komodo, are not native to Papua and do not belong to the category of rare birds.
Hewan dikatakan akan mengalami kepunajan jika jumlahnya ....
Correct Answer
D. Sedikit
Hewan dikatakan akan mengalami kepunahan jika jumlahnya sedikit. This statement implies that when the number of animals is small, they are at risk of becoming extinct or disappearing from their natural habitat. This could be due to various factors such as habitat loss, hunting, pollution, or climate change. When the population of a species becomes too small, it becomes more vulnerable to these threats, making it difficult for the species to survive and reproduce.
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. Option 1
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. Option 1
Buah merah merupakan jenis tanaman langka yang berkhasiat obat. Habitat asli buah merah adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Papua
The correct answer is Papua because Papua is the native habitat of the rare medicinal plant called buah merah. This suggests that buah merah can be found naturally in the Papua region.
Cagar Alam Pananjung Pangandaran terdapat di daerah ....
Correct Answer
C. Ciamis
Cagar Alam Pananjung Pangandaran terdapat di daerah Ciamis.
Kawasan suaka alam yang mempunyai ciri khas berupa keanekaragaman dan atau keunikan jenis satwa yang untuk kelangsungan hidupnya dapat dilakukan pembinaan terhadap habitatnya dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
C. Suaka Margasatwa
Suaka Margasatwa is the correct answer because it refers to a nature reserve that has a unique diversity of wildlife and requires habitat conservation for their survival. This term specifically denotes a protected area where efforts are made to preserve and develop the natural habitat of various animal species.
Berikut kegiatan manusia yang dapat merusak alam ....
Correct Answer
B. Pembakaran hutan untuk pertanian
Pembakaran hutan untuk pertanian dapat merusak alam karena dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan ekosistem dan hilangnya habitat alami bagi berbagai spesies hewan dan tumbuhan. Selain itu, pembakaran hutan juga dapat menyebabkan peningkatan emisi gas rumah kaca, yang berkontribusi terhadap perubahan iklim global. Pembakaran hutan juga dapat menyebabkan erosi tanah dan penurunan kualitas air, serta meningkatkan risiko bencana alam seperti kebakaran hutan yang sulit dikendalikan. Oleh karena itu, pembakaran hutan untuk pertanian merupakan salah satu kegiatan manusia yang dapat merusak alam.
Pembuatan cagar alam ditujukan untuk ....
Correct Answer
A. Melindungi hewan tertentu
The correct answer is "Melindungi hewan tertentu." The establishment of nature reserves is aimed at protecting certain animals. Nature reserves are designated areas that are specifically managed and protected to conserve biodiversity and safeguard the habitats of various animal species. These reserves provide a safe and undisturbed environment for these animals to live and reproduce, helping to maintain their populations and prevent their extinction.
Hewan dan tumbuhan akan punah jika ....
Correct Answer
B. Dilakukan penangkaran
Penangkaran merupakan suatu tindakan manusia untuk memelihara dan menjaga hewan atau tumbuhan dalam lingkungan buatan. Jika penangkaran dilakukan tanpa pengaturan yang baik, seperti tidak memperhatikan jumlah yang diambil atau tidak mempertahankan kelestarian spesies, maka hal ini dapat menyebabkan kepunahan hewan atau tumbuhan tersebut.
Pemakaian bahan peledak untuk menangkap ikan mengakibatkan ....
Correct Answer
A. Habitat ikan bisa rusak
The use of explosive materials to catch fish can result in the destruction of their habitat. The explosion caused by the detonation of the explosives can cause significant damage to the surrounding environment, including the destruction of coral reefs, seagrass beds, and other important habitats for fish and other marine organisms. This can lead to a decline in fish populations and disrupt the overall balance of the ecosystem.
Rusaknya ekosistem hutan dapat mengakibatkan ....
Correct Answer
B. Berkurangnya spesies hewan
The correct answer is "Berkurangnya spesies hewan" (Decrease in animal species). When the ecosystem of a forest is damaged, it can lead to a decrease in animal species. This can happen due to habitat loss, reduced food sources, and disruption in the natural balance of the ecosystem.
Berkurangnya habitat hewan dan tumbuhan di pegunungan bisa disebabkan karena ....
Correct Answer
A. Pembangunan vila di pegunungan
The construction of villas in the mountains can lead to a decrease in the habitat of animals and plants. Villas often require clearing of land and deforestation, which destroys the natural habitat of various species. This disruption of the ecosystem can result in the displacement or extinction of certain plants and animals.
Anggrek hitam merupakan spesies langka. Spesies anggrek hitam banyak ditemukan di daerah ....
Correct Answer
C. Kalimantan dan Sulawesi
The correct answer is Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. This is because the passage states that anggrek hitam, which translates to black orchid, is a rare species. It also mentions that the species is found in Kalimantan and Sulawesi. Therefore, these two regions are the correct answer.
Berikut tumbuhan langka yang hampir punah di Indonesia adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Cendana
Cendana is a rare and endangered plant species in Indonesia. It is almost extinct due to overexploitation for its highly valuable and fragrant wood. The demand for cendana wood has led to illegal logging and trade, further threatening its survival. Efforts are being made to conserve and protect cendana trees to prevent their extinction.
Taman nasional Gunung Rinjani terdapat di ....
Correct Answer
B. Nusa Tenggara
The correct answer is Nusa Tenggara because Gunung Rinjani National Park is located in the Nusa Tenggara region of Indonesia. This region includes the islands of Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, and Komodo, where Mount Rinjani is situated.
Berikut yang bukan termasuk taman nasional di daerah Kalimantan adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Baluran
Baluran is not included in the national parks in Kalimantan.
Taman Nasional yang memiliki keindahan pemandangan bawah lautnya adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Bunaken
Bunaken is a national park in Indonesia known for its beautiful underwater scenery. It is located in North Sulawesi and is famous for its crystal clear waters, colorful coral reefs, and diverse marine life. Many divers and snorkelers visit Bunaken to explore its stunning underwater world, making it a popular destination for underwater enthusiasts.
Taman nasional di daerah Papua yang memiki puncak yang di selimuti salju adalah taman nasional ....
Correct Answer
A. Lorentz
Lorentz National Park is located in Papua and is the only national park in Indonesia that has snow-covered peaks. This makes it the correct answer to the question.
Pelestarian in situ adalah pelestarian yang dilakukan di ....
Correct Answer
C. Habitat aslinya
Pelestarian in situ adalah pelestarian yang dilakukan di habitat aslinya. Ini berarti upaya pelestarian dilakukan di tempat asli organisme atau ekosistem tersebut, tanpa memindahkan mereka ke habitat buatan atau penangkaran. Dengan demikian, pelestarian in situ bertujuan untuk mempertahankan keanekaragaman hayati dan ekosistem yang ada di habitat asli mereka.
Penangkaran Jalak Bali dilakukan di habitat asilnya yaitu di taman nasional ....
Correct Answer
C. Bali Barat
The correct answer is Bali Barat. Penangkaran Jalak Bali (Bali Starling Breeding) is conducted in its original habitat, which is the Bali Barat National Park. This park is located in the western part of Bali and is known for its diverse flora and fauna, including the endangered Bali Starling. The breeding program aims to protect and increase the population of this critically endangered bird species.
Pelestarian hewan yang dilakukan di luar habitat aslinya dinamakan pelestarian ....
Correct Answer
D. Ex Situ
Ex situ conservation refers to the preservation of animals outside their natural habitat. This can be done through techniques such as captive breeding, zoos, botanical gardens, and seed banks. These methods are used when the natural habitat of a species is threatened or when the population size is critically low. By conserving animals ex situ, we can protect them from extinction and potentially reintroduce them to their natural habitat in the future.