The patient is able to get on the toilet without assistance but patient requires your help getting off of the toilet.The patient is able to complete 50% of the tasks to do a toilet transfer.What rehab term describes level of assistance patient needs?
Correct Answer
C. Mod Assist
The patient is able to independently perform half of the tasks required for a toilet transfer, but requires assistance from the healthcare provider to complete the remaining tasks. This level of assistance is referred to as "Mod Assist" or Moderate Assistance.
The patient uses a bedside commode to void. You have to empty, clean and replace the bucket.What rehab term describes the level of assistance needed for bladder management?
Correct Answer
A. Supervision
The term "Supervision" describes the level of assistance needed for bladder management in this scenario. This means that the patient requires someone to oversee and monitor their use of the bedside commode, but they are able to perform the task independently without any physical assistance. The caregiver's role is primarily to ensure the patient's safety and provide guidance if needed.
A patient wears an adult brief due to periodic episodes of incontinence yet uses the toilet to void. You, however, assist with most of the effort putting on/taking off the brief. The management of the brief is the greater burden of care.What rehab term describes the level of assistance provided?
Correct Answer
C. Max Assist
The term "Max Assist" describes the level of assistance provided in this situation. The patient wears an adult brief due to periodic episodes of incontinence, but still uses the toilet to void. However, the caregiver assists with most of the effort in putting on and taking off the brief, indicating a high level of assistance required. This suggests that the management of the brief is the greater burden of care, hence the term "Max Assist" is appropriate.
Patient uses the toilet for managing their bowel and bladder, however, s/he cannot be left alone when s/he's in the bathroom. The patient does not require the use of a bladder or bowel device nor medication.What rehab term describes the level of assistance needed for bowel and bladder management in the FIM world.
Correct Answer
D. Independent
The patient is able to independently manage their bowel and bladder without the need for any assistance, devices, or medication. They do not require any supervision or modified assistance. Therefore, the appropriate rehab term to describe their level of assistance needed for bowel and bladder management in the FIM world is "Independent".
Grooming, in the FIM world, is defined as ability to 1. brush your teeth or clean dentures, 2. comb/brush hair, 3. wash, rinse and dry both hands and 4. wash, rinse and dry the face. When appropriate, it would also include shaving the face or applying make up. It does not include flossing, shampooing, hair braiding, nail care, applying deodorant, shaving legs.True or False
Correct Answer
A. True
The explanation for the correct answer, which is True, is that grooming, in the FIM world, is defined as the ability to perform tasks such as brushing teeth, combing/brushing hair, washing, rinsing and drying hands, washing, rinsing and drying the face, and when appropriate, shaving the face or applying make-up. It specifically excludes tasks such as flossing, shampooing, hair braiding, nail care, applying deodorant, and shaving legs. Therefore, the statement that grooming does not include shaving legs is true.
When determining how much assistance the patient needed for Bathing you would include that the patient washed, rinsed and dried their own back and face when you reported to nurse at end of the shift. (If you're not sure of the definition of Bathing, look at the FIM Guide book)True or False
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement in the question suggests that if the patient washed, rinsed, and dried their own back and face, it would be considered as part of determining how much assistance the patient needed for bathing. However, this is incorrect. According to the FIM Guide book, bathing refers to the activity of washing the whole body, including the back and face. Therefore, if the patient is able to wash, rinse, and dry their own back and face, it would indicate that they require minimal or no assistance with bathing. Hence, the correct answer is False.
When you're assisting with Toileting, in the FIM world, you're looking for how much assistance the patient needs with the following tasks;1. Pants/Johnnie down2. Hygiene3. Pants/Johnnie up4. Getting off the ToiletTrue or False
Correct Answer
B. False
In the FIM world, when assisting with toileting, you are not looking for how much assistance the patient needs with tasks such as pants/johnnie down, hygiene, pants/johnnie up, and getting off the toilet. Therefore, the correct answer is False.
Bowel and Bladder Management also includes getting on and off the toilet.True or False
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement "Bowel and Bladder Management also includes getting on and off the toilet" is false. Bowel and Bladder Management refers to the process of effectively managing and controlling bowel and bladder functions, such as emptying them at appropriate times. While using the toilet is one method of managing bowel and bladder functions, it is not the only component. Bowel and Bladder Management also involves techniques such as scheduled toileting, pelvic floor exercises, and medication management to ensure proper control and functioning.
True or FalseThe definition of Complete Independence for Bowel and Bladder Management, in FIM world, means the patient does not need a device for managing their bowel and bladder, does not take medications to control the sphincter and never has an accident.
Correct Answer
A. True
Complete Independence for Bowel and Bladder Management, in FIM world, means that the patient does not require any device to manage their bowel and bladder. It also means that they do not rely on medications to control their sphincter muscles and they never experience any accidents related to bowel or bladder control. This indicates that the patient is fully capable of independently managing their bowel and bladder functions without any assistance or external support.
When you're assisting a patient to transfer on and off the bedside commode, this is considered a Toilet Transfer.True or False
Correct Answer
A. True
Assisting a patient to transfer on and off the bedside commode is indeed considered a toilet transfer. This involves helping the patient move from the bed to the commode and vice versa, ensuring their safety and comfort during the transfer. It is an essential task in providing proper hygiene and care to patients who are unable to use the regular toilet independently.
If you provide minimal or incidental assistance while the patient dresses OR undresses (ex. buttoning pants, zipping a zipper, fastening a belt, tying shoelaces, applying one sock OR applying one shoe) what level of assistance does the patient need to accomplish Lower Body Dressing?
Correct Answer
C. Min Assist
The patient needs minimal assistance to accomplish lower body dressing. This means that they require some help, such as buttoning pants or tying shoelaces, but they are able to perform most of the task independently.
When a patient, who is wearing a johnnie, needs your assistance with using a urinal that includes adjusting their johnnie before and after use of the urinal, the task of adjusting the johnnie, is part of the definition of Toileting (pants down, hygiene, pants up)True or False
Correct Answer
A. True
The correct answer is true because toileting involves assisting a patient with all aspects of using the bathroom, including adjusting their clothing before and after using a urinal. This includes pulling their pants down, ensuring hygiene, and pulling their pants back up. Therefore, adjusting the johnnie is indeed part of the definition of toileting.
When you assist a patient to get out of bed to a standing position and/or assist the patient getting back into bed, this task is called Bed/Chair/Wheelchair in the FIM world.True or False
Correct Answer
A. True
Assisting a patient to get out of bed to a standing position and/or helping them get back into bed is indeed referred to as Bed/Chair/Wheelchair in the FIM world. This task involves providing support and guidance to the patient as they transition between different positions, ensuring their safety and comfort throughout the process.
True or False?It's just as important to observe your patient's ability to Groom on Days as it is on Evenings, even if the patient declines doing some of the grooming tasks, you can report what the patient and/or you did for the other tasks.
Correct Answer
A. True
Observing a patient's ability to groom is important both in the morning and evening because it provides valuable information about their overall health and well-being. Even if the patient declines to do some of the grooming tasks, reporting what tasks were completed can still give insight into their level of independence and any potential changes in their condition. Therefore, it is just as important to observe grooming abilities on both days and evenings.
True or False?Discharge FIM scores are just as important as Admission scores. These 2 sets of scores measure the impact you have on the patient's overall improvement, from the beginning of their stay to end.It's called "FIM efficiency" or our organizational report card. CARF, The Joint Commission and Medicare look at this measure periodically to evaluate the effectiveness of our programs on patient care.
Correct Answer
A. True
Discharge FIM scores are indeed just as important as Admission scores because they both measure the impact a healthcare provider has on a patient's overall improvement from the beginning to the end of their stay. This measurement, known as "FIM efficiency" or the organizational report card, is periodically evaluated by CARF, The Joint Commission, and Medicare to assess the effectiveness of the programs on patient care. Therefore, the statement is true.