Select a hypnotic phrase that represents the following Milton Model Pattern:
Mind reading
Correct Answer
B. “I can tell you’re excited to learn…”
“I can tell you’re excited to learn…”
Select a hypnotic phrase that represents the following Milton Model Pattern:
Cause and Effect
Correct Answer
D. “The Milton Model makes you go inside.”
“The Milton Model makes you go inside.”
Collapsing Anchors is a technique utilizing two separate anchors to eliminate negative or unresourceful anchors.
Correct Answer
A. True
Collapsing Anchors is a technique utilizing two separate anchors to eliminate negative or unresourceful anchors.
Collapsing Anchors is useful in giving us new more empowering choices and to take control of our unconscious responses.
Correct Answer
A. True
Collapsing Anchors is useful in giving us new more empowering choices and to take control of our unconscious responses.
Internal representations of external events are filtered through three important processes:
1- Deletion
2- Distortion
3- Generalization
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true. Internal representations of external events are indeed filtered through three important processes: deletion, distortion, and generalization. Deletion refers to the process of selectively ignoring or omitting certain aspects of an event. Distortion involves altering or modifying the perception of an event to fit one's beliefs or expectations. Generalization refers to the tendency to apply the learnings or experiences from one event to similar events in the future. These processes play a crucial role in shaping our perception and understanding of the external world.
Favored Representational Systems include the following items:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Auditory
D. Kinesthetic
E. Auditory Digital
F. Visual
The favored representational systems mentioned in the question are auditory, kinesthetic, auditory digital, and visual. These systems refer to the different ways individuals perceive and process information. Auditory learners prefer to learn through hearing and listening, kinesthetic learners learn best through physical activities and movement, auditory digital learners think in words and use internal dialogue, and visual learners learn through seeing and visualizing information. These representational systems are important to consider in education and communication to cater to different learning styles.
In the following list select the six (6) of the keys to an Achievable Outcome.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Clearly specify your outcomes.
B. State your outcomes positively.
E. Specify present situation.
F. Get the first step.
G. Uncover the evidence procedure.
H. Establish resources.
The keys to an achievable outcome include clearly specifying your outcomes, stating your outcomes positively, specifying the present situation, getting the first step, uncovering the evidence procedure, and establishing resources. These keys help in setting clear and attainable goals by focusing on what you want to achieve, framing it in a positive way, understanding the current situation, taking the first step towards the goal, identifying the evidence needed to track progress, and ensuring that you have the necessary resources to support your efforts.
What is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)?
Correct Answer
A. NLP is how to use the language of the mind to to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes.
NLP is how to use the language of the mind to achieve a desired outcome.
The primary methods of eliciting a strategy are:
Correct Answer
D. Formal and Informal Elicitation.
There are 2 primary methods for eliciting a strategy; Formal and Informal Elicitation.
Empowerment is being “at cause” for the things that happen in your life and you get it by moving from effect to cause.
Correct Answer
A. True
Empowerment is being “at cause” for the things that happen in your life and you get it by moving from effect to cause.
What is a State in NLP?
Correct Answer
B. The term “state” in NLP refers to any state, either mental or emotional, that a person can experience. Examples include emotional states like happy, sad, angry, excited, etc. and more mental states like focused, interested, bored, etc.
The term “State” in NLP refers to any state, either mental or emotional, that a person can experience. Examples include emotional states like happy, sad, angry, excited, etc. and more mental states like focused, interested, bored, etc.
States are not important because you cannot use NLP to control and manage them in order to control what you are experiencing in life. They are predetermined.
Correct Answer
B. False
States are important because you can use NLP to control and manage your State, and thus control the way you are experiencing your life.
Which statement below describes the concept of "Internal Representation" best?
Correct Answer
D. An Internal Representation is the collection of the pictures, sounds and feelings that we make on the inside; our thoughts.
An Internal Representation is the collection of the pictures, sounds and feelings that we make on the inside; our thoughts.
What is meant by “Internal Representation, State, and Physiology are all intimately interconnected”?
Correct Answer
C. It means that all 3 influence each other. A change in Internal Representation
could cause a change in State or a change in pHysiology or both and a
change in either of the other two can cause a change in any of the others.
It means that all 3 influence each other. A change in Internal Representation could cause a change in State or a change in Physiology or both and a change in either of the other two can cause a change in any of the others.
A Pattern Interrupt is when you interrupt the pattern of behavior that a person is doing.
Correct Answer
A. True
A pattern interrupt refers to the act of interrupting a person's usual pattern of behavior. By doing so, it aims to disrupt their automatic response or thought process and create an opportunity for change or a new perspective. This technique is often used in various fields such as psychology, therapy, and marketing to bring about a shift in behavior or thinking. Therefore, the given statement "True" is correct as it accurately describes the concept of pattern interrupt.
A Pattern Interrupt is useful in which of the following?
Correct Answer
D. All of the above.
A Pattern Interrupt is useful in facilitating changing a person’s state, inciting transderivational searches, or even creating new patterns.
Which of the following statements best describe the concept of "Agreement Frame"
Correct Answer
B. Agreement Frame is when you substitute the pHrases “I agree,” “I respect,” and “I appreciate” for the pHrase “I understand.” It is a linguistic pattern that enables you to maintaining rapport with someone by using more effective words and can even be used to elegantly disagree with someone while maintaining rapport. It is useful for sales, negotiations, and any time where
someone might normally say “I understand.”
The concept of "Agreement Frame" refers to a linguistic pattern where phrases such as "I agree," "I respect," and "I appreciate" are used instead of the phrase "I understand." This pattern allows for maintaining rapport with someone by using more effective words and can even be used to elegantly disagree while still maintaining rapport. It is particularly useful in sales, negotiations, and situations where someone might typically say "I understand."
In the following list select six (6) presupposition of NLP.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Respect for the other person's model of the world.
C. Resistance in a client is a sign of a lack of rapport.
E. People are not their behavior.
F. Everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have available.
H. There is only feedback.
I. The meaning of communication is the response you get.
Resistance in a client is a sign of a lack of rapport. People are not their behavior. Everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have available. There is only feedback. The meaning of communication is the response you get.
Law of Requisite Variety means that the person/system with the most behavioral flexibility controls the system.
Correct Answer
A. True
Law of Requisite Variety means that the person/system with the most behavioral flexibility controls the system.
The Map is not the territory is the Presupposition in NLP that most relates to the concept of "Labels."
Correct Answer
A. True
The Map is not the territory is the Presupposition in NLP that most relates to the concept of "Labels."
What is Sensory Acuity?
Correct Answer
D. People's pHysiology goes through minute changes from moment to moment as they change states.
People's physiology goes through minute changes from moment to moment as they change states.
Select six (6) specific useful things you can observe when utilizing Sensory Acuity.
Correct Answer(s)
B. Skin color.
C. Skin tonus.
E. Breathing rate.
F. Breathing location.
G. Lower lip size.
I. Eyes (focused/defocused and pupil dilation).
Skin color. Skin tonus. Breathing rate. Breathing location. Lower lip size. Eyes (focused/defocused and pupil dilation).
Using sensory based words allows you to distinguish the difference between a true observation and a hallucination (or “mind read”) that may be more projection than actual observation.
Correct Answer
A. True
Using sensory based words allows you to differentiate between a genuine observation and a hallucination or "mind read" that could be more of a projection than an actual observation. By using sensory words, such as describing what you see, hear, feel, taste, or smell, you can rely on concrete evidence rather than subjective interpretations. This helps in maintaining objectivity and ensuring accurate observations.
Using sensory-based words are misleading when describing what you observe; one should rely on power of observation only.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement suggests that using sensory-based words when describing observations is misleading, and that one should rely solely on the power of observation. However, this is not necessarily true. While it is important to be objective and accurate in describing observations, sensory-based words can provide valuable information and enhance the understanding of what is being observed. These words can help convey the qualities and characteristics of the observation, making it more vivid and relatable. Therefore, the correct answer is False.
Which of the following statements are correct?
Correct Answer
F. All of the above.
Rapport is a state of connection where one person becomes responsive to
another. It is based on the concept that when people are like each other,
they tend to like each other. Ultimately rapport is pacing and leading. Other
possible answers: Rapport is the ability to enter someone else’s world, to make
him feel that you are similar and therefore understand him. It’s the ability to
go fully from your map of the world to enter into another’s.
The purpose of Rapport can best be stated as "You pace, and then you lead."
Correct Answer
A. True
The purpose of Rapport can best be stated as "You pace, and then you lead."
You can create rapport by:
Correct Answer
E. Only # 1 and # 2.
You can create rapport by matching and/or mirroring another person’s state, physiology, and/or communication.
You can create rapport by matching and/or mirroring another person’s state, physiology, and/or communication. This is also known as Pacing and Leading.
Correct Answer
A. True
You can create rapport by matching and/or mirroring another person’s state, physiology, and/or communication. This is also known as Pacing and Leading.
Select five (5) items in the following list by which you can match or mirror when creating Rapport.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Posture.
B. Gestures.
C. Tone of voice.
D. Predicates and Key words.
E. Facial expression.
Posture, Gestures, Tone of voice, Predicates and key words, Facial expression.
The only sure indicator of Rapport is leading, meaning when you lead, they follow.
Correct Answer
A. True
The only sure indicator of Rapport is leading, meaning when you lead, they follow.
Crossover Mirroring is the process of matching one part of the body with another (ex: breathing with finger tapping).
Correct Answer
A. True
Crossover Mirroring is the process of matching one part of the body with another (e.g. breathing with finger tapping).
Crossover Mirroring is the process of doing the opposite of what the other person does.
Correct Answer
B. False
Crossover Mirroring is the process of matching one part of the body with another (ex: breathing with finger tapping).
Which of the following statements describe the concept of the Primary Representational System:
Correct Answer
D. All of the above.
The primary representational system is the modality (Visual, Auditory or
Kinesthetic) in which we prefer to represent our internal processing. This is a person’s preferred representational system. The primary representational system is the one people use the most often to
experience their life.
You can detect a person's primary representational system by listening to that person’s predicates and by observing that person’s physiology.
Correct Answer
A. True
You can detect a person's primary representational system by listening to that person’s predicates and by observing that person’s physiology.
Which of the following statements are correct?
Correct Answer(s)
A. The Lead Representational system is where we go to access information, before entering other representational systems.
B. Not everybody has a Lead Representational System.
C. You can detect a Lead Representational System by observing that person’s eye accessing cues.
The Lead Representational system is where we go to access information,
before entering other representational systems. Not everybody has a Lead
Representational System.
You can detect it by observing that person’s eye accessing cues.
Representational systems cannot overlap. They always stay in their separate domains.
Correct Answer
B. False
Overlapping Representational Systems is a technique where you use a preferred representational system to allow yourself to gain access to another.
Overlapping Representational Systems is a technique where you use a preferred representational system to allow yourself to gain access to another.
Correct Answer
A. True
Overlapping Representational Systems is a technique where you use a preferred representational system to allow yourself to gain access to another.
The Hierarchy of Ideas is a model which assists us in our ability to move through and between different levels of abstraction from vague and ambiguous to concrete and specific.
Correct Answer
A. True
The Hierarchy of Ideas is a model which assists us in our ability to move through and between different levels of abstraction from vague and ambiguous to concrete and specific.
Which of the following questions do you ask to chunk someone down?
Correct Answer(s)
B. What/who/where/how specifically?
C. What is an example of this?
D. What is a component/part of this?
“What/who/where/how specifically?”, “What is an example of this?”, “What is a component/part of this?”
Which of the following questions do you ask to chunk someone up?
Correct Answer(s)
B. What is this an example of?
C. For what purpose?
D. What is the intention?
“What is this an example of?”, “For what purpose?”, “What is the intention?”
Comparing the phrase "teaching material," with the word "book," the word book is more chunked up.
Correct Answer
B. False
Comparing the phrase "teaching material," with the word "book," the phrase teaching material is more chunked up.
The Milton Model is a collection of linguistic patterns modeled from Milton Erickson that when used properly tend to guide a person in the direction of trance.
Correct Answer
A. True
The Milton Model is a collection of linguistic patterns modeled from Milton Erickson that when used properly tend to guide a person in the direction of trance.
Select the correct statement in the following.
Correct Answer
B. The Milton Model utilizes language that is “artfully vague” and as such will tend to chunk someone up.
The Milton Model utilizes language that it “artfully vague” and as such will tend to chunk someone up.
Which of the following statements describe the Meta Model.
Correct Answer(s)
A. The Meta Model is a communications model.
B. The Meta Model is used to specify information in a speaker’s language.
C. The Meta Model is used to recover the information lost and out of the clients awareness as a result of deletions, generalizations and distortions.
The Meta Model is a communications model used to specify information in a speaker’s language. It is used to recover the information lost and out of the clients awareness as a result of deletions, generalizations and distortions.
The three processes of internalizing on which the Meta Model is based are:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Deleting.
D. Distorting.
E. Generalizing.
The three processes of internalizing on which the Meta Model is based are: Deleting, Distorting, Generalizing.
Subodalities are subset characteristics of the major modalities (VAKOG). Examples would include “black and white or color” and “size” for visual, “loud or soft” for auditory, or “hot or cold” for kinesthetic.
Correct Answer
A. True
Subodalities are subset characteristics of the major modalities (VAKOG). Examples would include “black and white or color” and “size” for visual, “loud or soft” for auditory, or “hot or cold” for kinesthetic.
Which of the following six (6) items are visual Submodalities.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Angle viewed from.
C. 3D or flat.
D. Amount of contrast.
F. Movie or still.
H. Framed or panoramic.
I. Focus (changing or steady).
Angle viewed from. 3D or flat. Amount of contrast. Movie or still. Framed or panoramic. Focus (changing or steady).
Which of the following items are kinesthetic submodalities?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Vibration.
B. Weight.
C. Location.
D. Size.
E. Pressure.
F. Heat.
Vibration. Weight. Location. Size. Pressure. Heat.
Which of the following items are auditory submodalities?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Fast and Slow.
C. Location.
D. Direction.
G. Pitch (high/low).
H. Tonality.
I. Timber.
Fast and Slow. Location. Direction. Pitch (high/low). Tonality. Timber.
Which of the following statements are correct?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Association is a visual submodality.
B. Association deals with your relationship to an experience.
C. When you are Associated you feel that you are inside your body and experiencing your feelings.
D. Association is useful for accessing positive and resourceful states.
E. In a memory, for example, you are associated when you are looking through your own eyes (aka 1st person), and experiencing the Auditory and Kinesthetic at the same time.
Association is a visual submodality and deals with your relationship to an experience. In a memory, for example, you are associated when you are looking through your own eyes (aka 1st person), and experiencing the Auditory and Kinesthetic at the same time. When you are Associated you feel that you are inside your body and experiencing your feelings. It is useful for accessing positive and resourceful states.