Soal Uh K3lh Kelas X Akuntansi

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| By Afdal
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Questions: 29 | Attempts: 2,559

Soal Uh K3lh Kelas X Akuntansi - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Berikut merupakan kepanjangan dari K3LH, kecuali...........

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Lingkungan Hidup

    Correct Answer
    D. Kebaikan
    The given question asks for the abbreviation of K3LH, excluding one option. K3LH stands for Kesehatan (Health), Keselamatan (Safety), Keamanan (Security), and Lingkungan Hidup (Environment). The word "Kebaikan" means "goodness" and does not correspond to any of the letters in K3LH. Therefore, "Kebaikan" is the correct answer.

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  • 2. 

    Keadaan sekitar yang didiami seseorang baik biotik maupun abiotik adalah pengertian dari...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Lingkungan Hidup

    Correct Answer
    A. Kesehatan
    The correct answer is "Kesehatan." The explanation for this answer is that the term "kesehatan" refers to the overall well-being of an individual, including their physical, mental, and social health. The surroundings or environment in which a person lives, consisting of both biotic (living organisms) and abiotic (non-living elements) factors, can greatly impact their health. Therefore, the statement "Keadaan sekitar yang didiami seseorang baik biotik maupun abiotik adalah pengertian dari kesehatan" implies that the condition of the surroundings, both living and non-living elements, is a crucial aspect of an individual's health.

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  • 3. 

    Dibawah ini yang bukan termasuk tujuan K3LH adalah…

    • A.

      Menjamin tenaga kerja dalam meningkatkan produktivitas

    • B.

      Mencegah dan mengurangi kerugian yang diderita oleh semua pihak yang bekerja

    • C.

      Memberi pertolongan dini bagi pekerja bila terjadi kecelakaan

    • D.

      Mencegah kecelakaan di jalan raya

    • E.

      Melindungi tenaga kerja dari bahaya kecelakaan pada saat bekerja

    Correct Answer
    D. Mencegah kecelakaan di jalan raya
    The correct answer is "Mencegah kecelakaan di jalan raya." This statement does not belong to the objectives of K3LH (Occupational Health and Safety). K3LH focuses on ensuring the safety and well-being of workers in the workplace, providing early assistance in case of accidents, preventing and reducing losses suffered by all parties involved in work, and protecting workers from the dangers of accidents while working. Preventing accidents on the road is not directly related to the objectives of K3LH.

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  • 4. 

    Rangkaian tata kerja yang berkaitan satu sama lain sehingga menunjukkan adanya suatu urutan tahap demi tahap serta jalan yang harus ditempuh dalam rangka melaksanakan suatu bidang pekerjaan merupakan pengertian dari........

    • A.

      Prosedur kerja

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Pelindung diri

    Correct Answer
    E. Pelindung diri
    The given answer "Pelindung diri" is the correct answer because the question is asking for the definition of a series of work procedures that are related to each other and show a step-by-step sequence and the path that must be taken in order to carry out a specific job. "Pelindung diri" refers to personal protective equipment (PPE) that is used to protect individuals from hazards and risks in the workplace. This fits the description of a set of work procedures that need to be followed in order to ensure safety and protection while performing a job.

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  • 5. 

    Di bawah ini merupakan hal yang harus terkandung dalam prosedur kerja adalah..........

    • A.

      Tujuan dan ruang lingkup aktivitas

    • B.

      Pencatatan & evaluasi terhadap kegiatan

    • C.

      Siapa yang melaksanakan & apa yang harus dikerjakan

    • D.

      Material,perlengkapan & dokumen yang digunakan

    • E.

      Benar semua

    Correct Answer
    E. Benar semua
    The correct answer is "Benar semua" which means "All are correct" in English. This answer implies that all of the options listed in the question are necessary components of a work procedure. These components include the objectives and scope of the activities, recording and evaluation of the activities, identification of who will carry out the activities and what needs to be done, and the materials, equipment, and documents required.

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  • 6. 

    Pihak yang bertanggungjawab terhadap K3 di perusahaan/instansi, kecuali..........

    • A.

      Bagian keamanan

    • B.


    • C.

       Orang tua

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C.  Orang tua
    The responsible party for occupational health and safety (K3) in a company/institution is usually the management or leadership team. However, in this case, the exception is "Orang tua" which means parents. Parents are not typically responsible for K3 in a company or institution as it is the duty of the management to ensure a safe working environment for their employees.

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  • 7. 

    7.    Suatu kondisi dimana atau kapan munculnya sumber bahaya telah dapat dikendalikan ke tingkat yang memadai, ini adalah lawan dari bahaya (danger) merupakan pengertian dari....

    • A.


    • B.

       Alat pelindung diri

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Keamanan
    Keamanan refers to the condition where the occurrence of a hazard has been adequately controlled. This is the opposite of danger, which implies an unsafe or hazardous condition. The other options, such as alat pelindung diri (personal protective equipment), kesehatan (health), kepedulian (concern), and kebersihan (cleanliness), do not directly relate to the concept of controlling hazards or the opposite of danger.

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  • 8. 

    Syarat-syarat helm untuk alat pelindung diri, yaitu.......

    • A.

      Tahan benturan, meredam kejutan, tidak mudah terbakar, sulit disesuaikan

    • B.

      Tahan benturan, meredam kejutan, tidak mudah terbakar, mudah disesuaikan

    • C.

       Tahan benturan, mudah  terbakar, mudah pecah

    • D.

      D.   Tahan benturan, meredam kejutan, anti air, mudah terbakar

    • E.

       Mudah terbakar, anti air, mudah pecah

    Correct Answer
    C.  Tahan benturan, mudah  terbakar, mudah pecah
    The correct answer is "Tahan benturan, meredam kejutan, tidak mudah terbakar, sulit disesuaikan". This answer is correct because it states that a helmet for personal protection needs to be able to withstand impact and absorb shocks. It should also not be easily flammable and should be difficult to adjust.

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  • 9. 

    Berikut adalah sarung tangan khusus dalam K3, kecuali.........

    • A.

       Sarung tangan bahan campuran karet

    • B.

       Sarung tangan bahan kulit

    • C.

       Sarung tangan bahan karet

    • D.

      Sarung tangan bahan plastik

    • E.

      Sarung tangan bahan asbes

    Correct Answer
    D. Sarung tangan bahan plastik
    The given options are different types of gloves used in occupational safety and health (K3). The correct answer, "Sarung tangan bahan plastik" (gloves made of plastic material), is excluded because it is not a special glove used in K3. The other options include gloves made of a mixture of rubber, leather, rubber, and asbestos, which are commonly used for protection in hazardous environments.

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  • 10. 

    Alat yang digunakan untuk melindungi telinga dari kebisingan yang berlebihan merupakan fungsi penggunaan dari........

    • A.

      Ear plug

    • B.

       Safety shoes

    • C.

      Body protector

    • D.


    • E.

      Dust masker

    Correct Answer
    A. Ear plug
    Ear plugs are used to protect the ears from excessive noise. They are small devices that are inserted into the ear canal to block out or reduce the intensity of loud sounds. This helps to prevent hearing damage and maintain the overall health of the ears. Ear plugs are commonly used in industries where workers are exposed to high levels of noise, such as construction sites or factories. They are also used by individuals in noisy environments or during activities such as concerts or shooting sports.

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  • 11. 

     Alat yang digunakan untuk melindungi mata pemakai/karyawan dari partikel kecil, merupakan fungsi penggunaan dari alat..........

    • A.

      Ear plug

    • B.

       Safety shoes

    • C.

       Safety glasses

    • D.


    • E.

       Disposable overall

    Correct Answer
    C.  Safety glasses
    Safety glasses are used to protect the wearer's eyes from small particles. They provide a barrier between the eyes and any potential hazards, such as dust, debris, or chemicals. Safety glasses are an important safety measure in industries where there is a risk of eye injuries, such as construction, manufacturing, or laboratory work. Wearing safety glasses can help prevent eye injuries and maintain the safety and well-being of the user or employee.

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  • 12. 

     Pelindung mata atau kaca mata digunakan untuk melindungi mata dari bahaya. Pekerjaan yang wajib menggunakan peralatan pelindung ini adalah....…

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B.  Mengelas
    Ketika melakukan pekerjaan mengelas, terdapat bahaya yang dapat merusak mata seperti sinar ultraviolet dan percikan logam panas. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk menggunakan pelindung mata atau kacamata saat melakukan pekerjaan ini untuk melindungi mata dari bahaya tersebut.

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  • 13. 

    Fungsi safety shoes bagi karyawan, kecuali.........

    • A.

      Melindungi kaki dari beram

    • B.

      Melindungi kaki dari benda panas

    • C.

      Melindungi kaki dari bahan kimia yang berbahaya

    • D.

      Melindungi kaki dari udara

    • E.

      Melindungi kaki dari kejatuhan benda berat

    Correct Answer
    D. Melindungi kaki dari udara
    Safety shoes are designed to protect the feet from various hazards in the workplace, such as falling objects, sharp objects, hot surfaces, and hazardous chemicals. However, they do not provide protection against air or atmospheric hazards. Therefore, the correct answer is "Melindungi kaki dari udara" (Protecting the feet from air).

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  • 14. 

    Cara kerja yang digunakan untuk meninjau kembali metode kerja dan mencegah bahaya yang mungkin tidak dilihat/terlupakan dalam tata ruang gedung dan dalam desain mesin, alat dan pengolahan yang telah dikembangkan setelah mulainya produksi merupakan pengertian dari.......

    • A.

      Pemeriksaan kesehatan kerja

    • B.

       Job safety analysis

    • C.

      Alat pelindung diri

    • D.

      Body protector

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B.  Job safety analysis
    Job safety analysis (JSA) is a method used to review work methods and identify potential hazards that may be overlooked in the building layout, machine design, equipment, and processes that have been developed after the start of production. JSA involves breaking down a job into individual tasks, identifying the hazards associated with each task, and determining the appropriate control measures to prevent accidents or injuries. It is a proactive approach to ensure the safety of workers by analyzing and mitigating potential risks in the workplace.

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  • 15. 

    Usaha yang mengutamakan tindakan pencegahan terhadap gangguan kesehatan karena faktor pekerjaan & lingkungan kerja adalah pengertian dari.........

    • A.

      Pemeriksaan kesehatan kerja

    • B.

       Job safety analysis

    • C.

       Alat pelindung diri

    • D.

      Body protector

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Pemeriksaan kesehatan kerja
    Pemeriksaan kesehatan kerja adalah usaha yang mengutamakan tindakan pencegahan terhadap gangguan kesehatan karena faktor pekerjaan dan lingkungan kerja. Dengan melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan kerja, perusahaan dapat mengidentifikasi risiko dan faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan para pekerja. Dengan demikian, perusahaan dapat mengambil langkah-langkah pencegahan yang diperlukan untuk meminimalkan risiko dan menjaga kesehatan para pekerja.

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  • 16. 

    Berikut ini merupakan langkah yang dilakukan untuk pencegahan terhadap penyakit, kecuali.......

    • A.

      Pemeriksaan kesehatan karyawan

    • B.

       Pendidikan kesehatan

    • C.

       Penerangan sebelum bekerja

    • D.


    • E.

       Golongan fisik

    Correct Answer
    E.  Golongan fisik
    The given options describe different preventive measures for diseases. However, "Golongan fisik" does not fit into the category of preventive measures. It refers to physical characteristics or traits of individuals and is not directly related to disease prevention. Therefore, it is the exception among the given options.

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  • 17. 

     Faktor penyebab gangguan kesehatan, kecuali.........

    • A.

      Golongan fisik

    • B.

      Golongan pribadi

    • C.

       Golongan kimia

    • D.

       Golongan biologik

    • E.

      Golongan psikologik

    Correct Answer
    B. Golongan pribadi
    The given options list various factors that can cause health disorders. The options include physical factors, chemical factors, biological factors, and psychological factors. The correct answer, "Golongan pribadi" (personal factors), does not fit into any of these categories. It suggests that there are other individual or personal factors that can contribute to health disorders, such as lifestyle choices, genetics, or personal habits.

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  • 18. 

    Di bawah ini yang termasuk dalam golongan fisik adalah........

    • A.

      Suara gaduh

    • B.


    • C.

      Bersikap netral

    • D.

       Cairan kimia

    • E.

       Pekerjaan yang monoton

    Correct Answer
    A. Suara gaduh
    The correct answer is "Suara gaduh" because it refers to a physical characteristic. Sound is a physical phenomenon that can be measured and observed, making it a part of the physical category.

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  • 19. 

    Berikut merupakan yang termasuk ke dalam golongan kimia adalah.......

    • A.

      Sinar inframerah

    • B.


    • C.

       Penerangan lampu kurang

    • D.

      Suhu terlalu tinggi/rendah

    • E.

       Radiasi sinar radioaktif

    Correct Answer
    B.  Debu
    Dust is considered a chemical because it is composed of various particles, including organic and inorganic compounds. These particles can undergo chemical reactions and interactions with other substances.

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  • 20. 

     Berikut merupakan yang termasuk ke dalam golongan biologik, yaitu..........

    • A.

       Pekerjaan yang monoton

    • B.

      Cairan kimia

    • C.

      Melakukan pemeriksaan secara teliti

    • D.

      Penerangan lampu kurang

    • E.

       Radiasi sinar radioaktif

    Correct Answer
    C. Melakukan pemeriksaan secara teliti
    The correct answer is "Melakukan pemeriksaan secara teliti." This answer is correct because it refers to a biological activity, which is the careful examination or inspection of something. The other options mentioned in the question, such as monotonous work, chemical fluids, insufficient lighting, and radioactive radiation, do not fall under the category of biological activities.

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  • 21. 

    . Tujuan utama dari Organisasi Keselamatan Kerja adalah...

    • A.

      Menambah pendapatan pekerja

    • B.

      Menambah penghasilan pekerja

    • C.

      Menyeimbangkan beban pekerja

    • D.

      Mengurangi tingkat kecelakaan

    • E.

      Mengurangi beban para pekerja

    Correct Answer
    D. Mengurangi tingkat kecelakaan
    The main objective of the Occupational Safety and Health Organization is to reduce the level of accidents. This means that the organization aims to create a safe working environment for employees, implementing measures and regulations that prevent accidents and ensure the well-being of workers. By reducing the rate of accidents, the organization can protect workers from harm and promote their overall safety and health in the workplace.

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  • 22. 

    Tujuan Hyperkes adalah...

    • A.

      Mencapai derajat produksi

    • B.

      Mencapai derajat Komisi

    • C.

      Mencapai derajat Keselamatan

    • D.

      Mencapai derajat Kesehatan

    • E.

      Mencapai derajat Kepedulian

    Correct Answer
    C. Mencapai derajat Keselamatan
    The correct answer is "Mencapai derajat Keselamatan". This is because the term "Hyperkes" is short for "Hygiene and Occupational Health and Safety", which refers to the measures and practices implemented to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals in a workplace or environment. Therefore, the goal of "Hyperkes" is to achieve a high level of safety in order to prevent accidents, injuries, and illnesses.

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  • 23. 

    P3k adalah...

    • A.

      Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan

    • B.

      Pertolongan Pertama pada Keluhan

    • C.

      Pertolongan Pertama pada Kejahatan

    • D.

      Pertolongan Pertama pada Kelumpuhan

    • E.

      Pertolongan Pertama pada Kesehatan

    Correct Answer
    A. Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan
    P3k stands for Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan, which translates to First Aid for Accidents. This answer is correct because P3k refers to the initial medical assistance given to individuals who have been involved in accidents or emergencies. It includes actions such as stopping bleeding, performing CPR, and stabilizing the injured person until professional medical help arrives.

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  • 24. 

    Dibawah ini yang termasuk jenis bahan berbahaya adalah, kecuali...

    • A.

      Bahan radiopasif

    • B.

      Bahan Plastik

    • C.

      Bahan eksplosif

    • D.

      Bahan Korosif

    • E.

      Bahan Beracun

    Correct Answer
    B. Bahan Plastik
    Plastik bukanlah jenis bahan berbahaya. Bahan berbahaya umumnya merujuk pada bahan yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan atau bahaya bagi manusia, hewan, atau lingkungan. Plastik sendiri adalah bahan yang umum digunakan dalam banyak produk sehari-hari dan tidak secara langsung menyebabkan bahaya. Namun, penggunaan plastik yang berlebihan dan pembuangan yang tidak tepat dapat menyebabkan masalah lingkungan jangka panjang.

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  • 25. 

    Bahan-bahan yang selama pembuatannya, pengolahannya, pengangkutannya, penyimpanan dan penggunaan dapat menimbulkan iritasi, kebakaran, ledakan,dll disebut...

    • A.

      Bahan Radioaktif

    • B.

      Bahan Beracun

    • C.

      Bahan Berbahaya

    • D.

      Bahan Peledak

    • E.

      Bahan Daur Ulang

    Correct Answer
    A. Bahan Radioaktif
    Bahan-bahan yang selama pembuatannya, pengolahannya, pengangkutannya, penyimpanan, dan penggunaan dapat menimbulkan iritasi, kebakaran, ledakan, dll disebut bahan berbahaya. Bahan radioaktif juga termasuk dalam kategori bahan berbahaya karena memiliki potensi untuk menyebabkan kerusakan pada manusia dan lingkungan jika tidak ditangani dengan benar.

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  • 26. 

    Untuk menjaga keselamatan didalam kegiatan K3 diperlukan alat-alat perlindungan diri, berikut ini yang termasuk kedalam alat perlindungan diri adalah...

    • A.

      Tali, topeng, sepatu

    • B.

      Kacamata, sepatu, sarung tangan, topeng

    • C.

      Kacamata, pelindung telinga, sepatu

    • D.

      Sepatu, sandal, topeng, tali

    • E.

      Tali, topeng, sarung tangan alat pengunci

    Correct Answer
    C. Kacamata, pelindung telinga, sepatu
    In order to maintain safety in K3 activities, personal protective equipment is necessary. The correct answer includes kacamata (glasses), pelindung telinga (ear protectors), and sepatu (shoes), which are all essential items for protecting the eyes, ears, and feet from potential hazards.

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  • 27. 

    Menerapkan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku dengan penuh disiplin adalah merupakan...

    • A.

      Klasifikasi Kecelakaan

    • B.

      Penanggulangan Kebakaran

    • C.


    • D.

      Penanggulangan Kecelakaan

    • E.

      Pencegahan Kecelakaan

    Correct Answer
    E. Pencegahan Kecelakaan
    The correct answer is "Pencegahan Kecelakaan". This is because applying the applicable legal regulations with discipline is a preventive measure to avoid accidents. By following the rules and regulations, potential hazards and risks can be identified and mitigated, reducing the likelihood of accidents occurring.

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  • 28. 

    Faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan adalah...

    • A.

      Faktor Pekerja, keamanan, kesejahteraan

    • B.

      Faktor Lingkungan, Penggunaan alat, Pekerja

    • C.

      Faktor Penggunaan Alat, Pekerja, dan Tindakan

    • D.

      Faktor Human eror

    • E.

      Faktor managemen kerja, keamanan, kesejahteraan

    Correct Answer
    D. Faktor Human eror
    The correct answer is "Faktor Human eror" because it directly translates to "Human error factors" which suggests that human error is one of the causes of accidents. The other options mention factors such as workers, safety, welfare, environment, equipment usage, and management, but only the option "Faktor Human eror" specifically mentions human error as a factor.

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  • 29. 

    Klasifikasi kecelakaan menurut sifat luka/kelainan adalah...

    • A.

      Patah tulang

    • B.


    • C.

      Dari mesin

    • D.


    • E.

      Tersambar petir

    Correct Answer
    A. Patah tulang
    The given options are different types of accidents based on the nature of injury or abnormality. "Patah tulang" translates to "broken bones" in English, which is a specific type of injury that can occur in accidents. The other options such as "terjatuh" (falling), "dari mesin" (from a machine), "radiasi" (radiation), and "tersambar petir" (struck by lightning) are also types of accidents, but they do not specifically refer to the nature of the injury like "patah tulang" does. Therefore, "patah tulang" is the correct answer.

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