Cotele de nivel se indica in:
Correct Answer
A. Metri cu doua zecimale
The correct answer is "metri cu doua zecimale" because it is the most precise unit of measurement for indicating water levels. Using two decimal places allows for more accurate measurements and provides a clearer understanding of the water level. The other options, such as "metri fara zecimale," "centimetri," and "milimetri," are less precise and may not provide enough detail for accurate measurements.
Planurile unei constructii sunt:
Correct Answer
B. Sectiuni orizontale
The correct answer is "sectiuni orizontale" because plans for a construction project typically include horizontal sections that show the layout and dimensions of the floors, ceilings, and other horizontal elements of the building. These sections are important for understanding the spatial arrangement of different levels and how they relate to each other. Vertical sections show the vertical elements such as walls and columns, while principal views provide an overall representation of the building's exterior. Execution details focus on specific construction elements and techniques.
Cotele golurilor de usi se scriu:
Correct Answer
C. Sub forma de fractie pe linia de cota a golului
The correct answer is "sub forma de fractie pe linia de cota a golului" which means "in the form of a fraction on the dimension line of the opening." This suggests that the measurements of the door openings are written as fractions on the dimension line, indicating the specific dimensions of the opening.
Notatia p = 90 scrisa pe plan in dreptul ferestrei reprezinta:
Correct Answer
C. Distanta de la pardoseala finita la golul de fereastra
The notation p = 90 written on the floor next to the window represents the distance from the finished floor to the window sill.
Dimensiunea reala a unui element de 5,20m, redusa la scara 1:20 este:
Correct Answer
C. 26 cm
When an element with a real dimension of 5.20m is reduced to a scale of 1:20, it means that every 1 unit on the scaled drawing represents 20 units in real life. To find the reduced dimension, we divide the real dimension by the scale factor. In this case, 5.20m divided by 20 gives us 0.26m, which is equivalent to 26 cm. Therefore, the correct answer is 26 cm.
Scarile de reprezentare utilizate in desenul tehnic sunt: scari de marire, scara de marime naturala si scari de micsorare.
Correct Answer
A. Adevarat
The statement is true because in technical drawing, representation scales are used to accurately depict objects. These scales include enlargement scales, life-size scales, and reduction scales. These scales ensure that the drawing accurately represents the dimensions of the object being depicted.
Un plan reprezentat la scara 1:100 este mai mare decat acelasi plan reprezentat la scara 1:50.
Correct Answer
B. Fals
This statement is false. A plan represented at a scale of 1:100 is actually smaller than the same plan represented at a scale of 1:50. In a scale of 1:100, each unit on the plan represents 100 units in reality, while in a scale of 1:50, each unit on the plan represents only 50 units in reality. Therefore, the plan represented at a scale of 1:50 is larger because it shows more detail and a larger area compared to the plan represented at a scale of 1:100.
Schita este un desen intocmit cu mana libera.
Correct Answer
A. Adevarat
The statement "Schita este un desen intocmit cu mana libera" translates to "A sketch is a drawing made freehand." This is true because a sketch is typically a rough or unfinished drawing that is done quickly and without the use of any tools or aids such as rulers or stencils. It is often done with just a pencil or pen and relies on the artist's skill and ability to capture the essence or basic form of the subject.
Pentru reprezentarea constructiilor metalice toate cotele se inscriu in metri cu doua zecimale.
Correct Answer
B. Fals
The statement is false because for the representation of metal constructions, all dimensions are usually measured in meters with two decimal places.
Cotele elementelor de constructii se inscriu in centimetri pentru dimensiunile mai mici de 1,00 m.
Correct Answer
A. Adevarat
The statement is true because in construction, the dimensions of elements are typically measured in centimeters for smaller sizes less than 1.00 meter. This is a common practice to ensure accurate and precise measurements in construction projects.
Liniile de cota se traseaza perpendicular pe liniile de contur.
Correct Answer
B. Fals
The given statement is false. Contour lines are drawn perpendicular to the lines of elevation, not contour lines. Contour lines represent points of equal elevation on a topographic map, and they are typically curved or irregular in shape. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
Releveul este un desen care reprezinta:
Correct Answer
B. Un obiect existent
The correct answer is "un obiect existent" because the word "reprezinta" in the question suggests that the drawing represents something. "Un obiect existent" translates to "an existing object" which implies that the drawing represents an object that already exists.
Formatul unei planse cu suprafata de 1m2 este:
Correct Answer
A. A 0
The correct answer is A 0 because the question is asking for the format of a board with a surface area of 1m2. Since there is no additional information provided, it can be assumed that A 0 is the correct answer as it is the only option given.
Cota reprezinta valoarea ............................. a unei dimensiuni (inscrisa pe desen).
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "reala, reală". In Romanian, "cota" refers to the value of a dimension (written on a drawing) and can be either "reala" (feminine form) or "reală" (masculine form). Both forms are correct and can be used interchangeably depending on the gender of the noun they refer to.
Planul de situatie este un desen de ansamblu dupa care se determina in plan ................................. obiectelor la care se refera proiectul.
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "pozitia, poziţia". The explanation is that the "Planul de situatie" is an overall drawing that is used to determine the position of the objects referred to in the project. The word "pozitia" means "position" in Romanian, and "poziţia" is the correct spelling of the word. Therefore, both "pozitia" and "poziţia" are correct answers as they both represent the same word in different spelling variations.