Evaporation Lesson: Process, Factors, Evaporation Rate, And Application

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Lesson Overview

Learning Objectives

  1.  Define evaporation and describe its fundamental properties.
  2. Explore the mechanisms and factors that drive the process of evaporation.
  3. Investigate how different environmental conditions influence the rate of evaporation.
  4. Assess the role of evaporation in natural systems and its effects on climate.
  5. Identify and explain the various applications of evaporation in industrial, environmental, and technological contexts.

Introduction to Evaporation Lesson

The process of evaporation significantly influences both our environment and various scientific phenomena. In this comprehensive lesson, we will understand the definition of evaporation, learning deeply about its mechanics and the critical role it plays not only in natural settings but also in engineered environments. By understanding the process of evaporation, students will gain insights into how liquid transitions under different environmental conditions.

Along with this, we will learn about the various factors that affect the rate of evaporation.This lesson also covers the wide range of applications of evaporation, and teaches how this process is instrumental in technologies that impact our daily lives.

What Is Evaporation?

Evaporation is a fundamental thermodynamic process involving the phase transition of water from a liquid to a gaseous state, occurring at temperatures below the boiling point. This transformation happens at the molecular level where water molecules gain sufficient kinetic energy from their surroundings to overcome atmospheric pressure and release into the air as vapor. The rate and occurrence of evaporation depend on several factors, including temperature, humidity, surface area, and air movement.

Why Does Evaporation Happen?


Evaporation is a critical natural process where liquid water transforms into vapor, significantly impacting the Earth's water cycle and local climates. This process begins at the molecular level within any liquid, where molecules are in perpetual motion, each possessing varying levels of kinetic energy. For evaporation to occur, surface molecules of the liquid must gain enough kinetic energy to overcome the cohesive intermolecular forces that hold them together. This energy is typically derived from environmental sources such as direct sunlight or ambient temperatures, which enhance the kinetic energy of these molecules.

What Is the Process of Evaporation? 

The process unfolds primarily at the liquid's surface, where the molecules directly interact with the air. Those molecules that accumulate sufficient energy not only break free from the liquid's surface tension but also must overcome the atmospheric pressure that acts to keep them in the liquid state. Once these conditions are met, the molecules escape into the atmosphere as vapor. The phase transition from liquid to vapor also involves a crucial energy exchange-energy is absorbed from the surroundings (or the liquid itself), leading to a decrease in temperature known as evaporative cooling. This is why evaporation is classified as an endothermic process.

Everyday Examples of Evaporation

  • Drying Clothes
    Clothes on a line dry as water evaporates from them due to heat from the sun and air circulation.
  • Puddles Disappearing
    After a rainstorm, puddles gradually vanish as the water evaporates into the air, accelerated by sunlight and warm air.
  • Cooling Sensation After Swimming
    When you exit a pool, the water on your skin evaporates, taking heat away from your body and cooling you down.
  • Sweating and Body Cooling
    Sweating cools the body through evaporation. As sweat evaporates, it absorbs heat from the skin, which helps regulate body temperature.


Condensation is the physical process through which a gas or vapor changes into a liquid state. This transition typically occurs when the vapor is cooled to its dew point, which is the temperature at which the air becomes saturated with vapor and can no longer hold it, causing the vapor to condense into liquid droplets.

  • Mechanism of Condensation
    • Condensation occurs when warm, moist air rises and cools in the atmosphere, or when air comes into contact with a cooler surface, such as a cold glass window or the ground during early mornings.
    • The air's capacity to hold water vapor decreases as it cools, leading the excess vapor to condense into liquid form. This is often visible as dew, fog, or droplets on cold surfaces.

  • Cloud Formation
    • One of the most significant occurrences of condensation is cloud formation. As water vapor in the atmosphere cools, it condenses around small particles like dust or pollen, forming cloud droplets. These droplets may coalesce to form clouds and, eventually, precipitation in the form of rain, snow, or hail.

Significance of Condensation

Condensation plays several crucial roles in both natural environments and human-made systems

  • Water Cycle Contribution
    • Condensation is a vital component of the water cycle, helping to maintain Earth's water balance. It facilitates the transfer of moisture from the atmosphere back to the surface, replenishing water sources and sustaining ecosystems.

  • Climate Impact
    • During condensation, latent heat is released into the atmosphere, which can influence local and global climate patterns. This release of heat is especially significant in the formation of storms and weather fronts, driving the dynamics of weather systems.

  • Agricultural and Ecological Relevance
    • Condensation affects soil moisture levels, which are crucial for plant growth and the overall health of terrestrial ecosystems. Morning dew, resulting from nighttime condensation, provides necessary moisture to plants in arid regions.

  • Technological and Industrial Applications
    • In industrial processes, condensation is used in cooling systems to remove excess heat by condensing steam in power plants, refineries, and other facilities.
    • It is also pivotal in water harvesting technologies and air conditioning systems, where condensation is used to extract water from the air or manage humidity and temperature within controlled environments.

  • Building and Construction
    • In buildings, managing condensation is essential to prevent mold growth, structural damage, and to ensure indoor air quality. Proper insulation and ventilation strategies are designed to minimize unwanted condensation within living spaces.

What Is Evaporation Rate?

Evaporation rate is defined as the volume of water evaporated per unit area per unit time, and it is commonly expressed in units such as millimeters per day (mm/day). This measurement provides a direct indicator of the drying potential of the environment and is crucial for water resource management, agricultural planning, and climatological studies.

Factors Affecting Evaporation Rate

Several environmental and physical factors influence the rate and efficiency of evaporation.

  • Temperature
    Higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of water molecules, thereby increasing the rate of evaporation. This is because more molecules have sufficient energy to overcome atmospheric pressure and escape into the air.

  • Surface Area
    The greater the surface area exposed to the air, the more molecules are available to undergo evaporation at any given time, thus increasing the overall evaporation rate.

  • Humidity
    The amount of water vapor already present in the air affects evaporation. High humidity levels mean the air is already saturated with water vapor, reducing the rate at which additional water can evaporate.

  • Wind and Air Movement
    Wind or any form of air movement helps remove the air saturated with water vapor from above the water surface, allowing more water to evaporate due to decreased vapor pressure.

  • Atmospheric Pressure
    Lower atmospheric pressure reduces the energy required for water molecules to escape into the air, facilitating a higher rate of evaporation.

Formula for Evaporation Rate

  • E is the evaporation rate, typically measured in mass per unit area per unit time.
  • k is a mass transfer coefficient, which varies depending on the substance and conditions.
  • Ps is the saturation vapor pressure at the liquid's temperature.
  • Pa is the actual vapor pressure of the air above the liquid.

  • E is the evaporation rate.
  • m is the mass of water evaporated.
  • A is the surface area from which evaporation occurs.
  • t is the time period over which evaporation is measured.

Calculate the evaporation rate if the saturation vapor pressure of water at 30°C is 4.2 kPa, the actual vapor pressure in the air is 1.2 kPa, and the mass transfer coefficient k is estimated as 0.05 kg/(m^2 * hr * kPa).


Using the formula E = k (Ps - Pa):

  • Ps = 4.2 kPa
  • Pa = 1.2 kPa
  • k = 0.05 kg/(m^2 * hr * kPa)

Plug in the values: E = 0.05 * (4.2 - 1.2) = 0.05 * 3 = 0.15 kg/(m^2 * hr)

This means that the rate of evaporation is 0.15 kg of water per square meter per hour, given the current conditions of vapor pressure and the specified mass transfer coefficient. 

Vapor Pressure in Evaporation Rate

Vapor pressure refers to the pressure exerted by a vapor in thermodynamic equilibrium with its condensed phases (solid or liquid) at a given temperature in a closed system. In simpler terms, it's the pressure of the gas phase above a liquid or solid when the rates of evaporation and condensation are equal. So,  it is a measure of a substance's tendency to evaporate. It is influenced by the substance's chemical nature and the ambient temperature. Higher vapor pressure means the substance is more volatile and will evaporate more readily.

  • Vapor pressure increases with temperature because as the temperature rises, more molecules have enough kinetic energy to escape from the liquid surface into the vapor phase.
  • When a liquid's vapor pressure equals the atmospheric pressure, the liquid will boil. Below this point, evaporation still occurs at any temperature, but only from the surface, since only surface molecules have enough energy and space to disperse into the air.

The rate of evaporation increases with the difference between the saturation vapor pressure (SVP) at the water temperature and the actual vapor pressure present in the air.

where EL is the rate of evaporation in mm/day, C is a constant, ew is the saturation vapor pressure, and ea is the actual vapor pressure in the air, emphasizing what drives evaporation.

  • ew (Saturation Vapor Pressure)
    This value represents the maximum vapor pressure if the air was completely saturated with vapor at a specific temperature, showing the potential for vapor at that temperature.
  • ea (Actual Vapor Pressure)
    This is the current vapor pressure due to water vapor in the air, usually lower than ew unless the air is saturated.
  • Difference (ew - ea)
    The difference between the saturation vapor pressure and the actual vapor pressure is known as the vapor pressure deficit. A larger deficit speeds up evaporation since the air can absorb more water vapor.
  • Constant C
    This factor adjusts the evaporation rate to account for environmental variables like wind and humidity, which influence evaporation speed.

If the constant C is 0.5 mm/day/mmHg, the saturation vapor pressure at the water surface ew is 10 mmHg, and the actual vapor pressure in the air ea is 7 mmHg, what is the daily rate of evaporation?

Using the formula: EL = 0.5 * (10 - 7) EL = 0.5 * 3 EL = 1.5 mm/day

This calculation shows that water evaporates at a rate of 1.5 mm per day under these conditions.

Evaporative Equilibrium

Evaporative equilibrium occurs when the rate of evaporation of a liquid equals the rate of condensation within a closed system. This state signifies a dynamic balance where the amount of liquid phase and vapor phase remains constant over time, despite continuous molecular exchange between these phases.

  • Dynamic Equilibrium
    At evaporative equilibrium, the liquid and its vapor exist in a state where their exchange rates are equal, meaning that as many molecules are evaporating as are condensing.
  • Closed System
    This equilibrium occurs in a closed system where no mass is lost to the surroundings.
  • Vapor Pressure
    The pressure exerted by the vapor phase in this state is known as the equilibrium vapor pressure, which depends on the temperature of the system.
  • Temperature Dependence
    The equilibrium vapor pressure increases with temperature, as more molecules gain sufficient kinetic energy to escape the liquid surface.

Clausius-Clapeyron Equation

The Clausius-Clapeyron Equation is a fundamental relation in thermodynamics that describes the phase transition between liquids and gases. It provides a way to calculate how the equilibrium vapor pressure changes with temperature.


  • P1 and P2 are the vapor pressures at temperatures T1 and T2, respectively.
  • is the enthalpy of vaporization.
  • R is the universal gas constant.
  • T1 and T2 are temperatures in Kelvin.

This equation shows that the natural logarithm of the ratio of vapor pressures at two different temperatures is proportional to the inverse of those temperatures, scaled by the negative ratio of the enthalpy of vaporization to the gas constant. It indicates that as temperature increases, the vapor pressure increases exponentially.

Calculate the change in vapor pressure of water from 30°C to 50°C, given that the enthalpy of vaporization for water is approximately 40.7 kJ/mol and R = 8.314.

Kinetic Theory of Evaporation 

The kinetic theory of evaporation provides a microscopic perspective on how molecules transition from the liquid state to the gaseous state under conditions below the boiling point of the liquid. This theory is based on the molecular behavior of liquids and explains evaporation as a surface phenomenon influenced by molecular motion and energy.

Key Concepts of the Kinetic Theory of Evaporation

  • Molecular Motion
    • Liquids consist of molecules in constant motion, colliding with each other and exchanging energy.
    • The kinetic energy of molecules follows a distribution, meaning that at any given moment, some molecules have higher energy than others.

  • Energy Distribution
    • According to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, in a body of liquid, there is always a proportion of molecules that have sufficiently high kinetic energy to overcome the intermolecular forces binding them within the liquid.

  • Surface Evaporation
    • Evaporation occurs at the surface of the liquid because only molecules at the surface have the potential to escape into the air.
    • When a molecule near the surface acquires enough kinetic energy (greater than the potential energy due to intermolecular forces and the pressure exerted by the atmosphere), it can break free from the liquid surface and enter the vapor phase.

Formula for Average Kinetic Energy

The average kinetic energy (KE) of a molecule in a liquid can be given by


  • kB is the Boltzmann constant,
  • T is the temperature in Kelvin.

This theory is crucial for

  • Distillation processes
    Understanding evaporation helps optimize efficiency.
  • Cooling technologies
    Evaporative coolers use this principle to reduce temperatures.
  • Meteorology and climatology
    This theory aids in modeling how water evaporates, impacting weather and climate.

Calculate how the average kinetic energy of water molecules changes as the temperature increases from 20°C to 30°C.

Evaporation in Nature

The occurrence of evaporation and its rate are influenced by geographic and climatic factors, making it a critical component of ecosystem functionality across various biomes.

Role of Evaporation in Ecosystems

  • Water Cycle Maintenance

The Water Cycle

Evaporation contributes to the refilling of water bodies by returning water vapor to the atmosphere, where it condenses and eventually precipitates. This cyclical process is essential for sustaining aquatic habitats and terrestrial water sources.

As an essential part of the energy exchange within ecosystems, evaporation moderates temperatures and influences weather patterns, which in turn affect ecosystem dynamics and species distributions.

  • Biological Implications
    In conjunction with photosynthesis, plants release vast amounts of water vapor into the atmosphere through transpiration-a process closely linked with evaporation. This not only aids in nutrient uptake and temperature regulation within the plant but also contributes significantly to the atmospheric moisture content.

    Evaporation influences the formation and maintenance of specific habitats, such as wetlands, which are crucial for biodiversity conservation. These environments rely on consistent levels of moisture, which evaporation helps regulate.

Examples from Different Biomes

  • Tropical Rainforests
    The dense vegetation in rainforests results in significant transpiration, coupled with high ambient temperatures promoting rapid evaporation. This contributes to the high humidity and frequent rainfall characteristic of these biomes, supporting their lush biodiversity.

  • Deserts
    In arid environments, evaporation acts as a critical cooling mechanism during extreme heat. The limited water sources such as morning dew or sparse rainfall evaporate quickly, affecting both the microclimates and the survival strategies of flora and fauna.

    The rate of evaporation in deserts influences the strategies of water storage and conservation adopted by native plants and animals, shaping their evolutionary adaptations.

  • Boreal Forests
    These forests see significant seasonal variations in evaporation rates, with low rates during the cold, snowy winters and higher rates during the brief, warm summers. This affects soil moisture levels and the overall water availability, impacting forest health and growth.

  • Wetlands
    Evaporation plays a crucial role in maintaining the water levels necessary for the survival of wetland-specific flora and fauna. It also affects the salinity and nutrient concentrations, which are vital for the unique biodiversity of these areas.

Humidity and Evaporation

Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor present in the air. The relationship between humidity and evaporation is primarily defined by the air's capacity to hold water vapor, which directly affects the rate at which evaporation occurs.

  • Saturated vs. Unsaturated Air

    Saturated Air
    When the air is saturated, it has reached its maximum capacity to hold water vapor at a given temperature and pressure, leading to a state where the rate of evaporation equals the rate of condensation. In this state, evaporation rates significantly drop or cease.

    Unsaturated Air
    Air that is not saturated with water vapor can absorb more moisture, facilitating higher evaporation rates.

Evaporation and Climate

Evaporation significantly impacts climate patterns at both local and global scales. By influencing temperature, humidity, and precipitation, evaporation acts as a critical link between the Earth's surface and its atmosphere, thereby shaping the climate dynamics that affect all life on Earth.

  • Evaporative Cooling
    When water evaporates, it absorbs heat from its surroundings. This process, known as evaporative cooling, helps regulate temperature in various environments. For example, areas near large bodies of water generally experience milder temperatures because of the continuous evaporation that occurs.

  • Urban Heat Islands
    In urban areas, where natural surfaces are often replaced with heat-absorbing materials like concrete and asphalt, strategically increasing evaporation through water features or green spaces can mitigate the urban heat island effect.

  • Latent Heat Transfer
    During evaporation, water changes from liquid to vapor, absorbing energy in the form of latent heat. This energy is carried by water vapor into the atmosphere. When condensation occurs, the latent heat is released, significantly influencing atmospheric temperature and energy dynamics.

Impact on Precipitation and Weather Patterns

  • Cloud Formation and Rainfall
    Evaporated water vapor ascends and cools in the higher, colder layers of the atmosphere. This cooling causes the vapor to condense into tiny droplets, forming clouds. Continued accumulation leads to precipitation, which is a direct outcome of evaporation-driven processes.

  • Weather Systems
    Areas with high rates of evaporation, like tropical oceans, are often sources for large-scale weather systems, including monsoons and hurricanes. The evaporated moisture feeds these systems, influencing weather patterns far beyond their origins.

  • Feedback Mechanisms
    In some instances, evaporation can lead to a positive feedback loop where increased surface temperatures cause more evaporation, which in turn can lead to higher temperatures, particularly when accompanied by increased cloud cover and humidity that trap more heat.

    Conversely, the cooling effect of evaporation in certain conditions can lead to a negative feedback loop, where cooler surface temperatures reduce evaporation rates, stabilizing the climate.

  • Interactions with Global Climate Change
    Climate change is altering evaporation rates globally by modifying temperatures and precipitation patterns. These changes can amplify drought conditions in some regions while increasing flood risks in others due to altered water cycle dynamics.

    Evaporation from the oceans plays a crucial role in determining sea surface temperatures, which are integral to global climate systems. Variations in evaporation rates due to changing climates can disrupt ocean currents and, by extension, global climate patterns.

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Applications of Evaporation

There are several key applications of evaporation that demonstrate its versatility and importance. Let's learn about them one by one - 

Environmental Management

  • Water Treatment
    • Desalination
      Evaporation is crucial in desalination processes, where seawater is evaporated to separate salt from water, producing potable water. Techniques like multi-stage flash distillation and vapor compression rely heavily on controlled evaporation.
    • Wastewater Treatment
      Evaporative processes are used to concentrate and remove pollutants from wastewater. This method is particularly useful in reducing the volume of waste before further treatment or disposal.

  • Climate Engineering
    • Artificial Rain
      Techniques such as cloud seeding involve enhancing the natural process of evaporation and condensation to induce precipitation in areas suffering from drought.

Agricultural Practices

  • Irrigation Management
    • Evapotranspiration Monitoring
      Understanding evaporation combined with plant transpiration helps in optimizing irrigation schedules and water usage to maximize agricultural yield while conserving water resources.

Industrial and Manufacturing Processes

  • Food and Beverage Industry
    • Concentration of Liquids
      Evaporation is used to concentrate foods and beverages, such as the production of condensed milk, syrups, and fruit concentrates, enhancing flavor and extending shelf life.
    • Drying Processes
      In the production of instant coffee or powdered milk, evaporation is used to remove moisture, allowing for easy packaging and long-term storage.

  • Chemical Industry
    • Solvent Recovery
      Evaporation is employed to recover solvents used in the processing of chemicals, which is critical for both economic and environmental reasons.
    • Material Purification
      It helps in the purification of chemicals by removing impurities that have lower boiling points.

Energy Production

  • Thermal Power Plants
    • Cooling Systems
      Large-scale evaporative cooling systems are employed in thermal power plants to dissipate excess heat generated by steam turbines, improving efficiency and reducing the impact on local ecosystems.

  • Solar Ponds
    • Salt Gradient Solar Ponds
      These ponds use evaporation to maintain a high concentration of salt at the bottom layer, which helps trap heat and convert it into energy.

Technological Innovations

  • Cooling Technologies
    • Evaporative Coolers
      Also known as swamp coolers, these devices use evaporation to cool air as a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to traditional air conditioning, especially in dry climates.

  • Energy Storage
    • Evaporation-Driven Engines
      Recent advancements include the development of devices that harness the mechanical energy generated from the evaporation of water. This technology is being explored as a potential renewable energy source.

Measuring Evaporation

Accurately measuring evaporation is crucial for environmental science, water resource management, and various industrial applications. Different tools and techniques have been developed to quantify the rate of evaporation under various conditions. 

Tools for Measuring Evaporation

  • Evaporation Pans
    • Standard Evaporation Pan
      The most common tool is the Class A evaporation pan, which is a standardized instrument used worldwide. It consists of a circular pan filled with water and exposed to the environment. The change in water level over time, after accounting for additions like rainfall and deductions like spillage, is measured to estimate the evaporation rate.
    • Floating Pan
      Sometimes, a floating pan is used to minimize the effects of the edges of a standard pan on the microclimate over the water surface, thereby providing a more accurate measurement.

  • Lysimeters
    • Weighing Lysimeter
      This sophisticated instrument measures the total water loss from a column of soil, which includes both evaporation from the soil surface and transpiration from plants, collectively known as evapotranspiration. Weighing lysimeters are highly accurate as they can detect minute changes in mass due to water loss.
    • Drainage Lysimeter
      Used to measure percolation and water loss, drainage lysimeters help isolate the component of evaporation by comparing it to total water output from a controlled soil area.

Implications of Accurate Measurement

The ability to measure evaporation accurately is vital for

  • Water Resource Management
    Ensuring the sustainability of water supplies is crucial, particularly in arid regions where water scarcity poses a significant challenge. Accurate measurement of evaporation helps in managing and allocating water resources more effectively, ensuring that the demands of both the population and the environment are met sustainably.

  • Agricultural Planning
    Optimizing irrigation practices is essential to maximize water efficiency and crop yield. By understanding evaporation rates, farmers can better schedule irrigation, ensuring that crops receive the right amount of water at the right times, thereby improving agricultural productivity and conserving water.

  • Climatic and Environmental Research
    Understanding the impact of evaporation on weather patterns, climate change, and ecological systems is fundamental in environmental science. Accurate evaporation data contribute to the modeling of climate systems and help predict changes in weather and climate patterns, which are critical for preparing for and mitigating the effects of climate variability and change.

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Engaging Evaporation Experiments for Young Scientists

1. Evaporation in a Dish

Shallow dish, water, marker or sticky note, ruler


  • Fill a shallow dish with water and place it in a sunny spot.
  • Mark the initial water level on the dish or use a sticky note.
  • Have students observe and measure the water level at regular intervals (e.g., every hour or day).
  • Discuss how the water level changes due to evaporation and what factors (such as sunlight, temperature, and air movement) might influence the rate of evaporation.

2. Saltwater Evaporation

Two cups, water, salt, spoon, paper, magnifying glass


  • Dissolve a few tablespoons of salt in one cup of water and leave the other cup with plain water.
  • Pour a small amount of each solution onto separate pieces of paper.
  • Place the papers in a sunny area and observe as the water evaporates.
  • Once the water has evaporated, examine the paper with a magnifying glass to see the salt crystals left behind. Discuss how evaporation separates water from dissolved substances.

3. Evaporation and Temperature

Two identical containers, warm water, cold water, thermometer, timer


  • Fill one container with warm water and the other with cold water.
  • Place them in the same environment (e.g., on a table in a classroom).
  • Use thermometers to measure the initial temperature of each container.
  • Observe and record the water levels over time to see which evaporates faster.
  • Discuss how temperature affects the rate of evaporation.

4. Drying Wet Paper

Paper towels, water, hairdryer, timer


  • Dip two paper towels in water and wring out the excess.
  • Hang one in a warm, breezy area and leave the other in a cool, still area.
  • Optionally, use a hairdryer to simulate wind.
  • Time how long it takes for each paper towel to dry completely.
  • Discuss the role of air movement and temperature in the evaporation process.

5. Evaporation Art

Watercolor paints, paper, brushes, water


  • Allow students to paint with watercolors on paper, using plenty of water.
  • Have them observe how the colors change and spread as the water evaporates.
  • Discuss how evaporation causes the paint to dry and what happens to the water in the paint.

6. Cloud in a Jar

Glass jar, hot water, ice, plate, hairspray


  • Pour hot water into the jar and swirl it around to warm the inside.
  • Place a plate with ice cubes on top of the jar.
  • Spray a quick burst of hairspray into the jar and cover it again with the plate.
  • Watch as a "cloud" forms inside the jar due to condensation and evaporation.
  • Discuss how this model represents the process of evaporation and condensation in the water cycle.

Exercise: Calculating the Evaporation Rate

A shallow dish initially contains 200 ml of water. The dish is placed in an environment with a constant temperature and left undisturbed. After 5 hours, the water level is measured and found to have decreased to 180 ml.


  1. Calculate the total amount of water evaporated during the 5-hour period.
  2. Determine the rate of evaporation in ml per hour.


  1. Total water evaporated:
    • Initial water volume: 200 ml
    • Final water volume: 180 ml
    • Water evaporated = Initial volume - Final volume
  2. Rate of evaporation:
    • Rate of evaporation = Total water evaporated / Time


  1. Total water evaporated:
    • Water evaporated = 200 ml - 180 ml = 20 ml
  2. Rate of evaporation:
    • Rate of evaporation = 20 ml / 5 hours = 4 ml/hour


As we conclude, remember that understanding evaporation isn't just about memorizing facts; it's about grasping the underlying concepts and appreciating the complexity of the natural world. This foundational knowledge will help you connect evaporation to broader topics like the water cycle and climate systems. 

We have efficiently learned about the scientific theories and principles that explain how evaporation occurs, such as the kinetic theory of gases and the role of temperature and pressure. Understanding of these ideas will deepen  your knowledge and also enable you to approach problems with curiosity and confidence. Keep exploring and questioning, as these skills are invaluable in both science and everyday life.

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