Surah yang artinya gajah adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Al-Fiil
The correct answer is al-Fiil because this surah is commonly known as "The Elephant" in English, and it tells the story of the army of Abraha who tried to attack the Kaaba in Mecca with elephants. Hence, the surah is named after the main theme of the story, which is the elephant.
Pemimpin tentara bergajah yang ingin menghancurkan ka'bah adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Abrahah
Abrahah is the correct answer because he was the leader of the army of elephants who intended to destroy the Ka'bah. He is known for his unsuccessful expedition against Mecca in the year known as the Year of the Elephant. Abrahah's plan was to demolish the Ka'bah and divert the pilgrimage to the cathedral he had built in Yemen. However, his army was miraculously defeated by a flock of birds sent by Allah, and the Ka'bah remained unharmed.
Tentara bergajah berasal dari ...
Correct Answer
B. Yaman
The correct answer is Yaman because elephants were historically native to the region of Yemen. The term "tentara bergajah" translates to "elephant army" in English, indicating that the question is referring to a historical army that used elephants in warfare. Yemen has a long history of using elephants in battle, dating back to ancient times.
Wa arsala 'alaihim thairan abaabiil, adalah surah .....ayat ....
Correct Answer
D. Al-Fiil ayat 3
The correct answer is "al-Fiil ayat 3." This is because the given verse "Wa arsala 'alaihim thairan abaabiil" is from Surah al-Fiil, specifically in ayat 3.
Surah yang artinya barang yang berguna adalah surah ...
Correct Answer
C. Al-maun
Surah al-Maun is the correct answer because it means "acts of kindness" or "assistance" in Arabic. This surah emphasizes the importance of helping others and performing good deeds, highlighting the significance of acts of charity and generosity towards those in need. The surah encourages believers to be selfless and compassionate, promoting the values of empathy and social responsibility within the Muslim community.
Nama surah al-maun diambil dari ayat ....
Correct Answer
D. 7
The correct answer is 7 because the question is asking for the verse from which the name of Surah Al-Maun is taken. Since the given options are numbers, we can conclude that the verse number from which the name is taken is 7. However, without the full context of the question and the options, it is difficult to provide a complete explanation.
Jika nun mati bertemu dengan huruf "Jim", maka hukum membacanya adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Ikhfa
The correct answer is Ikhfa. Ikhfa is the rule of pronunciation when a nun sakinah or tanwin is followed by the letter "Jim". In this case, nun mati (a tanwin or nun sakinah with a sukun) is followed by the letter "Jim", so the rule of Ikhfa applies. Ikhfa means that the nun mati should be pronounced with a nasal sound, blending the sound of the nun with the following letter "Jim".
Ayat ke-4 surat al-Fiil diawali dengan kata ...
Correct Answer
C. Tarmiihim
The correct answer is "Tarmiihim" because it is the word that starts the fourth verse of Surah al-Fiil.
Surah al-Maun adalah surat urutan ke ... dalam al-Quran
Correct Answer
D. 107
Surah al-Maun is the 107th surah in the Quran.
Surah al-Fiil adalah surah urutan ke ....dalam al-Quran
Correct Answer
B. 105
Surah al-Fiil is the 105th surah in the Quran.
Tahun berapa Nabi Muhammad dilahirkan
Correct Answer
C. 571 M
The correct answer is 571 M. This is the year in which Prophet Muhammad was born.
Ciri orang yang mendustakan kecuali ...
Correct Answer
B. Menyantuni anak yatim
The correct answer is "Menyantuni anak yatim." This answer is the only one that is related to providing support and assistance to orphans. The other options, such as scolding or neglecting an orphan, being negligent in prayer, or being unwilling to give useful wealth, do not directly involve helping orphans.
Surah al-Fiil bercerita tentang ...
Correct Answer
B. Tentara bergajah
Surah al-Fiil bercerita tentang tentara bergajah. Surah ini mengisahkan tentang peristiwa ketika pasukan bergajah yang dipimpin oleh Abrahah mencoba menghancurkan Ka'bah di Mekah. Namun, Allah melindungi Ka'bah dengan mengirim burung-burung ababil yang melemparkan batu-batu kecil ke pasukan bergajah tersebut, sehingga mereka semua hancur dan terkalahkan. Surah ini mengajarkan tentang kekuasaan dan perlindungan Allah terhadap agama-Nya.
Ka'bah tidak bisa dihancurkan, karena ia dilindungi oleh ...
Correct Answer
C. Allah
The Ka'bah cannot be destroyed because it is protected by Allah. Allah is believed to be the supreme and all-powerful deity in Islam, and it is believed that He has the ability to protect and preserve the Ka'bah from any harm or destruction. The Ka'bah is considered a sacred and holy site for Muslims, and its preservation is of utmost importance to the Islamic faith.
Jika tanwin bertemu dengan huruf "Alif", maka hukum membacanya adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Izhar
The correct answer is Izhar. Izhar is the rule of clear pronunciation when a tanwin (a diacritic mark indicating a nasal sound) meets with the letter "Alif". In this case, the nasal sound is pronounced clearly without any assimilation or blending with the following letter.
Ayat ke-5 surah al-Fiil di awali denga kata
Correct Answer
D. Faja'alahum
The correct answer is "Faja'alahum". This is the word that begins verse 5 of Surah al-Fiil.
Disebut idgham bilaghunnah adalah apabila
Correct Answer
C. Nun mati bertemu "lam"
Idgham bilaghunnah is a rule in Tajweed that occurs when a letter "nun" with sukoon (nun mati) is followed by the letter "lam" with a shaddah. In this case, the "nun" and "lam" are merged together, and the sound of the "nun" is not pronounced. Instead, the "lam" is elongated or held for two counts. This rule is important for proper pronunciation and recitation of the Quran.
Surah al-Maun tergolong surah
Correct Answer
B. Makiyah
Surah al-Maun is classified as Makiyah. This means that it was revealed in Makkah during the early period of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) prophethood. Makiyah surahs generally focus on fundamental beliefs, moral teachings, and the call to monotheism. They often address the challenges faced by the early Muslim community in Makkah and emphasize patience, perseverance, and the importance of establishing a strong relationship with Allah.
Di sebut "Ikhfa" apabila nun mati/tanwin bertemu huruf
Correct Answer
C. Jim
Ikhfa is a rule in Arabic pronunciation where the letter "nun" with a sukun or tanwin meets certain letters, causing a slight assimilation or blending of the sounds. In this case, the letter "jim" is one of the letters that triggers ikhfa when it comes after a "nun" with a sukun or tanwin. Therefore, when "jim" follows "nun," the pronunciation of "nun" is assimilated or blended into the sound of "jim."
Surah al-Fiil diawali dengan ...
Correct Answer
D. Alam tarakaifa
The correct answer is "alam tarakaifa". This is because Surah al-Fiil begins with the phrase "alam tarakaifa", which translates to "Have you not seen how". This phrase is used to introduce the main theme and topic of the surah, which is the story of the people of the elephant and their destruction by birds sent by Allah.