Suatu susunan/kumpulan data operasional lengkap dari suatu organisasi/perusahaan yang
diorganisir/dikelola dan disimpan secara terintegrasi dengan menggunakan metode
tertentu dengan menggunakan komputer sehingga mampu menyediakan informasi yang
diperlukan pemakainya, adalah definisi dari……
Correct Answer
B. Database
A database is a complete operational collection of data from an organization or company that is organized, managed, and stored in an integrated manner using specific methods with the use of computers. It is able to provide the necessary information to its users.
Suatu sistem
penyusunan dan pengelolaan record-record dengan menggunakan komputer, dengan
tujuan untuk menyimpan atau merekam serta memelihara data operasional lengkap
sebuah organisasi/perusahaan sehingga untuk kepentingan proses pengambilan
keputusan, adalah definisi dari :
Correct Answer
A. Sistem database
The correct answer is "Sistem database" because it accurately describes the process of organizing and managing records using a computer to store and maintain complete operational data of an organization or company for decision-making purposes. The other options do not specifically mention the use of a computer or the purpose of storing and maintaining data for decision-making.
Dibawah ini yang
bukan termasuk dalam komponen pokok dari system database adalah :
Correct Answer
B. File
The components of a database system typically include data, user, and hardware. Data refers to the information stored in the database, while users are the individuals who interact with the database. Hardware refers to the physical devices used to store and process the data. However, files are not considered a core component of a database system. Files are used to store data, but they are not an essential part of the overall database system architecture.
Ciri-ciri dari
sebuah data di dalam komponen sistem database adalah :
Correct Answer
B. Data disimpan secara terintegrasi
The characteristic of data being stored in an integrated manner means that the data in the database is organized and structured in a way that allows for efficient retrieval and manipulation. This integration ensures that related data is stored together, reducing redundancy and improving data consistency. It also allows for complex queries and analysis to be performed on the data. Overall, storing data in an integrated manner is crucial for maintaining the integrity and reliability of the database system.
Dibawah ini yang
bukan termasuk jenis-jenis data pada sistem database, yaitu :
Correct Answer
C. Data yang disimpan tidak dapat di share karena data tersebut masih belum mempunyai nilai
The given answer states that the type of data that is not included in the types of data in a database system is "Data yang disimpan tidak dapat di share karena data tersebut masih belum mempunyai nilai" which translates to "Data that cannot be shared because it does not yet have value." This answer suggests that the data that cannot be shared because it does not have value is not a type of data in a database system.
Dibawah ini
adalah keuntungan pemakaian dalam sistem database, kecuali :
Correct Answer
C. Mudah dalam implementasinya
The given answer states that the disadvantage of using a database system is that it is easy to implement. However, this is incorrect as the ease of implementation is actually an advantage of using a database system. Therefore, the given answer is incorrect.
Dibawah ini
adalah kerugian pemakaian sistem dalam database, kecuali :
Correct Answer
A. Menyulitkan penerapan standarisasi
The given correct answer states that "Menyulitkan penerapan standarisasi" is not a disadvantage of using a database system. This means that using a database system does not make it difficult to implement standardization.
Data aktual atau
informasu yang disimpan pada tiap data elemen atau atribut, adalah pengetian
dari ……..
Correct Answer
D. Data value
The correct answer is "Data value". Data value refers to the actual information or data stored in each data element or attribute. It represents the specific value or content of a particular data attribute within a record or tuple.
1. Dibawah ini yang
bukan termasuk tujuan perancangan database adalah :
Correct Answer
B. Memudahkan untuk menentukan kelompok pemakai dan bidang-bidang aplikasinya
The correct answer is "Memudahkan untuk menentukan kelompok pemakai dan bidang-bidang aplikasinya". This is not a goal of database design because determining user groups and application areas is not directly related to designing a database. The main goals of database design are to meet specific user needs and applications, support processing requirements and display objects, and facilitate understanding of information structure.
Dibawah ini yang
bukan termasuk jenis-jenis model data adalah :
Correct Answer
D. Model data terprogram
The correct answer is "Model data terprogram." This is because the other options listed (model data fisik, model data berbasis record, dan model data konseptual) are all valid types of data models, while "model data terprogram" is not a recognized type of data model.
Ketentuan atau
aturan khusus yang harus dipenuji oleh isi database adalah definisi dari :
Correct Answer
B. Entity Relation Model
The Entity Relation Model is a specific set of rules and guidelines that define how the data in a database should be organized and structured. It provides a way to represent the relationships between different entities or objects in a database, and helps ensure data integrity and consistency. The other options, such as Objek base data, Binary Model, and Semantik model, do not specifically refer to the rules and guidelines for organizing and structuring data in a database.
1. Model data yang
berdasarkan pada record untuk menjelaskan kepada user tentang hubungan logic
antar data dalam basis data adalah :
Correct Answer
A. Record Base data
Record Base data adalah model data yang berdasarkan pada record untuk menjelaskan kepada user tentang hubungan logika antar data dalam basis data. Dalam model ini, data disimpan dalam bentuk record yang terdiri dari beberapa atribut. Setiap record memiliki kunci unik yang membedakan satu record dengan record lainnya. Model ini digunakan untuk mengorganisir dan mengelompokkan data berdasarkan atribut-atributnya sehingga memudahkan pengguna untuk mencari dan memanipulasi data.
Dibawah ini yang
bukan termasuk record based data model adalah :
Correct Answer
C. Model Terstruktur
The correct answer is "Model Terstruktur" because it is not a record-based data model. The other options, such as Model Hirarki, Model Jaringan, and Model Relational, are all examples of record-based data models commonly used in database management systems. Model Terstruktur refers to a data model that does not rely on the concept of records and is typically used in hierarchical or tree-like structures.
Salah satu dari
record based data model yang disebut juga sebagai model CODASYL ( Conference on
Data System Language) adalah
Correct Answer
B. Model Jaringan
The correct answer is Model Jaringan. Model Jaringan is a record-based data model that is also known as the CODASYL model. This model organizes data in a network-like structure, where each record can have multiple parent and child records. It uses pointers to establish relationships between records, allowing for more complex data structures and relationships compared to other models like the hierarchical or relational models.
Hubungan yang
terjadi antara satu entitas atau lebih di dalam entity relationship disebut
juga :
Correct Answer
C. Relationship
The correct answer is "Relationship". In an entity relationship, a relationship is the connection or association that occurs between one or more entities. It represents the way entities are related or connected to each other in a database.
Yang menjelaskan
jumlah entity yang berpartisipasi dalam suatu relationship adalah :
Correct Answer
B. Derajat Relationship
The correct answer is "Derajat Relationship". Derajat Relationship refers to the number of entities participating in a relationship. It determines how many entities are involved in a relationship and can be classified as unary, binary, ternary, etc., depending on the number of entities involved.
Yang menjelaskan
apakah keberadaan suatu entity tergnatung pada hubungannya dengan entity lain
adalah :
Correct Answer
D. Participation Constran
Participation constraint refers to the rule that specifies whether the participation of an entity in a relationship is mandatory or optional. It determines whether every entity in one entity set must be associated with at least one entity in another entity set. In other words, it explains whether the existence of an entity depends on its relationship with another entity.
Dibawah ini yang
bukan termasuk karakteristik database terdistribusi adalah :
Correct Answer
C. Data yang digunakan dari komputer yang tidak terhubung satu sama lain
The answer states that "Data yang digunakan dari komputer yang tidak terhubung satu sama lain" (Data used from computers that are not connected to each other) is not a characteristic of a distributed database. This means that in a distributed database, the data is not used from computers that are not connected to each other. In a distributed database, the data is distributed across multiple sites and can be accessed and managed by multiple DBMSs, but it requires connectivity between the computers hosting the data.
dipartisipasikan ke dalam beberapa bagian dan setiap bagian disimpan pada
lokasi yang berbeda disebut :
Correct Answer
B. Fragmentasi data
Fragmentasi data adalah proses membagi data ke dalam beberapa bagian dan menyimpan setiap bagian pada lokasi yang berbeda. Dalam konteks ini, relasi dipartisipasikan ke dalam beberapa bagian dan setiap bagian disimpan pada lokasi yang berbeda, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah fragmentasi data.
Kumpulan operasi
terhadap relasi, dimana setiap operasi menggunakan satu atau lebih relasi untuk
menghasilkan satu relasi yang baru adalah definisi dari :
Correct Answer
C. Aljabar Relational
The correct answer is "Aljabar Relational". Aljabar Relational is a set of operations performed on relations, where each operation uses one or more relations to produce a new relation. This concept is commonly used in database management systems to manipulate and combine relational data.
relational yang melakukan pemilihan tupel atau record adalah :
Correct Answer
B. Restrict
The correct answer is "Restrict". The Restrict operator is used to select tuples or records from a relation based on a specified condition. It filters out the tuples that do not satisfy the condition, leaving only the desired tuples in the result. Join is used to combine tuples from two or more relations based on a common attribute. Project is used to select specific attributes from a relation. Divide is used to find tuples that match a given condition across multiple relations.
Operasi yang
menggabungkan operasi selection dan cartesian produk dengan suatu kriteria pada
kolom yang sama adalah definisi dari :
Correct Answer
D. Natural join
A natural join is an operation that combines a selection operation and a Cartesian product operation on a column with the same criteria. It matches the rows from two tables based on the values in the common column and returns only the matching rows.
Suatu atribut
yang menghasilkan dari atribut yang lain adalah definisi dari
Correct Answer
D. Atribut Derivatif
Atribut derivatif adalah suatu atribut yang dihasilkan dari atribut yang lain. Ini berarti bahwa atribut derivatif bergantung pada atribut lain dalam basis data. Atribut derivatif dapat dihitung atau dihasilkan menggunakan fungsi matematika atau logika dari atribut yang ada.
Derajat yang
memiliki satu relationship untuk tiga atau lebih entity disebut derajat :
Correct Answer
D. Ternary degree
The correct answer is "Ternary degree". Ternary degree refers to a relationship that involves three or more entities. It signifies that the relationship connects multiple entities together.
Hubungan yang
memiliki banyak entity dengan banyak entity pada ratio cardinality disebut sebagai :
Correct Answer
D. Many-to-many
Many-to-many adalah hubungan yang memiliki banyak entity dengan banyak entity pada ratio cardinality. Dalam hubungan ini, satu entitas pada satu sisi dapat terhubung dengan banyak entitas pada sisi lain, dan sebaliknya. Ini berarti bahwa setiap entitas pada sisi pertama dapat memiliki banyak entitas yang terkait pada sisi kedua, dan setiap entitas pada sisi kedua juga dapat memiliki banyak entitas yang terkait pada sisi pertama.
Entity set yang
dependent-nya terhadap strong entity disebut sebagai :
Correct Answer
B. Weak entity
A weak entity is an entity that depends on another entity for its existence. In this case, the entity set mentioned in the question is dependent on a strong entity. Therefore, the correct answer is "Weak entity".
Indikator yang
terdiri dari suatu objek dan satu subkategori atau lebih yang dihubungkan
dengan satu relationship yang tidak bermakna disebut sebagai :
Correct Answer
B. Indicator tipe supertipe
The correct answer is "Indicator tipe supertipe". This is because a supertype indicator consists of an object and one or more subcategories that are connected by a relationship that is not meaningful. In other words, a supertype indicator represents a general category or group that includes multiple subcategories or types.
Diatas adalah bentuk topologi distribusi data ?
Correct Answer
C. Partially Connected
A partially connected topology refers to a network where some nodes are connected to each other, but not all nodes are directly connected. This means that there are some nodes that can communicate directly with each other, while others can only communicate through intermediate nodes. In this type of topology, there is a mix of direct and indirect connections, allowing for efficient communication between certain nodes while still maintaining some level of redundancy and fault tolerance.
Di atas
adalah simbol dari :
Correct Answer
B. Primary Key
The given symbol represents a primary key. A primary key is a unique identifier for a record in a database table. It ensures that each record in the table can be uniquely identified and helps in maintaining data integrity and avoiding duplicate entries.
Diatas adalah salah satu
contoh hubungan model data :
Correct Answer
D. Semantik model
The given answer, "Semantik model," is correct because it is one of the examples of data modeling. Data modeling is the process of creating a conceptual representation of data and its relationships. The semantic model is a type of data model that focuses on the meaning and interpretation of data. It defines the structure, constraints, and rules for organizing and manipulating data based on its semantic properties. This model is commonly used in database design and implementation to ensure data integrity and consistency.