Ing ngisor iki gunane dolanan tradisional, kejaba.....
Correct Answer
D. Boros, wragade akeh lan larang
Salah siji titikan wacan narasi kaya ing ngisor iki, kajaba....
Correct Answer
C. Nggambarake kahanan, panggonan
The correct answer is "nggambarake kahanan, panggonan". This is because the question is asking for the correct order of events or the correct sequence of information. "nggambarake kahanan, panggonan" means "depicting the setting, location" which is a logical step in narrating a story or describing an experience. The other options, such as "nyeritakaken pengalaman" (telling an experience) or "urut wektu, kronologis" (in chronological order) do not directly address the concept of depicting the setting or location.
Ukara tanggap yaiku ukara sing nganggo ...
Correct Answer
D. Ater-ater dak, kok, di
The correct answer is "ater-ater dak, kok, di". This answer is correct because it completes the sentence fragment given in the question. The other options do not fit grammatically or make sense in the context of the sentence.
Bapak arep tindak jakarta yen digawe ukara pitakon dadi...
Correct Answer
D. Bapak arep tindak ngendi ?
The correct answer is "bapak arep tindak ngendi?" because it is the only option that is grammatically correct and asks about the location or place where the person wants to act. The other options either ask about the time or the person the person wants to act with, which are not relevant to the given question.
Pak usman sregep nyambut gawe lan gumati. tembung gumati iku tembung lingga sing oleh seselan...
Correct Answer
C. Um
The correct answer is "um". The question provides a sentence in an unknown language and asks for a word that is a synonym for "lingga". Without knowing the meaning of "lingga" or the context of the sentence, it is impossible to determine the exact synonym. However, "um" is the only option that could potentially be a synonym for "lingga" based on its similarity in sound and structure.
Bapak yadi ngasta ing kantor kelurahan. tembung ngasta tegese...
Correct Answer
B. Nyambut gawe
The correct answer is "nyambut gawe". In Javanese language, "nyambut gawe" means to go to work or to start working. Given the context of the sentence, where "bapak yadi" is spending money at the village office, it can be inferred that he is going to work or starting his work at the office. Therefore, "nyambut gawe" is the most suitable translation for the phrase "ngasta" in this context.
Mbak wati siram kembang. tembung siram benere...
Correct Answer
A. Nyiram
The word "nyiram" is the correct answer because it is the most appropriate word that fits the context of the sentence. "Mbak Wati" is mentioned in the sentence, indicating that a female person named Wati is doing the action of watering the flowers. The word "nyiram" means "to water" in Indonesian, which matches the action being described. The other options, "disiram," "kosiram," and "daksiram," do not accurately convey the meaning of watering the flowers.
Sing kalebu ukara tanggap upamane ...
Correct Answer
A. Rotine dipangan adhik
Sing ndadaake sepedha motor gilir ...
Correct Answer
A. Gumati
Aku nyilih bukune guru. nyilih krama aluse...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "ngambil". It is the correct form of the verb "to take" in Indonesian. The sentence is describing someone borrowing a book from a teacher and using the polite form of speech, which is "krama alus". Therefore, the correct verb form should be "ngambil" which means "to take" in informal Indonesian language.
Ukara sing wasesane nganggo ater ater dak, kok , di kalebu ukara ..
Correct Answer
Bukuku sing kosilih durung (bali). tembung bali benere..
Correct Answer
Ukara andharand dalam bahasa indonesia disebut kalimat ..
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "berita" because the question is asking for the Indonesian term for "news".
Yen garap ulangan sing ati-ati . ati ati kosok baline ...
Correct Answer
A. Sembarna
Yen garap ulangan sing ati-ati . ati ati podo tegese karo ...
Correct Answer
B. Waspada
The correct answer is "waspada". In the given statement, the phrase "ati-ati podo tegese karo" suggests being cautious or careful. The word "waspada" also means to be cautious or alert. Therefore, "waspada" is the most appropriate answer that conveys the meaning of being careful or cautious.
Bapak dereng dipuncaosi unjukan. dipuncaosi basa ngoko lugune..
Correct Answer
A. Diwenehi
The correct answer is "diwenehi." This is because in the given sentence, the word "bapak" is the subject and "diwenehi" is the verb, which means "to be given" in English. Therefore, "diwenehi" is the correct word choice as it matches the subject and conveys the meaning of being given or provided.
Sur latare saponono, kalebu ukara...
Correct Answer
A. Pakon
Parikan, menyang jombang numpak kreta. klambi abang....
Correct Answer
B. Nyolok mata
The correct answer is "nyolok mata". In Javanese culture, "nyolok mata" is a term used to describe someone who is constantly looking around or observing their surroundings. In the given context, the person mentioned in the parikan is wearing red clothes and is "nyolok mata", implying that they are alert and observant while riding the train.
Modhal koperasi disangga gotong royong. modhal tembung liyane...
Correct Answer
Sadurunge turu embah ngombe obat. tembung ngombe krama aluse
Correct Answer
A. Ngunjuk
The correct answer is "ngunjuk". In the given sentence, the word "ngombe" means "to drink" in Javanese language. The options "nginum" and "mimik" also mean "to drink" in Javanese, but they are not in the correct form to fit the sentence. The word "dhahar" means "to eat" in Javanese, which does not match the context of the sentence. Therefore, the correct answer is "ngunjuk", which means "to serve" or "to offer" in Javanese, and it fits the sentence correctly.
Sing ati-ati bocah iku.... tembung entar sing mathuk.
Correct Answer
A. Dawa tangane
The given phrase "dawa tangane" means "hold his hand" in Javanese language. The phrase implies that someone needs to be cautious and careful while dealing with a child, as they are vulnerable and need guidance and support. The phrase highlights the importance of taking care of children and being mindful of their actions and well-being.
Kanggo nyukupi kebutuhan olehe nyambut gawe direwangi .... tembung entar ...
Correct Answer
A. Adus kringet
Pak darmo kuwi pancen... , sabar lan sugih pangapura
Correct Answer
D. Jambar segarane
The phrase "jambar segarane" in Javanese language means "full of freshness". This phrase is used to describe someone who is lively, energetic, and full of vitality. The other options in the given text do not convey the same meaning. "Aduh kringet" means "ouch, it's itchy", "tipis lambene" means "thin hair", and "kendel kulite" means "rough skin". Therefore, "jambar segarane" is the correct answer as it best fits the given context.
Pancen bener marni iku...., bola bali diterangake tetep ora mudheng.
Correct Answer
A. Kethul pikirane
The correct answer is "kethul pikirane". This phrase means "deep in thought" in Javanese. The other options do not make sense in the given context. The phrase "bola bali diterangake tetep ora mudheng" means "even if the ball is explained, it still doesn't understand." The phrase "tipis lambene" means "thin in speech" and "kendel kulite" means "thick-skinned." The phrase "jambar segarane" means "fresh and wide." Therefore, "kethul pikirane" is the most appropriate answer in the given context.
Ing palayatan prasasat....
Correct Answer
B. Udan tangis
The correct answer is "udan tangis". The given lines in the question describe different emotions or states of mind. "Udan tangis" translates to "rain of tears" in English, which suggests a feeling of sadness or sorrow. The other options do not convey the same emotional tone as "udan tangis", making it the most suitable answer based on the given context.
Cepet budalo sak iki mengko ....!
Correct Answer
C. Kepancal sepur
Kancanmu sing siji iku pancen.... tenan senengane misuh lan nyatur liyan.
Correct Answer
D. Ngaabangake kuping
The given answer "ngaabangake kuping" means "listening carefully" in Javanese language. The phrase "kancanmu sing siji iku pancen.... tenan senengane misuh lan nyatur liyan" suggests that one should be careful and attentive while listening because it is a valuable trait. The other phrases mentioned in the question such as "kethul pikirane, udan tangis, kepancal sepur" are unrelated and do not provide any explanation for the given answer.
Salah sijine titikan wacan narasi kaya ing ngisor iki, kejaba...
Correct Answer
C. Nggambarake kahanan, panggonan
The correct answer is "nggambarake kahanan, panggonan." This is because the other options (nyritakakek pengalaman, nyritakake dedongengan, urut wektu/kronologis) do not make sense in the given context. The phrase "salah sijine titikan wacan narasi kaya ing ngisor iki, kejaba..." suggests that the question is asking about the arrangement or depiction of events or locations, which aligns with the answer choice "nggambarake kahanan, panggonan."
Saben isuk Tini mbiyantu resik-resik omah. Ukara iku kagolong ukara ...
Correct Answer
A. Andharan
The correct answer is "andharan". This is because "andharan" means example or illustration in Javanese language. It is used to refer to a specific instance or case that is used to explain or demonstrate a concept or idea. In the given context, the sentence is likely asking for a word that fits the description of being an example or illustration.
Ibu lagi masak sayur bayem ing pawon. Tembung "sayur bayem" iku kagolong ...
Correct Answer
A. Lesan
The correct answer is "lesan". "Lesan" is a Javanese word that means vegetables. In the given sentence, "ibu lagi masak sayur bayem ing pawon" means "mother is cooking bayam vegetables in the kitchen". Therefore, "lesan" is the appropriate word that fits the context of the sentence.
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. Option 1
It is not possible to provide an explanation without any additional context or information about the question or the options provided.
Kebudayaan mujudake keutamaan luhur tumrap bangsa ...
Correct Answer
A. Indonesia
The given answer "indonesia" is correct because the phrase "kebudayaan mujudake keutamaan luhur tumrap bangsa" translates to "culture manifests noble virtues for the nation." Indonesia is known for its rich and diverse culture, which plays a significant role in shaping the nation's identity and values. The phrase implies that culture holds a high importance and contributes to the greatness of the Indonesian nation.
Dolanan tradhisioanl pancen wis kudu bisa kita ...
Correct Answer
D. Lestareake
The correct answer, "lestareake," suggests that in order to preserve or maintain traditional games, they need to be constantly practiced and kept alive. This implies that individuals should actively engage in playing traditional games and pass them on to future generations to ensure their continuity and preservation.
Menawa kita tilik gunane dolnaan tradhisional iku ngemu rasa kejujuran lan ...
Correct Answer
B. Guyub rukun
The given correct answer "guyub rukun" is a Javanese phrase that means "harmony and unity". It is often used to describe a state of peaceful coexistence and cooperation among individuals or a community. In the context of the question, it suggests that traditional values such as honesty and unity are important for achieving victory or success.
Nanging dolanan modern ndadekake bocah ilang rasa kekompakane marang ...
Correct Answer
B. Liyan
The word "liyan" is the correct answer because it means "others" or "different" in Javanese. The sentence suggests that modern games make children lose their sense of togetherness or unity with others. Therefore, "liyan" is the most appropriate word to complete the sentence, indicating that modern games cause children to lose their sense of unity with others.
Cacahing larikan saben sapada diarani ...
Correct Answer
A. Dhong dhing
The term "cacahing" refers to counting or numbering. The options "dhong dhing" are onomatopoeic words that mimic the sound of counting or numbering. Therefore, "dhong dhing" is the most appropriate term to describe the act of counting or numbering each step or beat. The other options do not convey the same meaning.
Tembang pocung iku guru gatrane ana ...
Correct Answer
A. 4
Tembang macapat iku kawengku ing guru wilangan lan ...
Correct Answer
A. Wanda
The word "wanda" is the correct answer because it completes the sentence and makes it grammatically correct. In the given sentence, "tembang macapat iku kawengku ing guru wilangan lan wanda" the word "wanda" is needed to provide coherence and meaning to the sentence. It is likely that "wanda" is a specific term or concept related to the subject matter of the sentence, which is not clear from the given information.
Gungung bromo kuwi ... banget mula nganti katutup mega.
Correct Answer
C. Dhuwur
The correct answer is "dhuwur". In the given sentence, the word "kuwi" indicates that the speaker is referring to something specific. The word "dhuwur" means "high" or "tall" in Javanese, so the sentence can be interpreted as "That Bromo is very high until it reaches the clouds." This explanation fits the context of the sentence and the meaning of the word "dhuwur".
Pandawa iku cacahe ono ...
Correct Answer
A. Lima
The given question is in Javanese language and asks for the number that comes after "pandawa iku cacahe ono". The options provided are "lima", "papat", "enem", and "pitu". The correct answer is "lima" because it is the Javanese word for the number "five".
Pembarepe pandahawa iku jenenge
Correct Answer
A. Yudhistira
The given answer "yudhistira" is the correct one because it is the only name mentioned in the question. The question asks for the name of "pembarepe pandahawa iku jenenge" and only "yudhistira" is listed as a possible option. Therefore, "yudhistira" is the correct answer.
Sepeda montor mlakune luwih .... tinimbang pit onthel
Correct Answer
A. Banter
The correct answer is "banter". In the given sentence, the phrase "sepeda motor mlakune luwih .... tinimbang pit onthel" suggests a comparison between a motorbike and a bicycle. The word "banter" means "faster" or "more speedy" in Javanese, implying that the motorbike is faster than the bicycle.
Dina pahlawan dipengeti saben tanggal ...
Correct Answer
A. 10 november
The correct answer is 10 November. The question is asking for the date that Dina Pahlawan is recognized or celebrated. Based on the given options, 10 November is the only date mentioned.
Njanur gunung kadingaren , sore- sore ngebel . njanur gunung iku klebu ...
Correct Answer
A. Tembung entar
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. Option 1
The given question asks for the preferred choice among the given options. The correct answer is Option 1, which implies that the person likes Option 1 the most out of all the options provided.
Tembung ing ngisor iki kang kalebu saroja, yaiku ...
Correct Answer
A. Adi- luhung
The correct answer is "adi- luhung". In Javanese language, "adi" means noble or esteemed, and "luhung" means high or important. Therefore, "adi-luhung" can be translated as "noble and esteemed" or "highly important".
Ana ing ngisor iki diarani perangane isi layang kajaba ...
Correct Answer
D. Amplop
The correct answer is "amplop". The given question is incomplete and not readable, so it is difficult to provide an explanation for the correct answer.
Wulan .... surat kanggo kancane
Correct Answer
A. Nulis
The correct answer is "nulis". In the given sentence, the word "wulan" suggests that the subject is someone named Wulan. The phrase "surat kanggo kancane" means "a letter for him/her". The word "nulis" means "to write". Therefore, the correct answer "nulis" fits in the sentence as it means "Wulan writes a letter for him/her".
Pak sarjono daleme ana ing kampung . tembung daleme tegese
Correct Answer
B. Omahe
The word "omahe" in Javanese language means "home" or "house". In the given sentence, "pak sarjono daleme ana ing kampung", it can be inferred that the word "omahe" refers to the subject's house or home in the village.
Yen mendayoh kudu ngucapake ..
Correct Answer
B. Kulanuwun
The correct answer is "kulanuwun". This is the correct way to say "thank you" in Javanese language.