Aşağıdakilerden hangisi fakülte meclislerinin görevleri arasında yer almaz?
Correct Answer
C. C. Rektör seçimlerini yapması
The correct answer is c. Rektör seçimlerini yapması. This option states that faculty councils do not have the responsibility of conducting rector elections. Faculty councils are primarily involved in tasks related to academic affairs such as preparing the course schedule, academic calendar, exam schedule, and handling administrative procedures for faculty members and students. However, the responsibility of conducting rector elections typically falls under the jurisdiction of the university's executive board or a separate election committee.
Darülfünun için tahsis edilen konağın ismi nedir?
Correct Answer
B. b. Zeynep Hanım Konağı
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi 1900-1912 arası dönemde Darülfünunda müdürlük yapmamıştır?
Correct Answer
A. A. Recai Efendi
Recai Efendi did not serve as the director of Darülfünun between 1900-1912.
Zeynep Hanım Konağı Darülfünuna tahsis edilemeden önce hangi kurum tarafından kullanılmıştır?
Correct Answer
A. A. Darülhayr
The correct answer is a. Darülhayr. Before being allocated to Zeynep Hanım Konağı, it was used by Darülhayr.
Darülfünun Tarihi isimli esriyle üniversite tarihi hakkında öncü çalışmalar yapan bilim adamı kimdir?
Correct Answer
C. C. Mehmet Ali Ayni
The correct answer is Mehmet Ali Ayni. He is a scientist who conducted preliminary studies on university history with his work called "Darülfünun Tarihi".
Türk Maarif Tarihi esriyle eğitim konularında ayrıntılı çalışmaları olan bilim adamı kimdir?
Correct Answer
A. A. Osman Nuri Ergin
Osman Nuri Ergin is a scientist who has detailed studies on education topics with the Turkish Maarif History.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Edebiyat Fakültesi öğretim üyeleri arasında yer almaz?
Correct Answer
E. E. Damat Ferit
The given question asks which name does not belong among the faculty members of the Faculty of Literature. Options a, b, c, and d are all well-known names in the field of literature and have contributed significantly to the field. However, option e, Damat Ferit, does not belong because he was not an academic or a scholar in the field of literature. Damat Ferit was a politician who served as the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire, and his inclusion among the faculty members would be incorrect.
Zeynep Hanım konağı İstanbul’un hangi semtindedir?
Correct Answer
A. A. Laleli
Zeynep Hanım's mansion is located in the Laleli neighborhood of Istanbul.
Muhtariyet kavramının günümüzdeki karşılığı nedir?
Correct Answer
A. Özerklik
The correct answer is "Özerklik." The concept of "muhtariyet" in Turkish translates to "autonomy" or "self-governance" in English. This refers to the ability of a group or organization to make decisions and govern themselves independently, without external control or interference. "Özerklik" is the Turkish word that best captures this idea, making it the most appropriate choice among the given options.
Darülfünun’da Alman etkisinin olmadığı alan hangisidir?
Correct Answer
D. D. Türk Tarihinin araştırılması
The correct answer is d. Türk Tarihinin araştırılması. This option states that the field where there is no German influence in Darülfünun is the research of Turkish history. This suggests that German influence is present in other areas such as the podium system, the opening of Darülmesailer, the spread of the German language, and conference lessons.
Savaş yıllarında maarif nezaretine atanan müşavir kimdir?
Correct Answer
A. A. Franz Schmidt
During the war years, the person appointed to the Ministry of Education is called the "müşavir". The correct answer is a. Franz Schmidt, as he is the only option given that fits the description of being appointed to the Ministry of Education during the war years.
II. Meşrutiyet yıllarında Darülfünun hangi binada hizmet vermiştir?
Correct Answer
A. A. Zeynep Hanım Konağı
During the years of the Constitutional Monarchy, Darülfünun (the precursor to Istanbul University) provided its services in Zeynep Hanım Konağı.
İlahiyat Fakültesi ne zaman Darülfünundan ayrılmıştır?
Correct Answer
B. B. 1915
The correct answer is b. 1915. This is the year when the İlahiyat Fakültesi (Faculty of Theology) separated from Darülfünun (the Ottoman university system).
Alman Bilim adamları içerisinde Türkiye’de en verimli çalışmalar yapan kimdir?
Correct Answer
C. C. Dr. Obst
The correct answer is Dr. Obst. This is because the question asks for the scientist who conducts the most efficient studies in Turkey, and Dr. Obst is the only scientist mentioned who is conducting studies in Turkey. Therefore, Dr. Obst is the most likely answer.
Alman öğretim elemanlarının maaşlarının yüksek verilmesinin nedenleri arasında hangisi yoktur?
Correct Answer
D. D. Daha iyi performans göstermeleri
d. Daha iyi performans göstermeleri
The given question asks for the reason that is NOT among the reasons for high salaries of foreign academic staff in Turkey. The correct answer is "d. Daha iyi performans göstermeleri" (performing better). This means that performing better is not a reason for their high salaries. The other options, such as the lack of retirement rights in Turkey, the presence of war in their own countries, Turkey being at war, and the high cost of living, are all mentioned as possible reasons for their high salaries.
Alman hocalar ile kaç yıllığına sözleşme yapılmıştır?
Correct Answer
E. 5
Darülfünunda hafta tatili ne zamandır?
Correct Answer
E. Cuma
The correct answer is "Cuma" because it is the only option that refers to a specific day of the week. The question asks about the timing of the weekly holiday, and Friday is traditionally recognized as the day of rest in many cultures, including Turkey. Therefore, it can be inferred that the week's holiday falls on Friday.
Darülfünun'da kullanılan kürsü sisteminin karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
Correct Answer
D. Anabilim Dalı
The correct answer is "Anabilim Dalı" because the term "kürsü sistemi" refers to the academic system in which a professor or lecturer holds a position of authority and teaches a specific subject or discipline. In this context, "Anabilim Dalı" translates to "Department" in English, which is the most appropriate equivalent for the given term. The other options, such as "Şube" (Branch), "Yerleşke" (Campus), and "Fakülte" (Faculty), do not accurately represent the concept of "kürsü sistemi" in this context.
Darülfünun ayrıldıktan sonra yönetimine müstakil olarak atanan ilk Müdür-i Umumî aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
Correct Answer
A. A-Said Bey
After the separation of Darülfünun, the first Müdür-i Umumi to be appointed independently is Said Bey.
Darülfünun için en önemli akademik kurullar arasında yer alan ve fakülte öğretim üyelerinin katılımı ile gerçekleşen organ aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
Correct Answer
A. Meclis-i Muallimîn/Müderrisîn
The correct answer is "Meclis-i Muallimîn/Müderrisîn" because it is the academic committee that is important for the school and is composed of faculty members.
Maarif Nezareti‘nin Meclis-i Muallimîn görevleri hakkındaki talimatname üzerine, Edebiyat Şubesi muallimleri, 21 Aralık 1911 tarihte ilk toplantıyı gerçekleştirmiştir. Toplantıda ilk olarak fakülte reis ve kâtibinin seçilmesi hakkındaki birinci madde görüşülmüş vekarara bağlanmıştır. Yapılan gizli oylamada başkan ve katip seçilen kişiler aşağıdaki şıkların hangisinde doğru olarak verilmiştir?
Correct Answer
B. Reis-Abdurrahman Şeref/kâtip- Hamdullah Suphi Bey
The correct answer is Reis-Abdurrahman Şeref/kâtip- Hamdullah Suphi Bey. This is because according to the information given, the first item discussed in the meeting was the selection of the president and secretary. In the secret ballot, Abdurrahman Şeref was chosen as the president and Hamdullah Suphi Bey was chosen as the secretary.
şağıdakilerden hangisi fakülte meclisleriyle ilgili söylenemez?
Correct Answer
E. Mütareke günlerindeNezaretin fakülteye müdür atayamadığı ve Darülfünun binasının işgal edildiği bir ortamdafakülte eğitim öğretime ara vermiştir.
During the occupation years, the Faculty of Education was forced to suspend its activities due to the inability of the Ministry to appoint a director to the faculty and the occupation of the Darülfünun building. This statement contradicts the idea that faculty councils had the authority to make decisions based on collective intelligence and scientific thought without being influenced by political authorities. It shows that during certain circumstances, such as the occupation, the faculty's autonomy and decision-making power were compromised.
Meşrutiyetten önceki yönetimde eğitim hakkından mahrum bırakıldıkları yönünde şikayetle gençler özellikle hangi fakülteyi tercih ettiler?
Correct Answer
E. e) Hukuk Fakültesi
Prior to the Meşrutiyet period, young people complained about being deprived of the right to education. In this context, they particularly preferred the Law Faculty, as studying law would provide them with the knowledge and skills to advocate for their rights and fight against the unjust system.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Maarif Nezareti'nin 1911-1912 de çıkardığı '' Darülfünun Şubelerinde Meclis-i Muallimin'inVezaifiniMübeyyin Talimat '' tüzüğünün maddelerinden değildir?
Correct Answer
E. Yılda bir defa toplanması zaruri olan meclis daha fazla toplantı yapamaz.
The given statement states that the council, which is a part of the "Darülfünun Şubelerinde Meclis-i Muallimin'in Vezaifini Mubeyyin Talimat" regulation issued by Maarif Nezareti in 1911-1912, cannot hold more than one meeting in a year. However, the other statements mention the responsibilities and authorities of the council, such as appointing a temporary president and secretary, making changes to the curriculum and notifying the Ministry of Education, appointing examination commissions, and making decisions regarding the dismissal or temporary cancellation of a lecturer. Therefore, the statement that the council can only hold one meeting in a year is not included in the given regulation.
Meclis-i Müderrisin’de meclis reisi ve katibi seçimi hangi süre için yapılır?
Correct Answer
B. 1 yıl
The election of the chairman and secretary of the Meclis-i Müderrisin is conducted for a period of 1 year.
Hangisi Meclis-i Müderrisin’in görev ve yetkilerinden değildir?
Correct Answer
D. d) Maarif Nezareti üyelerinin seçimi
22 Ocak 1917 tarihinden itibaren Meclis-i Muderris’in toplantılarına katılanların ismi hangi başlık altında kaydedilmiştir?
Correct Answer
C. Huzzar
The correct answer is "huzzar." From January 22, 1917 onwards, the names of attendees of the Meclis-i Muderris meetings were recorded under the title "huzzar."
Öğretim kadrosunda yer almamasına rağmen, meclis üyesi olup, oy verme hakkına sahip olan görevli kimdir?
Correct Answer
C. Fakülte Müdürü
The correct answer is Fakülte Müdürü. Although not being a member of the academic staff, the faculty director has the right to vote in the parliament.
Meclisin talimatnameye göre normal şartlarda ayda bir kez toplanması gerekirken çoğu kez ihtiyaç dahilinde her hafta bazen de haftada üç kez toplanmıştır. ( D/Y )
Correct Answer
A. Doğru
According to the instruction manual, the parliament should meet once a month under normal circumstances, but it has often met every week, sometimes even three times a week, due to necessity. Therefore, the statement "Doğru" (True) is the correct answer.
Osmanlı Devleti, Birinci Dünya Savaşı süresince müttefiki bulunduğu hangi ülke ile sadece siyasi, ekonomik ve askeri alanda değil; eğitim alanında da büyük çaplı işbirliği yapmıştır.
Correct Answer
C. C-Almanya
During the First World War, the Ottoman Empire had a significant collaboration with Germany not only in political, economic, and military aspects but also in the field of education. This alliance between the two countries extended to various educational initiatives such as the establishment of German schools and universities in the Ottoman Empire, exchange programs for students and teachers, and the introduction of German educational methods and curriculum. This close cooperation in the field of education aimed to strengthen the ties between the two nations and promote German influence in the Ottoman Empire.
Maarif Nezareti’nin 22 Haziran 1915 tarihli 13 maddelik düzenlemesi Darülfünun Müdüriyet-i Umumiyesi tarafından fakülte meclislerine havale edilmiştir. Aşağıdaki maddelerden hangisi bu düzenlemede geçmez?
Correct Answer
E. E-Müderrisler ve muavinlerin hariçteki memuriyetlerinden çekilmelerine gerek yoktur.
The given correct answer states that in the regulation of the Ministry of Maarif dated June 22, 1915, it is not necessary for the professors and assistants to resign from their external positions. This means that the professors and assistants can continue to hold their positions outside the university while also working at the university. The other options mention the division of faculties into branches, the division of the Law Faculty into political and judicial sections, the division of the Science Faculty into six branches, and the opening of courses when there is a teaching staff available.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi hatıralarında kendisinin tedris etmekte olduğu Fenn-i Terbiye dersini Amerika’dan gelecek ünlü pedagog John Dewey’e devretmeye hazır olduğunu bildirmektedir.
Correct Answer
b-İsmayıl Hakkı
İsmayıl Hakkı is the correct answer because he is the one who is ready to hand over the Fenn-i Terbiye class to the famous pedagogue John Dewey from America.
Darülfünun’a gelen yabancı öğretim üyeleri arasında 1100 Osmanlı lirası ile en yüksek maaşı alan Liverpool Üniversitesi’nden Prof. Dr. Lehmann-Haupt aşağıdaki hangi derslere girmektedir?
Correct Answer
C. C-Akvam-ı Kadime, Yunan ve Roma Tarihleri
Prof. Dr. Lehmann-Haupt receives the highest salary among the foreign faculty members at Darülfünun and teaches the course on "Akvam-ı Kadime, Yunan ve Roma Tarihleri" (Ancient Nations, Greek and Roman Histories) at Liverpool University.
II. Abdülhamid zamanından beri Darülfünun’un bir şubesi olan ve öğrencileri Islah-ı Medârisîn Nizamnamesi hükümlerine göre yeni açılan Darülhilafetil Âliye medreselerinin yüksek kısmına nakil edilen Darülfünun şubesi aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
Correct Answer
B. B-Ulum-ı Şeriye
Since the question mentions that the branch of Darülfünun was moved to the higher section of the newly opened Darülhilafetil Âliye medreses according to the regulations of the Islah-ı Medâris Nizamnamesi, the correct answer is b) Ulum-ı Şeriye. Ulum-ı Şeriye refers to the faculty of Islamic Sciences, which includes subjects such as Islamic law, theology, and jurisprudence.
- Fakülte tabiri ilk kez ne zaman kulanıldı?
Correct Answer
C. 1913
The correct answer is 1913. This is the year when the term "fakülte tabiri" (faculty term) was first used.
Türk eğitim sisteminde Alman eğitim modeli projesini İtihat ve Terakki’nin önde gelen isismlerinden hangi ikili desteklemiştir?
Correct Answer
B. B) Enver Paşa ve Dr. Nazım Bey
In the Turkish education system, the Alman eğitim modeli project was supported by Enver Paşa and Dr. Nazım Bey.
Yabancı öğretim üyelerinin fakültelerde istihdam edilmesinde hangi fakülte hariç tutulmuştur?
Correct Answer
E. Tıp Fakültesi
The question asks which faculty is excluded from employing foreign faculty members. The correct answer is "Tıp Fakültesi" (Medical Faculty). This means that foreign faculty members are not employed in the Medical Faculty.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Maarif N.’nin yaptığı düzenlemelere göre, yıllardan beri eksikliği giderilemeyen öğretim üyesi ihtiyacını karşılamaya yönelik önemli bir yaptırımdır?
Correct Answer
C. C) Müderris muavinlerinin alanları ile ilgili birer eser kaleme almadan müderrisliğe yüksetilemeyecekleri.
According to the regulations made by Maarif N., an important sanction to meet the long-standing need for teaching staff that could not be fulfilled for years is that assistant professors cannot be promoted to full professors without writing a work related to their field.
Hangi lisanların tahsili için Edebiyat Fakültesi bünyesinde bir Lisan Elsine şubesi açılmıştır?
Correct Answer
C. Şark ve Mağrip lisanları
The correct answer is "Şark ve Mağrip lisanları." This answer states that a branch of the Language Department has been opened for the study of Eastern and Maghreb languages within the Faculty of Literature.
1.Dünya savaşı yıllarında yurtdışından gelen yabancı öğretim üyelerinin mesai saatinde fes giymeleri zorunlu değildir (D/Y)
Correct Answer
B. False
During World War I, foreign faculty members who came from abroad were not required to wear a fez during working hours.
Eğitim kurumları savaş yıllarında hangi amaçlarla kullanılmamıştır?
Correct Answer
B. B. Seçim bürosu
During times of war, educational institutions are not typically used as election offices. This is because the primary focus during war is on military operations and maintaining the functioning of essential services such as hospitals and military depots. Elections and political campaigns are not considered a priority in such situations. Therefore, it is unlikely that educational institutions would be used as election offices during war times.
Eğitim kadrolarından hangi kesim silâhaltına alınmamıştır?
Correct Answer
C. C. Sakat ve yaşlılar
The correct answer is c. Sakat ve yaşlılar (Disabled and elderly individuals) are not included in the education staff. This means that teachers, administrators, service staff, and students are all part of the education staff, but disabled and elderly individuals are not.
Savaş yıllarından öğrencilerin mağduriyetlerini gidermek için hangi çalışmalar yapılmamıştır?
Correct Answer
C. C. Tüm öğrencilerin mezun sayılması
During the war years, efforts were made to alleviate the hardships faced by students. These included facilitating compulsory service, resuming scholarships that had been cut, granting exam rights without requiring attendance, and not applying new conditions to old students. However, one action that was not taken was to graduate all students.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi eğitim kurumlarının ve personelin savaş yıllarında yaşadığı zorluklar arasında yer almaz?
Correct Answer
E. Havayollarının çalışmaması
During times of war, educational institutions and personnel face numerous challenges such as outbreaks of diseases, scarcity of food, non-payment of salaries, and famine. However, the suspension of air travel is not directly related to the difficulties faced by educational institutions and personnel during war times.
Öğrenciler orduda hangi görevlerde bulunmamıştır?
Correct Answer
A. A. Kurmay kadrosu
The students have not served in the Kurmay kadrosu (staff officer corps) in the military.
Öğrenciler orduda hangi rütbelerde yer almamıştır?
Correct Answer
E. E. Müşir
Müşir is a high-ranking military officer in the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey. The other options (er, onbaşı, küçük subay, ihtiyat zabiti) are all lower ranks in the military. Therefore, the correct answer is e. Müşir, as it is not a rank that students would be included in.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi savaşların sonuçları arasında yer almaz?
Correct Answer
E. E. Sel baskını
The given question asks for something that does not belong among the consequences of wars. The options provided are: a) forced migration, b) seeking refuge, c) migration, d) epidemic diseases, and e) flood. Among these options, flood (sel baskını) is not directly related to the consequences of wars. While wars can indirectly lead to floods in certain cases, floods are not a direct outcome of wars. Therefore, option e is the correct answer.
Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu olarak görev yapan kurum aşağıdakilerden hangisidir.
Correct Answer
D. Meclis-i Kebir-i Maarif
Meclis-i Kebir-i Maarif is the correct answer because it was the institution responsible for education and curriculum in the Ottoman Empire during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The other options, such as Maarif Müsteşarlığı (Ministry of National Education), Meclisi Muallimin/Müderrisin (Teachers' Council), Maarif Nezareti (Ministry of Education), and Duyun-ı Umumiye (Public Debt Administration), do not accurately represent the institution mentioned in the question.
Harbi umuminin, günümüz karşılığı Dünya Savaşı'dır.
Correct Answer
A. Doğru
The given statement suggests that the modern equivalent of "Harbi umum" is "Dünya Savaşı." This means that "Harbi umum" refers to a global conflict or a world war. The term "Dünya Savaşı" is commonly used to describe major global conflicts such as World War I and World War II. Therefore, the answer "Doğru" (True) indicates that the statement is correct.
Çanakkale Cephesi’nden İstanbul’a yoğun yaralı nakli Harbiye Nezareti ile Maarif Nezaretini karşı karşıya getirmiştir. Harbiye Nezareti’nin 30 Nisan 1915 tarihinde bir gecede boşaltılmasını istediği ve Maarif Nazırı Şükrü Bey’in itirazına neden olan okul aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
Correct Answer
C. C- İstanbul Sultanîsi
The correct answer is c- İstanbul Sultanîsi. The question is asking which school caused a disagreement between the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Education due to the Ministry of War's request to evacuate it overnight on April 30, 1915. This caused objection from the Minister of Education, Şükrü Bey. The İstanbul Sultanîsi is the school that caused this disagreement.