Surat Al-Kautsar diturunkan di kota ....
Correct Answer
A. Mekah
The correct answer is Mekah because Surat Al-Kautsar was revealed in the city of Mekah. This surah is one of the shortest chapters in the Quran and it was revealed during the time when Prophet Muhammad faced hardships and loss in Mekah. The surah serves as a reminder of the blessings and abundance that Allah has bestowed upon the Prophet, despite the difficulties he faced.
An-Nashr artinya adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Pertolongan
The correct answer is "Pertolongan." Pertolongan means "help" or "assistance" in Indonesian. This word refers to the act of providing aid or support to someone in need.
Jumlah ayat dalam surat An-Nashr yaitu ....
Correct Answer
D. 4 ayat
The correct answer is 4 ayat because the question asks for the number of verses in Surah An-Nashr. Surah An-Nashr is the 110th chapter of the Quran and it consists of 4 verses.
Dalam surat A-Asr diterangkan bahwa manusia akan mengalami kerugian kecuali ....
Correct Answer
B. Beriman dan beramal solih
The correct answer states that in Surah Al-Asr, it is mentioned that humans will suffer loss except for those who have faith and do righteous deeds. This implies that having faith in Allah and performing good deeds are essential for avoiding loss and attaining success in the afterlife.
Inna a’toina kal ....
Lanjutan ayat di atas yang tepat adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Kautsar
The correct answer is "Kautsar." This is because "Kautsar" is the continuation of the sentence "Inna a'toina kal..." In Arabic, "Kautsar" means "abundance" or "plenty." Therefore, the complete sentence would be "Inna a'toina kal Kautsar," which translates to "Verily, We have given you abundance."
Percaya kepada para malaikat Allah adalah rukum iman yang ....
Correct Answer
C. Kedua
The correct answer is "Kedua" because believing in the existence and role of angels is one of the pillars of faith in Islam. It is mentioned in the Quran and Hadith that angels are created beings by Allah and they carry out various tasks assigned to them. Believing in angels is an essential aspect of the Islamic faith and demonstrates a strong belief in the unseen world and the power of Allah.
Malaikat adalah makhluk Allah yang diciptakan dari ....
Correct Answer
A. Cahaya
Malaikat adalah makhluk Allah yang diciptakan dari cahaya. Ini berdasarkan keyakinan dalam agama Islam, di mana malaikat diyakini sebagai makhluk gaib yang diciptakan dari cahaya oleh Allah. Malaikat dianggap sebagai pelayan Allah yang tidak terlihat oleh manusia kecuali jika diperbolehkan oleh Allah.
Malaikat yang bertugas menyampaikan wahyu adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Jibril
Jibril adalah malaikat yang bertugas menyampaikan wahyu. Dalam agama Islam, Jibril adalah malaikat yang dikirim oleh Allah untuk memberikan wahyu kepada para nabi, termasuk Nabi Muhammad. Jibril dianggap sebagai malaikat yang paling penting dalam menyampaikan wahyu dan berperan dalam mengkomunikasikan perintah-perintah Allah kepada manusia.
Malaikat Ridwan tugasnya adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Menjaga pintu surga
Malaikat Ridwan's duty is to guard the gates of heaven.
Malaikat yang selalu mencatat semua perbuatan kita adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Roqib dan Atid
Roqib dan Atid adalah malaikat yang selalu mencatat semua perbuatan kita.
Seseorang yang diberikan wahyu oleh Allah untuk disampaikan kepada kaumnya dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
D. Rosul
Seseorang yang diberikan wahyu oleh Allah untuk disampaikan kepada kaumnya dinamakan Rosul. A Rosul is a person who is chosen by Allah to receive divine revelations and convey them to their community. They are considered to be the highest rank of prophets and are entrusted with the task of delivering a specific message or set of teachings to guide their people.
Nabi yang pertama diturunkan ke bumi adalah nabi ....
Correct Answer
A. Adam AS
Adam AS is considered the first prophet to be sent down to Earth according to Islamic belief. He is believed to be the first human being created by God and the father of all mankind. As the first prophet, Adam AS played a significant role in guiding humanity and establishing the foundations of faith. His story is mentioned in various religious texts, including the Quran and the Bible. Therefore, based on the information provided, it can be concluded that Adam AS is the correct answer.
Nabi yang mempunyai mu’jizat bisa berbahasa binatang adalah nabi ....
Correct Answer
B. Sulaiman AS
Sulaiman AS is the correct answer because he was known for his ability to communicate with animals, which was considered a miracle. In the Quran, it is mentioned that Sulaiman AS had the power to understand the speech of birds and ants. He could also command animals and they would obey his orders. This unique ability was given to him by Allah as a sign of his prophethood.
Nabi Ibrahim AS adalah nabi yang mempunyai mu’jizat ....
Correct Answer
B. Tidak mempan dibakar api
Nabi Ibrahim AS memiliki mukjizat yang tidak mempan dibakar api. Ini terjadi ketika Raja Namrud memerintahkan agar Nabi Ibrahim dibakar hidup-hidup karena menentang penyembahan berhala. Namun, ketika api dinyalakan, Nabi Ibrahim tetap tidak terbakar dan selamat dari bahaya tersebut. Hal ini menunjukkan kekuatan dan perlindungan Allah terhadap Nabi Ibrahim.
Nabi Ibrahim AS pernah diuji oleh Allah untuk mengurbankan anaknya yang bernama ....
Correct Answer
C. Isma’il AS
Nabi Ibrahim (AS) pernah diuji oleh Allah untuk mengurbankan anaknya yang bernama Isma'il (AS). Ini terjadi ketika Nabi Ibrahim (AS) menerima perintah dari Allah untuk mengurbankan anaknya sebagai bentuk pengujian iman dan ketaatan. Nabi Ibrahim (AS) dengan tulus bersedia untuk melaksanakan perintah tersebut, namun Allah kemudian menggantikan Isma'il (AS) dengan seekor domba sebagai korban pengganti. Pengorbanan ini merupakan bukti kesetiaan dan kepatuhan Nabi Ibrahim (AS) kepada Allah.
Nabi Ibrahim AS mempunyai gelar Khalillullah yang artinya adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Kekasih Allah
The correct answer is "Kekasih Allah." Nabi Ibrahim AS is known as the "Kekasih Allah" because he was a beloved friend and close companion of Allah. This title signifies the special relationship and love that Allah had for Nabi Ibrahim AS.
Nabi Ibrahim AS mengajak kaumnya untuk meninggalkan ....
Correct Answer
B. Menyembah berhala
Nabi Ibrahim AS mengajak kaumnya untuk meninggalkan penyembahan berhala. This answer is supported by the fact that Prophet Ibrahim AS was known for his mission to guide his people away from idol worship and towards the worship of the one true God. He preached monotheism and condemned the worship of idols as it goes against the teachings of Islam.
Raja yang membakar Nabi Ibrahim adalah raja ....
Correct Answer
B. Namrud
The correct answer is Namrud. Namrud is the king who ordered the burning of Prophet Ibrahim in the Islamic tradition. He is mentioned in the Quran and is known for his arrogance and disbelief in God. He is often cited as an example of a tyrant ruler who opposed the prophets.
Sifat tauladan yang dapat dicontoh dari Nabi Ibrahim adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Berani menegakkan kebenaran meski taruhannya adalah nyawa
The correct answer is "Berani menegakkan kebenaran meski taruhannya adalah nyawa" because it reflects the story of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Islamic tradition. Prophet Ibrahim was known for his unwavering faith in God and his willingness to sacrifice his own life for the sake of upholding the truth. This is demonstrated in the story of Ibrahim being thrown into a fire by the king Nimrod for refusing to worship idols and instead believing in the one true God. Despite the risk to his own life, Ibrahim remained steadfast in his belief and was ultimately saved by God.
Zikir artinya adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Ingat kepada Allah SWT
The correct answer is "Ingat kepada Allah SWT". This is because "zikir" refers to the act of remembering and mentioning Allah SWT. It is a form of worship and a way to connect with God. By constantly remembering Allah and mentioning His name, individuals can strengthen their faith and seek His guidance and forgiveness.
Berikut sifat baik yang dimiliki nabi Ismail AS adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Patuh kepada ayahnya
Nabi Ismail AS memiliki sifat baik yaitu patuh kepada ayahnya. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kisah Nabi Ismail yang bersedia untuk dikurbankan oleh ayahnya, Nabi Ibrahim AS, sebagai perintah dari Allah SWT. Meskipun hal tersebut sangat sulit dan menyakitkan, Nabi Ismail tetap patuh dan taat kepada ayahnya serta kepada perintah Allah SWT. Kesetiaan dan ketaatannya kepada ayahnya merupakan salah satu sifat baik yang dimiliki oleh Nabi Ismail AS.
Bunyi bacaan tahlil adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. La ilaha illallah
The correct answer is "La ilaha illallah". This is because "La ilaha illallah" is the declaration of faith in Islam, meaning "There is no god but Allah". It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is considered the most important phrase in Islam. It signifies the belief in the oneness of Allah and the rejection of any other deities or objects of worship.
Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk berdzikir adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Membaca koran
The given options are all forms of dhikr (remembrance of God) except for "membaca koran" which means reading the newspaper. Dhikr typically involves reciting specific words or phrases to remember and praise God, such as tasbih (glorifying God), tahmid (praising God), and tahlil (declaring God's oneness). Reading the newspaper does not fall under the category of dhikr as it does not involve any religious or spiritual remembrance of God.
Berdoa artinya adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Memohon kepada Allah SWT
Berdoa artinya adalah memohon kepada Allah SWT. Dalam berdoa, seseorang meminta perlindungan, petunjuk, atau keberkahan dari Allah SWT. Doa merupakan bentuk ibadah yang dilakukan untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT dan memohon bantuan-Nya dalam menghadapi segala hal. Melalui doa, seseorang juga mencari pahala dari Allah SWT karena doa yang tulus dan ikhlas akan mendapatkan balasan dari-Nya. Berdoa juga dapat menjadi sarana untuk berhenti berbuat dosa dan memohon ampunan atas dosa-dosa yang telah dilakukan.
Berikut ini adalah adab ketika berdoa, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Memakai pakaian yang mewah
The given options describe the proper etiquette when praying, such as being clean from impurities, reciting the basmalah and hamdalah. However, wearing luxurious clothing is not a requirement or a part of the etiquette when praying.