Perubahan cuaca dipengaruhi oleh beberapa unsur yang ada di alam, seperti ....
Correct Answer
D. Matahari, air dan angin
The correct answer is Matahari, air dan angin. Weather changes are influenced by the sun, air, and wind. The sun provides heat and energy, which drives the weather patterns. Air plays a crucial role in the formation of weather systems, such as high and low-pressure systems, and the movement of air masses. Wind is the movement of air and plays a significant role in distributing heat and moisture around the Earth's surface, leading to changes in weather conditions. Additionally, the presence of water in the form of moisture and precipitation is essential for weather changes.
Pengaruh cuaca pada kehidupan petani contohnya adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Petani tidak dapat menjemur padi ketika hujan
The correct answer is "Petani tidak dapat menjemur padi ketika hujan". This answer is the most suitable because it directly relates to the influence of weather on the life of farmers. When it rains, farmers are unable to dry their rice, which is an important step in the harvesting process. This can lead to delays and difficulties in the farming activities and may affect the quality of the rice.
Cuaca hujan yang terjadi terus menerus dapat mengakibatkan pembuat kerupuk menjadi ....
Correct Answer
A. Rugi
Cuaca hujan yang terjadi terus menerus dapat mengakibatkan pembuat kerupuk mengalami kerugian. Hal ini disebabkan karena proses pembuatan kerupuk membutuhkan sinar matahari untuk mengeringkan kerupuk. Jika cuaca terus hujan, maka kerupuk tidak dapat kering dengan baik, sehingga kualitasnya menurun dan sulit untuk dijual. Dampaknya, pembuat kerupuk akan mengalami kerugian finansial karena penjualan kerupuk menurun atau bahkan tidak laku.
Pak Sandi seorang petani garam, ia selalu mencari informasi tentang kemungkinan cuaca yang akan terjadi. Pak Sandi dapat biasa melihat berita di televisi tentang ....
Correct Answer
B. Prakiraan cuaca
Pak Sandi, being a salt farmer, relies on weather information to plan his work effectively. He wants to know the forecasted weather conditions in order to make informed decisions about his farming activities. Therefore, the most relevant option for him would be "Prakiraan cuaca" which translates to "weather forecast" in English. This option would provide him with the necessary information about the expected weather patterns, helping him to plan his farming activities accordingly.
Benda-benda berikut ini yang cocok dipakai ketika cuaca cerah adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Topi
Topi cocok dipakai ketika cuaca cerah karena dapat melindungi kepala dari sinar matahari langsung. Topi dapat memberikan perlindungan dari panas dan membantu menjaga suhu tubuh agar tetap sejuk. Selain itu, topi juga dapat melindungi mata dari cahaya yang terlalu terang.
Pakaian yang dipakai ketika cuaca hujan sebaiknya ....
Correct Answer
C. Bebahan tebal
During rainy weather, it is advisable to wear clothing made of thick material. This is because thick materials provide better insulation and protection against the rain. They are more likely to repel water and keep the wearer dry. Thick clothing also helps to retain body heat, which is important in preventing the wearer from getting cold and potentially falling ill. Therefore, wearing thick clothing during rainy weather is the most suitable choice to ensure comfort and protection.
Pada saat cuaca hujan banyak orang yang mengutamakan memakan makanan yang ....
Correct Answer
C. Hangat
During rainy weather, many people prefer to eat warm food because it provides comfort and helps to keep their body temperature stable. Warm food also helps to soothe the body and provides a sense of coziness, which is especially desirable during cold and wet weather. Additionally, warm food is believed to aid in digestion and provide a feeling of satisfaction. Therefore, choosing warm food during rainy weather is a common preference among many individuals.
2⁄5 + 1⁄5 = ....
Hasil dari operasi penjumlah pecahan di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. 3⁄5
When adding fractions, you need to have a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 5. So, you have to convert 1/5 into an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 5. This can be done by multiplying the numerator and denominator of 1/5 by 1, which gives you 1/5. Now, you can add the two fractions: 2/5 + 1/5 = 3/5. Therefore, the correct answer is 3/5.
3⁄8 + 4⁄8 = ....
Hasil dari operasi penjumlah pecahan di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. 7⁄8
The given question asks to add the fractions 3/8 and 4/8. When the denominators are the same, we can simply add the numerators to get the sum. In this case, 3/8 + 4/8 = 7/8. Therefore, the correct answer is 7/8.
7⁄12 + 4⁄12 = ....
Hasil dari operasi penjumlah pecahan di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. 11⁄12
The given question asks for the result of adding the fractions 7/12 and 4/12. To add fractions with the same denominator, we simply add the numerators and keep the denominator the same. In this case, the numerator is 7+4=11, and the denominator remains 12. Therefore, the result of the operation is 11/12.
Beni membelah semangka menjadi sepuluh bagian. Beni memakan dua bagian dan kakaknya memakan tiga bagian. Jadi jumlah bagian yang dimakan Beni dan kakaknya adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. 5⁄10 bagian
Beni membelah semangka menjadi sepuluh bagian. Beni memakan dua bagian dan kakaknya memakan tiga bagian. Jadi jumlah bagian yang dimakan Beni dan kakaknya adalah 5/10 bagian.
Bu Risma membuat kue coklat untuk Bayu dan Panji, kue tersebut dipotong menjadi 8 bagian. Bayu memakan empat bagian dan Panji memakan 3 bagian. Jadi jumlah kue coklat yang dimakan oleh Bayu dan Panji adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. 7⁄8 bagian
Bayu ate 4 out of the 8 pieces of chocolate cake, which is equivalent to 4/8 or 1/2 of the cake. Panji ate 3 out of the 8 pieces, which is equivalent to 3/8 of the cake. Therefore, the total amount of cake eaten by Bayu and Panji is 4/8 + 3/8, which equals 7/8 of the cake.
Pak Dani menebang pohon jati di depan rumahnya untuk dijadikan bahan membuat kursi dan meja. Ia memotongnya menjadi 12 bagian, 4 bagian digunakan untuk membuat kursi dan 5 bagian digunakan untuk membuat meja. Sisanya ditaruh di gudang untuk persediaan kayu. Jumlah bagian kayu yang digunakan untuk membuat kursi dan meja adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. 9⁄12 bagian
The correct answer is 9/12 bagian. Pak Dani used 4 bagian for making chairs and 5 bagian for making tables, which totals to 9 bagian. Since he cut the tree into 12 bagian in total, the fraction that represents the amount of wood used for making chairs and tables is 9/12.
Papeda adalah makanan khas yang berasal dari daerah ....
Correct Answer
D. Papua
Papeda is a traditional food that originates from Papua.
Makanan khas yang berasal dari Sumatra selatan adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Pempek
Pempek is a traditional food from South Sumatra. It is made from fish and tapioca flour, and usually served with a sweet and sour sauce. Pempek is known for its unique texture and flavor, making it a popular dish in the region.
Hujan berasal dari air laut yang ....
Correct Answer
C. Menguap
Hujan berasal dari air laut yang menguap. Ketika air laut dipanaskan oleh sinar matahari, molekul-molekul air akan berubah menjadi uap air dan naik ke atmosfer. Di atmosfer, uap air akan mendingin dan berubah menjadi tetesan air yang membentuk awan. Ketika tetesan air dalam awan menjadi cukup berat, mereka jatuh ke bumi sebagai hujan.
Saat hujan turun biasanya langit menjadi gelap, hal itu karena sinar matahari ....
Correct Answer
C. Tertutup mendung
During rain, the sky becomes dark because the clouds cover the sunlight.
Memakai mantel hujan atau payung saat terjadi hujan bisa mencegah kita terserang penyakit ....
Correct Answer
D. Flu
Wearing a raincoat or using an umbrella during rain can prevent us from getting the flu. Rain can often cause a drop in temperature, and getting wet in the rain can make our body more susceptible to catching a cold or flu. By protecting ourselves from the rain, we can reduce the chances of getting sick and prevent the flu.
Saat cuaca hujan bisa terjadi banjir jika manusia sering melakukan perbuatan ....
Correct Answer
B. Buang sampah sembarangan
The correct answer is "Buang sampah sembarangan" because when people litter indiscriminately, it can lead to clogged drains and sewage systems, which can contribute to flooding during rainy weather.
Menjalin pertemanan bisa dilakukan kepada siapa saja, walau berbeda suku dan daerah kita harus menjaga ....
Correct Answer
A. Persatuan dan kesatuan
The given statement suggests that in building friendships, it is important to maintain unity and harmony, regardless of differences in ethnicity or region. This implies that fostering a sense of togetherness and solidarity is crucial for maintaining relationships.
Indonesia adalah negara yang mempunyai beragam kesenian daerah, hal itu merupakan ....
Correct Answer
A. Kekayaan bangsa
Indonesia is a country that has a diverse range of regional arts, which reflects the cultural richness and diversity of the nation. These various art forms, such as traditional dances, music, and crafts, are considered as treasures and assets of the country. They showcase the creativity, talent, and cultural heritage of the Indonesian people, contributing to the overall cultural identity and pride of the nation. Therefore, the correct answer is "Kekayaan bangsa" which means "national wealth".
Memilih-milih teman hanya berdasarkan daerah asal saja merupakan perbuatan yang perlu ....
Correct Answer
B. Dihindari
Memilih-milih teman hanya berdasarkan daerah asal saja merupakan perbuatan yang perlu dihindari. Hal ini karena memilih teman berdasarkan daerah asal saja menunjukkan sikap diskriminatif dan sempit. Seharusnya kita memilih teman berdasarkan kepribadian, nilai-nilai, dan minat yang sama, bukan hanya berdasarkan asal daerah seseorang. Menghindari perilaku ini penting agar kita dapat membangun hubungan yang inklusif dan saling menghormati dengan orang-orang dari berbagai latar belakang.
Bersatu akan membuat kita menjadi kuat, sedangkan bermusuhan akan membuat kita menjadi ....
Correct Answer
B. Lemah
Bersatu akan membuat kita menjadi kuat, sedangkan bermusuhan akan membuat kita menjadi lemah. This statement implies that unity and cooperation among individuals or groups can lead to strength and success, while hostility and conflict can weaken and undermine them. When people are divided and engage in hostility, they are unable to work together effectively and their collective power diminishes. Therefore, the correct answer is "lemah" which means weak.
Santi membeli 1⁄4 kg gula dan Karina membeli 2⁄4 kg gula. Jumlah gula yang dibeli Santi dan Karina adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. 3⁄4 kg
Santi bought 1/4 kg of sugar and Karina bought 2/4 kg of sugar. To find the total amount of sugar they bought, we need to add the fractions. 1/4 + 2/4 = 3/4. Therefore, the correct answer is 3/4 kg.
Ahmad mempunyai balok kayu sepanjang 1⁄5 meter dan Wisnu mempunyai balok kayu sepanjang 3⁄5 m. Panjang balok kayu yang dipunyai Ahmad dan Wisnu jika dijumlahkan menjadi ....
Correct Answer
A. 4⁄5 m
Ahmad has a wooden beam that is 1/5 meters long, and Wisnu has a wooden beam that is 3/5 meters long. To find the total length of the beams, we add the lengths together. Therefore, the total length of the beams that Ahmad and Wisnu have is 4/5 meters.