Pertumbuhan pada hewan contohnya adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Awalnya kecil menjadi besar
The correct answer is "Awalnya kecil menjadi besar." This answer explains the concept of growth in animals, stating that they start off small and gradually become bigger in size. This is a common phenomenon observed in various animal species as they develop and mature over time.
Salah satu faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan hewan adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Makanan
Makanan adalah faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan hewan. Ketersediaan dan kualitas makanan yang dikonsumsi oleh hewan akan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya. Makanan yang kaya akan nutrisi dan energi akan membantu hewan tumbuh dengan baik, sementara makanan yang kurang baik atau tidak mencukupi dapat menghambat pertumbuhan hewan. Dengan demikian, makanan menjadi faktor yang sangat penting dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan hewan.
Pertumbuhan pada burung merpati dimulai dari ....
Correct Answer
C. Telur
The correct answer is "Telur". This is because the growth of pigeons starts from eggs. Eggs are the starting point of the pigeon's life cycle, where the embryo develops and eventually hatches into a baby pigeon. From there, the baby pigeon goes through various stages of growth and development before reaching adulthood.
Berikut ini adalah hewan yang berkembangbiak dengan cara bertelur, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
C. Marmut
The question asks for an animal that does not reproduce by laying eggs. Out of the given options, the duck, eagle, and mosquito are all animals that reproduce by laying eggs. However, the marmot is a mammal and gives birth to live young, so it does not reproduce by laying eggs. Therefore, the correct answer is marmut.
Karina memelihara seekor kelinci. Kelincinya tersebut dirawatnya dari kecil, salah satu pertumbuhan yang terlihat pada kelinci Karina adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Bertambah berat
The correct answer is "Bertambah berat". When Karina takes care of her rabbit from a young age, one noticeable growth is that the rabbit becomes heavier. This is a common observation as animals, including rabbits, tend to gain weight as they grow and develop.
Sandi memiliki 6 kandang ayam. Setiap 6 kandang berisi 10 ekor ayam. Jika jumlah ayam milik Sandi ditulis dalam bentuk perkalian menjadi ....
Correct Answer
B. 10 x 6 = 60
The correct answer is 10 x 6 = 60 because each cage contains 10 chickens and Sandi has 6 cages. By multiplying 10 and 6, we get the total number of chickens Sandi has, which is 60.
15 + 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 = 75
Operasi penjumlahan di atas jika ditulis dalam bentuk perkalian menjadi ....
Correct Answer
D. 5 x 15 = 75
The equation 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 = 75 can be written as 5 x 15 = 75. This is because the addition of five 15s is equivalent to multiplying 5 by 15, which gives the same result of 75.
26 x 5 = ....
Hasil dari perkalian di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. 130
The correct answer is 130 because when you multiply 26 by 5, you get a product of 130.
48 x 6 = ....
Hasil dari perkalian di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. 288
The correct answer is 288 because when you multiply 48 by 6, you get the product of 288.
340 x 3 = ....
Hasil dari perkalian di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. 1020
The correct answer is 1.360 because when you multiply 340 by 3, you are essentially adding 340 three times. So, 340 + 340 + 340 equals 1.020.
Saat bermain bola, Andi menjadi kapten tim. Banyak rekan Andi yang belum mahir bermain bola, sikap Andi sebaiknya adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Menghargai teman yang belum mahir
Andi should show respect and appreciation towards his teammates who are not skilled in playing football. This is because being a captain means leading and supporting the team, regardless of their individual abilities. By valuing and encouraging his less skilled teammates, Andi can create a positive and inclusive atmosphere, which can ultimately improve the team's overall performance.
Saling tolong menolong antar teman salah satu cara dalam menjaga ....
Correct Answer
B. Kerukunan
Saling tolong menolong antar teman adalah salah satu cara dalam menjaga kerukunan.
Tuhan menciptakan manusia dengan berbeda-beda, sebagai manusia kita harus saling ....
Correct Answer
D. Menghargai
As human beings, we are created differently by God. Therefore, it is important for us to appreciate and respect each other's differences. By valuing and respecting one another, we can foster harmony and understanding in our relationships and society.
Pak Bayu mempunyai 4 ember berisi ikan. Setiap ember berisi 150 ikan. Berarti jumlah ikan yang dimiliki Pak bayu adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. 450 ikan
Pak Bayu has 4 buckets, and each bucket contains 150 fish. To find the total number of fish Pak Bayu has, we need to multiply the number of fish in each bucket (150) by the number of buckets (4). Therefore, the correct answer is 450 fish.
Bu Anita mempunyai 5 keranjang buah di tokonya. Setiap keranjang berisi 125 buah apel. Berarti jumlah buah apel yang ada di toko Bu Anita adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. 625 buah
Anita has 5 baskets of fruit in her store, with each basket containing 125 apples. To find the total number of apples in Anita's store, we multiply the number of apples in each basket (125) by the number of baskets (5). Therefore, the correct answer is 625 apples.
Hewan yang berkembang biak dengan cara bertelur dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
A. Ovipar
Hewan yang berkembang biak dengan cara bertelur dinamakan "ovipar".
Hewan yang berkembang biak dengan cara beranak contohnya adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Tikus dan kelinci
Hewan yang berkembang biak dengan cara beranak adalah tikus dan kelinci. Both tikus and kelinci reproduce by giving birth to their offspring.
Proses perkembangan tubuh hewan yang melibatkan perubahan penampilan fisiknya dari mulai lahir atau menetas hingga ke bentuk paling sempurna dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
A. Metamorfosis
Metamorfosis refers to the process of physical transformation that occurs in the body of an animal from birth or hatching until it reaches its most mature and complete form. It involves significant changes in the appearance, structure, and sometimes even the habitat of the animal. This process is commonly observed in insects, amphibians, and some other animal species. The other options, such as fotosintesis (photosynthesis), metabolism, and osteoporosis, do not accurately describe the process of physical development and transformation in animals.
Daur hidup kupu-kupu di bawah ini yang tepat adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Telur – ulat – kempompong – kupu-kupu
The correct answer is "Telur – ulat – kempompong – kupu-kupu." This is the correct life cycle of a butterfly. It starts with eggs (telur), which hatch into caterpillars (ulat). The caterpillars then form a chrysalis or cocoon (kempompong), where they undergo metamorphosis. Finally, they emerge from the cocoon as butterflies (kupu-kupu).
Daur hidup katak setelah dari telur akan menjadi ....
Correct Answer
D. Berudu
The correct answer is "Berudu". After hatching from eggs, tadpoles are the larval stage of frogs and toads. They have a long tail and live in water, breathing through gills. As they mature, they undergo metamorphosis and develop into adult frogs or toads. Therefore, the correct answer is "Berudu", which means tadpoles in English.
Katak setelah dewasa akan menjadi hewan yang bisa hidup di darar dan di air, sehingga katak tergolong hewan ....
Correct Answer
B. Amfibi
The correct answer is Amfibi. This is because the statement mentions that frogs can live both on land and in water. Amphibians are a group of animals that have the ability to live in both terrestrial and aquatic environments, making them the most suitable classification for frogs.
Nyamuk dewasa akan bertelur, telur tersebut menetas di ....
Correct Answer
D. Genangan air
Adult mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water, such as puddles, ponds, or any other water bodies that are not flowing. These eggs then hatch into larvae, which develop into pupae and eventually emerge as adult mosquitoes. Therefore, the correct answer is "Genangan air" (stagnant water) as it provides the suitable environment for mosquito eggs to hatch and complete their life cycle.
Menjaga kebersihan di lingkungan masyarakat adalah tanggung jawab dari ....
Correct Answer
D. Semua warga
Menjaga kebersihan di lingkungan masyarakat adalah tanggung jawab dari semua warga. Ini karena menjaga kebersihan bukan hanya tanggung jawab individu tertentu, tetapi juga tanggung jawab bersama seluruh warga. Setiap orang dalam masyarakat harus berkontribusi dalam menjaga kebersihan agar lingkungan tetap bersih dan sehat.
Perilaku hidup bersih harus kita mulai dari ....
Correct Answer
C. Diri sendiri
Clean living behavior should start from ourselves. This means that each individual should take responsibility for maintaining personal hygiene and cleanliness. It emphasizes the importance of self-discipline and personal accountability in maintaining a clean and healthy lifestyle.
Kepala desa menyuruh para warga untuk membersihkan sampah-sampah botol dan kaleng yang banyak berserakan di halaman rumah penduduk untuk menghindari banyaknya nyamuk di musim hujan. Hal itu karena ....
Correct Answer
A. Botol dan kaleng yang terisi air hujan bisa dijadikan tempat berkembangbiaknya nyamuk
Botol dan kaleng yang terisi air hujan bisa dijadikan tempat berkembangbiaknya nyamuk. Nyamuk betina akan mencari tempat yang tergenang air untuk bertelur. Jika botol dan kaleng tidak dibersihkan, air hujan yang terkumpul di dalamnya akan menjadi tempat yang ideal bagi nyamuk untuk berkembangbiak. Dengan membersihkan sampah-sampah tersebut, warga dapat mengurangi potensi berkembangbiaknya nyamuk dan menghindari penyebaran penyakit yang dibawa oleh nyamuk.