Berikut ini yang termasuk program aplikasi untuk melakukan pekerjaan perhitungan dan laporan keuangan adalah
Correct Answer
D. Microsoft Excel, Lotus 123
The correct answer is Microsoft Excel, Lotus 123. Microsoft Excel and Lotus 123 are both spreadsheet applications that are commonly used for financial calculations and creating financial reports. These programs have features that allow users to input and manipulate data, perform calculations, and generate charts and graphs. They are widely used in business and finance for tasks such as budgeting, forecasting, and analyzing financial data.
Versi terbaru dari microsoft office saat ini adalah :
Correct Answer
C. Microsoft Office 2010
The correct answer is Microsoft Office 2010 because it is stated in the given options as the latest version of Microsoft Office.
Descending adalah :
Correct Answer
A. Mengurutkan data dari besar ke kecil
Descending adalah mengurutkan data dari besar ke kecil. Ini berarti bahwa ketika kita menggunakan metode descending, kita akan mengurutkan data dengan mengatur elemen-elemen dari nilai yang paling besar hingga nilai yang paling kecil.
Ascending adalah :
Correct Answer
B. Mengurutkan data dari kecil ke besar
Ascending adalah mengurutkan data dari kecil ke besar.
Berikut ini yang bukan termasuk tipe data Numerik (angka), adalah :
Correct Answer
D. Double Integer
Double Integer is not a valid data type in most programming languages. The correct data types for numbers are Integer, Float, and Decimal. String is a data type for storing text or characters, not numbers.
Pertemuan antara Kolom dan Baris yang membentuk sebuah kotak persegi panjang, adalah definisi dari :
Correct Answer
C. Range
The correct answer is "Range". In Excel, a range refers to a selection of cells that are grouped together. It is formed by the intersection of rows and columns, creating a rectangular shape. A range can be used to perform various operations such as entering data, applying formulas, or formatting cells within the selected area. It is a fundamental concept in Excel and is commonly used to manipulate and analyze data efficiently.
Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan Operator Aritmatik dalam Microsoft Excel adalah :
Correct Answer
A. () , / , ^
The given answer is correct because the symbols () , / , and ^ are not arithmetic operators in Microsoft Excel. The () symbol is used for grouping or controlling the order of operations, while the / symbol is used for division and the ^ symbol is used for exponentiation.
Karakter yang digunakan untuk menandai sel Absolut/Semi absolut adalah :
Correct Answer
A. $
The character "$" is used to mark an Absolute/Semi-absolute cell.
Contoh penulisan rumus yang benar adalah :
Correct Answer
C. =C3*D5
The given answer "=C3*D5" is a valid formula in Excel. It multiplies the value in cell C3 with the value in cell D5. This formula can be used to calculate the product of two numbers in Excel.
Untuk memisahkan angka ribuan, digunakan langkah-langkah :
Correct Answer
A. Centang use 1000 separator (,)
The correct answer is to "Centang use 1000 separator (,)" because this option is used to separate thousands in a number by inserting a comma. This is a common practice in many countries to make large numbers easier to read and understand.
Berapa banyak sel yang dijumlahkan pada penulisan fungsi =sum(T11:AE11) ?
Correct Answer
C. 12
The correct answer is 12 because the function =sum(T11:AE11) is used to add up the values in the range T11 to AE11. Since there are 12 cells in this range, the sum will include all those cells and result in 12.
Fungsi yang digunakan untuk menentukan berapa banyak data yang terdapat dalam range adalah :
Correct Answer
A. Count
The correct answer is "Count". The Count function is used to determine the number of data points within a given range. It calculates the total count of values in a dataset, disregarding any null or empty cells. This function is commonly used in data analysis to understand the size or quantity of a dataset.
Terdapat fungsi =if(D4<=55,”Koplak”,”Tidak Koplak”). Apabila D4 bernilai 55, maka output yang dihasilkan adalah :
Correct Answer
C. Koplak
The correct answer is "Koplak" because the function =if(D4
Yang bukan merupakan operator Relasi adalah :
Correct Answer
E. >>
The given answer, ">>", is not a relational operator. Relational operators are used to compare two values and determine the relationship between them, such as equality or inequality. The ">>" symbol is actually the right shift operator in programming, which is used to shift the bits of a number to the right. It is not used for comparison purposes, and therefore does not fall under the category of relational operators.
Rumus Upah Kerja = Jam Kerja * 4500 adalah
Correct Answer
A. =B6*4500
The given equation is a formula to calculate the wage for a certain number of working hours. The formula multiplies the number of working hours (represented by cell B6) by the wage rate of 4500. This will give the total wage for the given number of working hours.
Rumus Upah Lembur = Jam Lembur * 2000 adalah
Correct Answer
A. =C6*2000
The given correct answer is =C6*2000. This formula calculates the overtime pay by multiplying the number of overtime hours (cell C6) with the rate per hour (2000). The result will be the total overtime pay.
Rumus Upah Bruto = Upah Kerja + Upah Lembur (gunakan rumus atau fungsi SUM) adalah
Correct Answer
B. =SUM(D6:E6)
The correct answer is =SUM(D6:E6) because the formula is asking for the sum of the values in cells D6 and E6. The SUM function in Excel is used to add up multiple numbers, and in this case, it is adding the values in D6 and E6 to calculate the total gross wages.
Rumus untuk PpH (pajak) = 10% * Total Upah Bruto adalah
Correct Answer
A. =10%*F6
The correct answer is "=10%*F6" because the formula for calculating PPH (pajak) is to multiply 10% by the Total Upah Bruto, which is represented by the value in cell F6.
Rumus Untuk Harga Satuan ditentukan sebagai berikut :
§ Jika Kode Barang = “A”, Harga Satuan Rp 1000,-
§ Jika Kode Barang = “B”, Harga Satuan Rp 2000,-
§ Jika Kode Barang = “C”, Harga Satuan Rp 3000,-
§ Jika Kode Barang selain diatas Harga Satuan = 0
Correct Answer
A. =IF(E7="A";1000;IF(E7="B";2000;IF(E7="C";3000;0)))
The given formula is an Excel formula that calculates the unit price based on the code of the item. If the code is "A", the unit price is set to 1000. If the code is "B", the unit price is set to 2000. If the code is "C", the unit price is set to 3000. If the code is anything other than A, B, or C, the unit price is set to 0.
Rumus Untuk menghitung potongan ditentukan sebagai berikut :
§ Jika Kode Pembeli = 1, maka Potongan = 10% * Jumlah Barang * Harga Satuan
§ Jika Kode Pembeli = 2, maka Potongan = 7.5% * Jumlah Barang * Harga Satuan
§ Jika Kode Pembeli = 3, maka Potongan = 5% * Jumlah Barang * Harga Satuan
§ Jika Kode Pembeli selain diatas, maka potongan = 0
Correct Answer
B. =IF(C7=1;10%*D7*F7;IF(C7=2;7,5%*D7*F7;IF(C7=3;5%*D7*F7;0)))
The given answer is a formula that calculates the discount based on the code of the buyer. If the code is 1, the discount is 10% of the total price. If the code is 2, the discount is 7.5% of the total price. If the code is 3, the discount is 5% of the total price. If the code is any other value, the discount is 0. The formula uses nested IF statements to determine the appropriate discount based on the code of the buyer.
Rumus Menghitung Total Bayar adalah
Correct Answer
A. =(D7*F7)-G7
The given correct answer for this question is =(D7*F7)-G7. This formula calculates the total payment by multiplying the values in cells D7 and F7, and then subtracting the value in cell G7.
Rumus Untuk mencari Kelas adalah
* Jika Kode Kamar = AA, Maka Kelas = Ekonomi.
* Jika Kode Kamar = AB, Maka Kelas = Utama
* Jika Kode Kamar = AC, Maka Kelas = V.I.P.
Correct Answer
C. =IF(C9="AA";"EKONOMI";IF(C9="AB";"UTAMA";IF(C9="AC";"VIP";0)))
The given correct answer is a formula that uses nested IF statements to determine the value of the "Kelas" based on the value of the "Kode Kamar". If the "Kode Kamar" is equal to "AA", then the "Kelas" is "Ekonomi". If the "Kode Kamar" is equal to "AB", then the "Kelas" is "Utama". If the "Kode Kamar" is equal to "AC", then the "Kelas" is "VIP". If none of these conditions are met, the formula returns 0.
Rumus untuk Mencari Tarif Kamar adalah
* Jika Kelas = Ekonomi, Tarif = 25000
* Jika Kelas = Utama, Tarif = 50000
* Jika Kelas = V.I.P, Tarif = 75000
Correct Answer
A. =IF(D9="EKONOMI";25000;IF(D9="UTAMA";50000;75000))
The given correct answer is the formula used to calculate the room rate based on the class of the room. If the class is "Ekonomi", the rate is 25000. If the class is "Utama", the rate is 50000. If the class is "V.I.P", the rate is 75000. The formula checks the value in cell D9 and returns the corresponding rate based on the class.
Rumus Untuk Discount
Jika Kelas = V.I.P atau Lama Tinggal>5, maka Discount = 10% dari Lama Tinggal * Tarif Kamar
* Selain Ketentuan diatas tidak mendapatkan Discount.
Correct Answer
A. =IF(OR(D9="VIP";G9>5);10%*G9*H9;0)
The correct answer is =IF(OR(D9="VIP";G9>5);10%*G9*H9;0). This formula is checking two conditions using the OR function. It checks if the value in cell D9 is equal to "VIP" or if the value in cell G9 is greater than 5. If either of these conditions is true, it calculates the discount as 10% of the value in cell G9 multiplied by the value in cell H9. If both conditions are false, it returns 0, indicating that no discount is applicable.
Tarif sewa diambil dari tabel dengan menggunakan fungsi apa
Correct Answer
E. =HLOOKUP(C7;$C$20:$F$21;2;0)
The correct answer is "=HLOOKUP(C7;$C$20:$F$21;2;0)". This formula is used to retrieve the rental rate from a table based on the value in cell C7. The HLOOKUP function searches for the value in the first row of the table ($C$20:$F$21) and returns the corresponding value from the second row. The "2" in the formula indicates that the second row of the table should be returned. The "0" at the end of the formula means that an exact match is required.
Rumus Discount ditentukan sebagai berikut : Jika lama pinjam lebih besar dari 5 hari maka discount sebesar 10% dari tarip sewa
Correct Answer
C. =IF(D7>5;10%*E7;0)
The correct answer is =IF(D7>5;10%*E7;0). This formula checks if the value in cell D7 is greater than 5. If it is, then it calculates 10% of the value in cell E7 and returns the result. If the value in D7 is not greater than 5, it returns 0.
Rumus Biaya dibayar =(TARIP SEWA – DISCOUNT) * LAMA SEWA
Correct Answer
B. =(D7*E7)-F7
The given answer is the correct formula for calculating the amount paid. It multiplies the rental rate (D7) by the duration of the rental (E7) and then subtracts any discount (F7) applied. This formula accurately calculates the total amount paid for the rental.
Rumus untuk menentukan Jurusan adalah
Correct Answer
B. =VLOOKUP(LEFT(A6;2);$H$8:$I$12;2)
The correct answer is =VLOOKUP(LEFT(A6;2);$H$8:$I$12;2). This formula uses the VLOOKUP function to search for a value in the leftmost column of a range and return a value in the same row from a specified column. In this case, it is searching for the first two characters of the value in cell A6 in the leftmost column of the range $H$8:$I$12 and returning the corresponding value from the second column of that range.
Rumus untuk menentukan Angkatan adalah
Correct Answer
A. =MID(A6;3;2)
The correct answer is "=MID(A6;3;2)". This formula uses the MID function in Excel to extract a substring from cell A6. The parameters "3" and "2" specify that the substring should start from the 3rd character and have a length of 2 characters. Therefore, this formula will return a two-digit number from the 3rd and 4th characters of cell A6, which is the desired result for determining the "Angkatan".
Rumus untuk menentukan Biaya Per SKS adalah
Correct Answer
D. =VLOOKUP(LEFT(A6;2);$H$8:$J$12;3)
The correct answer is =VLOOKUP(LEFT(A6;2);$H$8:$J$12;3). This formula uses the VLOOKUP function to search for a value in the leftmost column of a table and returns a value in the same row from a specified column. In this case, it is searching for the first two characters of the value in cell A6 in the leftmost column of the range $H$8:$J$12 and returning the value in the third column of that range. This formula is used to determine the cost per credit hour (Biaya Per SKS) based on a lookup table.
Pada Sel A7 dituliskan sebuah rumus =COUNT(A2:A6), jika A2=2, A3=4, A4=1, A5=0 dan A6=4, maka pada Sel A7 menghasilkan output
Correct Answer
A. 5
The formula =COUNT(A2:A6) is used to count the number of cells in the range A2:A6 that contain numbers. In this case, the numbers in A2 to A6 are 2, 4, 1, 0, and 4. Since all of these cells contain numbers, the count will be 5.
Pada Sel A7 dituliskan sebuah rumus =MAX(A2:A6), jika A2=2, A3=4, A4=1, A5=0 dan A6=4, maka pada Sel A7 menghasilkan output
Correct Answer
B. 4
The formula =MAX(A2:A6) finds the maximum value in the range A2 to A6. In this case, the values in A2 to A6 are 2, 4, 1, 0, and 4. The maximum value in this range is 4, so the output in cell A7 is 4.
Pada Sel A7 dituliskan sebuah rumus =SUM(A2:A6), jika A2=2, A3=4, A4=1, A5=0 dan A6=4, maka pada Sel A7 menghasilkan output
Correct Answer
A. 11
The formula =SUM(A2:A6) calculates the sum of the values in cells A2 to A6, which are 2, 4, 1, 0, and 4 respectively. The sum of these values is 11, so the output in cell A7 would be 11.
Rumus Nama Bunga adalah
Correct Answer
A. =HLOOKUP(LEFT(B6;2);$C$25:$F$27;2)
Rumus Harga Satuan adalah
Correct Answer
B. =HLOOKUP(LEFT(B6;2);$C$25:$F$27;3)
The correct answer is =HLOOKUP(LEFT(B6;2);$C$25:$F$27;3). This formula uses the HLOOKUP function to search for a value in the first row of a table array and returns the value in the same column from a specified row. In this case, it is searching for the first two characters of the value in cell B6 and returning the corresponding value from the third row of the table array $C$25:$F$27.
Rumus Untuk Nama Toko adalah
Correct Answer
B. =VLOOKUP(MID(B6;4;3);$H$25:$K$29;3)
The correct answer is "=VLOOKUP(MID(B6;4;3);$H$25:$K$29;3)". This formula is using the VLOOKUP function to search for a value in the range $H$25:$K$29 based on the MID function applied to cell B6. The MID function is extracting a substring from cell B6, starting at the 4th character and with a length of 3 characters. The VLOOKUP function then looks for this substring in the first column of the range $H$25:$K$29 and returns the corresponding value from the 3rd column.
Rumus untuk Alamat adalah
Correct Answer
A. =VLOOKUP(MID(B6;4;3);$H$25:$K$29;3)
The correct answer is "=VLOOKUP(MID(B6;4;3);$H$25:$K$29;3)". This is the correct formula for the VLOOKUP function in Excel. It searches for a value in the first column of a table array and returns a value in the same row from a column specified by the column index number. In this case, it uses the MID function to extract a substring from cell B6, searches for that substring in the table array $H$25:$K$29, and returns the value in the third column of the table array.
Rumus untuk mencari Kota adalah
Correct Answer
C. =VLOOKUP(MID(B6;4;3);$H$25:$K$29;4)
The correct answer is =VLOOKUP(MID(B6;4;3);$H$25:$K$29;4). This formula uses the VLOOKUP function to search for a value in the range $H$25:$K$29 based on the MID function, which extracts a substring from cell B6. The MID function takes three arguments: the text to extract from (B6), the starting position (4), and the number of characters to extract (3). The VLOOKUP function then searches for this extracted substring in the first column of the range $H$25:$K$29 and returns the corresponding value from the fourth column.
Rumus untuk Bayar Diambil Dari Kode (JIka Kode CS=Cash,CT=Credit) adalah
Correct Answer
D. A dan B Benar
The correct answer is A and B are correct. The formula is checking the last two characters of cell B6. If the last two characters are "CS", it returns "CASH". If the last two characters are "CT", it returns "CREDIT". If neither condition is met, it returns 0. Both options A and B correctly implement this logic.
Untuk rumus Discount Jika Bayar CASH 20% X Nilai
Jika Bayar CREDIT 5% x Nilai adalah
Correct Answer
A. =IF(I6="CASH";20%*J6;IF(I6="CREDIT";5%*J6;0))
The correct answer is =IF(I6="CASH";20%*J6;IF(I6="CREDIT";5%*J6;0)). This formula is used to calculate the discount based on the payment method. If the payment method is "CASH", it will apply a 20% discount to the value in cell J6. If the payment method is "CREDIT", it will apply a 5% discount to the value in cell J6. If neither of these conditions is met, it will return 0.
Mengambil sejumlah data karakter yg telah ditentukan mulai dari tengah dalam suatu cells adalah merupakan salah satu fungsi text berikut …
Correct Answer
The correct answer is MID. The MID function is used to extract a specific number of characters from a text string, starting from a specified position. In this case, it is used to extract a certain number of characters from the middle of a cell.
Mengambil sejumlah data karakter yg telah ditentukan mulai dari Kiri dalam suatu cells adalah merupakan salah satu fungsi text berikut …
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "LEFT." The LEFT function is used to extract a specified number of characters from the left side of a text string. In this case, it is used to extract a certain number of characters from the left side of a cell.
Mengambil sejumlah data karakter yg telah ditentukan mulai dari Kanan dalam suatu cells adalah merupakan salah satu fungsi text berikut …
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "RIGHT" because the function "RIGHT" is used to extract a specified number of characters from the right side of a text string. It is used when we want to retrieve a portion of a text starting from the right side of the string.
Yang tidak termasuk dalam kategori software operating system adalah… .
Correct Answer
D. Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is not an operating system software. It is a suite of productivity applications used for creating documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and managing emails. Operating system software, on the other hand, is responsible for managing computer hardware and software resources, providing a user interface, and running other software applications. Windows 98, LINUX, MAC OS, and Free BSD are examples of operating system software.
Yang termasuk golongan software multimedia adalah seperti dibawah ini, kecuali… .
Correct Answer
E. Open Office
Open Office is not included in the category of multimedia software because it is primarily an office suite software that includes word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database applications. On the other hand, Winamp, Media Player, XIne, and Power DVD are all examples of multimedia software that are specifically designed for playing and managing multimedia content such as audio and video files.
Salah satu peripheral input Device adalah
Correct Answer
C. Mouse
A peripheral input device is a device that allows users to input data or commands into a computer. The options given are Printer, Monitor, Mouse, LCD Projector, and Speaker. Out of these options, the correct answer is Mouse. A mouse is a common peripheral input device that allows users to control the movement of the cursor on the computer screen and select items by clicking on them.
Alamat yang selalu tetap pada setiap perpindahan sel disebut
Correct Answer
B. Sel absolut
The correct answer is "Sel absolut". This refers to cells that always remain fixed or constant regardless of cell movement or changes. These cells do not adjust or change their references when copied or moved to different locations within a spreadsheet.
Port PS/2 digunakan untuk peripheral.....
Correct Answer
C. Mouse
The correct answer is Mouse. The PS/2 port is commonly used for connecting a mouse to a computer. It is a round, mini-DIN connector that allows for a reliable and high-speed connection between the mouse and the computer. This port is often found on older computers and is gradually being replaced by USB ports.
Rumus Nilai Huruf adalah
Correct Answer
A. =IF(I6
Rumus untuk mencari KETERANGAN adalah
Correct Answer
The given correct answer is a formula in Excel that is used to determine the result based on the value in cell L6. If the value in L6 is "E", the result will be "GAGAL". If the value is "D", the result will be "MENGULANG". For any other value, the result will be "LULUS". This formula is using the IF function to check the value in L6 and return the corresponding result based on the condition.