Soal IPA Kelas 6 Sd Bab 3 Keseimbangan Lingkungan Dan Ekosistem - Www.Bimbelbrilian.Com

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| By AJPCell
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Soal IPA Kelas 6 Sd Bab 3 Keseimbangan Lingkungan Dan Ekosistem - Www.Bimbelbrilian.Com - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Suatu unit kehidupan yang di dalamnya terdapat hubungan timbal balik antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungannya dinamakan ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Ekosistem
    An ecosystem is a unit of life where there is a mutual relationship between living organisms and their environment. It encompasses all living organisms, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms, as well as their physical surroundings, including air, water, and soil. This interaction between organisms and their environment is crucial for the survival and functioning of the ecosystem. Therefore, the correct answer is Ekosistem.

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  • 2. 

    Lingkungan yang berupa benda-benda mati dinamakan lingkungan ....

    • A.

      Lingkungan biologi

    • B.

      Lingkungan biotik

    • C.

      Lingkungan abiotik

    • D.

      Lingkungan antik

    Correct Answer
    C. Lingkungan abiotik
    The correct answer is "Lingkungan abiotik". This is because the term "abiotik" refers to non-living or inanimate components of the environment, such as soil, water, air, temperature, and sunlight. In contrast, "lingkungan biotik" refers to the living components of the environment, including plants, animals, and microorganisms. Therefore, "lingkungan abiotik" is the appropriate term for describing the environment consisting of non-living things.

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  • 3. 

    Akibat  yang  ditimbulkan  karena  membuang  sampah  dan  limbah industri di sungai adalah ….

    • A.

      Ikan di sungai menjadi tambah besar

    • B.

      Ikan di sungai menjadi mati

    • C.

      Ikan di sungai bertambah banyak

    • D.

      Ikan di sungai menjadi jinak

    Correct Answer
    B. Ikan di sungai menjadi mati
    When waste and industrial waste are dumped into a river, it can lead to water pollution. This pollution can have harmful effects on the aquatic ecosystem, including fish. The pollutants in the water can reduce the oxygen levels, introduce toxins, and disrupt the balance of nutrients. As a result, fish in the river may die due to the contaminated water.

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  • 4. 

    Kegiatan manusia yang dapat menyebabkan banjir adalah, kecuali ….

    • A.

      Penebangan hutan secara liar

    • B.

      Pembuangan sampah ke sungai

    • C.

      Penutupan saluran drainase

    • D.

      Pemakaian  pestisida  yang  berlebihan

    Correct Answer
    D. Pemakaian  pestisida  yang  berlebihan
    The excessive use of pesticides does not directly cause floods. Floods are typically caused by factors such as deforestation, improper waste disposal, and the blocking of drainage channels. While excessive pesticide use can have negative environmental impacts, it does not directly contribute to the occurrence of floods.

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  • 5. 

    Berikut dampak buruk kegiatan manusia terhadap lingkungan yang tidak sesuai aturan, kecuali ....

    • A.

      Terjadi bencana banjir

    • B.

      Terjadi kepunahan hewan

    • C.

      Terjadi kepunhanan tumbuhan

    • D.

      Terjadi angin topan

    Correct Answer
    D. Terjadi angin topan
    The negative impacts of human activities on the environment can lead to various consequences such as floods, extinction of animals, and extinction of plants. However, the occurrence of a hurricane (angin topan) cannot be directly attributed to human activities that do not comply with regulations. Therefore, the correct answer is "Terjadi angin topan" (Hurricanes occur).

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  • 6. 

    Hewan-hewan bisa menjadi langka disebabkan karena ....

    • A.

      Perburuan liar

    • B.

      Peternakan hewan

    • C.

      Perawatan hewan di rumah

    • D.

      Penghijauan hutan

    Correct Answer
    A. Perburuan liar
    Hewan-hewan bisa menjadi langka disebabkan karena perburuan liar. Illegal hunting and poaching activities can lead to the decline and extinction of certain animal species. These activities often occur for various reasons, such as the demand for animal parts for traditional medicine, trophies, or the illegal wildlife trade. The excessive hunting of animals disrupts the natural balance of ecosystems, leading to a decrease in their population and ultimately making them endangered or extinct.

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  • 7. 

    Berikut ini adalah komponen dari lingkungan abiotik adalah ....

    • A.

      Hewan dan tumbuhan

    • B.

      Tanah dan air

    • C.

      Hewan dan pohon

    • D.

      Pohon dan batu

    Correct Answer
    B. Tanah dan air
    The correct answer is "Tanah dan air" because abiotic components refer to non-living factors in the environment. Tanah (soil) and air are both non-living components that play a crucial role in shaping the ecosystem. Tanah provides nutrients and a medium for plant growth, while air supplies oxygen and carbon dioxide for respiration. Together, they form the foundation for the biotic components of an ecosystem to thrive. Hewan (animals) and tumbuhan (plants) are biotic components, not abiotic. Similarly, hewan (animals) and pohon (trees) as well as pohon (trees) and batu (rocks) are combinations of biotic and abiotic components, respectively.

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  • 8. 

    Pohon, harimau, gajah dan semak-semak adalah contoh ekosistem yang terdapat di ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Hutan
    The given options are "Laut" (Sea), "Sawah" (Paddy field), "Hutan" (Forest), and "Pantai" (Beach). The correct answer is "Hutan" (Forest). The question mentions "Pohon" (Trees), "Harimau" (Tiger), "Gajah" (Elephant), and "Semak-semak" (Bushes) as examples of ecosystems. These are all typically found in a forest ecosystem. Therefore, the correct answer is "Hutan" (Forest).

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  • 9. 

    Berikut ini komponen yang berada di lingkungan sawah adalah ....

    • A.

      Pohon kelapa, tikus, ular, dan pasir

    • B.

      Padi, gajah, ular, dan pasir

    • C.

      Gajah, Macan, ular, dan pepohonan

    • D.

      Padi, tikus, ular, dan belalang

    Correct Answer
    D. Padi, tikus, ular, dan belalang
    The correct answer is Padi, tikus, ular, dan belalang. This answer is correct because it includes components that are commonly found in a paddy field or sawah. Padi is the main component as it is a type of rice plant that is grown in paddy fields. Tikus (rats), ular (snakes), and belalang (grasshoppers) are common pests or animals that can be found in paddy fields. Therefore, this answer accurately represents the components found in a paddy field environment.

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  • 10. 

    Di dalam ekosistem, tumbuhan berperan sebagai ....

    • A.


    • B.

      Konsumen tingkat I

    • C.

      Konsumen tingkat II

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Produsen
    Tumbuhan berperan sebagai produsen dalam ekosistem karena mereka dapat melakukan fotosintesis, yaitu mengubah energi matahari menjadi energi kimia yang dapat digunakan oleh organisme lain. Tumbuhan juga memproduksi makanan sendiri dalam bentuk glukosa melalui proses fotosintesis, yang kemudian dapat digunakan oleh konsumen tingkat I, konsumen tingkat II, dan pengurai dalam rantai makanan.

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  • 11. 

    Jika dalam ekosistem sawah jumlah ular bertambah banyak, maka ....

    • A.

      Jumlah tikus meningkat

    • B.

      Jumlah tikus menurun

    • C.

      Jumlah gajah bertambah

    • D.

      Jumlah elang berkurang

    Correct Answer
    B. Jumlah tikus menurun
    If the number of snakes in the rice field ecosystem increases, it will lead to a decrease in the number of rats. This is because snakes are natural predators of rats and their increase in population will result in more predation on rats, leading to a decrease in their population.

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  • 12. 

    Pemakaian pestisida yang berlebihan dapat mengakibatkan ....

    • A.

      Mematikan mikroba

    • B.

      Memperbanyak humus

    • C.

      Mematikan ular

    • D.

      Menyuburkan tanah

    Correct Answer
    A. Mematikan mikroba
    Excessive use of pesticides can lead to the killing of microorganisms. Microorganisms play a crucial role in maintaining the health and fertility of the soil. They help in the decomposition of organic matter, nutrient cycling, and maintaining soil structure. When pesticides are used excessively, they can kill not only harmful pests but also beneficial microorganisms, disrupting the natural balance of the soil ecosystem. This can have negative consequences for soil health and fertility in the long run.

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  • 13. 

    Pemanfaatan kayu sebagai bahan baku perabotan rumah dapat dikendalikan dengan cara melakukan ....

    • A.

      Pembakaran hutan

    • B.

      Penebangan hutan secara banyak

    • C.

      Melakukan tebang pilih

    • D.

      Melakukan tebang liar

    Correct Answer
    C. Melakukan tebang pilih
    The correct answer is "Melakukan tebang pilih" because it means selectively cutting down trees for wood, which allows for sustainable and controlled utilization of wood as a raw material for furniture. This method ensures that only certain trees are harvested while others are left to grow, maintaining the balance of the ecosystem and preventing deforestation.

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  • 14. 

    Penanaman hutan kembali dinamakan ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Reboisasi
    Reboisasi refers to the process of replanting trees in deforested or barren areas. It is a term commonly used in the context of reforestation efforts to restore and regenerate forest ecosystems. In this case, the question is asking for the term used to describe the act of planting trees again, which aligns with the concept of reboisasi.

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  • 15. 

    Untuk mencegah terjadinya perburuan liar oleh manusia maka ....

    • A.

      Pemerintah mengadakan lomba berburu

    • B.

      Pemerintah menetapkan Undang-Undang yang tegas

    • C.

      Pemerintah mendanai perburuan hewan

    • D.

      Pemerintah bekerja sama dengan pemburu

    Correct Answer
    B. Pemerintah menetapkan Undang-Undang yang tegas
    The correct answer is "Pemerintah menetapkan Undang-Undang yang tegas" because by implementing strict laws, the government can deter and punish individuals who engage in illegal hunting activities. This can serve as a deterrent and help prevent wildlife poaching by humans.

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  • 16. 

    Contoh hewan yang dilindungi pemerintah karena jumlahnya yang langka adalah ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Badak bercula satu

    • D.

      Burung kolibri

    Correct Answer
    C. Badak bercula satu
    The correct answer is Badak bercula satu. The government protects this animal because its population is rare.

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  • 17. 

    Usaha pelestarian hewan dilakukan dengan pendirian ....

    • A.

      Suaka alam

    • B.

      Cagar alam

    • C.

      Suaka margasatwa

    • D.

      Taman alam

    Correct Answer
    C. Suaka margasatwa
    The correct answer is "Suaka margasatwa." Suaka margasatwa refers to a wildlife sanctuary, which is a protected area specifically created for the conservation and preservation of wildlife. These sanctuaries provide a safe habitat for endangered species and help maintain biodiversity. By establishing suaka margasatwa, efforts can be made to protect and conserve wildlife species and their natural habitats.

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  • 18. 

    Hewan bisa bermanfaat bagi manusia. Namun hewan bisa saja mengalami kepunahan jika ....

    • A.

      Dieksploitasi secara bijak

    • B.

      Diternak dan dibudidayakan

    • C.

      Dieksploitasi secara berlebihan

    • D.

      Dilindungi di suaka margasatwa

    Correct Answer
    C. Dieksploitasi secara berlebihan
    The correct answer is "Dieksploitasi secara berlebihan" because if animals are exploited excessively, it can lead to their extinction. Overexploitation refers to the unsustainable use of natural resources, including hunting, fishing, and capturing animals beyond their reproductive capacity. This can disrupt ecosystems and deplete animal populations, ultimately leading to their extinction.

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  • 19. 

    Pembukaan lahan baru dengan membakar hutan dapat menyebabkan ….

    • A.

      Populasi hewan menurun

    • B.

      Tanah menjadi semakin subur

    • C.

      Habitat hutan menjadi bagus

    • D.

      Hewan dan tumbuhan cepat berkembang biak

    Correct Answer
    A. Populasi hewan menurun
    Pembukaan lahan baru dengan membakar hutan dapat menyebabkan populasi hewan menurun. Ketika hutan dibakar, habitat hewan menjadi rusak dan banyak hewan yang kehilangan tempat tinggal dan sumber makanan. Hal ini menyebabkan penurunan populasi hewan di area tersebut.

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  • 20. 

    Bahan kimia yang dipakai manusia untuk membasmi serangga dinamakan ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Insectisida
    Insectisida adalah bahan kimia yang digunakan oleh manusia untuk membasmi serangga. Bahan ini dirancang khusus untuk membunuh atau mengendalikan populasi serangga yang dianggap merugikan atau mengganggu manusia. Insectisida dapat digunakan dalam berbagai bentuk, seperti semprotan, bubuk, atau cairan, dan biasanya digunakan dalam pertanian, kebun, atau rumah tangga untuk melindungi tanaman dan mengurangi risiko penyakit yang ditularkan oleh serangga.

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  • 21. 

    Kayu yang banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan perabot rumah tangga, contohnya ….

    • A.

      Kayu kelapa

    • B.

      Kayu Bakau

    • C.

      Kayu Randu

    • D.

      Kayu Jati

    Correct Answer
    D. Kayu Jati
    Kayu Jati banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan perabot rumah tangga karena memiliki kekuatan dan daya tahan yang baik. Kayu ini juga memiliki serat yang indah dan tahan terhadap serangan hama kayu, sehingga cocok untuk digunakan dalam pembuatan perabotan yang tahan lama. Selain itu, Kayu Jati juga memiliki kualitas yang bagus dalam menyerap dan melepaskan kelembaban, sehingga dapat menghindari perubahan bentuk atau kerusakan akibat perubahan suhu dan kelembaban.

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  • 22. 

    Habitat asli hewan langka yang bernama orang utan adalah ....

    • A.


    • B.

      Irian Jaya

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Kalimantan
    Orangutans are native to the island of Borneo, which is primarily located in the Indonesian region of Kalimantan. This is their natural habitat, where they are found in the wild. Therefore, the correct answer is Kalimantan.

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  • 23. 

    Berikut adalah hewan yang sudah mengalami kepunahan ....

    • A.

      Badak bercula satu

    • B.

      Burung cendrawasih

    • C.

      Orang utan

    • D.

      Harimau Jawa

    Correct Answer
    D. Harimau Jawa
    The given answer, Harimau Jawa, is correct because it refers to the Javan tiger, which is a subspecies of tiger that is now extinct. The Javan tiger was native to the Indonesian island of Java but became extinct due to habitat loss and hunting.

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  • 24. 

    Pengaruh langsung yang dirasakan manusia jika ular sawah terus diburu adalah  ....

    • A.

      Musnahnya padi

    • B.

      Jumlah tikus makin bertambah

    • C.

      Jumlah tikus berkurang

    • D.

      Jumlah padi bertambah

    Correct Answer
    B. Jumlah tikus makin bertambah
    The direct impact that humans would experience if rice snakes continue to be hunted is an increase in the number of rats. This is because rice snakes are natural predators of rats, and if they are continuously hunted, there would be no control over the rat population, leading to an increase in their numbers.

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  • 25. 

    Berikut adalah jenis hewan langka, kecuali ....

    • A.

      Gajah sumatra

    • B.

      Orang utan

    • C.

      Babi hutan

    • D.

      Burung cendrawasih

    Correct Answer
    C. Babi hutan
    The given question is asking for the type of rare animals, except for one. The options provided are Sumatran elephants, orangutans, wild boars, and birds of paradise. The correct answer is "wild boars" because they are not considered rare animals compared to the other options. Wild boars are found in various regions around the world and are not typically categorized as endangered or rare.

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