Lapisan terluar bumi kita adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Kerak bumi
The correct answer is "kerak bumi" because the outermost layer of the Earth is known as the crust or the Earth's crust, which is also referred to as the "kerak bumi" in Indonesian. This layer is relatively thin compared to the other layers of the Earth and is made up of solid rock. It is the layer on which we live and where most geological activity, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, occur.
Pusat gravitasi bumi berada pada ....
Correct Answer
C. Inti bumi
The correct answer is "inti bumi" because the center of gravity of any object, including the Earth, is located at its core. In the case of the Earth, the core is composed of a solid inner core and a liquid outer core, which together make up the central region of the planet. This is where the majority of the Earth's mass is concentrated, resulting in the center of gravity being located in the core.
Lapisan atmosfer bumi terdiri atas ....
Correct Answer
B. Gas-gas
The correct answer is "Gas-gas" because the Earth's atmosphere is primarily composed of different gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases. These gases are essential for supporting life and maintaining the Earth's climate.
Batuan yang terbentuk dari pembekuan lava atau magma disebut ....
Correct Answer
A. Batuan beku
Batuan yang terbentuk dari pembekuan lava atau magma disebut batuan beku.
Batuan marmer termasuk batuan malihan yang berasal dari batuan ....
Correct Answer
B. Gamping
Marble is a metamorphic rock that is formed from limestone. Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is made up of the remains of marine organisms, such as shells and coral. Over time, the pressure and heat from the Earth's crust cause the limestone to recrystallize and form marble. Therefore, marble is classified as a metamorphic rock and it originates from limestone. Gamping is the Indonesian term for limestone, hence it is the correct answer in this context.
Berikut termasuk proses pelapukan tanah secara fisika, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
B. Akibat lumut
Pelapukan tanah secara fisika terjadi melalui beberapa proses, seperti akibat angin, akibat suhu, dan akibat sinar matahari. Namun, lumut bukanlah salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan pelapukan tanah secara fisika.
Pelapukan dapat terjadi karena perbedaan suhu dan hujan disebut pelapukan ....
Correct Answer
A. Fisika
Pelapukan dapat terjadi karena perbedaan suhu dan hujan. Fisika adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang sifat-sifat fisik suatu benda dan perubahan yang terjadi pada benda tersebut, termasuk perubahan akibat suhu dan hujan. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah Fisika.
Pelapukan batuan oleh lumut termasuk pelapukan ....
Correct Answer
D. Biologi
The correct answer is Biologi. This is because the process described in the question, which is the weathering of rocks by moss, is a biological process. Moss is a type of plant that grows on rocks and releases chemicals that break down the rock surface, leading to its weathering. This process is a biological interaction between the moss and the rock, making the answer Biologi.
Tanah terdiri atas lapisan-lapisan. Lapisan yang paling aktif terjadi pelapukan adalah .....
Correct Answer
A. Lapisan atas
The correct answer is "lapisan atas". The explanation for this answer is that the question is asking which layer is most actively undergoing weathering. Weathering is the process of breaking down rocks and minerals on the Earth's surface. The top layer, or "lapisan atas", is exposed to the elements and is constantly being affected by weathering processes such as erosion, freezing and thawing, and chemical reactions. Therefore, it is the layer that is most actively undergoing weathering.
Lapisan tanah tempat bahan tambang banyak ditemukan adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Lapisan batuan dasar
The correct answer is "lapisan batuan dasar". This is because the question is asking for the layer of soil where a lot of mining materials are found. The "lapisan batuan dasar" refers to the bottom layer of rock, which is often where valuable minerals and resources are located.
Berikut adalah air permukaan di bumi, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
C. air hujan
The given options are different sources of surface water on Earth. The question asks for the exception, which means we need to find the option that does not belong to the category of surface water. Air hujan translates to rainwater, which is not a source of surface water but rather a form of precipitation. Therefore, air hujan is the correct answer.
Uap air di udara akan membentuk ....
Correct Answer
A. Awan
When water vapor in the air rises and cools, it condenses into tiny water droplets or ice crystals. These droplets or crystals then gather together to form clouds. Therefore, the correct answer is "awan" which means clouds in Indonesian.
Uap air di udara berkumpul, jatuh kembali ke bumi disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Hujan
When water vapor in the air gathers and condenses, it falls back to the ground in the form of droplets, which is known as rain. Therefore, the correct answer is "Hujan" which means rain in Indonesian.
Berikut yang bukan tindakan penghematan air adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Mencuci  motor  setiap hari
Washing the motorbike every day is not a water-saving action because it requires a significant amount of water.
Batuan yang mengendap di atas permukaan bumi disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Batuan beku luar
Batuan yang mengendap di atas permukaan bumi disebut batuan beku luar. This answer is correct because batuan beku luar refers to the igneous rock that forms on the Earth's surface. It is formed when magma or lava cools and solidifies above the surface, such as volcanic rocks.
Berikut bencana alam yang terjadi karena ulah manusia adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Banjir
Banjir adalah salah satu bencana alam yang terjadi karena ulah manusia. Banjir dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor seperti deforestasi, perubahan iklim, pembangunan yang tidak memperhatikan drainase, dan peningkatan permukaan air akibat pembangunan infrastruktur. Manusia memiliki peran penting dalam terjadinya banjir, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.
Contohnya batuan beku dalam atau intrusi adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Batu apung dan batu granit
Batu apung dan batu granit adalah contoh-contoh batuan beku dalam atau intrusi. Batu apung terbentuk dari lava yang mendingin dan membeku di permukaan bumi, sedangkan batu granit terbentuk dari magma yang mendingin dan membeku di dalam kerak bumi. Keduanya merupakan contoh batuan beku yang terbentuk melalui proses pembekuan magma atau lava.
Berikut jenis-jenis tanah, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Tanah batu
The given options are different types of soil, and the question asks for the exception. All the options, including tanah humus, tanah pasir, and tanah liat, are types of soil. However, tanah batu is not a type of soil but refers to rocky or stony ground. Therefore, tanah batu is the exception among the given options.
Bumi tersusun atas tiga lapisan yaitu ...
Correct Answer
B. Kerak bumi, mantel bumi dan inti bumi
The correct answer is "Kerak bumi, mantel bumi, dan inti bumi." This is because the Earth is composed of three main layers: the crust (kerak bumi), the mantle (mantel bumi), and the core (inti bumi). The crust is the outermost layer, followed by the mantle, and then the core. These layers have different compositions and physical properties, and they play important roles in shaping the Earth's structure and dynamics.
Gempa yang terjadi karena letusan gunung berapi adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Gempa vulkanik
Gempa vulkanik terjadi karena letusan gunung berapi. Ketika gunung berapi meletus, magma yang panas naik ke permukaan dan menyebabkan tekanan yang besar. Tekanan ini dapat menyebabkan retakan atau pecahan di kerak bumi di sekitarnya, yang kemudian menghasilkan gempa vulkanik. Gempa vulkanik umumnya memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dengan gempa tektonik atau gempa geologi, yang disebabkan oleh pergerakan lempeng tektonik di kerak bumi.
Jenis tanah yang banyak menyusun daerah-daerah pantai adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Tanah pasir
The correct answer is "tanah pasir" because sandy soil is commonly found in coastal areas. Sandy soil has large particles and does not retain much water, making it suitable for coastal regions where there is a high level of saltwater intrusion and frequent tidal movements. Moreover, sandy soil allows for good drainage, which is essential for plants to grow in areas with high rainfall and water runoff.
Sumber air panas yang memancar dari dalam bumi disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Geyser
A geyser is a natural hot spring that shoots water and steam into the air periodically. It is formed when underground water is heated by magma or hot rocks deep within the Earth's crust. The pressure builds up until the water erupts from the surface, creating a spectacular display. Therefore, a geyser is the correct answer as it accurately describes the phenomenon of hot water spouting from the Earth's interior.
Kegiatan manusia yang tidak mengubah permukaan bumi adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Membersihkan sungai
Membersihkan sungai adalah kegiatan manusia yang tidak mengubah permukaan bumi secara fisik. Meskipun membersihkan sungai melibatkan intervensi manusia, kegiatan ini tidak mengubah bentuk atau struktur permukaan bumi. Aktivitas seperti membangun perumahan, membangun waduk, dan pertambangan akan mengubah secara fisik permukaan bumi dengan pembangunan struktur baru atau penggalian.
Genangan air yang luas pada dataran disebut ....
Correct Answer
D. Danau
The correct answer is "Danau" because a "danau" refers to a large body of water that is surrounded by land. It is typically formed in a basin or depression on the Earth's surface and is not connected to the sea. Therefore, it is the most appropriate term to describe a wide expanse of water on a plain.
Mata air yang berada tengah gurun disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Oase
An oasis is a natural water source that is found in the middle of a desert. It is usually a small area with lush vegetation and water, providing a refuge for plants, animals, and humans in the arid desert environment. Oases are formed when underground water rises to the surface, creating a fertile and habitable area. They are important for sustaining life in desert regions and have been historically used as resting places for travelers and nomadic communities.