Selain semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal ika, ada banyak hal yang dapat mempersatukan bangsa Indonesia antara lain dibawah ini, kecuali … .
Correct Answer
E. Lagu ā lagu dan kesenian seluruh daerah di nusantara
Lagu ā lagu dan kesenian seluruh daerah di nusantara
While songs and arts from all regions in the archipelago can also contribute to the unity of Indonesia, they are not listed as one of the options for things that can unite the nation, except for the fact that they are mentioned in the question itself. Therefore, the correct answer is that songs and arts from all regions in the archipelago cannot unite the nation.
Integrasi nasional secara politis berarti … .
Correct Answer
D. Penyatuan berbagai kelompok budaya dan sosial dalam kesatuan wilayah nasional yang membentuk suatu identitas nasional
Integrasi nasional secara politis berarti penyatuan berbagai kelompok budaya dan sosial dalam kesatuan wilayah nasional yang membentuk suatu identitas nasional. This means that politically, national integration involves the unification of various cultural and social groups within a national territory to form a national identity.
Persatuan dalam keberagaman harus dipahami oleh setiap warga masyarakat agar dapat mewujudkan hal-hal berikut ini, kecuali … .
Correct Answer
E. Terbentuknya satu masyarakat yang sama ras, agama, suku dan bahasa
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the formation of a society with the same race, religion, ethnicity, and language goes against the concept of unity in diversity. The idea of unity in diversity promotes the acceptance and celebration of differences, rather than striving for homogeneity. It emphasizes the importance of inclusivity, respect, and understanding among individuals from different backgrounds. Therefore, the formation of a society with the same characteristics would undermine the principles of unity in diversity.
Keberagaman harus membentuk masyarakat Indonesia yang memiliki toleransi dan sikap saling menghargai. Oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya … .
Correct Answer
A. Komitmen persatuan bangsa dalam keberagaman
The correct answer is "Komitmen persatuan bangsa dalam keberagaman" because it aligns with the statement in the question that diversity should shape Indonesian society with tolerance and mutual respect. This answer suggests that a commitment to national unity in diversity is necessary to achieve this goal.
Persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa sangat penting bagi bangsa Indonesia, hal itu karena … .
Correct Answer
D. Pengalaman sejarah Bangsa Indonesia pernah dijajah oleh bangsa barat selama 350 tahun.
The correct answer suggests that the experience of being colonized by Western powers for 350 years has contributed to the importance of unity and solidarity among the Indonesian people. This historical experience has likely created a sense of shared struggle and a common desire to maintain national unity, making it crucial for the Indonesian nation.
Indonesia adalah negara yang sangat rentan akan terjadinya perpecahan dan konflik. Hal ini disebabkan … .
Correct Answer
E. Indonesia adalah negara dengan keberagaman suku, etnik, budaya, agama serta karakteristik dan keunikan disetiap wilayahnya.
The correct answer is Indonesia adalah negara dengan keberagaman suku, etnik, budaya, agama serta karakteristik dan keunikan disetiap wilayahnya. This answer is correct because the diversity of Indonesia's population, including different ethnicities, cultures, religions, and regional characteristics, can contribute to potential divisions and conflicts within the country. The presence of such diversity can lead to differences in interests, values, and perspectives, which may result in tensions and conflicts if not managed properly.
Pembangunan nasional merupakan usaha bersama yang harus merata di semua lapisan masyarakat dan di seluruh tanah air merupakan asas pembangunan nasional ... .
Correct Answer
A. Adil dan merata
The correct answer is "Adil dan merata". This is because the sentence states that national development should be evenly distributed among all layers of society and throughout the country. "Adil" means fair, indicating that the distribution should be just and equitable. "Merata" means evenly, suggesting that the development should be spread out and not concentrated in certain areas or groups. Therefore, the answer "Adil dan merata" aligns with the principle of equal and fair distribution of national development.
Ancaman merupakan setiap usaha atau kegiatan baik dari dalam maupun dari luar yang dinilai dapat membahayakan kedaulatan dan keutuhan wilayah suatu Negara, serta juga dapat berbahaya bagi keselamatan bangsa dan warga Negara. Bentuk ancaman terhadap Negara ada beberapa macam, salah satunya yaitu ancaman dibidang militer. Yang termasuk ancaman dibidang militer yaitu … .
Correct Answer
C. Agresi, spionase, dan sabotase
The correct answer is "Agresi, spionase, dan sabotase" because these actions are considered as military threats to a country. Agresi refers to acts of aggression or invasion by another country, spionase refers to espionage or spying activities, and sabotase refers to acts of sabotage aimed at causing damage or disruption. These actions pose a direct threat to the sovereignty and security of a nation.
Dibawah ini yang tidak termasuk kedalam ancaman militer dari luar negeri adalah … .
Correct Answer
C. Gerakan separatis
The correct answer is "Gerakan separatis." This is because "Gerakan separatis" refers to separatist movements within a country, rather than a threat from foreign military forces. The other options, such as "Agresi" (aggression), "Spionase" (espionage), "Aksi terror jaringan Internasional" (international terrorist actions), and "Pelanggaran wilayah oleh Negara lain" (violation of territory by another country), all involve external threats or actions from foreign entities.
Pengabdian warga Negara yang mempunyai profesi tertentu diarahkan untuk kepentingan negara. Berikut adalah contoh usaha yang dapat memperkecil dampak akibat dari bencana alam adalah … .
Correct Answer
B. TIM SAR yang mengevakuasi korban
The correct answer is "TIM SAR yang mengevakuasi korban." This answer is correct because the question asks for an example of an effort that can reduce the impact of natural disasters. The Search and Rescue team (TIM SAR) plays a crucial role in evacuating and rescuing victims during natural disasters, thereby minimizing the impact and saving lives.
Landasan hukum penerapan Upaya bela negara yangg dapat dilakukan oleh warga negara tertuang dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia tentang Pertahanan Negara, yaitu …
Correct Answer
C. UU Nomor 3 Tahun 2002
The correct answer is UU Nomor 3 Tahun 2002 because it is the only option that matches the given information. The question states that the legal basis for the implementation of national defense efforts by citizens is stated in the Republic of Indonesia Law on National Defense. Among the options provided, only UU Nomor 3 Tahun 2002 matches this description.
Secara legal formal pencurian ikan oleh kapal asing di perairan Indonesia dapat dikategorikan kejahatan luar biasa. Paling utama: pelanggaran kedaulatan. Merujuk kepada Konvensi PBB tentang Hukum Laut 1982, masuknya kapal ikan asing secara ilegal di laut teritorial Indonesia dapat dikategorikan membahayakan kedamaian, ketertiban, atau keamanan nasional (Pasal 19). UU No 31/2004 yang diperbarui dengan UU No 45/2009 tentang Perikanan menyebutkan, aksi pencurian ikan tergolong tindak pidana. Berdasarkan artikel di atas, ilegal fishing merupakan salah satu ancaman terhadap... .
Correct Answer
E. Pertahanan Indonesia
Based on the given information, the illegal fishing by foreign ships in Indonesian waters can be categorized as a serious crime, primarily a violation of sovereignty. According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, the illegal entry of foreign fishing vessels into Indonesia's territorial waters can be considered as a threat to national peace, order, or security (Article 19). The Indonesian Fisheries Law No. 31/2004, updated with Law No. 45/2009, states that illegal fishing is a criminal offense. Therefore, illegal fishing poses a threat to the defense of Indonesia.
Cara pandang dan sikap bangsa Indonesia mengenai diri dan lingkungannya yang serba seragam dan bernilai startegis dengan mengutamakan persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa serta kesatuan wilayah dalam penyelenggaraan kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara untuk mencapai tujuan nasional disebut … .
Correct Answer
C. Wawasan nusantara
Wawasan nusantara refers to the perspective and attitude of the Indonesian people towards themselves and their environment, which is characterized by uniformity and strategic value. It emphasizes national unity and territorial integrity in the organization of community, nation, and state life to achieve national goals. This term captures the unique cultural, social, and geographic characteristics of the Indonesian archipelago and reflects the country's commitment to maintaining unity and harmony among its diverse population.
Wawasan nusantara berfungsi sebagai pedoman, motivasi, dorongan dan rambu-rambu dalam … .
Correct Answer
B. Menentukan segala kebijakan, keputusan, tindakan dan perbuatan bagi penyelanggaran negara di pusat dan daerah
Tujuan wawasan nusantara adalah … .
Correct Answer
A. Pedoman, motivasi, dorongan serta rambu-rambu dalam menentukan segala kebijakan, keputusan, tindakan dan perbuatan bagi enyelenggara Negara di tingkat pusat dan daerah bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara
The correct answer explains that the purpose of "wawasan nusantara" is to provide guidance, motivation, encouragement, and guidelines for all government officials at the central and regional levels in making policies, decisions, actions, and behaviors that benefit the Indonesian people in their social, national, and state lives.
Implementasi wawasan nusantara dalam kehidupan pertahanan keamanan akan menciptakan …
Correct Answer
D. Kesadaran cinta tanah air dan bangsa yang lebih lanjut akan membentuk sikap bela Negara pada setiap warga Negaran Indonesia.
By implementing the concept of "wawasan nusantara" in defense and security, it will further enhance the sense of love for the homeland and nation among every citizen of Indonesia. This will lead to the development of a strong national defense and a sense of patriotism, resulting in a united and harmonious society.
Wawasan Nusantara adalah cara pandang dan sikap bangsa Indonesia diri dan lingkungannya, dengan mengutamakan persatuan dan kesatuan wilayah dalam penyelenggaraan kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara. Pernyataan dibawah ini yang termasuk dalam perwujudan wawasan nusantara sebagai satu kesatuan politik adalah ….
Correct Answer
E. Bahwa masyarakat Indonesia adalah satu, perikehidupan bangsa harus merupakan kehidupan bangsa yang serasi dengan terdapatnya tingkat kemajuan masyarakat yang sama, merata dan seimbang, serta adanya keselarasan kehidupan yang sesuai dengan tingkat kemajuan bangsa.
The given statement emphasizes the unity and harmony of the Indonesian people, stating that the life of the nation should be in accordance with the progress and development of the society as a whole. It highlights the importance of achieving equal and balanced progress across all regions of the country, ensuring that the standard of living and quality of life are consistent and aligned with the nation's advancement. This aligns with the concept of Wawasan Nusantara, which aims to foster unity and solidarity among the Indonesian people and promote the equitable development of the nation.
Masyarakat Indonesia terdiri atas berbagai suku, agama, dan ras. Keberagaman yang dimiliki masyarakat Indonesia tersebut bisa mengancam keutuhan persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa Indonesia adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Masyarakat Indonesia tidak saling menghormati
The diversity of the Indonesian society, consisting of various ethnicities, religions, and races, can potentially threaten the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation if the people do not respect each other. Lack of mutual respect among the Indonesian society can lead to social divisions, conflicts, and a breakdown of unity. It is important for the society to value and appreciate the differences among its members, fostering a sense of unity and harmony.
Perhatikan informasi berikut :Implementasi wawasan nusantara harus menjadi nilai yang menjiwai segenap peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku pada setiap strata di seluruh Indonesia. Wawasan nusantara juga dapat diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari melalui sikap toleran, akrab, peduli, hormat, dan taat hukum. Semua itu menunjukkan jati diri bangsa Indonesia. Sikap menciptakan batiniah dan lahiriah yang mengakui, menerima, dan menghormati segala bentuk perbedaan dan kebhinekaan sebagai kekayaan hidup sekaligus karunia sang pencipta merupakan implementasi wawasan nusantara dalam bidang....
Correct Answer
C. Sosial budaya
The given information states that the implementation of "wawasan nusantara" (archipelago insight) should be reflected in all levels of Indonesian society, including through attitudes of tolerance, friendliness, care, respect, and law-abiding behavior. These values and attitudes represent the national identity of Indonesia. Therefore, the implementation of "wawasan nusantara" is most closely related to the field of social culture, as it emphasizes the recognition, acceptance, and respect for diversity and multiculturalism as a source of life's richness and a gift from the creator.
Dalam Wawasan Nusantara dijelaskan bahwa wilayah Indonesia merupakan satu kesatuan dalam bidang pertahanan keamanan. Hal ini mengandung arti ancaman terhadap ... .
Correct Answer
A. Suatu wilayah negara merupakan ancaman bagi seluruh tanah air
The correct answer suggests that a certain territory within a country poses a threat to the entire nation. This means that any potential danger or insecurity in a specific region can have implications for the overall security and well-being of the entire country. It emphasizes the interconnectedness and interdependence of different regions within a nation in terms of defense and security.
Arah pandangan wawasan nusantara adalah menjamin perwujudan persatuan dan kesatuan segenap aspek kehidupan nasional baik aspek alamiah maupun aspek sosial. Hal ini merupakan konsep arah pandangan wawasan … .
Correct Answer
A. Kedalam
The correct answer is "kedalam". The concept of "arah pandangan wawasan nusantara" is to ensure the realization of unity and harmony in all aspects of national life, including natural and social aspects. The word "kedalam" implies going inward, which suggests the importance of looking within ourselves and our nation to achieve this unity and harmony.
Melindungi seluruh tumpah darah indonesia dan memajukan kesejahteraan umum adalah tujuan nasional Indonesia yang tercantum dalam ... .
Correct Answer
B. Pembukaan UUD 1945
The correct answer is "Pembukaan UUD 1945". The Pembukaan UUD 1945, also known as the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia, outlines the goals and aspirations of the Indonesian nation. It states that one of the national goals is to protect the entire Indonesian bloodline and advance the general welfare. This implies that the protection of Indonesian citizens and the promotion of their well-being is a fundamental objective of the country.
Konsepsi wawasan nusantara aspirasinya dalam semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, hal ini merupakan lahirnya istilah konsep wawasan nusantara dari segi ….
Correct Answer
A. Ide, gagasan, dan cita-cita
The correct answer is "Ide, gagasan, dan cita-cita". This is because the phrase "Konsepsi wawasan nusantara aspirasinya dalam semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" suggests that the concept of wawasan nusantara (archipelagic outlook) is rooted in ideas, concepts, and aspirations. The phrase "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" itself means "unity in diversity", which further emphasizes the importance of having diverse ideas and aspirations in the context of wawasan nusantara.
Hal yang mendorong integrasi nasional bangsa Indonesia adalah …
Correct Answer
C. Semangat sumpah pemuda
The correct answer is "semangat sumpah pemuda." The Sumpah Pemuda, or Youth Pledge, was a historic declaration made by Indonesian youth in 1928. It expressed their unity and commitment to national integration and the development of a united Indonesian nation. The Sumpah Pemuda played a significant role in fostering a sense of nationalism and solidarity among the diverse ethnic groups in Indonesia, contributing to the country's national integration.
Perhatikan Pernyataan berikut ini!1) melindungi segenap bangsa2)memajukan kesejahteraan umum3)mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa4) ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia5)mewujudkan masyarakat adil dan makmurTujuan nasional bangsa indonesia yang merupakan tujuan keluar wawasan nusantara ditunjukkan pada angka... .
Correct Answer
D. 4
The correct answer is 4 because "ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia" is a goal that is specific to Indonesia's role in maintaining global order and peace. The other goals listed (1, 2, 3, and 5) are more focused on internal development and progress within Indonesia itself.
Berikut ini merupakan hal-hal yang bisa menghambat terjadinya integrasi nasional adalah... .
Correct Answer
C. Etnosentrisme
Etnosentrisme merupakan sikap atau pandangan yang mengutamakan kelompok etnisnya sendiri dan meremehkan atau menolak kelompok etnis lain. Hal ini dapat menghambat terjadinya integrasi nasional karena adanya perasaan superioritas dan ketidakmampuan untuk menerima perbedaan antar etnis. Etnosentrisme dapat memicu konflik antar etnis dan menghambat upaya untuk menciptakan persatuan dan kesatuan dalam suatu negara.
Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan hal-hal yang bisa menghambat terjadinya integrasi nasional adalah …
Correct Answer
E. Toleransi
Toleransi adalah hal yang justru dapat mempercepat terjadinya integrasi nasional. Toleransi adalah sikap saling menghargai dan menerima perbedaan antara individu atau kelompok dalam suatu masyarakat. Dengan adanya toleransi, masyarakat akan lebih mudah untuk berinteraksi dan bekerja sama, sehingga integrasi nasional dapat terwujud.
Menurut konsep wawasan nusantara, laut teritorial negara Indonesia diukur dari pantai terluar sejauh … mil
Correct Answer
B. 12
According to the concept of "wawasan nusantara" (archipelagic outlook), the territorial sea of Indonesia is measured from its outermost coast up to 12 nautical miles. This concept is based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which recognizes the rights of archipelagic states like Indonesia to claim a certain distance of sea as their territorial waters. Therefore, the correct answer is 12.
Dalam proses integrasi nasional, hambatan yang harus dihadapi oleh bangsa Indonesia dalam kaitannya dengan dunia luar adalah …
Correct Answer
B. Globalisasi
The correct answer is "globalisasi". Globalisasi refers to the process of increasing interconnectedness and interdependence among countries through the exchange of goods, services, information, and ideas. In the context of national integration, globalisasi can pose challenges for Indonesia as it may lead to the erosion of local cultures and values, the dominance of foreign influences, and economic competition with other countries. Therefore, globalisasi is a significant obstacle that Indonesia must navigate in its efforts towards national integration.
Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan ancaman integrasi nasional bagi bangsa Indonesia adalah …
Correct Answer
E. Demokratis
The given options are all potential threats to national integration except for "demokratis" (democratic). Democracy is a system of government that promotes inclusivity, participation, and respect for diversity, which can actually strengthen national integration by allowing different voices and perspectives to be heard. Therefore, it is not considered a threat to national integration.
Yang bukan merupakan hambatan dalam mencapai itegrasi nasional dapat dilihat sebagai berikut ….
Correct Answer
B. Rendahnya mutu SDM
The correct answer is "rendahnya mutu SDM" because it refers to the low quality of human resources, which is not a barrier to achieving national integration. This means that the quality of the workforce is not hindering the process of national integration.
Setiap usaha dan kegiatan, baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri yang dinilai membahayakan kedaulatan negara, keutuhan wilayah Indonesia, serta keselamatan seluruh bangsa, merupakan pengertian dari …
Correct Answer
C. Ancaman
The given correct answer, "ancaman" (threat), is the most appropriate choice to describe any effort or activity, both domestic and foreign, that is deemed to endanger the sovereignty of the state, the integrity of the Indonesian territory, and the safety of the entire nation. This term implies potential harm or danger to national security and reflects the concept of safeguarding the nation's interests and protecting its people from potential threats.
Berikut ini merupakan bentuk-bentuk ancaman militer, kecuali …
Correct Answer
E. Aksi demokrasi
The given options represent different forms of military threats or actions, except for "aksi demokrasi" which translates to "democracy action". The other options, namely "sabotase" (sabotage), "agresi" (aggression), "spionase" (espionage), and "pelanggaran wilayah" (territorial violation), all refer to actions that can be considered as military threats or acts of aggression. However, "aksi demokrasi" does not fit into this category as it pertains to democratic actions or activities, which are not inherently military threats.
Spionase merupakan kegiatan dari intelejen yang dilakukan untuk …
Correct Answer
A. Mendapatkan informasi atau rahasia militer atau negara
The correct answer is "mendapatkan informasi atau rahasia militer atau negara." This is because the term "spionase" refers to intelligence activities carried out to obtain military or state information or secrets.
Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan bentuk ancaman non militer yaitu …
Correct Answer
D. Ancaman berdimensi sabotase
The correct answer is "ancaman berdimensi sabotase" because sabotage is a form of non-military threat that involves deliberate actions to damage or disrupt systems, facilities, or operations. It is a deliberate act of destruction or obstruction, often carried out by individuals or groups with specific motives or agendas. The other options mentioned in the question, such as ideological threats, threats to public safety, technological and information threats, and socio-cultural threats, are all examples of non-military threats that can pose risks to a nation's security.